Am I a racist if I say:
Most illegal immigrants in the United States come from Mexico.
9/11 was planned and carried out by Arabs.
Blacks have a much better chance to become NFL running backs than whites, and especially white Jews.
Blacks have a much better chance of making the NBA than whites, and especially white Jews.
Many blacks have a different genetic make up than many whites which enables many blacks to be better athletes in sports like basketball, football and to a lesser extent baseball, and this is a big reason blacks are over-represented in these sports.
Short people have a better chance of becoming jockeys than tall people.
Muslims carry out most suicide bombing attacks in the world today.
Many first generation Chinese North Americans tend to appear physically pushier than most other people, and many tend to be lousier drivers. This could be due to culture and/or genetics, most likely a combination.
Most gays are genetically predisposed to be gay.
Up to 50% of Saudis historically are inbred (second cousins or closer).
Many Middle Eastern Arab Muslims are taught from an early age to hate the West and Israel.
Jews are over-represented as lawyers, accountants, doctors, and stand-up comedians.
The sky appears blue during a cloudless day.
I don't think Jimmy the Greek should have been fired for saying: "The slave owner would breed this big Black with this big Black woman so he could have a big Black kid."1
Only one black NFL quarterback won a Super Bowl. It was back in 1988, when the Washington Redskins beat the Denver Broncos.
Wasington's NFL team's nickname is Redskins.
Close to 45% of Americans believe in Young Earth Creation and think evolution is a crock.
Blacks are over-represented in jails.
When it comes to pets, dogs appear more loyal to their owner than cats do in most cases.
Not very much in the way of medical or technical advances have come from Arab countries over the last 1000 or so years.
The average IQ of those who live in Arab countries is approximately 83.
Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of around 107.
Blacks in America have a lower IQ average than whites in America.
Close to 65% of Americans who drop out of high school believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old.
If a terrorist act was committed today, it was most likely carried out by a Muslim.
Bats are the only mammal that actually flies.
1 In his autobiographical Narrative, Frederick Douglass (a former slave) describes a young landowner named Covey, just starting out in life, who could only afford one slave. So he bought a woman named Caroline, "a large able-bodied woman about twenty years old."
"Shocking as is the fact," Douglass wrote, "he bought her, as he said, for a breeder." Then Covey went out and rented a married male slave, "And him he used to fasten up with Caroline every night! The result was that at the end of the year, the miserable woman gave birth to twins." A similar account appears in a series of narratives assembled by Fisk University in Nashville. "They would buy a fine girl and a fine man and just put them together like cattle," one former slave recalled. "They would not stop to marry them. If she was a good breeder, they was proud of her. I was stout and they were saving me for a breeding woman, but by the time I was big enough I was free."
It depends on what you define as racist. If not politically correct statements are what define a person as a racist, then the label may apply, but not all the things you mention deal with race. "Muslim", for example, is a religious term, not a racial one, and anyone can say that the sky is blue on a cloudless day. And since when did you become so sensitive to public opinion that you have to do a reader survey? That's what surprises me the most; you make it clear that anyone seeking political correctness has nothing to seek on your blog. Consequently, this heading looks like a topical hiccup.
ReplyDeleteI keep comments open here, so I do like to see what people think of me.
ReplyDeleteI'm not doing a survey. And I think you might be missing my tongue in cheek point here.
Is anything that I said not a fact?
Note that I did not come to dispute the veracity of any statement. I leave the arguing to others who enjoy doing it and have the time for it. I merely noted that it did seem odd that a posting should appear that seemed to be based on a measure of political correctness when the entire blog defies such thinking. I follow the blog regularly even though I post rarely, and it struck me as peculiar.
ReplyDeleteI know you are one of my loyal readers. But I have been accused by a couple of other readers as being racist. So this is my reply to them.
ReplyDelete"9/11 was planned and carried out by Arabs"
is like saying
"My house was robbed by blacks"
You're obviously disagree with the 9/11 quote. How would you phrase it yourself?
Steve, is anything that I said in my post a lie?
ReplyDeleteBacon: Brave post in these heavily PC times. Funny, except for the anecdotes about slave breding. That made me sad.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that Asians in America have a higher IQ average than whites.
ReplyDeleteDo you believe that ALL people have some degree of bigotry in them?
I think prejudice depends on nurture, especially very early ages. I think parents have a big play in it, and then of course socialization.
ReplyDeleteI could never be termed a racist; I don't believe in race. Scientifically speaking, there are no racial distinctions in the human species. All the (fictitious) "races" are actually too similar to be segmented apart. For example, a black man who's family has been in the United States for generations might very likely be more genetically similar to me than to another black man in Kenya.
ReplyDeleteRace is a social construction without any real biological basis. Thus, I don't generally recognize race in my life.
Steve, you are making inferences. You are adding things to everything I put in that post. I wrote down facts.
ReplyDeleteEvery one of the points I made are a fact. I didn't go into explanations. Many of these points have all kinds of opinions and explanations attached to them.
As far as IQ is concerned. Yes, it can change over time by limited percentages, however it is partly genetic. Like it or not. Are you saying that if two high IQ people have a child it is on an equal playing field as if two low IQ people had a child all other things being equal. Example, either couple had the child up for adoption and another couple brings them up from infancy, are you saying that the child from the high IQ couple won't be more likely to be smarter than the child from a low IQ couple? If you think that, you are really out to lunch.
Frances, then how do you explain the fact that black people are generally faster and more athletic than whitey?
ReplyDeleteHi again.
I think the point to be made is that most terrorism is perpetrated by the Muslim world. If this is not true than please someone let me know where to find the truth.
Sure we all would like to know why. Some of us think that the religion itself teaches the people of the religion that it is good to kill non-Muslims during a Jihad, even innocent people. We think that the Islam teaches that one will go to paradise if one kills its enemy. We think that the Muslim religion teaches its followers that it is ok to treat non-Muslims differently from Muslims.
These things are found throughout the religions writings, teachings, lectures, history and present day information.
What do you think is the cause of terrorism? What is the cure for terrorism? What can we do as peace loving people to help cease these acts?
Steve, you are so obtuse. I don't know if you are intellectually dishonest or just plain stupid.
ReplyDeleteYou totally miss main points that turn your arguments into minced meat.
You didn't comment on this for example:
As far as IQ is concerned. Yes, it can change over time by limited percentages, however it is partly genetic. Like it or not. Are you saying that if two high IQ people have a child it is on an equal playing field as if two low IQ people had a child all other things being equal. Example, either couple had the child up for adoption and another couple brings them up from infancy, are you saying that the child from the high IQ couple won't be more likely to be smarter than the child from a low IQ couple? If you think that, you are really out to lunch.
I better change that to second cousins or closer. But here is the link.
ReplyDeleteAs far as what I think they might justify is concerned: I didn't attempt to justify much of it, but on the stuff I did, do you find anything false?
ReplyDeleteYou state "Africa too, has a disproportionate amount of suffering." Other than South Africa under white rule violence most of the violence that is done in Africa is power control between tribes or Muslim on Christian violence, such as Sudan and Chad.
Again I ask you; what is the cause of terrorism from the Muslim countries? It isn't poverty, bin Laden has lots of money. So what is the cause? You state "I think its just a tad bit more complicated than that." Ok, what than??
I am very confused as what you are stating with "Your main problems is you should be writing, "We think that religion teaches that one will go to paradise if one kills its enemy" instead you say "Islam." Get YOUR facts straight." What religions teach people that they go to paradise if they kill their enemy? Judaism does not teach that, Christianity does not teach that. Does Buddhism, does Hinduism? The Koran has verses that are repeated by many Muslim clerics that tell the people to kill and that it is ok.
I know that all religions and all political leanings have used violence at one time or another. But only a few actually push for violence. That certain Popes and Christian clergy pushed for violence does not mean that their religion pushed for violence. But the Koran is different. There are passages that state plainly that violence is the first choice and preferred method of dealing with infidels.
I do not think anyone, including AJ, is stating that all Muslims are terrorists. We are basically stating that a majority of terrorist come from their religion.
You are looking for cause and effect. Ok what do you think the cause for Muslim terrorism? What has been the cause for the last 1400 years?
Lya, I can easily come up with proof/evidence for every one of these points(with the exception perhaps of my point about the Chinese). Which points do you think are not facts?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that the use of "many" and "tend" is indicative of a lack of proof.
For instance, I can do an internet search to prove the fact that blacks are over-represented in basketball and football. And I know there are physiological studies that back up my claims about blacks being superior athletes "in general."
And my assertion about the Chinese may be the toughest to prove, but it is based on personal observation and I would be shocked if it wasn't fact.
Here is a quick fact about China driving accidents.
Racism is interesting. (from a philosphical point of view I mean) Frankly, I think that races do not exist and when people are refering to differences between groups of people, what they are really identifiying are cultural/ethnic differences. I am not convinced that what they are identifiying is something which has a genetic component.
ReplyDeleteOf course skin colour has a genetic component, but all it is, is an identifier of skin colour. One cannot assume from the gene for skin colour anything (from a genetic point of view), EXCEPT THE SKIN COLOUR.
So when people talk about races, I think they are basically attempting to describe ethno-cultural differences which are difficult to support according to genetic differences. One needs to realise that when the deliniations for "the races" was made up, virtually nothing was known about genetics. The assumption that isolated genes for skin colour, hair type etc play a defining part in intelligence, is absurd. What can and does play a defining part in intelligence is ethnicity and culture. Genes also can play a role in defining intelligence, but NOT the genes for skin colour/hair colour/eye colour etc. It is from these visual differences that the notion of the races was formulated.
It is like suggesting that blonde, blue-eyed people are the master race, which I can assure you, is blatantly absurd and fanciful, as I am one of them. But then, history has already gone there, and amazingly people need very little convincing about their supposed "racial superiority".
That people have throughout history been easily convinced of their "racial superiority" only suggests to me that if you tell people something they want to believe, they will will go for it.. hook, line and sinker. Which also explains why religions are so popular.
Some people want to believe that races exist and some people want to believe that gods exist. I would suggest that the ones who believe that races exist more than not also believe that god/gods exist. And I tend to stay away from both groups.
Beep Beep, how do you explain the fact that blacks are over represented in many sports, or why Kenyans dominate marathons?
ReplyDeleteDo you agree that two high IQ parents are more likely to produce a higher IQ child than two low IQ parents?
There can be genetic dispositions towards certain sports, but none of those genetic dispositions are dependent upon eye colour, or skin colour.
ReplyDeleteTwo high IQ parents are probably more likely to produce a child with also a high IQ, but none of that is dependent upon skin colour, eye colour or hair colour.
The concept of "racism" is the notion that specific physical characteristics such as skin colour do determine these things.
Obviously, the only thing the gene for hair colour expresses, is the hair colour. It doesn't express a fondness for rap. Culture and ethnicity does that.
Beep Beep, you could be wrong here. Upon further delving I found this article in Wikipedia
ReplyDeleteYou can fast forward to the 20th Century, as 18th and 19th century definitions are lacking enough information.
The modern anthropologist is speaking about ethnicity and ethnic origins. But some of them still seem to need to use the word "race" which is such a bastardised word. I stand by my previous post.
ReplyDeleteRacism is the belief that negative or positive characteristics can be attributed to groups of people because of their skin colour or distinct physical characteristics. Once you start to talk about ethnicity and culture, you are no longer speaking about "race" in the strictest sense of the word.
Am I am atheist because I am white? I don't see how that connection can realistically be made. Are there many high scoring japanese IQs because they have "yellow skin"? I would say no. If japanese score well in IQ tests, it is not because of skin colour, but because of the cultural importance the japanese place upon education and success. Japanese students have higher levels of suicide. Is this because they have "yellow skin"? No. It is likely to be because of cultural demands placed upon japanese students because the culture worships educational success. People do not end up in jail because of skin colour. People do not make better students because of skin colour.
"Race" seems to be the excuse people use to attempt to explain positive/negative characteristics about groups of people who share the same skin colour. Black skin doesn't make someone a democrat. Shared cultural/political beliefs might.
The American Anthropological Association, drawing on biological research, states that "The concept of race is a social and cultural construction. . . . Race simply cannot be tested or proven scientifically," and that, "It is clear that human populations are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups. The concept of 'race' has no validity . . . in the human species."
I don't think race has to have to do with skin color or eye color, however, modern theorist believe there is for example, a negroid race. And studies have done this classification based on bone structure, head structure, etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd most people who fall in the negroid race category happen to have darker skin pigmentations.
If you were to bet blind on an Olympic marathon and you had a choice between someone who is considered a negroid from Kenya or someone classified caucasoid from Wyoming, who would you rather have your money on?
Take dogs for example. Dogs come from a common ancestor, but who would win a race between a greyhound and a basset hound.
Lya, I am asking what specific points do you question. As far as I know I was just stating facts.
ReplyDeleteYou can't call me a racist because other racists may use "many" as well. I am trying to state facts. I wouldn't make the point if I wasn't talking about an overwhelming majority though.
I gave you a link about driving deaths in China. I'm sure other evidence is around.
The point of this post wasn't to give evidence. It was to give what I believe is a bunch of facts, that is why I didn't go into detail. But if you want details, I will gladly look for you, but for the life of me, I can't see which specific points other than the Chinese point can be debated.
Beaj you said/asked;
ReplyDelete“Is anything that I said not a fact?
I wrote down facts.
Every one of the points I made are a fact.”
Your statement - “9/11 was planned and carried out by Arabs.” - is probably not a total fact. There are way too many questions, discrepancies and fraud in the official story. Watch this and then see if you think differently.
I saw parts of it. Since the film came out, many important pieces of disinformation have been debunked. See this article for example.
ReplyDeleteIt is insane to believe that anyone but Arabs were responsible.
Here is some more debunking of the conspiracy nonsense.
ReplyDelete"The concept of 'race' has no validity . . . in the human species"
ReplyDeleteVisual indicators are good for making generalisations about potential threats. If more people of a certain race are criminals percentage wise then they pose a statistically higher potential threat when encountered while walking down the street.
I think I will continue to rely on my own observations and take care accordingly. I've only ever been threatened by certain groups of people and will continue to be wary regardless of other peoples "theories".
beaj said:
ReplyDelete"It is insane to believe that anyone but Arabs were responsible."
but also said:
"The average IQ of those who live in Arab countries is approximately 83."
So were they smart enough to pull off 9/11?
Here's the debunking of the debunking.
Anglo American, I was thinking the same thing. It isn't about making social excuses for why certain groups are more prone to for example engage in blue collar crime, it is a matter of reality.
ReplyDeleteAnd here we have many Atheists(including me) who will not ignore those who claim the earth is young or that evolution is crap. If I cared about being PC, I wouldn't speak my mind on those issues.
But reality is reality, and reality doesn't have to be PC.
Atheologist, I know I don't have to explain the concept of "average" to you. In fact, the average IQ of Arabs educated in America is equivalent to the national average. So yes, those who carried out 9/11 were "smart" enough to follow the plans and "smart" enough to kill themselves.
I can get you some evidence that the earth is flat too if you are interested in buying into crap btw.
In order to buy into your movies claim you have to ignore a heck of a lot of evidence. That movie is nothing more than a ploy used by IDers who poke holes in evolotion theory.
Now take a step back and take a big breath. The Arabs did it.
You are right, the Arabs did it, but with a lot of help.
ReplyDeleteAnd,one more thing, the last I promise - Tell me has anyone offered an explanation, (debunking of), the "Dancing Israelis" on the morning of 9/11?
ReplyDeleteYes, you're a racist. The fact that the things you've written are putatively correct (which I would dispute for a good number of them) doesn't mean that your saying them is morally neutral. Your mom may actually be an ugly toad of a woman, but I'm still rude if I tell her that.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your allegations of black genetic superiority betray not only an ignorance of genetics, but an ignorance of facts. The fact is that black males of the appropriate age (20-29 years) are probably less healthy overall than white males of the same age. Your ridiculous nonsense about slave-owner eugenicists breeding taller black people has nothing to do with actual reality. Young black men are, on average, slightly shorter than young white men (69.3 in vs. 69.5 in). I'd suggest your credibility in uncritically swallowing these lines, and even passing them on as the truth, clearly indicates you to be a racist.
ReplyDeleteAtheologist, I'm really surprised how gullible you are. I had no idea.
ReplyDeleteHere is the Haaretz news story.
Is it possible that in a city as large as New York that some foreignors had cameras out when the planes crashed into the buildings? Do you lack faith in the justice system? With all the Jew hatred in the world, if these guys were guilty of anything but tourism and getting excited about filming what they filmed, they would be in prison today.
Saurabh, I'm not about being PC. To be truthful has nothing to do with being racist. Sure it might be rude. But the truth can't be racist.
What exact statement about blacks is incorrect in my post? You are making inferences, that I did not put in my post. And I quoted an actual slave regarding his first hand experience with breeding in the 1800's.
I didn't mention black mens average height versus white mans height.
Are you a friend of Steve, because you sure sound like him?
First of all, the idea that I am not allowed to make inferences is a strange one. We're expected to make inferences all the time in order to correctly ascertain meaning, and indeed leaving obvious inferences unspoken is a powerful rhetorical arsenal. So when you simultaneously state things like this:
ReplyDelete"Many blacks have a different genetic make up than many whites which enables many blacks to be better athletes in sports like basketball, football and to a lesser extent baseball, and this is a big reason blacks are over-represented in these sports."
and then leave a lengthy footnote about how slave-owners tried to breed taller slaves, it's not an unreasonable inference to conclude that you intend to say blacks are genetically taller than whites. Or to infer that you're a racist via your pointed juxtapositions.
But, at any rate, I dispute the above quote straight up. Care to demonstrate it as fact? What, exactly, makes blacks as a group genetically predisposed to being superior athletes? As I've already pointed out, height is obviously not it. The fact that black men are overrepresented in the NBA can't be because of height. So what is it?
Also, I have no idea who Steve is.
Saurabh, here is a book. You can find lots about the author and the book on the internet doing quick searches.
ReplyDeleteBut this stuff definitely backs up my argument.
Incidentally, why do you think blacks are over represented in football and basketball? Is it just a fluke? Why do Kenyans win marathons so much? Coincidence?
And Saurabh, I just glanced at this, but it is an interview with the author, he doesn't say that blacks are superior, but built differently. And he claims that it isn't so much a black white thing but a regional evolution fact.
ReplyDeleteCongrats BEAJ, everything in that post is right on the money. What kills me is the "bleeding hearts" who would jump on your statements and twist them, for example:
ReplyDelete"Blacks have a much better chance to become NFL running backs than whites, and especially white Jews."
Bleeding Hearts would immediately interprete this kind of statement as a "cut" or racial epithet, without once considering that most young white men would "sell their soul" to trade places with these popular, wealthy, athletes. It is as if, we are not even allowed to admire non-whites for their marvelous achievements.
Why can we NOT say what is obvious? I think the REAL mistake is made by people who ASSUME that these neutral observations are in some way prejudicial. In reality, THEY are the prejudiced and small-minded idiots!
I think there has been a lot of misconception about genetics....perhaps I can contribute a little.
ReplyDeleteFirst there is NO genetic difference between the races of humans. We can not look at genes and say that this person is black or white. However, there are very real biological differences between the races that results from differential genetic EXPRESSION. By way of example, one breed of dog is GENETICALLY indistinguishable from another breed...but who would like to contend that a Yorkshire Terrior is NOT likely to be smaller than an Irish Setter? Genes are NOT the whole story.
Thus, assertions such as:
"But, at any rate, I dispute the above quote straight up. Care to demonstrate it as fact? What, exactly, makes blacks as a group genetically predisposed to being superior athletes?"
Really miss the point, because it is NOT the genes that are different, but their expression that makes us different and allows simple, statistically significant, observations of these differences to be recorded without prejudice.
Steve, you really are an idiot. Really and truely.
ReplyDeleteWhy be PC? Why not deal with what is?
Again, nothing I said is a lie. It is fact. And I have no problem calling you a retard, and I know that isn't a PC term either.
And again Steve, being the intellectually dishonest poster you are (when you are wrong, you either ignore it, or make up new deflections or inferences), I asked you to comment on this, and you can't for some reason:
ReplyDeleteAs far as IQ is concerned. Yes, it can change over time by limited percentages, however it is partly genetic. Like it or not. Are you saying that if two high IQ people have a child it is on an equal playing field as if two low IQ people had a child all other things being equal. Example, either couple had the child up for adoption and another couple brings them up from infancy, are you saying that the child from the high IQ couple won't be more likely to be smarter than the child from a low IQ couple? If you think that, you are really out to lunch.
Why is this so hard for you to answer?
ReplyDeleteSo far, you haven't provided a single shred of "evidence" that what BEAJ is saying is racist. Everything you say is based on assumptions that certain groups may consider his quotes racist.
But this is just one man's opinion. Yours.
"Arabs are terrorists" a racist remark.
ReplyDelete"The terrorists are Arab" ... is not, get it?
"Moreover, figures which measure the alleged genetic capabilities of particular races can actually be proxies for social status."
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you talking about? There are no such figures "Steve"
"Being black doesn't make you a criminal, but most likely a criminal is black" To me, this is an unfair statement because it correlates a color skin, a race, with a behavior, rather than looking for the conditions which are associative, but not causal, with said condition.
ReplyDeleteThat spew is completely incoherent..... and if it is unfair, remember that the only person to say "Being black doesn't make you a criminal, but most likely a criminal is black" is yourself, no one else has said this......
THINK about it, and for once stop thinking so much about contemporary events... and worry about the principles you're establishing.
ReplyDeleteBut doesn't worrying about the principles I'm establishing necessitate I think about contemporary events?
Steve, you have a very very immature style.
Again Steve, you didn't answer my question. It is obvious that you know the answer, but the truth bothers you.
ReplyDeleteDavid Duke leaves out culture. I believe IQ is maybe 30-60% based on nature (I'm guessing), and 40-70% based on culture/nurture.
Again, I've mentioned this before as a reason why Arab Muslims in the middle east have such low IQs.
You stopped worrying about contemporary results because your head is shoved up Arabias asshole. Yeah 9/11 was just a fluke. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about Muslims attacking Jews in Europe either.
And I notice how you wrote a letter about the Palestinians plight but not the Darfur situation, where over 200,000 innocent people have died and 2 million people have been forced from their homes by Arabs, because you are an Arab loving POS.
Just because someone is an anti-semite or racist, doesn't mean that everything he says is false btw.
You have dangerous "principles" You refuse to see the Palestinians as aggressors, you make excuses for 9/11.
ReplyDeleteYou are an Arab apologist who is brain dead.
And it is noted you haven't answered my question about high IQ parents having a kid versus low IQ parents.
If the West thought like you, we would be praying to Allah, or we would be dead.
You are a retard Steve. You've only proved things in your own pea brain.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate you. You are a simpleton. A retard, who doesn't get it.
You are a terrorist sympathiser, and your ilk is a danger to the West.
I feel sorry for you more than anything.
I might as well be talking to a retarded boy with a bomb belt attached to him at a checkpoint.
That is what you are.
BEAJ - I'm familiar with Entine's book. Actually I wrote a blog post about it a few months back. Yes, you're correct - there may indeed be special attributes that exist in certain sub-populations due to genetics. This is obvious and undisputable. There are important genetic differences that manifest as physical and mental differences. If you want, we can even debate specifics - e.g., do the Kalenjin have genetics that make them consistently better marathon runners? Or is it merely the fact that they live at high altitudes and are obsessed, as a culture, with running, from a very young age? (And if we're going to have this debate we should stand on something other than bloviation - like, say, actual science that attempts to assess the heritability of the traits in question and separate away environmental components, and maybe even do gene association studies, before blithely concluding that, say, Arab people are genetically predisposed to having low IQs.)
ReplyDeleteBut this is not the contention you made. No; you spoke of "blacks" and "whites". At that level, none of your claims hold water. After all, some "blacks" might possess genetic attributes that make them gifted runners (just like some "whites" might), but most "blacks" do not. For some reason, you're hung up on skin color as an important classifier of humans, but it's not. It tells you nothing except for skin color.
As to those of you who say that everything BEAJ says is the truth - even if it were, which it is not, see my above point about inference. One can quite easily use true statements to build up a house of lies, if one exploits the fact that people can and do read between the lines. Everything BEAJ chose NOT to say - for example, he could have pointed out that a major explanatory factor for IQ is poverty and childhood malnourishment, which could account for low Arab IQs and is almost surely the reason that the poorest states in the U.S. (e.g. Mississippi) have the lowest average IQs - is just as pertinent as what he did say. Those choices, what he left out, make implications, and those implications make him a racist. He just doesn't have the balls to come out and be a racist.
P.S. To the anonymous person who said "First there is NO genetic difference between the races of humans. We can not look at genes and say that this person is black or white." This is dead wrong. In fact, what you mean to say is that there is very little difference in genetic variation between subpopulations of humans - variants that exist in one population likely exist in another. But one can quite easily determine, based on haplotype or RFLP analysis, etc., whether a person is black, white, etc. Forensic scientists do this all the time.
Also, for the record, I dunno if you've ever looked at pictures of so-called Arabs in Sudan, like the Baggara that make up the Janjaweed militia, but I'd be surprised if you could tell them apart from the Fur. Yes, they speak Arabic and have called themselves Arab historically, but they're ethnically much closer to the Fur than they are to people from the Arabian peninsula. People who cast this as an Arab-on-black conflict are most probably demagogues attempting to increase the volume of anti-Arab hate by associating the violence in Sudan with those traditionally viewed as Arabs. Not that we see any of that around here.
ReplyDeleteEntine in the Worldnet Daily interview, had no problem using black and white and ways to describe what I described.
ReplyDeleteRead it over again.
And no, I'm not racist. I don't like terrorists or their supporters, many of whom are Arabs and/or Muslims.
The purpose of my post wasn't to get into reasons behind the facts I stated.
And I stand by each and every statement as being true.
I left out a lot of things in my post. I could go on about facts, but the facts in my post say nothing about whether I'm racist or not.
You are the one guilty of pre judging me.
I'm not pre-judging you, dude. I have no idea who the fuck you are. I'm judging you entirely on the basis of what you wrote. You're a racist. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteAs to Entine in whatever interview, yeah. He makes the same mistakes you do. He's an idiot. That doesn't make you right.
You can not deduce I'm a racist from my post(unless you are prejudging me). If you want to call me a racist because I dislike terrorists and their supporters, then I am a proud racist.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Darfur goes, however you want to slice it, it is Arab Muslims against mainly regional Muslims.
You know, Muslims are the religion of peace.
Whether or not you are a racist is of no consequence really, now is it? Some of the statements in the original post appear to be true as construed. Do they represent your true feelings and opinions are maybe you're just having fun at the expense of the highstrung. I have a real problem with Islam. I have a real problem with fundamental Christians. Both are evil. One is inherently more evil than the other, but I'll leave it at that. You decide which is which. It isn't important to me. I just said both were evil.
ReplyDeleteYou dodge the question, are you a racist, artfully. What you seem to want to say is that not all racism is bad. If I see a wolf-pack of pre-teen blacks walking towards me on the street, I do my best to avoid them. I will turn and cross the street, walk in a different direction, stop in a shop. If I saw a group of hassids of the same age walking towards me, I wouldn't think twice of the encounter. I'd probably engage them in conversation because Jews of all ages just love to argue about just about anything. Okay, I'm guilty of racism on both counts. So what? In my desire to judge all men (and women) fairly, I do not surrender common sense. Yes, BEAJ, you are a racist. What we have not determined, which is the real answer to your question, is it wrong?
Let me give you a real Jewish answer: It depends.
Maybe its not what you say, its how you say it that counts.
ReplyDeleteI actually believe our culture of extreme political correctness has hurt the ones we have tried so hard to help. Are we doing any favors to people who live in poverty by blaming all their problems on everybody else? Lets face it, its just easier to blame America and Israel than acknowledge the obvious facts on the ground. This may be the first time in history when good ideas such as neo-liberal economics, democracy, and human rights are being defeated because of fear of hurting people's feelings.
If anything, Political Correctness is the ultimate form of racism. Not only does it practice the soft-bigotry of low expectations, it also treats people like children incapable of knowing right from wrong.
Until Europe has the courage to ban mosques built with Saudi money until the kingdom allows Christians to open a church and pray without fear, soft-bigotry rules the day.
Regarding IQ differences, I have a thought. Perhaps the reason why IQs are lower in the Arab world is because there is no incentive to have a high IQ. The west rewards its intellectuals, the Arab world throws them in prison. There are in fact thousands of successful Arab scientists, they just happen to be called "Americans".
As long as Arab countries reward Quran memorization and scapegoating rather than critical thought, they will continue to fail no matter how much oil-money they receive.
People don't become great because of their "race", people become great because of their ideas.
Excellent comments Houston and Jordan.
ReplyDeleteThank you angloamerican.
ReplyDeleteTruth is I am just ripping off concepts found on perhaps the best political, religious, and social resource on the web.
Everyone who believes that terrorism, crime, poverty, and prosperty are a result of ideas must go to:
He is a pro-freedom, pro-reason Irish professor. There is so much there, you can spend days! Here are some of my favorite sections:
Crime & Poverty
Communism Threat
Incedently, he defends Israel far better than any Jew or Israeli I have ever encountered... pretty impressive considering he is an Irish Athiest.
I've bookmarked Humphrys site. You're right, it looks like one could spend days reading the stuff there. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHouston, great points. I'm not trying to artfully dodge whether I'm racist or not. In fact, I think racism for most of us is ingrained....we fear something that looks unfamiliar for example (I think this is an evolutionary situation), and nurture and socialization will make just about anyone prejudiced against at least something, even slightly, whether it has to do with skin color, ancestry, or religion.
ReplyDeleteI'll be first to admit that if I'm walking down an alley and three blacks are behind me, I would be more nervous and walk faster than if 3 whites were behind me. Like you said, this is common sense, and if it perceived as racism, too bad.
Jordan, great points as well, thanks for coming here. Like I said, being PC isn't dealing with reality, and it is a form of just adding fuel to the flame. In order to try to fix the negatives, you have to identify who has the problems, and then identify what those problems are.
I’m ashamed of you beaj; you use an Israeli source to get at the facts? And no less!
ReplyDeleteI'm just trying to get some good background info from you on a post I'm working on.
Wake up my gullible friend.
Atheologist, the Haaretz site was a rush job. The other sources I found definitely have an anti-Jewish/anti-Israel bias. I found the Haaretz story to be factual.
ReplyDeleteJordan, Atheists need more people like Mark Humphreys from what I've read so far.
ReplyDeleteI disagree on small points but overall he is right on the money. I blogrolled his blog.
Simply, I don't believe in the notion of race. Scientifically because of the human genome project and the mapping thereof, there is little scientific evidence to give credence to the concept of race.
ReplyDelete"Many evolutionary and social scientists think common race definitions, or any race definitions pertaining to humans, lack taxonomic rigour and validity. They argue that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, and that the races observed vary according to the culture examined. They further maintain that race is best understood as a social construct."
<< I agree with them. And by the same token, I think that god is also a social construct.
(Actually the notion that many concepts which we consider to be valid are just social constructs is mentioned on this page. Quite interesting, I think it is too.)
Beep Beep, there are evolutionary regional differences. That is a fact.
ReplyDeleteThat is why Kenyans win many Olympic marathon events for example.
Whether you want to call it race or not, doesn't really matter, but Kenyan marathoners. This comment from yesterday may clarify things for you:
I think there has been a lot of misconception about genetics....perhaps I can contribute a little.
First there is NO genetic difference between the races of humans. We can not look at genes and say that this person is black or white. However, there are very real biological differences between the races that results from differential genetic EXPRESSION. By way of example, one breed of dog is GENETICALLY indistinguishable from another breed...but who would like to contend that a Yorkshire Terrior is NOT likely to be smaller than an Irish Setter? Genes are NOT the whole story.
Thus, assertions such as:
'"But, at any rate, I dispute the above quote straight up. Care to demonstrate it as fact? What, exactly, makes blacks as a group genetically predisposed to being superior athletes?"
Really miss the point, because it is NOT the genes that are different, but their expression that makes us different and allows simple, statistically significant, observations of these differences to be recorded without prejudice.'
I agree that there are evolutionary differences between people. I have not stated anywhere otherwise. Evolutionary differences pertain to influences on a human population over long periods of time, such as climate/environment/etc.
ReplyDeleteThat differences exist is a no-brainer. But it takes a pernicious system called "racism" to turn those differences into a checklist in order to ascertain the value or worth of human beings.
Furthermore, evolutionary differences through natural selection as a result of influences such as climate/geography/habitat, do not equal "race". For evolutionary differences to equal race, these so called groupings would have to be distinct, specific and consistent. They are not.
Many australian aborigines are born with blonde hair. So blonde hair for example is not an indicator of race. It makes as much sense to call all blonde haired people the master race. But this has been tried before. Specific physical characteristics do not equal the social construct called "race".
"No society is composed of genetically pure people." These so called groupings some people call race are arbitrary. They are at best (from a scientific point of view), fuzzy sets or family clusters.
"In spite of this, members of society tend to rank themselves into hierarchies based on race with one race assumed to be better than another."
To me the concept of race remains similar to the concept of god. For every believer in god there is a god. And for every believer in race, there is a race. Every god or race believer places him/herself in an artifical hierarchy.
The concepts "race" and "god" come from the same place>> the desire to rank others above or below yourself on the social ladder. Aka, they are social constructs and primarily used for insidious and evil justifications.
OK Beep Beep, if race shouldn't exist, do you think Aboriginal Rights should exist?
ReplyDeleteNo Steve, that is not it at all. Nazis murdered Jews who were not physically attacking them, were not threatening them. Jews were only 0.5% of the German population in 1933.
ReplyDeleteYou again, are missing the point completely. You are totally out to lunch, make that you are an imbecile.
I am not talking about genocide. I am talking about defending myself from a sick culture of death and hate. Your friends, the Arab Muslims.
I'm not going to read through all the comments, but you asked a Q in the post.
ReplyDeleteThe answer, as you well know, is No.
Arabs are not a race. I'm talking about Muslim Arabs, and I'm not talking about gassing them. Again, Jews don't strap suicide bombs on their bodies and take out innocents, and if they did, there would be massive shock, condolences, and total disapproval from the overwhelming majority of the worlds Jewish population.
ReplyDeleteNot high fives, not excuses, not silence.
You don't see Arab Muslims as a danger. I do. You are not a realist, you are living in lala land.
Aboriginal rights exist in the same way that any conquered people have rights. They have rights at the discretion of the conquerers. Naturally being the kind-hearted, peace-loving beatnik that I am, I would prefer it if we were empathetic towards those we walk all over. People don't need to be a member of a "race" to be afforded rights. They only (and this is in my opinion), need to display ancestry, or ethnicity. That is, they display afilliations with other tribal, familial groups who claim prior ownership or use of said land.
ReplyDeleteAboriginal people (aboriginal meaning native, as in native to the land or original inhabitant) claim displacement not because of their race, but because they were a group of people who had their land taken from them.
I guess in the same way that if the french had their land taken from them by the germans, the french might try to claim back territory or lands which they deem to be french.
This is why I prefer the concept of ethnicity, when trying to group people.
"While ethnicity and race are related concepts, the concept of ethnicity is rooted in the idea of societal groups, marked especially by shared nationality, tribal afilliation, religious faith, shared language, or cultural and traditional origins and backgrounds, whereas race is rooted in the idea of biological classification of homo sapiens to subspecies according to morphological features such as skin color or facial characteristics."
I am pedantic about the race thing, because so much hatred and horror has been perpetrated because of people's concepts about "race".
Beep Beep, there is a lot of hatred based on the ethnicity thingy too. Race is a word that is often used to cover ethnicity, as with the Jews or the Arabs for example.
ReplyDeleteSteve, whatever you want to call it, lets go with ethnic Arabs in the middle east, there is a high tendency for interbreeding and Muslim Arabs in the Middle East have an IQ average of 83. Those are facts.
I don't pay a lot of attention to IQ tests. They only gauge whose culture is at the top of the cultural or ethnic heap. It is almost impossible for them to be culturally unbiased.
ReplyDeleteFor example, how many european, female australians like me, would score well on an IQ test which was designed by traditional aborigines?
I realize there are cultural differnces that make IQ averages a sub standard way to accurately gage intelligence, however IQ coupled with literacy levels and regional innovations can be lumped together to show that Arab Muslims are well below Western standards for example.
ReplyDeleteI've taught my kids to honestly and accurately view the world. MANY if their coclusions WILL be politically incorrect. I've told them to exercise case when they express such opinions, but to never loose sight of the Truth. Nearly every one of your statements is true, if un-PC.
ReplyDeleteNearly every one of my statements are true? Which ones aren't?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you, thinking PC will only get you killed and may take down others too.
Eugenics, Der Ubermensch... just 2 good reasons why we should be very careful about attributing a lack of intelligence to groups of people.
ReplyDelete"his is the first of three anti-Semitic children's books published by Julius Streicher's Stürmer Publishing House. They are among the nastier productions of the Third Reich. Around 100,000 copies were printed, and the book was used in many schools."
Makes me wonder when the " arab version" is coming out?
I've seen that site Beep Beep. But you are leaving a big thing out. There is a difference between propoganda and truth.
ReplyDeleteJews didn't strap bombs on their bodies and blow up innocent bystanders.
Jews aren't brought up to hate other cultures.
Steve, you are stuck on stupid. I'm stating a fact. Again, the fact is that around 50% of Saudi Arabians are products of 2nd cousin or closer inbreeding. In fact, middle eastern Jews also married close but not to such a large extent.
ReplyDeleteI address all points, unlike you Steve. You avoid questions and points and are one of the most dishonest posters here.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I use the fact that Arabs inbreed at high frequencies to illustrate a possible reason for why they seem so intolerant and insane. I am extremely consistent, you are just a retard.
"Many blacks have a different genetic make up than many whites which enables many blacks to be better athletes in sports like basketball, football and to a lesser extent baseball, and this is a big reason blacks are over-represented in these sports."
ReplyDeleteIf you think that, for example, then the answer to your question is probably "yes".
Saskboy, why are blacks over represented in football and basketball then.
ReplyDeleteSteve, you are a friggin idiot. I'm tempted to start screening comments again. I've answered the question many times.
One more time. Intolerance and insanity is a combination of nature and nurture, mostly nurture.
Jews do not have a culture of hate and death, so it lessens any madness that may have resulted from inbreeding.
You imbecile. How many times do I have to answer. And see, unlike you, I answer questions. Now go and suck some Muslim Arab teet.
"Saskboy, why are blacks over represented in football and basketball then."
ReplyDelete"One more time. Intolerance and insanity is a combination of nature and nurture, mostly nurture."
Your answer is so close, you almost speak it in the next angry breath. A combination of social pressures and circumstances for blacks has made professional sports one of the few widely accepted means for non-whites to become rich and famous. Having arrogant white guy sports fans assume that blacks have a genetic advantage in sports doesn't hurt that myth from sticking around too.
Saskboy, why do Kenyans win marathons? Please spare me the PC stuff. There are differences that makes someone faster than somebody else. To deny this and just say it is social pressures and a means to get rich is really not very well thought out or complete denial.
ReplyDeleteAm I sexist if I point out that engineers tend to be men and secretaries tend to be women?
ReplyDeleteIf you say I'm sexist for merely pointing out the fact in order to prove a point about how people react to the fact of sexism in business, then you're reacting like Steve et. al.
The only acts of tereorism done in the last say 100 years on a international scale have been by whites, all acts done by muslims have been done in retaliation.
ReplyDeleteI fail to see how genetic superiority can lead to one of the most EGOMANIACAL relgions in human history, i love humans tbh, i hope we go on to live for millions of years, but oh how i wish for the day nature catches up to our culture.
And for the record, with the way palestinians have been treated in PALESTINE, its no wonder they have so much anger towards the "over stayers".
I would also like to say that its a very sad thing that they have to resort to suicide bombing, but they where never given the corrupt support of america now where they :)
I dont hate, i love with open eyes :)
I guess Darfur isn't happening. What white people are involved there?
ReplyDeleteYour eyes can't be too open if you don't understand that the Palestinians are lucky they are dealing with the Israelis. Anyone else, and they'd be extinct by now. They deserve a lot harsher treatment as far as I'm concerned. You can't be too bright.