February 6, 2009

More Atheist Nonsense: The Planting Of Transitional Whale Fossils

It is getting more and more painfully obvious that devious atheists continue to plant fossils all over God's good earth in an attempt to get more converts to religion of atheism.

Regular fossils weren't good enough because intelligent creationists started to notice that there were no missing links or transitional fossils. This fact was causing the atheist recruiting movement to lose steam, so what did the pesky atheists do? They started to plant transitional fossils in places where they predicted they would find them. And then a fantasy story is attached to the finding. Take the recent fossil find that "proved" that early whales gave birth on land.

It is amazing that atheists buy these fairy tales but laugh at the idea of a person rising from the dead and ascending to heaven.

Ok, that is enough of my Edward Current impression for today.

Now that I might have the attention of both creationists and realists, here is an excellent video which asks creationists to think and do some 'splaining:

Apparently the above video was flagged by Youtube creationists.

I always liked the argument that if evolution were false, how come a creationist scientist hasn't come up with a way to interpret the fossil data or even come up with any evidence that contradicts evolution. That scientist would be more famous than Jesus. What is holding back the creationist intelligencia?

Still interested in whale evolution? Check out my post from last year; A Whale of a Tale.

See also, Maiacetus, the good mother whale

February 1, 2009

Isn't It Time For God To Put An End To The Atheist Bus Campaign?

Isn't this the perfect chance for God to finally come out of hiding? I know that if I was all powerful with a bit of a wrathful edge to me, I would do something to prove these atheist buses wrong.

How about making the sun rotate around the earth for a couple of days? Or simply write some messages in clouds? God can always of course make the limb of an amputee miraculously grow back. How about doing it in a couple of seconds on national TV?


At first, when I heard about the Atheist Bus campaign, I was indifferent. In fact, I was sort of against it. I just looked at it as immature game playing by obnoxious atheists. But now that it has come to Canada, and I see all the press it is getting as well as the discussions and irrational ire it is causing, I'm fully supportive of it.

This is getting people thinking, people who may not thought so hard before. Not putting "There is no God" makes a big difference. By using the word "probably," it lightens the offensiveness of it, and opens up the debate in a much nicer manner. What it really does, is get many theists (the ones who are not too far gone) to look at the evidence for God. And once one really starts looking for evidence in a rational and objective way, many will come to the conclusion that there is probably no God, just as I did.

Kids will also start question their assumption of God at a much earlier age, and parents will need to explain why they believe in God, and that kind of gets tough, considering there really is no evidence to rely on. I'm sure the bible will be used, but children old enough to use the internet will be doing more searches, and bottom line will be questioning more and more.

Now about the Stop Worrying And Enjoy Your Life Part. I know many idiotic theists interpret this as a green light to atheists to rape, steal, and murder, but that argument gets shot down in a hurry because other than sociopaths, humans don't get pleasure from harming others. We are evolved to respect The Golden Rule (reciprocal altruism), though some cultures frown up The Golden Rule at times (see many Muslim countries that focus on a shame culture versus the guilt culture of the West).

Naturally, we are social animals who feel strong senses of empathy and guilt. We are prewired to get a sense of enjoyment (or at least extreme satisfaction) from helping an old lady walk across the street, not throwing an old lady in front of a speeding car.

And the stop worrying part is very important. Stop worrying about what God thinks, stop talking for God, as God is most probably a fictional character. In other words, at least respect the idea of separation of church and state because you are probably wrong, and don't worry about making abortion illegal because you think God doesn't like it, let the woman choose, and don't worry about homosexuals getting married either.

Lets not forget, if you are an anti-evolutionist and if you stop worrying about whether God exists or not, you might just start accepting real science by not letting the bible get in the way when it comes to the overwhelming evidence that supports evolution.

The more scientific minds, the higher the chance that future generations will be on this earth to enjoy a much longer life attached with more quality.

See also, The Atheist Media blog for a clip on the Atheist Buses coming to Toronto.

Oops, I forgot to make my Super Bowl prediction when I first posted this, so here goes. Kurt Warner has Jesus going for him, but Obama is cheering for Pittsburgh. Who has a greater desire to intervene? I'd say Jesus, because he isn't the top banana anymore, so I'm going with the Arizona Cardinals, plus 6 and a half of course.
Oh, and take the over. If the Cardinals cover, the game is definitely going to be high scoring.

January 28, 2009

Adam Corolla: Militant Atheist

Ran across this video yesterday. It isn't really a video. No picture, just sound. Adam Corolla, best known as co-host of the enlightening "Man Show," discusses his atheism.

The reason I call him a militant atheist is because he admits he is an atheist, just like me. We are supposed to be seen and not heard.

I don't agree with a few of his statements. First off, he says he is atheist because he KNOWS there is no God. Again, an atheist is simply someone who answers NO to the question "do you believe in God?" And it impossible to KNOW there is no God, just like it is impossible to know there aren't any Leprechauns.

The other thing I disagree with is his idea that nothing made him an atheist. That might be true for him, but it isn't true for many atheists who formerly believed in God or assumed there was a God thanks to parental brainwashing.

Other than that, he makes excellent points.

I also stumbled on this related video. At first I was thinking that Corolla is one of those Far Left atheists that drive me crazy. But then he started talking about Muslims, and guess what? We are on the same page:)

Yep, you don't have to be a racist to be disgusted with Muslims and Islam.

January 24, 2009

My List Of Stupid, Silly and/or Crazy People On The Internet

I have plenty of internet "debates." Here is a list of categories I wind up "debating" usually. I consider the people who are on the other side of the "debates" stupid, silly, and/or crazy, at least when it comes to any of the issues I'm pointing out below. Yes, many people show up on a few of the categories.

1. Young Earth Creationists
2. Evolution Deniers
3. Holocaust Deniers
4. Those who use the bible as evidence for God
5. Those who call atheism a religion, or liberalism a religion
6. Those who believe the side of the terrorist is the side of the victim
7. Those who think that we shouldn't piss off Islam because we will get what we deserve if we do
8. People who think that homosexuality is a choice in most cases, if not all cases
9. Those who think the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a real document
10. People who say there is definite proof that Jesus and/or Moses existed
11. Those who criticize Israel, say they aren't anti-semites, but fail to criticize other world wide conflicts or regimes
12. Anyone who thinks the UN has any use today other than help Islam spread
13. Those who have a problem with Israel's legitimacy, but doesn't have an equal problem with the legitimacy of Canada, the USA, and Australia, etc.
14. Muslims who whine about less than 500,000 Jews going to the non sovereign region of Palestine from Europe, yet have no problem populating the West by the millions
15. Those who say that Israel is guilty of genocide
16. Those against gay marriage
17. Those against the woman's right to choose
18. People who own pitbulls (ok, that is not an internet one)
19. Those who know for sure that man has absolutely nothing to do with Global Warming
20. Those who think that God creates miracles or disasters

I could probably go on. But it is my birthday in 2 and a half hours.

January 16, 2009

What Would It Take For Me To Believe In God?

"You are so closed minded. There is no evidence that will make you accept in God."
How many times do us atheists get something like that spewed at us on message boards or our blogs, after many of us say that we don't believe in God because there is no evidence that God has ever existed?

I can't speak for all atheists, but as far as I'm concerned, there are quite a few ways in which God could be proved to me, or at least considered. I would just need to witness first hand a supernatural event as it would open up the possibilities that science can't explain everything, that something else is going on.

The bible, and that means any bible, doesn't do it for me. No one is going to convince me against the obvious, that supernatural events described in the bible are nothing but fairy tales for grown ups.

Well then, what would do it for me?

The big one is God healing amputees. Believers will almost always say that God can do anything. God can cure everything from hiccups to cancer, and God can win a football game sometimes too, or help someone get a job.

But for some reason, God doesn't choose to produce a physical miracle that would challenge everything we know about how the natural world works today. Of course, many Fundies will say "how do you know God has never made a limb grow back, do you know everything that happens and happened everywhere on this planet since it came into existence less than 7 thousand years ago?" When I get that response, I feel like I'm at a zoo with a monkey flinging feces at me.

Pharyngula tells us of The Amputee Challenge. The Sunny Sceptic is looking for volunteers. Everyone on the internet can pray for the volunteers, and we can see what happens. God has a great opportunity to easily prove his existence. And if he chooses not to, I have to ask why others take it upon themselves to do something God won't even do by spreading his word. If he wanted it spread so badly, just make someone grow back a limb on Youtube.

So what else would make me consider God? How about right now, God fill my empty glass with water? I'll give you thirty more seconds.....nothing.

How about someone levitating across the rooms of my house. My dog or my wife, or even me. What? God doesn't do that stuff on demand? Ever?

How about the moon doing a figure eight one night when I'm looking at it, and sober too (which I am over 99% of the time)?

Ok, let my dog Daisy speak to me in English? I'll accept French, Hebrew and even Pig Latin.

I can go on and on, but I think I made my point.

See also How To Convert An Atheist