OK, I read this story quickly at Eye On The World; Canadian town to immigrants: You can't stone women
My first reaction is that I thought that would be in the books of all of Canada already. It went on:
"Therefore we consider it completely outside these norms to ... kill women by stoning them in public, burning them alive, burning them with acid, circumcising them etc." No face coverings for women unless it is Halloween. You don't like it, don't come here.
Sounds good. I'm in full agreement. I wonder what the Dearborn population would be like if this was spelled out like Herouxville, a town of 1300 people in Quebec, is spelling it out. Basically, take your Sharia Law and shove it up Mohammed's pooper. Don't even think about it.
One of Eye On The World's commenters stated:
So, in this case, the villagers of Herouxville are simply being islamoprudential.
I like it.
Even this sounds good:
"We invite people from all nationalities, all languages, all sexual orientations, whatever, to come live with us, but we want them to know ahead of time how we live."
That is cool. Except they really mean, "we don't just mean we don't want Muslims" and I'm ashamed to admit that my islamoprudence didn't allow me to see it. I then read this upon further research:
'The town also criticized Muslim halal and Jewish kosher dietary requirements.
"If our children eat meat, for example, they don't need to know where it came from or who killed it. Our people eat to nourish the body, not the soul," the councilors wrote.'
They went way too far for me. And I'm sure they are being hypocritical too. Do the children also not need to know if food contains peanut oil, for example?
Then I found out that the place is 96% Catholic. I'll bet they didn't get the Pope's memo that state the Jews didn't kill Jesus because they didn't bother translating it into their
They didn't stop at Jews either:
'The newspaper said Sikhs were angered by the town's refusal to recognize the ceremonial daggers called kirpans men wear on their legs, while Jehovah's Witnesses protested the town saying doctors didn't require permission to perform blood transfusions.'
You know what, I agree with the above too. But the stupid Froggies had to take issue with Kosher food.
I have no problem with food stores not carrying Kosher foods if it isn't economically viable, but to introduce this into legislation is the height of assmonkeyness.
I know many readers will think I'm getting over defensive of "my people," I just want to say that Jews don't blow things up in the West and they don't look for new members. They don't reject medical procedures that save lives, and they don't carry weapons for religious purposes. They don't cover their faces either, sometimes just the top of their heads....this doesn't allow for potential dangerous situations or identification problems which could pose security problems one day.
But to some religious Jews, staying Kosher is important to them. And it is not a threat to anyone else.
These Froggies showed they are not trying to be prudent, just intolerant. Maybe someone should translate this video into Froggie for them:
I realize Quebec is starting to find out what Islam is all about, but it might be too late. I'm still routing for separation. Ever since I was jealous that my grade 8 French teacher had more hair on her chin than I did, I've had it in for the Froggies.