I think we have the LEFT to thank for changing the definition of "illegal" to mean "not really legal, but it's OK, don't worry about it." Don't get me wrong, now that this is finally out in the open, I have to also add that everyone knows there are many jobs that legal Americans don't do, or won't do, and illegal aliens take these jobs without a problem. Obviously there is room to let more immigrants "legally" into the USA. To at least take the jobs nobody else wants. A realistic quota needs to be set.
I'm a firm believer that a country has to take care of it's own needs first, and unless there in genocide involve, immigration needs to be controlled. Something is either legal or illegal. It is that simple. Dr. Marco has a well thought out plan. Check it out.
Thank Rubin, I'm aware of this one though. I almost wrote something on it, still might. I was on the Yahoo message board regarding this topic last night.
ReplyDeleteThe Fundies will never accept it. The Catholics might.
haha - yes i agree
ReplyDeleteThe immigration issue will eventually become the deal breaker between the political parties in this country, but there is of course the reality that we've let it get to the point where without these aliens, local economies would collapse. So yes, let's make the ones here legal and do what we can to stop the flow of the ones who are coming in. We certainly don't need *more*! :)
ReplyDeleteTaking care of business at home is plain old good sense. Then and only then, can one expect to maintain and sustain a growing population.
ReplyDeleteThe issues I don't hear re:immigration are environmental. An ecosystem can only handle so much.
I usually side with Democrats...but not on this issue. I am very much anti-illegal immigration. I am disgusted by the fact that we currently have some 11 million illegal aliens currently within our borders. I have no problem at all with legal immigration - indeed, if those 11 million individuals had come legally, I would be thrilled and overjoyed. But they didn't. Their first act within the US was a criminal one. For those who have been here 20 years, they've been actively committing a crime for 20 years, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI oppose amnesty on principle, even if a fence is eventually built.
Rubin, I am in the 4% intellectual majority.
ReplyDeleteWeren't all white Europeans going to the New World illegal immigrants?
ReplyDeleteNot only that, they quickly proceeded to create a trans-atlantic slave trade. Were the slaves also illegal immigrants?
Any white person today criticizing "illegal" immigration is an example of the kettle calling the pot black.
Basically, it is the same old story that if your crime is far in the past it is no longer a crime. Or if you like, your ancestors' crime.
Countries are fought for usually few like Israel are formed legally.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, by comparing Europeans coming over to the Americas with Mexicans coming into the USA illegally is like comparing apples and oranges.
Today countries are established and most have recognizable borders.
Israel was not formed legally. Judeon-nazi terrorists self-declared themselves a state.
ReplyDeleteApartheid Israel is illegitimate and will always be illegitimate.
OK, Bernarda, this is my last warning. Get lost. I don't want to ready your lies and garbage.
ReplyDeleteThe UN declared Israel a Jewish majority state.
Now GFY. Your lies are not welcome here. Take them to Stormfront.
I will start deleting your posts that contain lies in them from now on.
For the posters who favor amnesty I say No!
ReplyDeleteThere will be no economy collapse. With unemployment like it is there are enough bodies out there to fill the jobs. We used to do them, we can do them again.
The biggest reason I tak this hardline stance is that I tire of the BS in every story on immigration I have ever seen. They ALL include a variant of this statement: "We're not criminals, we're just like you", spoken by an illegal immigrant or the child of one. Well, since they do not even understand that, in fact, illegal makes them criminals I do not care to traffic with such idiocy. Let them go back to square one, in their countries, and start over legally, this time bothering to learn the language, perhaps.
The more I think about it illegal immigration is that a harder line is needed.
ReplyDeleteThe case of those waiting to get in legally is what is swaying me on this issue. I still believe that jobs exist for many immigrants that Americans have no interest in at this time.
"The UN declared Israel a Jewish majority state.'
ReplyDeleteIn other words a racist state. Who is the UN to establish racism as public policy?
It was racist Jew terrorist war criminals who declared that they were a "state".
No, it was the UN that declared Israel a state. The world voted on it.
ReplyDeleteA Jewish majority state, as in a place for Jews to go to escape anti-semitism. (and I know you will deny you are anti-semitic, but it is evident that since you focus on Israel over every injustice on this planet, and you are not even an American, it is evident what you are).
Jews are not a race, so your rhetoric falls on deaf ears.
Israel is a tiny country, and Arabs living there who didn't leave are better off than in most Arab Muslim countries.
I never said that Jews are a race. Arabs living in Palestine, including so-called Israel, would be even better off if Israel didn't exist.
ReplyDeleteI don't even understand why certain people insist on identifying themselves as Jews. As far as I am concerned, they are Americans, or Canadians, or French, or Russian, etc.
What sense does it make to identify oneself with an age-old reactionary religion and with out-moded social rules.
Have you read Deuteronomy and Joshua recently? Should families stone to death their sons and daughters who become apostates?
Was it just of Joshua to kill every living person after the battle of Jericho?
Do you know who the Amaleks are? Why did the Jewish god order Saul and David to wipe them out to the last man, woman, and child?
Saul got into trouble with god because he didn't follow orders.
Why would anyone want to be associated with that tradition?
I'm very proud to be a Jew by ethnicity. Jews as a people have overcome many hurdles to be alive today.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to be an Atheist too, even though retards like you have figured out God doesn't exist.
I don't really care about the biblical myths associated with Judaism, everything from David to the Abraham has the same validity as a living breathing Jesus does.
But Jews overcame persecution because of not accepting Jesus throughout history.
I don't know why anyone would give two craps about the Palipiggians.
They strap bombs on themselves and then do high fives.
You must be a retard or a total anti-semite to support these sub humans.
I am glad to see that you are completely without racist inclinations.
ReplyDeleteJust why is it worse to strap a bomb on oneself to kill others than to hide safely in an armored vehicle or a fighter jet to kill others?
Is someone who kills with no risk to himself morally superior to someone who kills well killing himself?
In various wars, some soldiers are recognized as heros because they sacrificed their own lives to save the lives of their camrades. You know, the stories of someone jumping on a grenade to save his squad, that sort of thing.
How is a suicide bomber any different than them? He is just simply trying to save his family and others he feels close to him. He is also a hero.
You obviously didn't bother watching the story about the Palipiggian bitch who strapped a bomb to her vagina because her boyfriend dumped her.
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot.
Proven. If I were Israel, there wouldn't be one Palipiggian breathing.
Can someone check to see if my blog is displaying?
ReplyDeleteI can't seem to get it to display here.