I was browsing through one of my favorite new resources,
POPURLS, when I came across a post named
Atheists vs. Agnostics vs. Religionists- Or Are They All The Same?The post is full of flawed premises, half truths, and revisionist history. The blog writer of Duly Consider prides himself on being a Critical Thinker. He even taught Critical Thinking abroad. This self acclaimed intellectual
calls atheism a religion. He is apparently an expert Flawed Thinker. But he invents meanings for words, so maybe critical=flawed to him just like atheism= a religion to him.
Without slaughtering the post line by line (the Hippie movement for example may not have been churchgoing, but they were all about "God Is Love; not Pacifist atheists for the most part), I've decided to just explain why atheism has gained popularity of late.
Up until recently, few would dare state they were atheist. Rob Reiner's character (Mike Stivic), was probably the first TV atheist, though very little story line revolved around it. Back then more than now, atheists tended to use the rejection of the God in the bible as a defense. Personally, I don't bother with that stuff, because as more evidence comes out due to scientific breakthroughs and archaeological discoveries, not only do all the bibles have nonsensical contradictions, but most of the events that supposedly took place could never have happened...like the Ark and the Exodus. The word of God is just the word of man written hundreds of years after the "fact."
TV was full of religious programs on Sunday mornings in the 60's. God was everywhere (though rarely mentioned in popular sitcoms like Gilligan's Island, Batman, Bewitched, etc.) How come they never prayed to get off the Island? OK, I'm getting off topic.
It was really television and real science that has created today's atheist movement.
Star Trek got everyone thinking about life on other planets and the size of the universe, and really the meaning of everything. In fact, for me, I can say that Marvin the Martian got me thinking too. As a kid, it got me wondering why is religion needed, what miracles did God perform on Mars? What church did Marvin go to?
Lets not forget that the Big Bang, is a fairly new theory that came about in the early 60's. Shows like Nova constantly contradicted the idea of any biblical God. As all the facts came about, including all discoveries that confirmed evolution throughout the 70's and 80's, more and more atheists were being created (I was probably agnostic until I hit my early 30's). I became an atheist because of information.
Atheists actually had evidence versus lack of evidence to make them feel more comfortable about their overall gut feeling about the bibles being fiction.
The Christian Right started to offend a more defiant group of non believers. The more they stated evolution didn't happen, the more I personally read about evolution, and the more sure I became that THEY ARE JUST PLAIN WRONG. And when they want to push their nonsense into schools and other public places, the more offensive they became.
The thing is that ATHEISTS KNOW THEY (me included) ARE RIGHT.
The article states that the religious war (Christians versus Muslims) Iraq war caused angry atheists to become outspoken today. Wrong. I'm an atheist, and I realize that the war with Iraq is not a religious one, but a cultural one. It was inevitable that the West was going to fight a Muslim country, just like it was inevitable that someone was going to use the A-bomb when it was discovered.
The reason atheists have become outspoken today is because of the internet. The internet has given us a platform to point out views, and the flaws of religious thought and most importantly, action.