August 14, 2008

Check Out Kafir Girl

If you want to have some really good laughs at the expense of religion, and more specifically, Islamic belief, check out Kafir Girl.

From Wikipedia:

Kafir is an Arabic word meaning "rejecter" or "ingrate." In the Islamic doctrinal sense, the term refers to a person who hides, denies, or covers the truth that Islam is the deen, God (Allah) is the one and only and the prophethood of Muhammad when clear proof has been shown to him / her. In cultural terms, it is seen as a derogatory term used to describe an unbeliever, non-Muslims, apostate from Islam and even between Muslims of different sects. It is usually translated into English as "infidel" or "unbeliever." which is not the true meaning of Kafir.

Kafir Girl is reading the Koran and reporting about her findings on her blog. She has an FAQ page. Read it. I said fucking read it.

I know I've written about the mythological Jesus and Moses quite a few times, but a few comments on Kafir Girl's blog has now led me to ponder if Mohammed aka Muhamed aka Mohammad aka Muhammed aka Mohamed aka Muhammad really existed.

The Koran was written 100 years "after the fact." That is the first clue that perhaps the illiterate cave man was fictional. I always thought that there was proof outside of the Koran to back up a historical Mo, but apparently, I might be wrong.

Some serious stuff

The Last Amazon recently wrote a post on the harsh treatment a writer, Howard Rotberg, has received. Rotberg was attempting to do a lecture on his most recent book, The Second Catastrophe. It is a fictional book, that uses real history as a back drop.

From his experience at Chapters:

"I now realize that I was in Canada, where only politically correct speech is protected." -Howard Rotberg

Dangerous protesters, can affect free speech by intimidating speakers. Many Muslims know this, and they are using it to try to silence the truth.

1 comment:

  1. I know I've written about the mythological Jesus and Moses quite a few times, but a few comments on Kafir Girl's blog has now led me to ponder if Mohammed aka Muhamed aka Mohammad aka Muhammed aka Mohamed aka Muhammad really existed.

    Me too! I doubted the existence of Moses and Jesus, but I just assumed that Mohammed was mentioned outside of Muslim documents. Erm, maybe not.

    Anyway, thanks for the shout out. Back to the old Quran I go.
