July 23, 2006

Just Added A Few More Blogs To My Blogroll

Blogs on my blogroll have to meet one of a few requirements. Most have to deal with reality(which of course, could include Atheism) and/or the War on Terror(which of course, is reality). I also will blogroll anyone who blogrolls me. Yes even if a religious Moonbat blogrolls me, I will blogroll them. That is just the way I am. Do you hear that Kos?

I happened to stumble upon Strong As An Ox And Nearly As Smart a day or two ago and found this gem:

I almost feel sorry for the Muslim who phoned in..............almost.

The Last Amazon found me. I checked out the blog. Good current stuff about Israel.

Everyone who reads my blog and has even a remote interest in the middle east should read the following posts at Professor Kurgman's Beautiful Mind:
Conflict in the Middle East: A History is hysterical. Conflict in the Middle East: Solutions is extremely funny as well (who said sequels have to suck?)

The good Professor left a link in my comments for an article that literally made me laugh so hard I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

I can't argue with this short piece from Girl On The Right.

Dr. Sanity lives up to her name. All you need to do is check out his last 4 or 5 posts to find out.

In the world of Atheists, the notorious Choobus, a legend from the Raving Atheist forums, has just started a blog. I expect it to be vile, degrading, and a laugh a minute.......OK, I just checked his last post. Parental warning alert bigtime.

Just one more thing I'd like to add. I'm not a spelling Nazi, but I do find that many of my ThEIst blog pals who rightfully place me on their blogroll, wind up spelling AthEIst wrong.
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  1. Well you racist judeo-nazi terrorist cunt, would you even list "No God Blog"?

    Here is what you nazi jews are doing in Lebanon.


    Of course I know that a wimp coward judeo-nazi like you won't let this last long, but you know why I am posting.

  2. Seek help Bernarda. I'm going to keep your comment here, just so my friends can laugh at your idiocy.

  3. heh heh heh...Choobus is FUNNY... definitely subscribed to him.

    And ditto on the idiocy of "bernarda" with, conveniently of course, NO contact info. Bonehead...

  4. Dr. Sanity is a woman, and a proud member of the Cotillion (www.cotillion.mu.nu).

    Looks like having "Jew" in your blog title really brings out the crazies, especially at a time like this. Send them over to me - I have a task force for dealing with anti-semites like that!


  5. Thanks RG, I will make the proper corrections. I jumped the gun when I saw "Dr." I forgot there are women Doctors too:)

    Having Jew in my blog title is almost as bad as having Atheist to many people.

    Bernarda is a crazed anti-semite from France, who is an Atheist, yet sides with the crazed Palestinians. I think she is an ethnic Arab or former Muslim.

    You don't want her to be a regular on your blog..,..you really don't. She needs meds.

  6. I wandered over from the no god blog and read some of your posts. I wonder if you would enjoy some news analysis from a website I built with a friend of mine? Check out http://www.pinr.com/. They have "Intelligence Brief: Israel's Strategic Security" on the home page at the moment. I don't do the writing, just the design, but I think they do a good job and thought you might enjoy some of their reporting.

  7. Thanks Spanders. It looks interesting.

  8. Well, I am quite impressed a-theistjew, for the first time in your life you have shown some balls, though maybe you still miss the end of your dick.

    Maybe some of you non-zionist readers will look up the pictures of the Israeli terrorists massacring Lebanese women and children.


    If anyone needs care and treatment, it is the hypocritical supporters of apartheid Israel.

    "The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself."


    I also see that I shamed a-theistjew into relinking NoGodBlog.

  9. Actually Bernarda, if you look a few posts down, I have quoted the piece of crap from the Washington post.
    I saw the ridicule you were receiving at the No God Blog so I put them back on my blogroll.

    Over the last 3 or 4 months the tide has turned. The fence sitters are now fed up with radical Islam, the Palis, and Hezbollah.

    You are nothing but an impotent whiner Bernarda. Your campaign to villify Israel is as dead as ID.

  10. bernarda, you are just another sick person who has issues with death porn. You don’t see any other people anywhere in the world who have this perversion for death porn other than in the Arab world. Children die in conflicts all over the world including in Israel. But only the Arabs are sick enough to pass them around like porn between friends. You are sick in the head and obsessed with death especially that of children. You and your whole culture need therapy and lots of it.

    Showing these types of photos doesn’t get you points with anyone. All showing them does is prove how sick you and your ilk are. If it wasn’t for the high levels of illiteracy in the Arab world I expect you wouldn’t have to pass photos like these around. Since a picture tells a thousand words the dead kids say it all to the under educated the tyrannical governments people like you support create. Jews are bad they kill kids without the having to deal with the sub text. Weapons stored in home, mosque used as shelter for freedom fighters, citizens told if they evacuate they are traders, children used as human shield. Go peddle your filth with people who are interested you twisted mental case.

  11. jhrhv --

    Love your comments about death porn.


    Israel bends over backwards to limit civilian casualities. In contrast, Hezbollah deliberately targets civilians. In fact, killing every civilian Jew in Israel is their raison d'etre.

    What's Israel supposed to do? Kidnap two Hezbollah soldiers, and fire Iranian-supplied rockets into Lebanon? Please.

  12. "Most have to deal with reality(which of course, could include Atheism) and/or the War on Terror(which of course, is reality). I also will blogroll anyone who blogrolls me. "

    Aww, man, I'm not realistically serious or political- this means you brolled me as a returned favor? Bacon, I'm hurt!

    (not really)

  13. Hey Bacon, did you hear the latest from Iran?
    "Iranian president urges Israel to move out of Mideast

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned on Sunday that Israel would be destroyed by its ongoing battle with Lebanon's Hezbollah guerillas, urging Israel to "bale and move out of Mideast", local media reported.

    "I suggest that they (Israelis) bale and move out of Mideast before the fire they have launched in Lebanon catches them," Ahmadinejad was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying.

    "Israel has pushed the button of its own destruction by attacking Lebanon," said the president, adding "Israel and its allies must apologize for their policies, or the people in the region will respond."

    Ahmadinejad also accused the United States and Britain of assisting Israel in attacking Lebanon and the Palestinians, saying "Britain and the U.S. are accomplices of the Zionist regime in its crimes."

    "Haughty countries have founded a base to threaten nations in the region, the occupier regime (Israel)'s philosophy is based on threats, invasion and massacre, and today it has reached its end point," he continued."


    Why isn't the Canadain Leftist media reporting htis? We got a big problem, as Canadians. We don't have a democratic voice in the mainstream. The muslim extrmeists and the leftists have hijacked our democracy. On the blogoshepher all points of view are being presented . On national paper and TV only the left and the muslim extremist POV is presented. They haul outthe Arab league to attack Israel.. People are afraid to ask pertinent questions because of political correctness. The muslim extremeists who want us dead will complain that we are bing racist. The cowardly media and the leftists are selling us out.
    We have to get our voice out in the public arena, in the media!

  14. Simply, Israel must attack Iran. If Israel waits, Iran becomes stronger and the inevitable future war more costly. The fallacy of warfare which has entrapped the West is that you only fight to your opponent's capabilities. A fair fight may excite boxing fans, but the survival of a nation is not sport.

    When Israel attacks Iran, we had better be ready to defend from terrorist attacks and attack Iran ourselves. Another fallacy of our times is that a sovereign nation cannot be attacked if it harbors terrorists but doesn't overtly use its own forces. The stupidity of allowing terrorists sanctuary didn't make sense even when North Vietnam had the USSR and China as protectors, and it makes no sense at all now that those two powers are not players.

    George Bush the Elder listened to all the smart guys and outsmarted himself. Real politick was born of Cold War cynicism, perpetuating un-democratic states as a balance against the power of others. Nothing is solved, only the tensions are preserved to play havoc another day.

  15. I know a lot of people don't like him but this makes sense direct quote from Dershowitz. More important seemed pretty in line with the content of the original post.

    "The laws of war and the rules of morality must adapt to these realities. An analogy to domestic criminal law is instructive: A bank robber who takes a teller hostage and fires at police from behind his human shield is guilty of murder if they, in an effort to stop the robber from shooting, accidentally kill the hostage. The same should be true of terrorists who use civilians as shields from behind whom they fire their rockets. The terrorists must be held legally and morally responsible for the deaths of the civilians, even if the direct physical cause was an Israeli rocket aimed at those targeting Israeli citizens."

  16. One of my recent posts is doing well garnering votes on Real Clear Politics, Reader Articles. It is A Nation Of Tinkers , and the money line is "Hamas says they won’t honor any of the agreements previously made with Israel. So much for Bill Clinton’s legacy as Tinker-in-Chief."

    The point of my post is we keep trying to tinker with something that doesn't get the job done, instead of ripping it out and replacing it with something that works.

    The Mid-East perpetual crisis, and the world-wide Islamofascist movement, are two shining examples. We're trying to treat cancer like a cold sore.

  17. Max, the Canadian media at least hasn't hampered Harper...for now.

    Major, thanks for showing up. Great comment. Wars are not won by doing the eye for an eye thing. Wars are won in the same way Japan was defeated, when you are dealing with those who won't stop until they are destroyed.

    Jhrhv, great point.

  18. Major, you are preaching to the choir.

  19. As a weak-kneed agnostic, I love to get up there behind that pulpit and hear a few "Amens."


  20. Major, I gotta get my 5 to 6 hours. Come by again. I appreciate your input.

  21. I have a serious, honest question for all the pro-Israel crowd here:
    What would it take for any of you to change your current stance?
    There's no hidden rhetorical trap here. I'm genuinely curious.
    What would it take for any of you to do a complete 180?
    I'm not going to hand out statistics, or try to convince any of you otherwise: my position is not the question I'm posing. I have no answers. I won't offer any counter-evidence.
    If you can't respond w/o acrimony, or name-calling, don't bother answering, please.
    Just simply: what would change your mind?

  22. "What would it take for any of you to change your current stance?"

    Lebanon/Hezbollah returns two soldiers, and stops the rocket fire.

  23. RA, Are you talking about what would it take to not support Israel, or are you talking about the common view that radical Islam is a cancer that needs to be removed?

  24. Ra, the pro-Israel stance does not need changing pro-Israel people want peace to break out not war. So if what you mean by a 180 is to become a zombie who would rather focus on death and trying to wipe a tiny nation off the map instead of building an economy schools etc don’t expect my stance to change anytime soon.

    Wondering about civilian deaths check this out. http://www.malas-noticias.com.ar/Escudos_Humanos5.jpg

  25. Both CTV and CBC are leftist . They don't represent all of Canada. It is a big problem. Th mainstramm cannot get the information we all know.

    It's not enough to simply stop the rocket attacks. The possession of nuclear awste (dirty bomb) rockets and guided missiles (targeting nuclear reactors) means Hizb must be disarmed in Southern Lebanon.
    .. and next year the guided misilles might have nukes.. it only takes three to wipe out Israel.

    Nice pic.. any of them could be Hizb even though only one has uniform and it looks like there are two there.

    Wish they would air that on CTV.

  26. Max, I'm fighting Moonbats on two fronts. Check this out.

    And then check this out.

    Max, you are needed to whack these people.

  27. BEAJ:
    RA, Are you talking about what would it take to not support Israel
    The former. Though the latter makes for an interesting question as well.
    So if what you mean by a 180 is to become a zombie who would rather focus on death and trying to wipe a tiny nation off the map
    Not what I meant. See, that's what I meant by acrimony.

  28. Not to be difficult RA, but can you ask the question more specifically. I'm having a hard time understanding it.

  29. BEAJ:
    Not to be difficult RA, but can you ask the question more specifically.
    Sure. I understand.
    What would it take (hypothetically) for someone, like yourself, to renounce your support for Israel?
    It's an honest question, is all. What would it take?
    Again, not making an argument for it. There are limits to all things: allegiance, loyalty, etc. Call it what you will.
    I just want an honest answer. Just curious, is all.

  30. Ra is asking in a specific way the general question ...

    Is it possible for you to admit that Israel could ever be wrong, and if so can you cite a specific example?

    You might want to consider the possibility that it is you that is the moonbat.

  31. First Paul, I don't think any country is perfect. I think the West Bank settlements were a mistake, that didn't show much looking into the future, however I also believe it to be a Red Herring when it comes to what Palestinians will accept. To say Israel's formation and right to exist is wrong is like saying America, Canada, or Australia's right to exist is wrong.
    I do think with the past anti-semitism in the world prior to Israel's creation and now currently, Israel serves a purpose as a final refuge for Jews anywhere to go without hastle in case anti-semitism explodes anywhere. 2,000 French Jews proved that last year when they left for Israel.

    RA, I would have the same difficulty not supporting Canada or the USA as civilized countries as I would in not supporting Israel.
    Israel isn't doing much wrong in my eyes. She is trying to live. If the Arabs dropped their arms there would be peace. If Israel dropped their arms there would be no Israel.

    So I guess the answer for me not to support Israel would be, if the Arabs dropped their arms, and Israel didn't act peacefully, I wouldn't support them.

  32. BEAJ:
    RA, I would have the same difficulty not supporting Canada or the USA as civilized countries as I would in not supporting Israel.
    I suppose that's a fair answer.

    Is it possible for you to admit that Israel could ever be wrong, and if so can you cite a specific example?
    I suppose that's 1 way of putting it.
    You might want to consider the possibility that it is you that is the moonbat.
    I think it behooves every rational, honest, thinking being to pose that question of themselves.
    It's much harder to walk the middle road.

  33. the middle road discount the possibility that one side miht be right or the other wrong.

  34. choosedoubt:
    the middle road discount the possibility that one side miht be right or the other wrong.
    Given your monicker, what an ironic statement.
    No, I'm not talking about the wishy-washy crapola most progressive lefties use.
    I'm talking about weighing all the facts prior to conclusion.

  35. BEAJ:
    but I do find that many of my ThEIst blog pals who rightfully place me on their blogroll, wind up spelling AthEIst wrong.
    It's that old 'i before e except after c' rule.
    What I think is hysterical, is when we get a troll posing as an atheist on the NGB, & they misspell the word.
    Dead giveaway. You can't even spell what you are?

  36. If you weren't such a blow hard, somebody might actually give you a hearing.

  37. You sure make alot of noise for somebody who has nothing to say.
