August 15, 2006


This song was written by Elder of Ziyon and moi. Performed by moi. Forgive the offkeyness but enjoy:

Eye on the World is supposed to be working on a slideshow, but I couldn't wait.

August 14, 2006

Green Helmet Song: I Just Had To Do It

Normally, I like to write my own parodies, however, when I saw this at Green Helmet Guy's very funny blogsite, I decided to grab the bull by the horns. I hope I am forgiven for stealing one of his photoshop pics too. Enjoy:


Green Helmet is the guy to see
Dead babies for your news TV
He’ll set it up to show his side
Damn Israelis, engaging in genocide

o/~ Qana is where you’d rather go
He’ll pull the plug if you don’t show
He just creates such tragic scenes.
Truth doesn’t matter just get him on TV screens

...The Jews

...No news!

...Dead child

...Go wild!

You are a dupe...

Farewell to the truth!

Green Hel-met Guy is heeeere!

Thanks to Zionist Jordan for finding me Green Helmet Guy's site.

August 12, 2006


A recent survey of the United States and European countries (hey what happened to Canada?) found that the United States ranked 33 out of 34 when it came to accepting evolution. Turkey, which is 99% Muslim ranked 34.

“American Protestantism is more fundamentalist than anybody except perhaps the Islamic fundamentalist, which is why Turkey and we are so close,” said study co-author Jon Miller of Michigan State University.

Click image to enlarge it

It seems that more Americans have become doubters from both camps over the last 20 years:

The study found that over the past 20 years:

* The percentage of U.S. adults who accept evolution declined from 45 to 40 percent.
* The percentage overtly rejecting evolution declined from 48 to 39 percent, however.
* And the percentage of adults who were unsure increased, from 7 to 21 percent.

This could be possibly due to demographic changes. Immigrants who have come to America who don't believe in evolution to children being taught at home by parents who are ignorant when it comes to science.

The shift of those who rejected evolution and now don't know, could be due to the Catholic church's stance that ID is crap, combined with the fact that it is impossible to watch the Discovery Civilization channel or the National Geographic channel on TV and think evolution is garbage.

There are liberal Muslims who believe in evolution, but from what I've found in my internet searches is that even though there is a broad spectrum of beliefs about evolution and an ancient earth amongst Muslims, most do not accept it. This person's comments from are what I believe is the most popular Muslim view on evolution(I think this was written by a kid):

No, we don't believe in evolution, but we do believe the world is that old. We do believe there was life before humans, like dinosaurs and the other fossils and that the first life was in water. Noone really knows the exact time of Adam and Huwwa (Eve), but there is a rough figure from hints in the Quran and Hadith (sayings of Muhammad) of a little over 10,000 years ago. The Quran and the rest of Islam actually encourages growth of knowledge, unlike some other religions....

So it looks like Ann Coulter and Muslims do have something in common.

To my Fundy readers, if you want to learn about evolution, please check out the short movies at this site. And that goes for Ms. Coulter as well.

August 9, 2006


Ok, that is a quick video. The chant is "Khaybar Khaybar Ya Sahyun... Hezbollah Qadimun..." This means "Khaybar Khaybar O Zionists... Hezbollah is Coming..."

What is significance of Khaybar you might ask? A place in Saudi Arabia? What the heck does that have to do with Lebanon and Israel?

From Wikipedia:

The Battle of Khaybar (Arabic: معركة خيبر‎) was fought in the year 629 between Muhammad and his followers against the Jews living in Khaybar, an oasis located 150 kilometers (95 miles) from Medina in the area of Hejaz of the western part of the Arabian peninsula in what is nowadays Saudi Arabia. Contemporary scholars believe that Muhammad moved to attack Khaybar in order to raise his prestige among his followers, as well as to capture booty to sustain subsequent conquests.[1][2]
Conquests? You mean to say that Muslims conquered land. But I thought you anti-Zionists say that Jews conquered Palestine.

The battle ended with Muhammad's victory, which allowed him to gain sufficient money, weapons, and support from local tribes to capture Mecca just 18 months after Khaybar.[3]
And this was just part of a bigger conquest? But, but.

The defeated Jews were reduced to serfdom.
Serfdom? I don't know what that is, but I doubt it has anything to do with beaches, waves, and chicks in bikinis.

They surrendered on condition of paying tribute to Muhammad and giving up all their land to Muslims. Some scholars hold that this agreement did not cover the Banu Nadir tribe, which had sought refuge in Khaybar after their expulsion from Medina, and that the Muslims beheaded all the men of Banu Nadir, sparing only the lives of the Khaybarian Jews.[4] But this issue is contentious. Jews continued to live in the oasis for several more years until they were finally expelled by caliph Umar.
Jews gave THEIR land to Muslims? The UN didn't even make Muslims give up their land to Jews when they came up with the partition.

The imposition of tribute upon the conquered Jews served as a precedent for provisions in the Islamic law requiring the exaction of tribute known as jizya from dhimmis, i.e. non-Muslims under Muslim rule, and confiscation of land belonging to non-Muslims into the collective property of the Muslim community.
Jewish owned land became Muslim state land. That didn't even happen when Israel was created, Muslim owned land was not to be affected by the partition.

So this is what the idiotic blood lusting terrorists of Hezbollah are chanting? They are celebrating in chant the fact that Jews had their land taken by conquerers.
Isn't this what the Palestinians (albeit falsely) have been bitching about for 58 years? Isn't this what they claim the Jews did to the Palestine region? And some Moonbats wonder why I call Arab terrorists, their supporters, and other enablers, ASSMONKEYS.

It is funny that Arabs have to go back over 1300 years to find a victory over the Jews to sing about.

By the way, mention this story to a Paliphile, and they will laugh it off.

Today link would be funny if it wasn't true: Todays Koran Lesson

August 7, 2006

OBSESSION: Watch It While You Can

UPDATE, AUGUST 12TH 7:30 AM EST, Youtube has removed parts 2-9, so I have decided to link part 1 here as well as an interview about the movie.

UPDATE, AUGUST 10TH 8:30 PM EST, Google has taken the film down again. To watch it, you have to go here to Youtube, and see it in 9 parts.

"Obsession shocked the audience with its carefully constructed, objective, and fact-based examination of radical Islam today.

Powerful would be an understatement in describing the impact of this film."

Drew Mcweeny

"It is a brilliant assemblage of archival footage of radical Islamic barbarities perpetrated across the globe, sermons of radical Imams from 24/7 satellite TV and undercover footage from Lebanon, the Palestine disputed territories, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, London and New York.
Obsession is indeed a wake up message to a sleeping American public cowed by fear and menace by radical Islamists in our midst. And yes, the film is distressing that such hate, incitement and barbarity flourishes in the 21st century. But the film rouses the American public into concerted action then it will have served a vital and important purpose."

Jerry Gordon
Former U.S. Military Intelligence officer and Middle
East Affairs analyst for American Congress for Truth

“Obsession is required viewing for everyone. Especially for people who have tried to understate or ignore the threat of Radical Islam to our national security, Obsession shows how real and present the danger is."

Howard Gordon
Executive Producer “24”

"As a retired Air Force Major General who has lived and traveled through the Middle East and has commanded major combat organizations in key Muslim countries, I believe Obsession is a movie that every American ought to see. It is the most accurate description I've seen of the great struggle that the western world will face for many years to come."

Bentley Rayburn
Maj Gen, USAF (Ret)