July 31, 2006

Are the Lebanese Insane or Just Really Stupid?

Yes it is sad that children died yesterday in Qana. It is horrible when any unwilling participants are victims.

But what gets to me is the fact that the Lebanese are uniting over their common enemy, Israel. This is completely ridiculous. If they were showing any form of thought, they would see their enemy is not Israel but radical Islam, and in this case Hezbollah.

These people are praising Hezbollah as defenders.

Hezbollah is purposely putting children in harms way by firing missiles from civilian areas. This is not what a human being would do. Who puts children in the line of fire? Only assmonkey Arab terrorists do. They aren't even shooting military targets from civilians zones, not that that would be acceptable, but they are targeting Israeli civilians. And they get actually get praised for their actions, because the people in the Arab culture are too damn stupid to get it, or is the culture just that insane?

In the West, a good analogy is a police chase where the criminal speeds through a residential area putting many at risk, and winds up killing an innocent person or two. Sure, there is an investigation to see if the officer could have done things differently, but we know who is to blame for the deaths, and it isn't the police. We know who we have disdain for, and it isn't the police. And in this example, I would bet that the criminal in most cases didn't go through a residential area thinking he was putting residents in danger. The Hezbollah subhuman animal knows exactly what he is doing.

Another thing I find troubling about Lebanon is that as soon as this conflict started, the civilians were only heard pleading to Israel, the USA, the UN and the rest of West to put a stop to it. I don't remember seeing anyone pleading with Hezbollah to put a stop to it. It is like they understand the vermin that has infested their counntry.

The Lebanese are not completely innocent here either. They watched Hezbollah increase their arms position in the South over the last two years especially, and said nothing. They did next to nothing, when they were supposed to be disarming Hezbollah.

It is this compacency that is all too common in the Muslim world amongst the "moderates." Yes, I know Lebanon has lots of Christians, but they too have been guilty of complacency. When growing up in Muslim culture, you go with the flow, I guess.

The main thing is that the Lebanese have united behind Hezbollah. This gives me no hope when it comes to the Arab/Muslim world. They seem to need somone on the outside to hate, someone on the outside to blame. They are either insane or way too stupid to become tolerant and peaceful.

July 28, 2006


Al Jazeera: The only unbiased newspaper in the world.

Anti-semite: 1. Someone who hates Arabs. 2. Not Mel Gibson.

Appeasement: A chance to show the world that Muslims are good guys and mean no harm.

Arab Land: Every inch of land in the middle east, including part of Africa and probably Spain.

Arab victory: 1. Whenever a suicide bomb successfully goes off; 9/11. 2. Whenever an Arab civilian, used as a human shield, is killed by the IDF. 3. Turning a gesture of peace by Israel into a better opportunity to drive Jews into the sea (see land withdrawal). 4. A war where Israel causes hundreds of millions of damage but leaves at least one terrorist standing.

Cease fire: An opportunity for Arabs to replenish weapons.

Civilian: Any Arab killed by the IDF.

Colonialism: The migration of a non Muslim to the middle east; also, a Jew who moves from a Muslim majority state in the middle east to Israel. Note: Muslims can move in large numbers to anywhere in the West. This is known as the MUSLIM LAW OF NON RECIPROCITY.

Comprehensive Solution: It has to be decided which Jews get to live and which Jews get to be Dhimmis, on an individual basis, once Israel becomes Arab land.

Defending their country: Shooting missiles from civilian zones at civilians.

Disproportionate response: Anything a Jew does to strike out at a terrorist.

Ethnic Cleansing or Genocide: 1. The phenomenon that explains the policy that Arab migration to Israel is frowned upon because Israelis don't like getting blown up in pizzerias or while standing in line at discos. 2. Anytime a terrorist is killed.

Expansionism: The justification Muslims use for terrorist acts against a country that withdraws from land for peace.

Freedom fighter: An Arab terrorist, brainwashed to hate by an intolerant culture of hate.

Green Line: The border that Jews must retreat to even though it wasn't good enough for the Arabs prior to 1967, the Arabs will magically accept this and live in peace even though their elected representatives state it will not be good enough.

Good Jew or Real Jew: A Jew who thinks Israel has no right to exist.

Holocaust: 1. Any war started by Arabs in which more than 10 Arabs were killed. 2. Something Jews are supposed to forget about. 3. Something that never happened, yet Jews have manipulated the "theft" of "Arab land" by conning the world into believing it did happen.

Human Shield: The reason that Jews are not allowed to try to eliminate terrorists.

Islamophobe: Anyone who objects to getting blown up on their way to work, at work or during leisure activities.

Israeli Aggression: Any attempt by Jews to prevent or stop a terrorist act by an Arab(s).

Jew: White colonialist from Europe who came to Palestine to steal Arab land from the real Semites, the Arabs. Also known as a fake Jew.

Jihad: Meaningless Zionist propaganda term, which tries to paint the true spiritual struggle by the Religion of Peace as a bad thing.

Journalist: Anyone who writes anything as long it is Pro-Arab, Pro-Islam, Pro-Muslim or Pro-Jihad.

Just or Lasting Peace: Lots and lots of dead Jews and no Israel.

Land Grab: Anything Israel does to defend itself.

Land Withdrawal: A perfect opportunity to fire missiles into Israel from a closer proximity.

Legitimate Resistance: 1. Resistance of acknowledging Israel's right to exist. Used mainly to give as an excuse for Islamic terrorism, especially against civilians, and especially to justify suicide bombings. It is actually the Arab's resistance in using their brain. 2. Killing any Jew.

Martyr: Usually a teenager who is brainwashed to blow up in front of innocent Jews by older Arabs who are hiding miles away next to a bunch of Palestinian children.

Massacre: When Israel responds to a terrorist attack and kills around 3 Palestinians and the Palestinians wind up reporting over 40 deaths.

Militant: Code word for Arab terrorist, often used by AP and Al Reuters.

Military target: Any Israeli or Jew.

My Tax Dollars: The $6.34 that comes out of the total taxes an American pays each year, that goes to Israel so that they are forced to keep the Palestinian Arabs alive. Because without US aid, Israel would be forced to be more frugal in their way of dealing with Palestinian terrorism.

Muslim land: Any land on this planet that lies between any two Muslims on this planet in every direction.

Negotiations: Talks where Israel is supposed to make all the concessions.

Neocon: 1. Code word for Jew 2. Code word for Zionist. 3. Anyone in the Bush administration because Aipac got Bush elected.

962 Gazillion billion trillion dollars: The amount of aid the US gives Israel every year.

Occupied territories: The West Bank even though it is really disputed territory that Jordan didn't want anymore and is therefore now up for negotiations. Not to be confused with "Occupied Palestine," which just means all of Israel.

Oppression: It is Israel's fault that low IQ hate filled blood lusting Muslims turned into low IQ hate filled blood lusting Muslims.

Palestinian: Archetype "victims" no matter how many teenagers they murder in bars and fast food outlets. Never responsible for anything they do – or done in their name - because of "root causes" or "legitimate grievances".

Palestinian Aid: Money that could be used for food, clothing, medicine, and education, but serves the Arabs better if used for suicide bomb belts.

Palestinian struggle: 1. For 58 years they have struggled to make one right decision, and still haven't. 2. Arab whining, because in over 58 years and 5 wars they have always got their asses kicked while trying to throw the Jews into the sea.

Palicaust: The phenomenon that explains how just over 1 million Palestinians in 1948 have today turned into 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza alone, and another 3-5 million more in the rest of the world.

Peace Process: This has been ongoing for 58 years and has always been screwed up by the Israelis who refuse to be driven into the sea.

Propagandist(s): 1. An individual(s) who finds fault with anything Arabs or Muslims do. 2. Anyone who thinks Israel has the right to exist.

Regime: Civilized democracy.

Right of Return: The Trojan Horse parked outside the gates of Israel that Israelis won't wheel inside. If granted, the Arabs will have a chance to show that they are not the same Arabs who left in 1948 because they didn't want to live in a Jewish majority state.

Right to Exist: Israel has a right to exist only if it is an Arab state.

Stolen Land: 1. Any land in the middle east that has a Jew on it. 2. Land in Israel that was either bought legally by a Jew or land that was never owned before a Jew took it over.

Terror: Anything a Jew does to defend himself.

Terrorist: 1. A Muslim driven to do an inhumane act, because of Jews, of course. 2. Any Zionist.

UN Resolutions: International laws, carved in stone, that Israel always ignores.

Zionazi: A Jew that supports Israel's right to exist and defend herself.

Zionist: 1. A Jew that supports Israel's right to exist and defend herself. Also true of non Jews who support the same. 2. Anyone who isn't sufficiently suffused with pure hatred towards Israel and Jews.

Victor Davis Hanson just wrote something similar to my piece. But he is a professional.

July 27, 2006


I was just alerted by a reader that the Globe and Mail has a poll currently going. Scroll down and look on the near right to vote. The question is:

Has your opinion of Prime Minister Harper changed because of the adamant pro-Israel position he has taken in the current Mideast crisis?

* Yes, for the better
* Yes, for the worse
* No, it's still the same

The results so far are here.

Arabs in North America are starting to sicken me. I saw footage of the Dearborn rally. These "Americans" interviewed supported Hezbollah, and stated that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. Hezbollah and Hamas are famous for chanting "Death to Americans." Kick out the fifth column, and if they weren't born in America or Canada, throw them in jail. It may sound irrational, but I'm fed up with them and their supporters: the Moonbats (the terrorist enablers).

I saw Walid Shoebat on TV last night. He is a former PLO terrorist and makes no apologies for Islam, he tells it like it is. He states that the Arab/Muslim culture is one of death and hate. The frightening part is that he says Islamists are taught to hate the West, the Jews, civilization, humanity, etc. right here in North America.
It starts in the Mosques.

Between the Moonbats and the Arabs, I admit it, I'm turning into a genocidal maniac. I don't like it, but I feel I'm left with no choice.

Letting the "Americans and Canadians" back in from Lebanon was a huge mistake. And hunanity will pay for it down the road. Many of these people are scum who support Hezbollah and Hamas.

Please vote. I don't want the Arabists/terrorists/moonbats to have anything to beat their pathetic chests for.

July 25, 2006


This imbecile Steve at Digitally Deranged has finally snapped.

Please feel free to go his blog and check out his post "How Israel Creates Its Enemies and Cultivates Militant Islam" And don't be shy to leave comments. If I didn't know he was serious, I would have thought it was from the Onion. Note the word "Militant" to describe terrorists. He might get a job at Al-Reuters, or AP (Arab Press) if he keeps it up.

Lets see, he starts by talking about how he hates Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah but say says "I place the blame for the creation of these entities on the nation-states which occupied, destabilized, and impoverished the societies in which these ‘movements’ where created."

"Israel bears most of the blame for the creation and expansion of militant Islam. Not content with occupying Arab lands and leaving the Palestinians their consolation prize, the West Bank, militant Israeli’s began settling in the last refuge of Palestinians."
Arab lands? What about all those wars that the Arabs started? I don't think he would make it as a history teacher. OK, maybe he could head up the history department at Berkeley or Dearborn U.

He is upset that Israel didn't view suicide bombers as a sign that the Palestinians just wanted a peaceful existence next to Israel. It seems that he thinks that Israel was just a bunch of bad mindreaders and child psychologists.

Ah, he is worried about the long term affect this will have on the assmonkeys. It will create more hatred.

My guess is every day Israel exists, war or no war, assmonkeys are taught to hate Israel regardless.

It is time for Israel to finish them off. Pulling out didn't work. Hezbollah spent the last six years stockpiling arms while Lebanese "innocents" just watched them and didn't complain.

In fact, has anyone heard the Lebanese plead to Hezbollah to release the soldiers and stop being babies.

Please go to the site, and read the entire article and then leave a comment. Thanks.

Best line by a commenter so far(by commenter named Hmmm): "You are treating Muslims like they are sub-human molested children incapable of demonstrating any responsibility. You excuse any violence as “resistance” against the occupiers without even a mentioning what led to the occupations in the first place.+

July 24, 2006

Bacon and God: The End Is Near

Click cartoon to enlarge it

Hey, before you complain. This cartoon didn't cost you a penny to view. Keep that in mind.

Amazingly over 65% of Americans literally believe that Jesus will return and the majority of those people believe in some form of Armageddon. A large number believe the Rapture will happen in their lifetime, and there are quite a few people thinking the current middle east conflicts, started in Iraq, and carrying through into Israel is a sign that Jesus is coming back in 7 years. I saw that on Paul Zahn tonite.

Jerry Falwell is licking his chops, anticipating the death of 2 billion people.

Now I'm not too sure about the rules. They seem different, depending on who you ask.

I was talking to my Fundy friends, and they said that Jews have a last chance to accept Jesus. I'm not sure if that is after Jesus comes back, because that wouldn't really be fair, or much of a decision, or up to the point that Jesus returns. That would definitely make it more fun. I'm sure that the Christian God wouldn't want all those Jews who saw Jesus return and then decided to accept him to be in heaven for all eternity. I don't think the Christians get to choose after the fact, so why should the Jews.

Here is another thing I'd like to pose to the 7 year doomsayers: What if Iran is nuked within a year(probably sooner), and lets say 2 billion people die, but then 7 years goes by, and no Jesus.....will you throw away your stupid book of myths and start accepting evolution and an ancient earth?