September 9, 2007

Ontario Won't Take A Step Back Into The Dark Ages

If John Tory doesn't drop the proposal to fund religious schools with tax dollars very soon, he might as well drop out of the election for Ontario Premier.

There is no spin that will satisfy the thinking Ontario voter on this one. Here are the spins put on by Conservative die-hards:

Catholic schools get funded so to be "fair" all religious schools should be funded

The reason that Catholic schools are funded is because of a deal done by the founders of our country. It has nothing to do with fairness, but is in fact a political deal that I imagine could only get changed if it came down to a vote by the people. The fairness angle was already defeated by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1994. H/T The Fifth Column
Public funding of anything religious is just plain ridiculous. Where would it stop? Mormonism? Scientology? The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Evolution is just a theory, there is nothing wrong with funding schools that teach alternative theories as long as those theories aren't taught in science class

"Evolutionary biology is a strong and vigorous field of science. A theoretical framework that encompasses several basic mechanisms is consistent with the patterns seen in nature; and there is abundant evidence demonstrating the action of these mechanisms as well as their contributions to nature. Hence, evolution is both a theory and a set of established facts that the theory explains."

"For scientists, evolutionary theory deals with how evolution occurs, not whether it occurs — this is an important distinction lost upon creationists."

As far as "other theories" go, that is what church and home is for. There is no reason to fund the brainwashing of children. Parents have plenty of ways to brainwash their child without having schools do it for them. Religious history can be taught in school (I even found Henry the 8th's divorce case to be interesting). Religious dogma has no business in school.

By funding religious schools it will force those schools to follow the Ontario curriculum

There is plenty of leeway when it comes to following the Ontario curriculum and having loads of time to teach nonsense and intolerance as well. When did Catholics stop teaching kids that Jews killed Jesus in class? They still teach that condoms are bad and that gays are sinners don't they?

So they have to teach evolution in science class. That doesn't mean that they can't attempt to ridicule evolution in other classes (this is what churches and wilfully ignorant parents are for, not publicly funded schools).

There are only 53,000 students who are in non-Catholic religious schools in Ontario today

Yes, that is today. But what about tomorrow? If a Jewish family, or Muslim family, or Baptist family, or Mormon family, etc. has a choice between a local public school or a local school that is the same as their household religion, how are those numbers not going to explode? Build it and they will come. When Bill Davis took a step back into the middle ages and funded Catholic high schools in 1985, more schools were built very quickly and filled. This will create a new Ontario, one that embraces segregation and intolerance.

Wouldn't you rather Muslims, for example, have to follow the Ontario curriculum than do their own thing in privately funded schools?

Again, has I explained above, by publicly funding Muslim schools, more Muslim, if not the majority of Muslims in Ontario, will wind up going to Muslim schools. This is a recipe for disaster. Here is a post at Beaman's World that illustrates what the expected outcome will be. Yes, homegrown terrorism in Britain has been funded by the public.
Collectively, Muslims tend to be very passive when it comes to radical leadership. This opens the door for the bad guys to infiltrate and take over. We don't need any bad ass Muslim teens in Ontario who have been brainwashed by Taleban trained leaders who preach hatred of the West.
There are 33 Muslim schools in Ontario right now. Do we want 250 of them that are completely full?

This will create competition and competition will create better teachers

No, this isn't about competition that will create better education. The only competition here is for parents to decide if they want their child to be taught religious dogma and superstitions during part of the school day while being segregated from children with other beliefs, or if they want their child to be taught facts and real theories (ones that can be falsified).

Ontario isn't Turkey or the USA. Stockwell Day's nonsensical beliefs humiliated the Conservatives previously. The majority of Ontarians can see through this bs proposal made by Tory, at least the Ontarians who came through the public system can.

If I had my way, I would take away funding from Catholic schools (at least have a vote for it). And I wouldn't even allow any religious school to have accredited status unless they followed the Ontario curriculum. And I wouldn't fund them a dime.

I don't see why parents, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, etc. need to brainwash their children in school. It is completely selfish. If they feel that strongly about their beliefs, take them to their place of worship as much as possible and teach their nonsense at home as well (sure, it is a form of child abuse, but what do you expect from insecure zealots). Most who attend post secondary school wind up in public colleges and universities anyway. Religious schools are just a way to segregate and control a child when they are too young to know better or make up their own mind.

September 5, 2007

John Tory Just Committed Political Suicide

From the Toronto Star: There is no reason creationism could not be taught in addition to evolution and "other theories" if private religious schools are brought into Ontario public school boards, Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory said Wednesday......"It's still called the theory of evolution," Tory said. "They teach evolution in the Ontario curriculum, but they also could teach the fact to the children that there are other theories that people have out there that are part of some Christian beliefs."

Sorry Mr. Tory, but Canada, and specifically Ontario, isn't Turkey or the USA. The masses are much more appreciative that science isn't one gigantic conspiracy theory against God and creation.

I don't have any kids but I do care about the future of Western civilization and the world. There is no way more of my tax dollars are going towards God in the classroom. No chance. And I know most Ontarians feel the same way.

It is bad enough that we support Catholic schools with public funds, but to my knowledge, they have kept creation out of the science class. They somehow got grandfathered in. The Pope has been very progressive towards science and especially evolution. I still would like to stop funding Catholic schools, but in the meantime, there is absolutely no way we are going to take a step back into the Stone Ages (which creationists believe happened sometimes between Adam and Noah, less than 6500 years ago).

I have to blame my people, the Jews, on this one. A Jewish group has launched a campaign to get public funding because the Catholics get it.

Not that it is going to happen, but if successful, that means our tax dollars will be used to fund Muslim schools as well. And don't think they won't start springing up everywhere. I expect Jehovah Witness schools and Scientology schools as well.

What this amounts to is a formula for segregation and worse: reality denying idiots will come out of the school system intolerant of everyone with different beliefs, all paid for with our tax dollars.

Do we want our tax dollars to help teach the alternative theory that Canada is Muslim land?

Tory used the old idiotic line that evolution is only a theory. Well so is gravity. Maybe we should teach children that perhaps God keeps everyone from flying off the earth with magical invisible fingers.

I became a staunch Progressive Conservative supporter because of their stance against Islamic terrorism and their ability to keep church and state separated (even though they seem reluctant to do so on their part many times).

I can live with McGuinty's lie about dropping funding to Catholic schools for now, though I'm still having a hard time with the fact that Liberals have attracted Hamas supporting MPs. There is no way I'm voting Communist (NDP) either.

I guess I'll support the PC's federally, but the Liberals provincially. Tory must go for me to change my vote.

Canadians, including many PC bloggers are pissed as well.

Read The Atheist Conservative, The Kitchener Conservative, readers have blasted Tory (yes I know that the CTV attracts many Liberal and Communist supporters), but even the Globe and Mail readers (where the money and thinkers are), have gone ape on Tory.

How about teaching evolution and the Koran in church as alternative theories? Sarcasm off.

September 2, 2007

Judeophobe Skank On Youtube Turns Out To Be A Cop

The following video could be comedy, but it isn't. These two sisters are complete Judeophobes who don't have a clue (Shepardic?. If they are going to be Joooo experts, they should do a bit more research). The older sister, Susan L. Purtee has been discovered to be a patrol officer in Columbus, Ohio.

They post on Youtube as the Subie Sisters aka The Patriot Dames.

Picture courtesy of PC Apostate. Thank you Chris Womak:)

She has been a cop now for 15 years and is apparently close to retirement and a pension. Why she was hired in the first place is a mystery. Back in 1991 the following report was made:

"Undependable, walks off the job (quits) when things don't go her way; job history is deplorable, has not had a steady job for any length of time; several references of insubordination. She claims that she has had so many jobs because she doesn't like direction…

"Has worked 20 years and has nothing to show for it (heavily in debt)," he continued. "Applicant is shallow and does not accept criticism well."

The board's opinion, dated July 31, 1991, was unanimous: Purtee was not acceptable.

On Nov. 10, records show, the city hired her anyway.

She was 100th in her class of 116 at St. Francis DeSales High School, and at the time of her interview was driving an uninsured car.

"Seems to use poor judgment on big decisions," wrote Kim Jacobs, now a division commander.

"Does not like people telling her what to do," wrote Lt. Rickert M. Shewring. "Very opinionated. Is judgmental about people."

Board members noted that she had married and divorced twice, once to a man 32 years her senior and then to a man she met at her first husband's funeral who "left country due to immigration problems," in the words of one reviewer.

After a year of marriage, that husband borrowed all of Purtee's money, $1,500, and left the country because he didn't have his green card, the background report said. They divorced in 1986.

I don't understand why this hasn't made cable news or network news yet. I thought, according to the Subie sisters at least, that the Joooos controlled the media:)

The Utube Blog reports that Purtee has been reassigned to a desk job for now and offers the following opinion about Purtee and free speech:

Analysis: I was interviewed yesterday by a local radio station about whether the officer can be disciplined or whether her speech is protected by the First Amendment. The short answer is: Under Supreme Court case law, I believe the Columbus Police Department can discipline Officer Purtee — even fire her — without any First Amendment problem. (I can’t speak to the City’s internal employee regulations or code of conduct.)

The test under the First Amendment for speech by a public employee is twofold: (1) “Whether the employee spoke as a citizen on a matter of public concern,” and (2) if so, “whether the government entity had an adequate justification for treating the employee differently from any other member of the general public,” such as restricting “speech that has some potential to affect the entity’s operations.” Garcetti v. Ceballos, 126 S. Ct. 1951, 1958 (2006).

In this case, it’s at least debatable whether the speech in the videos involve a “matter of public concern.” If they don’t, then there’s no First Amendment claim for the public employee. But even if they do involve matters of public concern, the government has discretion to restrict speech that has some potential to affect the entity’s operations. In this case, the Columbus Police Department would have a very strong basis to conclude that racially incendiary videos disseminated by a police officer — even while off-duty — can undermine the public’s trust and confidence in the police department, and in the fair and equal administration of law enforcement. Courts would give a lot of leeway to the police department in this kind of case.

In an audio available at the Vanguard News Network. One idiot white supremacist admits to be in contact with Purtee by email, and stated that in the near future he expects the Subie Sisters to be featured on the network. Vanguard's motto "No Jews, Just Right."

What do you think about Purtee still being on the force?

August 31, 2007

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Shut Your Matzah Hole Already

Last Saturday night Rabbi Ovadia Yosef stated the following in his weekly televised "sermon" in Israel:

"Is it any wonder if, heaven forbid, soldiers are killed in a war?" he said, "when they don't observe the Sabbath, they don't observe the Torah, they don't pray every day, they don't put on phylacteries every day. Is it any wonder that they're killed? It's no wonder......God helps soldiers who have faith and who pray. They are not killed."

This comment is beyond idiocy, and I think 99% of the total population of Jews on this planet believe Yosef to be a stark raving lunatic. His comments have caused outrage in Israel, but it isn't the first time this prehistoric imbecile has disgraced himself with his words and views. In 2000 he stated the following:

"the 6 million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone."

In a world void of evidence of any God, the statements are farcical and insensitive. Even if one assumed God existed, who in their right mind would want to worship his God? Why does such a spectacular God need to be worshiped so heavily? Yosef's God is as spiteful as he is insecure.

This idiot Rabbi is a disgrace to thinking Jews everywhere, and of course humankind.

More thoughts about what Yosef said:

Why Jewish Soldiers Die In A War

Haaretz article

More 'Wisdom" From Moronic Sages Of Judaism

August 28, 2007

Jackie Mason On Political Correctness

I've always thought Jackie Mason is one of the funniest humans around. He does bi-weekly videos on Youtube, as the Ultimate Jew. Here is one of his latest:

Of course, there are times when stalking is stalking and name calling is just hate oriented plain and simple, but Jackie does have a point.
I usually agree with Jackie around 80-90% of the time. Sometimes he is contradictory, but that is common with comedians.
I have to wonder what the white supremacists think of this video, since Jackie is a Jew and all. They are so paranoid, that even though he is voicing part of their views here, I have a feeling they will come up with something like: "this is how Jews brainwash the masses. They pretend to take your cause, so that you'll look up to them and admire them to the point that you let them control you. And then they'll continue on with their goal of wiping out the white culture."