Read this post at Combs Spouts Off. It makes perfect sense. It demolishes the terror apologist Moonbats new argument. Thank you Combs for the new sidebar addition.
As far as helping dual citizen Lebanese escape Lebanon and bring them over to Canada and the USA, if this is true, I'm not into it at all.
1] OIC sent a letter to UN complaining of aggression ag Lebanon. Their Sec Gen did not mention the aggression by Hezbollah.
ReplyDelete2] The issue of proportionate force, is an interesting one. Where a quasi state actor like Hezbollah makes an act of aggression ag another state Israel, does it mean Israel has to respond with equal force and no more? What were we thinking of during World War II? Did we think we cannot commit more aggression than Germany? Or did we do what was needed to win and secure the loser's laying down of their weapons, surrender? We got Hitler to kill himself when his generals wanted to surrender and he did not. Why is this different from WWII scenario that we have to invent reasons for using whatever force that is needed to win victory over Hezbollah or they surrender [ disarm] as Japan disarmed after WWII . IF Hezbollah was a genuine quasi state actor, they could disarm as Japan did and still rise to what Japan has done today. One of the leading industrialised nations. It is because Hezbollah has unkind motives of destroying israel that all the more reason one should use force to destroy hezbollah or have them disarm in a surrender like all state actors in wars .
Arab league also passed some motion as did OIC mentioned above. They also turn a blind eye to Hezbollah aggression. This is rhetoric at state level and does not alter that 1% of 1.2 billion Muslims that is 12 million Muslims are the virulent violent type indoctrinated with perverted version of Islam . Granted that islam is faith of 1.2 billion people, it is like any world religion to a certain extent and thus OK to a certain extent, but deviants 12 million cause all the problems.
ReplyDeleteIn weeks to come, we will learn how israel plans to destroy Hezbollah and how it can be done. While loss of civilian lives are regrettable, it is the collateral damage in war. If it helps people to not support evil regimes, it would be a lesson not lost, but if it has adverse effect of entrenching their positions and drawing more adherents to their wrong cause, it is unfortunate and it is something israel has to contend with in future. But for the moment it is war on hezbollah or till they surrender and lay down arms. I think Olmert is right on this action though I am neither Jew nor Israeli.
ReplyDeleteEveryone who disagrees with us is stupid! Oops, better get back to work at the deli/bank.
ReplyDeleteJews are smart, Israel is smart, worldly wise, and thus they are at forefront of many worldly things and thus Israel a land was transformed after 1948 and thus she could defend herself during the 48 and 67 wars and other wars.
ReplyDeleteBut we are dealing with people say 12 million of them, who have been indoctrinated a perverted form of islam and who have faith but misplaced misguided faith and have anger and hatred because their brothers have died and they blame it on Jews Israel. Its a spiral of never ending violence. People whose culture has not emphasized development and secular learning so that the cultural stagnation has fostered conditions conducive to their blind faith hatred venom in purported service of Allah. It is faith gone astray gone deviant like the man in USA who has 80 wifes on run from police and head of some perverted form of Christianity.
Does advancement of humanity mean that one sector of our global populace will die out , the warring misguided Arab Muslims who are part of the 12 million deviants OR does it mean we have to devise new ways to reach these waywards? I do not know. I do know that we homo sapiens have not been around that long and before us we were homo erectus and so on and so forth and thus it means that there will be strands that will die out even as they co exist, and whether it means the stupid 12 million deviant Muslims vile violent ones will die out , I do not know. I cannot predict the path of evolution.
But this is one major problem we will collectively have to overcome where ever we are who ever we are.
I feel sorry for those who have not had the opportunity of a good education and who have been swept into this cycle of terror, on the run in hiding and belaboring under false notion that they are following Allah's will when in fact they are doing the contrary and they are rendering a disservice to their fellow Muslims and fellow Arabs. If the money spent on arsenal had been used wisely for education and development, they could be better off, than where they are collectively. In that sense they are plain stupid as far as the ways of the world go. So focussed on revenge and false pride, they are bent on violence that is counter productive and self destructive. They are to be pitied and helped.
Israel has the right to exist and right to defend herself when attacked as now by this quasi state actor Hezbollah. The collateral damage in Lebanon is unfortunate but the choices that the people made in harboring Hezbollah and supporting it and not surrendering them is no different from the Taliban choice in not handing over their guest Osama when US was hunting them and thus many civilians in Afgan as many civilians in Lebanon bear the brunt of war declared on them.
"I feel sorry for those who have not had the opportunity of a good education" -- anonymous 18:18
ReplyDeleteAre you thinking what I'm thinking? Oy Vey!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for that link Bacon. I'm hoping a lot more information like that will come out NOW.
Forget America Bacon. Canada is worse. We were letting in Hizbullah Lebanese long after USA declared them a terrorist organization. Eight Canadians were killed... yeah sure How do we know they weren't hiding rockets in their house and acting as shields for the Hizbullah? Why were they in southern Lebanon 20 kilos form the border in a Hizbullah controlled area? Why did they refuse to leave? What kind of vacationers go to a terrorist area to "vacation"? We need a national investigation of these people , who they are and what they were doing over there. Separate the innocent from the guilty, the militant Islam from the peaceful. We cannot let them use sympathy of present circumstance as a cloak for hiding their terrorism.
You guys should stop being distracted. It's not the unexpected attack that Hizbullah makes on Israel , it's what they will be planning to do to us here now in our country, the ones that are already here. We have let the viper in to live in our home. I have half a dozen web reports showing how Hizbullah has entrenched itself in Canada and North America in the Lebanese and Muslim community.
NOW is the time to out them, to expose them.
The danger is that if Israel does not wipe them out now, there may not be a next time. Next tiem they may wipe out Israel. Next time they may have longer range and more accurate rockets and it will be the end. Israel cannot have a an mad dog on their borders.
ReplyDeleteWiping out hizvollah is not enough, Israel has to take on Syria and USS take on Iran.
Rockets versus F-16's, tanks, warships, and nukes. Seems fair.
ReplyDeleteHere is some stuff I gleaned , it is all over the news channels.
ReplyDeleteOf the 50,000 Lebanese Canadians in Lebanon, only 5,000 are tourists.
25 to 30,000 want to come to Canada in this crisis. We will all pay for that. They all hold dual citizenship. Our Liberal government essentially sold them citizenships and passports thinking it was a good deal. They found a way to slip in through the many loopholes in our immigration policy and our dual citizenship policy.
So these people will be coming to Canada without a residence without a job and of course immediately going on welfare. Many of them entered Lebanon on their Lebanese passports.
And besides the financial burden they will put on us, they will of course be plotting how to kill us and impose their Jihad on us because for sure they are infiltrated and riddled with Hizbullah.
I say only bring back the tourists.
Leave the rest of them to their own devices.they put themselves there, let them get themselves out.
Larsh, a mouse shouldn't go out of his way to bite a cat.
ReplyDeleteRead the article at Combs. There is nothing wrong with using disproportionate force when the result is justice.
So, you're saying that Israel can do whatever it wants over there because they're the cat of the neighbourhood?
ReplyDeleteWith $2B/year of U.S. support, it doesn't surprise me...
And the same way of thinking!!!
I'm saying Israel can do what is necessary to defeat Hezbollah and Hamas.
ReplyDeleteFirst Release
Neighbourhood Bully - Bob Dylan
Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man,
His enemies say he's on their land.
They got him outnumbered about a million to one,
He got no place to escape to, no place to run.
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully just lives to survive,
He's criticized and condemned for being alive.
He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick skin,
He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in.
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land,
He's wandered the earth an exiled man.
Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn,
He's always on trial for just being born.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized,
Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad.
The bombs were meant for him.
He was supposed to feel bad.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
He's the neighborhood bully.
He got no allies to really speak of.
What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love.
He buys obsolete weapons and he won't be denied
But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, he's surrounded by pacifists who all want peace,
They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease.
Now, they wouldn't hurt a fly.
To hurt one they would weep.
They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Every empire that's enslaved him is gone,
Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon.
He's made a garden of paradise in the desert sand,
In bed with nobody, under no one's command.
He's the neighborhood bully.
Now his holiest books have been trampled upon,
No contract he signed was worth what it was written on.
He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth,
Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health.
He's the neighborhood bully.
What's anybody indebted to him for?
Nothin', they say.
He just likes to cause war.
Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed,
They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed.
He's the neighborhood bully.
What has he done to wear so many scars?
Does he change the course of rivers?
Does he pollute the moon and stars?
Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill,
Running out the clock, time standing still,
Neighborhood bully.
So just to get this straight, there are some people posting here that think that when you enter a WAR you should limit your offensive and defensive capabilities to equal those of your ENEMY?
ReplyDeleteCan someone explain that to me please as it seems rather too stupid for me to believe that people are saying it? Surely, if you enter a war it should be your intention to defeat your enemy, not baby sit them so that they can harm you more.
Israel could have attacked water supplies,they could have used far greater force, they didn't have to air drop leaflets advising civilians to evacuate and thus giving forewarning of their targets and intentions. They've made great efforts and sacrificed strategic advantage to reduce civilian casualties and they didn't have to do that.
How much time was the alert and forewarning for the civilians?
ReplyDeleteWhy is it when those who complain about killing c`ivilians they do NOT highlight the warning given to civilians?
Why do some civilians not take heed and move?
I think the phenomena of equal force is because they think their cause is right and thus it should be age old an eye for an eye thing. Can someone remind me when Crusades were fought, was there this tip toe around the tulip to use as much force as the foe , granted that some crusades were won and some lost by either side, but was there ever the notion of equal force, an eye for an eye?
ReplyDeleteSomeone asked me at the top if I think the same way about the Arab Muslims lack of opportunity for good education? I doubt I think the same way because I feel sympathetic pity not joy of their lack. That young are born with different opportunities and with the lack of opportunities and with the wrong unfruitful indoctrination, they are led astray. The strength and force with which they could have applied themselves to more gainful secular studies is misdirected. It is force mis spent as the missiles that rained in israel from Hezbollah are wealth development opportunities energy mis spent wrongly spent and for which another 1-3 generations would suffer the mistake their elders made. If we can reach out to these, we can reduce the chance of this happening and if we cannot , these deviants will go into hiding and indoctrinate others their young and we will deal with future generations of these deviants again even if many of these deviants die in this war. Can we feel joy that in the future, if not us, then our future generations will clash with the future deviants again? No. We try to be wiser that we do what we must now and try to make sure that our future generation will not have to deal with the future deviants but that if they must, then they must like we must now. So there is no joy there is realistic appreciation of losses on both sides, and realistic appreciation of what the future could be bring.
ReplyDeletesince there was warning before bombing, how did the canadians die in lebanon? were they not warned and if yes, what were they doing at the intended bomb site/place?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I feel sympathy for people that have no opportunity either, but how precisely would you reach out them? First things first, we have to remove as much power, if not all power, from the militants in order to havethe opportunity to reach out at all. That, without question, means removing a few regimes. It means force because there ar eenough that don't want you reaching out - they want you dead.
ReplyDeleteGotta be able to stay in the classroom before you start the class.
PS. BEAJ, you said to let you know when I start posting on my blog again. I've started, but a totally different thing. The serious stuff will go in my new site when it's ready.
CD, I do not have brilliant answers or solutions to how to reach out to the deviants youths. That it has to be done, that it has to be done with the right attitude, that it is done with some wise dose of humility and wisdom , so that we can pave the way for a better future for our progenies.
ReplyDeleteThe deviants say they have a cause and are like regular army except they enjoy the secrecy of being guerillas and are thus hard to hunt down and hard to talk to as there is no state perpetuity of foreign diplomatic actions that are accountable in the world, world organisations, world opinion. How do we analyse that there is NO cause, is one item. Its about persuasion. Have u ever tried to persuade another person who is a belligerent mood? How far did it go and when did it succeed if it did. The skills and knowledge in that could shed some light.
Another item, is checking their school syllabus and TV programs and radio stations news and see what they are fed, and how to point out there are gross mis information. It has to be systematic and continuous and probably would require huge educational resources to undertake that . Sure there are Arab Muslim intellectuals who know that education is stagnating their society at large, though there are handful who do get a good secular education, the priviledged ones, like some on Digitally Arranged or one from Egypt. There are studies that abound on this stagnation and if organisations from israel and from the Arab Muslim world could work together to improve the quality of education, news, that would be a start. From BBC i read that, there is one or two history teachers from pales and Israel who exchanged notes in this area.
The task is big and immense but if one side just brushes off the other side as stupid and the other side brushes off the first side as land grabber and cruel, what hope is there for the future, even if the war is won now, in knocking down Hezb or downsizing it.
Whatever that can be done to improve relations with one's enemies has to be done even if it is unfruitful right now, while realistically too pursuing war objectives of dismantling Hezb. The two can go side by side and bloggers who are not in active military duty would fulfil the other role of reaching for peace and education and development.
This is my 2 cents worth. Maybe u have more and better ideas.
CD, I am not Jew, Israeli, nor Arab or Muslim. But what happens affects all of us in terms of short term war and long term march of humanity from when we found fire in the caves 700,000 years ago.
ReplyDeleteAnon and anon (maybe you're the same anon). I agree with you. I am no fan of genocide or violence and absolutely agree that future stability will come about from changing attitudes and that attitudes will change due to education and opprtunity. But ther eis more to this than that.
ReplyDeleteFor starters, you have to recognise that tostart educating people you need contact. Blogges will help, but most of the people you want to reach don't read blogs. Most of them don't read. Even if they do they certainly don't want to read what you write because there isthe fundamental issue of entrenched mistrust and hatred and a great deal of that is religously based. It's all well and good saying "We need to both listen and get them to listen to reason" but that assumes that people are responsive to reason and the absolutel truth is that virtually nobody on the planet is. They're all caught up in their stupid myths and superstitions and they have already elevated that above all reason.
You can't just send funds as it will be directed to violence. You can't appease because it just makes the aggressors stronger. Like it or not, we are in a situation similar to that before WW2 in which a large number of people are unwilling to recognise that there are such things as enemies and there are people that have an agenda so unbelievably different to yours that they don't respond to what you call reason. The use of force is enevitable in this particular dispute and it's already been being used for years. To stop this, one side is going to have to win and the other to lose. Once that happens, the winners will have the opportunity to work with the civilian losers to rebuild and improve.
Sorry for everyone involved really, but it's better to do it now than keep on waiting. Destroy Hizbollah, isolate Syria and Iran and attack them if they start causing more trouble (but do not occupy), do all we can to help rebuild Lebannon once Hizbollah are gone and build a stable and strong peace by helping them to have and use the opportunities that peace and partnership provides.
CD, if it is WWII, things will be simple, israel with strategic and tactical brillians and modern weaponry will win hands down in a few weeks if not days. But alas this is not WWII where we have open clear state actors and uniformed armies.
ReplyDeleteThis is different, because it is covert guerilla war fare that has won the sympathies of the townsfolk who harbor them or maybe they are threatened into harboring them.
Anyway, if u chose to look at it straight as win the war and help them rebuild, it is more probable than not it will not erase the deeper grievance.
Bloggers who read this, on the other side, if they are convinced [ and of course it could take a life time to convince them] can take action that can make profound changes, for they can reach out the periphery that has contact with the hezb thinkers or pales thinkers. Thus it matters, even if the chain of influence u cannot ever see. For instance see the vile in those sites where they display dead bodies of Pales as if that itself is reason to wage fight with israel.
If u can reach out to one or two from the other side, and if they are convinced, they can reach to one or two from their side and if we go by geometric progression the phenomena can be enormous in the long run.
How u reach out is how well u put across yr plan of action for now and for future to live in peace and co build a society together .
But Anon, they don't want to cobuild a society. They don't want ot be reached. They want you dead. They want the Israelis dead and ultimately they want an entirely Islamic world. This is the similarity between WW2 and now. The misunderstanding that an accord can be reached before there is a victor. It can not.
ReplyDeleteLet's reverse this to see the point. Islamic fundamentalists decide to reach out to me. They want me to come round to thier way off thinking. They have no intention of coming round to my way of thinking as what I believe is absoluteley evil and unacceptable to them. They can reach out all they want, but if truth be told if it comes to the time when I have to either join them or pick up a gun, I'll pick up a gun. They already have picked up the gun and arguably so have we. We are not goin to talk each other round as to each other we are purely evil and our ideologies cannot meld together because I am immovable and so are they. That will not change until one side has lost.
Reach out all you want, but the Islamofascists still have to go. Once they are gone you are going to find reaching out to be a far more effective policy because then the majority are no longer stuck (but usually highly biased) to one side. Both sides are always reaching. It'll work when only one side is reaching and that requires a victory and a defeat.
CD, do u agree that there are 12 million deviant Jihadis Muslims and 99% of 1.2 billion Muslims who are relatively the average Joe type?
ReplyDelete1% of 1.2 billion is 12 million, according to Steven of Digitally Arranged as maths is not my strong point though AJ did try to help me out on another Arab Muslim site.
ReplyDeleteFirst we need to identify the villians and the ideology, numbers. If u check out Daniel Pipes website he is known to sprout there are 10% vile Jihadis amongst 1.2 billion Muslims.
The 1% is a conservative figure and acceptable to serious Muslim intellectual thinkers who realise they have nut heads in their midst and hate this smear on islam caused by this nutheads gone astray.
Those(Muslims) who support the 1% is great. Those(Muslims) who make excuses for the 1% by blaming the West or Israel for the actions of the 1% is greater. Those(Muslims) who do something useful in getting rid of the 1% might be .0001%.
ReplyDeleteso let's break down
ReplyDelete1% vile Jihadis
>1% support the vile Jihadis. What type of support, state type of support.
> 1% [ different from item 2 above?] Muslims who blame Israel or West. State blame for what.
0.0001% Muslims do something useful to get rid of 1% vile Jihadis. What is the actual number , maths pls.
Also state yr estimate of >1% what is the range for items 2 and 3 above u have in mind and basis for that
Not good at linking, as not good at calculations maths, but the US Congress' House Resolution with overwhleming 410 yeas with 223 from Republicans and 186 from Democrats, just passed supporting Israel is H Res 921 . The link is through Library of Congress Thomas 109th Congress , 2d Session, H. Res. 921 1H .
ReplyDeleteI found the leftist Canadian TV news and the leftist CBC so sickening I turned it off. From now on I'm just listening to internet radio from Israel.
I heard this Peter Fuckamansbrige or Peter Fuckedwithbrickbats news anchor on CTV interview someone about the "civilian casualties" ..ohh how horrifying NOT and not once did they mention tht most of those DEAD PRICKS are Hizbollaoh supporters and Hizbollah themselves because "HIZBOLLAH DON'T WEAR FUCKING UNIFORMS YOU FUCKING IDIOT, PETER!" ..
So here is my asshole government bending over backwards to bring 25,000 freeloading homeless Islamic pro Hizbollah facists into my country that will repress us all with their Islamic political culture and work with our enemies to exterminate us. Fucking idiot Canadians welcome them in.
I gotta get out of this country and finnd a safe place in the orient away from Canadian patsies and Canadain terrorists.
I found a gem of an essay thtat actually made the mainstream news headline on google news...don't ask me how that happened, it just shows that all the "news" is just propaganda for one side or the other.
common voice
"Annan proposed a ceasefire, the early release of two captured Israeli soldiers and deployment of a peacekeeping force -- or the rapists and goof-offs wearing blue helmets -- on the Lebanon-Israel border.
So the top honcho at the UN wants yet another cease-fire in the Middle East? How brilliant! Now why didn't anyone else think of that before? Syndicated columnist and economist Thomas Sowell said in a column Thursday: "People are calling for a cease-fire in the interests of peace. But there have been more cease-fires in the Middle East than anywhere else. If cease-fires actually promoted peace, the Middle East would be the most peaceful region on the face of the earth instead of the most violent."
Yet the brilliant leftists in the US and the UN (not to mention the anti-Semites within Europe's liberal-left establishment) can't seem to grasp that simple fact.
The Kofi Plan, which he presented to the UN security council, calls for an international conference tasked with ensuring full implementation of UN resolutions demanding the disbanding and the disarming of what Kofi calls militias -- what normal people call terrorists -- including Hezbollah, in Lebanon.
Finally! The UN is actually going to implement a resolution they passed years ago to disarm Hezbollah. Of course, it begs the question of why Kofi and the UN despots and thugs waited until Israel started to annihilate the terrorists to give enforcing their resolution a try?
"Within hours -- HOURS! -- the United Nations security council takes a vote on a resolution condemning Israel. The only reason it doesn't pass is the other Great Satan, the USA, blocks the resolution. In fact, historically there are more resolutions against Israel than against any other country in the world including Iraq, the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Somalia, North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Nicaragua, etc."
If a culture produces 1 percent or .5 pervcent of a peopel that not only want to annhilate the West but have a good chance of nuking Israel (takes 3 nukes) and NYC and Toronto and actually have a good chance of exterminating us all then:
Kill all the bastards
Allone or two billion of them
we can do it, we got nukes ,
send them to the stone age,
finish them off while we still can.
What the heck!
ReplyDeleteHere is the whole article.
It's priceless!
common voice
Jim Kouri
July 21, 2006
"United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan on Thursday outlined his quickly
thrown-together plan to end the savaging of terrorists, and the unfortunate collateral death and destruction, in Lebanon at the hands of the Israelis.
Afterall, we can't have Israel attacking terrorists armed with rockets and missiles, now can we? That would be out of sync with the norm. Israeli civilians are the ones who should be killed by terrorists.
Annan proposed a ceasefire, the early release of two captured Israeli soldiers and deployment of a peacekeeping force -- or the rapists and goof-offs wearing blue helmets -- on the Lebanon-Israel border.
So the top honcho at the UN wants yet another cease-fire in the Middle East? How brilliant! Now why didn't anyone else think of that before? Syndicated columnist and economist Thomas Sowell said in a column Thursday: "People are calling for a cease-fire in the interests of peace. But there have been more cease-fires in the Middle East than anywhere else. If cease-fires actually promoted peace, the Middle East would be the most peaceful region on the face of the earth instead of the most violent."
Yet the brilliant leftists in the US and the UN (not to mention the anti-Semites within Europe's liberal-left establishment) can't seem to grasp that simple fact.
The Kofi Plan, which he presented to the UN security council, calls for an international conference tasked with ensuring full implementation of UN resolutions demanding the disbanding and the disarming of what Kofi calls militias -- what normal people call terrorists -- including Hezbollah, in Lebanon.
Finally! The UN is actually going to implement a resolution they passed years ago to disarm Hezbollah. Of course, it begs the question of why Kofi and the UN despots and thugs waited until Israel started to annihilate the terrorists to give enforcing their resolution a try?
The Kofi Plan would also establish a "donor framework, with immediate effect, to secure funding for an urgent package of aid, reconstruction and development for Lebanon."
In other words more goodies at the expense of US taxpayers for more of the same nonsense that has become the hallmark of UN programs. Too bad Lebanon isn't an oil producing country, then the UN folks could make a mint accepting bribes, just like they did in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Winston Churchill once defined foreign aid as "taking money from poor people in a rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries."
The UN secretary general, who has just returned from a European tour, told the security council that these ideas were suggested by the UN mediation team he sent to the region in consultations with Lebanese and Israeli leaders. Now that sounds like a real brain trust -- a mediation team from the UN. Perhaps they should send a special diplomatic envoy such as Joe "Legend in His Own Mind" Wilson.
"Both the deliberate targeting by Hezbollah of Israeli population centers with hundreds of indiscriminate weapons and Israel's disproportionate use of force and collective punishment of the Lebanese people must stop," Annan said.
He also said the abducted Israeli soldiers "must be released as soon as possible" and Israel "must allow humanitarian agencies access to civilians." No folks, he meant Islamic civilians, not Jewish ones. They can take care of themselves, right Kofi?
Annan also proposed that "an expanded peacekeeping force" be deployed along the Blue Line -- the border between Lebanon and Israel -- to stabilize the situation and work with the Beirut government to "help strengthen its army and deploy it fully throughout the area."
By the way, that's the same Army the Lebanese said would help Hezbollah if Israel deployed ground forces into Lebanon to finish off the terrorists and cutthroats. So let's build up Lebanon's army, by all means.
There you have it -- the Kofi Plan. Perhaps they can publish it as a Kofi Table Book for those who'll wish to read it in the future when Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist groups decide to unleash their next wave of terror. And don't be fooled by anyone -- these terrorists are not just going to pack it in because the ineffective United Nations is involved. They know what most American politicians won't admit -- the United Nations is a humorless joke.
What distresses this writer so much is that with every other crisis in the world, the UN is slow to act, and when it does, it usually fails.
Rwanda is a perfect example. True genocide was occurring in that African nation, with bodies constantly floating down rivers, and homes -- men, women and children still occupying them -- burned to the ground. Hundreds of thousands slaughtered. Yet, except for a few Blue Helmets, who were ordered to not fire at the barbarians killing for the sake of killing, the United Nations could not get their act together.
In Dafur, Sudan, another African community suffering at the hands of radical Islamists, it's taken months for the UN to simply acknowledge the killing there should be classified as "genocide." And they're still trying to figure out what action to take in order to stop the mass murders.
Nevermind their tepid attempts at dealing with North Korea and Iran. The problem with these wannabe nuclear powers is sitting on the UN security council -- Russia and China, who've been peddling arms to these countries like there's no tomorrow, meanwhile no one, including the President of the United States, condemns them.
However, two terrorist groups violate Israel's sovereignty; kidnap and kill Israeli soldiers; and indiscriminately fire rockets and missiles at Israeli cities; and it's business as usual in the United Nations building in New York City, where despots and thugs live the high-life on some poor bastard's dime.
Yet, the minute -- the second -- the Israelis retaliate and take the fight to the enemy, the first thing out of the mouths of world leaders is "Israel is going to far." "They are using disproportionate violence." "We must have a cease-fire." The UN jumps into action to help the Lebanese people and the Number Two UN leader criticizes Israel and calls for solidarity with the Lebanese and Palestinians.
The left-wingers in the United States blame Bush and make statements comparing Israel with Nazi Germany. France quickly dispatches their foppish prime minister to Lebanon to show solidarity with that country, while at the same time condemning Israel's use of force against terrorists.
Within hours -- HOURS! -- the United Nations security council takes a vote on a resolution condemning Israel. The only reason it doesn't pass is the other Great Satan, the USA, blocks the resolution. In fact, historically there are more resolutions against Israel than against any other country in the world including Iraq, the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Somalia, North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Nicaragua, etc.
The point is, if the leftists in the US want to see the United Nations deal with all the crises existing today, and with future crises, all you need to do is hypnotize them into believing they are acting against the Jews living on a tiny sliver of land -- of which they've been prodded into giving up half to a people who want them all dead -- surrounded in a sea of Muslims who want the Jewish State annihilated. Do that, then stand back and watch the thugs and despots come alive."
Max, what are u rattling about the lefties in USA? If u mean the average Dem rep and card carrying member, hope u read the full resolution passed by House today 20 July 2006 Hse Res 921 , you can peep at Library of Congress Thomas , punch in house resolution 921 . The Dem supported the resolution. There are some Lebanese American rep who voted against it.
ReplyDeleteAnd Steven, so u are awake, about time. Yes it is simple maths, 1+1=2, and if the Hezb and Pales wise up they will progress otherwise they will regress unfortunately.
The truth from Soutern Lebanon:
ReplyDeleteReporters have been in Southern Lebanon to check out the "civilian caualties".
Look at the anwers they got.
Apparently most pricks that died there, deserved it, except (most ) women and childern. For their deaths we can blame their husbands and /or parents and Hizbollah.
the truth from Southern Lebanon
MALE REPORTER: "So you're saying that the Israeli charge that Hezbollah uses civilians as a shield to conduct their own activities, you're saying that that's wrong."
NABOLSI: "The Israelis always invent a pretext to take action. In 1982 when they invaded Lebanon..."
When asked whether there were military targets in the neighborhood, Nabolsi gave this response. "You came from the moon? We live in Lebanon! This is Lebanon. This is our land. This is our area. This is where we live," he said.
Anon: resoultions not withstanding:
ReplyDeleteCanada and America are riddled with scumbag leftists.
canada has more leftists than America and more hezbollah.
We are the country of maple syrup terrorism.
We are bringing back about 5000, genuine tourists and 25,000 pro hizbollah muslim shits to destroy our country.
From Israeli National Radio:
ReplyDeleteThe rockets that hit Haifa had a 220 pound explosive payload and were loaded with ball bearing to inflict maximum civilian death. There were Syrian made parts found in the debris.
As of the day the 8 workers were killed, Hizbullah had launched 1,300 rockets and were thought by intelligence to have 12 to 15,000 rockets remaining some of which could possibly it Tel Aviv.
This is concerning rockets , as far as guided missiles that was not discussed.
An Israeli spokesman condemned UN Kofi Annan saying there was one word missing from his entire speech and that word was ..
That is a perfect description of Moonbats, the UN and most silent Muslims:
ReplyDeleteTerrorist Enablers.
I think this term should be used more.
Max, since u are on the roll, why don't u go to the UK leftist press online website Guardian Unlimited and review their coverage ?
ReplyDeleteDid anon mean this?
Yes Max, google Guardian Unlimited , it is more worthwhile for you to address and counter argue the Guardian's position or findings than advocate every one of them than disarm the Hezbollah. You will find plenty to occupy you. Their reports are read globally and thus it is worthwhile to see what they are analysing and how their analysis is shaping world view esp leftist views and how u can counter them
ReplyDeleteAJ, I have not checked this out switch3.castup.net but it seems it is sth sent out by aljazeerah or sth like this., rushed. if good recommend.
ReplyDeleteYou know why Nastyrella has destroyed Lebanon and brought the wrath of Israel on himslef and had so many civilians martyred by parking his BMW Katyushka rocket launchers in foront of theri homes and why he loves it the war even when Hizbollah is all but ruined and even when he is driven accross the river into th eNorth?
ReplyDeleteBecause if make him famous It makes him the Arab hero .
He can always get another million arabs to die for his fame glory and financing. They are like the grains of sand. Arab lives are cheap.
It's all about personal power, Millions are sacrificed to make one person look important.
Hey but that's Isalmic Jihad!
You know as Rocky Balboa said
"It's a living".
Imagine There's No Israel
By John Lennon and Laika the Space Dog
Inspired by the progressive Daily Koz
Imagine there's no Israel
It's easy if you try
No Jews around us
Why can't they all just die
Imagine all the Hebrews
Pushed into the sea...
Imagine there's no America
It isn't hard to do
No right-wing freedoms
And no Bushies too
Imagine all the hippies
Living life in dhimmi...
You may say I'm a schemer
But I'm for progress of mankind
Life could be so much simpler
If some people would just die
Imagine no possesions
Communism can....
Nobody has to be workin'
In a big collective of man
We'll satisfy our needs
By stealing all the wealth...
You may say I'm a schemer
But I'm for progress of mankind
Life could be so much simpler
If some people would just die