(Special to the Saudi Arabia Daily Bugle)
by AJ Brightenstein

Jimmy Carter wants to clear the air about his new book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" in an open debate held in Saudi Arabia.
"I want to be able to properly debate my idea that the Jews in Palestine are pretty much as guilty of Apartheid policies against the true owners of Palestine as the whites in South Africa," Carter stated, "this debate will once and for all show that my rhetoric is right."
Jimmy Carter has invited what he calls the best Apartheid scholars on the planet today: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the three top Jewish Rabbis from Neturei Karta, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah, Zionist media expert David Duke, and CUPE's Ontario President Sid Ryan.
Asked if Alan Dershowitz is also invited, Carter replied, "Dershowitz knows nothing about the situation in Palestine, in fact, he calls Palestine "Israel." He is obvioulsy too bias to attend such a scholarly session. Besides, there will already be Jewish representation (the Neturei Karta Rabbis)."
Carter went on to explain why Saudi Arabia was selected for the conference: "we had concerns that misunderstood individuals like Ismail (Haniyeh) and Mahmoud (Ahmadinejad) would have problems travelling to the West, so we decided on Riyadh as a good neutral location. And perhaps so that it is completely neutral, we may hold the conference within one of Riyadh's many churches." When told that Riyadh doesn't have any churches, Carter just gave a nervous grin and didn't say anything.
In a related story, David Duke has launched a lawsuit against Jimmy Carter for plagiarizing many of his ideas about "kikes and the Zionist controlled media," Duke said, "I love Jimmmy for what he is doing, but money is money, and why should the Heebs make all the money."
carter believes there is a place called palestine?
ReplyDeletethe jews are not in palestine they are in Israel
ReplyDeleteCarter should have thought ahead and held the debate in Iran right after the Holocaust Denial conference.
ReplyDeleteThat way, all the right people are already present and he probably could have saved money by using the same cateror. :)
Ok, now Jimmy has gone way too far. Holding a conference in a state where teachers go to prison for saying nice things about Jews and Christians and the protocols of Zion are considered historical fact?
Maybe you are right Bacon. Maybe Carter has a problem with Jews.
ReplyDeleteI...find it difficult to believe that Carter would even be rubbing shoulders w/a wackadoo like Duke.
His comparison of apartheid to the present state of Palestine is just idiotic. Maybe he's getting senile or something.
I don't see an actual link to the Arab Bugle.
Is this tongue-in-cheek? Satire? Am I missing something? I knew about his book: is there a news bulletin about this?
I thought this would be an obvious satire piece. But apparently it is just too believable.
ReplyDeleteI figure the Saudi Arabia Daily Bugle would be a dead giveaway.
Maybe I should write a new bible, I apparently have a knack when it comes to writing believable fiction.
LMAO! This is hilarious, especially the last 2 paragraphs.
ReplyDeleteThink it speaks more to how much the unthinkable has become the commonplace?
ReplyDeleteI knew it was satire as soon as I saw Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's name.
ReplyDeleteI feel like an idiot... well, more than usual :)
ReplyDeleteI thought this would be an obvious satire piece.
-GROAN- should known, you didn't call Carter an assmonkey!
But apparently it is just too believable.
Yeah, except pairing the ex-prez off w/those freaks.
I figure the Saudi Arabia Daily Bugle would be a dead giveaway.
Believe it or not, I thought 'The Arab Bugle? Is he kidding?' Run by J. Jonah Jamahab, no less.;) "I declare jihad against Spiderman!"
So you kinda semi-had me there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh! That was a great piece.
I knew it was a fictional piece as soon as I noticed the UN didn't mark the Conference by issuing a letter of Censure against Israel.
ReplyDeleteFrom reading and watching the news these last few weeks, that piece seems entirely plausible.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh.
Did you even read his book
ReplyDeleteanonymous, of course he didn't. Fuckwits like this don't read anything that they don't know a priori they will agree with.
ReplyDeleteIt's a simple rhetorical trick of the right. When two people criticise a thing, they are the same person, regardless how their criticisms differ. People like bacon eating propagate the trick so that they and their readers do not have to think it out.
Anon, I saw some interviews, and I read many reviews. I'm not spending a dime on trash though. And I say trash because the idea that Israel being an Apartheid state is laughable. The West Bank and Gaza are not on sovereign ground. Israel is not under any obligation to treat the Palestinians (those who live to push Israel into the sea) as equal citizens or even anything but the enemy. I guess the USA is an Apartheid state too, because people of Puerto Rico pay taxes to the US but can't vote for the US President.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Palestine. There could be, but the Palestinians have shown no desire to have a peaceful state next to Israel.
Jimmy Carter can only be mocked for putting out such a book.
Dr. Zen, fuckwits like you make generalizations about people. You sound a bit paranoid. "A trick of the right."
I'm not sure how much of my blog you read to get an opinion of me like that.
19 December, 2006 09:00
Scary enough, this fiction is not very far from the truth.
ReplyDeleteScary enough, Carters work of fiction is not very far from the truth.
ReplyDeleteBacon Eating Atheist Jew
ReplyDeleteAge: 45
Gender: male
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Zodiac Year: Rat
Industry: Sports / Recreation
Occupation: Consultant
Location: Ontario : Canada
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What's a book
Anon, it doesn't take brilliance to make up a name.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, you seem to be wasting your efforts attacking the messenger and not the message.
This is evident to anyone who happens to be reading these comments.
horowitz being the offspring of commie parents knows how to craft a clever LIE. He's even better at crafting clever LIES to cover the Actions and Conduct of his zionist neo-cons. The Fact that there are israeli ONLY roads in Palestine are a long known Fact and common knowledge. As are the special license plates Palestinians are required to have to drive where they are allowed. If anyone knows the true inter workings of the Mid-East it's Carter. The vicious attacks on him seem to prove that the israeli neo-con "lobby" doesn't want any Light shown on what has long been a israel can and never has done any wrong dogma. horowitz hysterical rants of "second genocide of the jews" is Nothing more than Emotional Blackmail! The World has Eyes and Ears of it's own to see who is sheding the blood of the innocents.
ReplyDelete"Palestine once belonged to all of those who lived on it... without restriction. Jersualem was NOT the capital of Israel and was a "free city" open to all..
ReplyDeleteDavid Horowitz's Frontpage Mag is a GREAT source for seeing the double standards employed against the US of A and towards Jews. He labandoned leftist politics decades back and is a strong supporter of the West and Western values.
ReplyDeleteIt was a phony deal from the git-go. Jacob the liar and con man made it all up.
What WAS called Israel was destroyed for its sins 1900 years ago.
Only one group of people have continuously lived in Israel for the past 3,700 years - the Arabs.
ReplyDeletethe jews were mia for 2000 years
Obviously you don't know what the word Apartheid means, fatso.
ReplyDeletea·part·heid (ə-pärt'hīt', -hāt')
An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
Palestinians are not citizens of Israel.
ReplyDeleteThe West Bank and Gaza are not sovereign territory. The term Apartheid would only apply to Arabs living within Israel, and Israel is not practising Apartheid on them.
Israel exists. There is no Palestine. And the way the Arab assmonkeys act, there may never be a Palestine.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where you get all that anti-zionist claptrap, but you've been lied to.
For instance: name me ONE black person who ever got elected to office during apartheid in S. Africa, for starters. There are Palistaneans in the Knesset.
There's ALWAYS been a Jewish presence in the ME for 1000's of years.
Israel has never openly advocated the extermination of Arabs, like the Iranian prez has.
Why you're blathering about communism is a complete mystery.
As to accusations of racism, sure, there probably is some practiced over there.
Name me a country where there isn't.
Maybe Switzerland: that's the only 1 I can think of.
The term Apartheid would only apply to Arabs living within Israel
ReplyDeletecan you show us all were you got your definition of "Apartheid"
a·part·heid (ə-pärt'hīt', -hāt')
An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
Krystalline Apostate
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many Palestinians are amoung this group?
Ehud Olmert Prime Minister , Minister of Social Welfare
Tzipi Livni Acting Prime Minister , Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Justice
Shimon Peres Vice Prime Minister
Avigdor Liberman Deputy Prime Minister , Minister of Strategic Affairs
Shaul Mofaz Deputy Prime Minister , Minister of Transportation and Road Safety
Amir Peretz Deputy Prime Minister , Minister of Defense
Eliyahu Yishai Deputy Prime Minister , Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor
Ariel Atias Minister of Communications
Ronnie Bar-On Minister of Internal Affairs
Binyamin (Fouad) Ben-Eliezer Minister of National Infrastructure
Yacov Ben Yizri Minister of Health
Ze`ev Boim Minister of Immigrant Absorption
Eitan Cabel Minister Without Portfolio
Yitzhak Cohen Minister Without Portfolio
Abraham Dicter Minister of Internal Security
Jacob Edery Minister Without Portfolio
Rafi Eitan Minister of Pensioner Affairs
Gideon Ezra Minister of Environmental Protection
Isaac Herzog Minister of Tourism
Abraham Hirchson Minister of Finance
Meshulam Nahari Minister Without Portfolio
Meir Sheetrit Minister of Housing and Construction
Shalom Simhon Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Yuli Tamir Minister of Education, Acting Minister of Science, Culture, and Sport
I wonder how many Palestinians are amoung this group?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Apartheid to me!
Krystalline Apostate said
ReplyDelete; Israel has never openly advocated the extermination of Arabs
The spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of Arabs.
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable," he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on Monday to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.
Israel had no intention of a two state solution
ReplyDeleteIt was always the land between Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea for the Jewish state.
Just look at the colonial flag of Israel.
The two blue lines represent two bodies of water.
The Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
Israel and its supporters cannot be trusted.
What The Hell Is A Nation Within A Nation?
ReplyDeleteOne person one vote for all in the Land Of Israel (After all There Is No Palestine)
ReplyDeleteWhat WAS called Israel was destroyed for its sins 1900 years ago.
Yosef is an idiot. He doesn't speak for Israel.
ReplyDeleteAgain, you are totatlly ignoring the FACT that the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza DO NOT live on sovereign territory therefore they can not be part of any kind of Apartheid.
But it is typical of Paliphiles to make up new definitions and rules to suit their endless rhetoric.
What is called Israel was legally formed in 1948.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Palestine and there never was. There is non sovereign land that lots of Arabs squat on right now that is up for grabs in the West Bank and Gaza, and potentially some of it can be part of a state called Palestine in the future.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many Palestinians are amoung this group?
None. However,
Looks like Apartheid to me!
Then I suggest you get new glasses.
There is a terrorist Israeli group, known as the Kach, & it is ILLEGAL to be a member of this group.
Israeli authorities thwarted a plan by Makhteret to blow up the al_Aqsa Mosque.
Please do research but 1st, leave your preconceptions at the door.
I wonder how many Palestinians are amoung this group?
ReplyDeleteNone. However,
However? However?
There is no "However" in an democracy!
However only exist in a Nazi state or theocracy.
I wonder how many Palestinians are amoung this group?
ReplyDeleteNone. However,
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ReplyDeleteHowever? There is no democracy on this board.
So I blow your point outta the water, & you resort to insults. How droll.
I suggest you look up the word: it does indeed exist in democracy.
In the future, I suggest you do better.
Probably after you graduate from middle school, I imagine.
Anon, a Muslim probably has as much of a chance to become Prime Minister in Israel as an Atheist has to become President of the USA. Are you saying the USA isn't a democracy?
ReplyDeleteYour back must be killing you from moving the goalposts so much.
Nice spoof. Took me a while to figure out that it's a spoof, considering that Jimmy Carter always loved and worshipped Arafat.
ReplyDeleteFunny how the paliphiles can never use history or primary sources to back up their arguments, but boy, they love their protocols of Zion...
The palestinian vermin are allowed to kill women and children, bomb wedding and bar mitzvah celebrations, and kill Israeli's while hiding in residential areas, but godforbid Israel build a fence or separate roads in order to protect her citizens.
I thought it was an obvious satire, and pretty funny. ("The Saudi Arabia Daily Bugle" really should have tipped people off.)
ReplyDeleteI didn't read Carter's book, although I've read about it. The title is so inflammatory and counterproductive that I'm turned off it, even though it sounds like the contents are less so. But, for example, it was more difficult to object to Muslim groups urging leadership delegates to not vote for Bob Rae "because he supports apartheid" after Carter's book came out... even though they should be roundly condemned. Carter has done a great disservice to the debate. As have many of the commenters on this entry.