April 10, 2005

What If The Arabs Accepted The Partition

I guess it isn't discussed much because it is like wondering what if we had money trees in our backyards. Anyways, back to the point.
Jews were given 55% of the Holy Land, the Arabs were to get around 40%. Under that plan, the Jews would rule the Jewish land and the Arabs would rule the Arab land.
Fact is, Arabs have higher birth rates than Jews. Pretty soon, the Arab population would have greatly outnumbered the Jewish population.
Of course, for this to happen, there would have to be complete peace, and tensions would have to have been immediately resolved.
Honestly, I don't think the Jews would mind, as long as Jews could immigrate to Israel and there was peace with no chance of genocide.
Jews don't mind it in the USA, and we only make up 2% of the population. We only need 1.4% in order to control things anyways.

April 9, 2005


Galileo was right. The universe is not earth centered, either is our solar system.
I'm pretty sure that no major religion still believes that the sun revolves around the earth anymore. Yet it took a lot to accept fact.
The time is right to accept evolution as fact. All you have to do is watch a science show on TV or even a nature show and it is always a fact that this and that goes back millions or billions of years. Its accepted on TV. And most of all it makes complete sense. Do creationalists just mock the shows? Do they scream "blashphemy" ? Do they quickly turn the channel? Do they block the channels that show science stuff?
Now, I'm not gonna say that evolution has to mean that creation didn't take place. Although I don't believe that there is a god, I'll respect the fact that the majority does. God could have created the universe, and god could have waited to talk to intelligent beings.....once they evolved into intelligent beings.
It is time for religion to open up to this idea, especially as more and more facts come out. Do creationalists realize how stupid they look? Its one thing to have faith, but faith can't negate facts.
The Unitarian Universalists have the right idea. They even let agnostics in.

March 27, 2005

Time to get into the Living Wills business

If I wasn't so damn lazy I would exhaust myself and my resources and start peddling Living Wills on the internet and on TV. I know I've seen Will kits and Divorce kits really cheap at stores. Of course it requires the buyer to do a lot of reading to make sure that it is being done properly.
I also know that the "Living Will" discussion is just a fad, and it will be a tough sell in 3 months.
I think if someone can come up with a Will kit or Living Will kit that is 3 pages long, including instructions, there is a fortune to be made.
Of course, the law makes it impossible. Not only do countries have different laws, states and provinces also have different laws.
I know life will become much simpler in the future when laws will be identical everywhere.........except Arabia.

March 5, 2005


Being married for 14 loooooooong years I think I've heard every excuse there is. Let me share many of them:

I have a headache
I have a stomach ache
I think I have the flu
I'm have chest palpitations
My twat hurts
I just had a bath
I didn't have a bath
It's too early
It's too late, you should have asked me earlier
Can't you just rub my back without wanting sex
I don't like you right now
You were mean to me today
I'm too tired
I just woke up

And of course there are excuses that are based on the length of the relationship;

When you know the honeymoon is over:
We just had sex yesterday

After 5 years of marriage:
We just had sex three days ago

After 10 years of marriage:
We just had sex last week