July 21, 2007


Many Protestants/Baptists believe that Catholics are not real Christians. Of course, many Catholics, including the Pope, think that non Catholics are not Christians either.
I figure I might as well make a video on the subject:) Enjoy:

This video was Stardust inspired:

Pope says other Christians not true churches and most recently, Dueling Christians Continued...

July 18, 2007

What Theists Can't Answer

Michael Gerson recently wrote an article in the Washington Post, What Atheists Can't Answer.
The question he states that atheist can't answer is:

How do we choose between good and bad instincts? Theism, for several millennia, has given one answer: We should cultivate the better angels of our nature because the God we love and respect requires it.

He goes on with some assmonkey rhetoric:

Atheism provides no answer to this dilemma. It cannot reply: "Obey your evolutionary instincts" because those instincts are conflicted. "Respect your brain chemistry" or "follow your mental wiring" don't seem very compelling either. It would be perfectly rational for someone to respond: "To hell with my wiring and your socialization, I'm going to do whatever I please." C.S. Lewis put the argument this way: "When all that says 'it is good' has been debunked, what says 'I want' remains."

The reality is that not only is the atheist answer to the question simple, it is also based on reality.

We have evolved a mindset that allows us to be inclined to be able to survive and procreate and to do our best for our offspring to survive as well, just like every other animal on this planet. By survival, I am talking about food, shelter, getting along with mates, and avoiding predators which includes doing stuff that will make someone else want to kill us with certainty.

Yes, we are conflicted, the selfishness that comes with our individual survival (which could lead to "bad" behavior) versus doing things that appear good or altruistic in order not to piss others off, and even doing good things on the expectation that "if I open the door for you, you will open the door for me."

Culture does add rules as well. Laws that remind us to be good or pay the consequences (jail not hell). Culture norms that keep us in good standing in the culture as well, influence us. Most norms and laws are just common sense that benefits our evolutionary survival written down on paper.

Good and bad instincts are constantly being weighed in our brains, mostly subconsciously. Good instincts win out usually, because we would be extinct by now if they didn't.

Now for the question that theists can't answer. I am defining theists in this case as anyone who thinks we need a belief in God to be able to choose between right from wrong:

How do chimpanzees decide between good and bad instincts?

Before you say they don't. Read this:

Chimps may display genuine altruism

CHIMPS are not known for their manners, but it turns out they are more civilised than we give them credit for. They seem happy to help both unrelated chimps and unfamiliar humans, even if it means exerting themselves for no reward.

True altruism - completely unselfish acts for somebody else's benefit - was until recently considered uniquely human. When animals help, the theory went, they either help relatives, thereby increasing chances of passing shared genes to the next generation, or they count on having favours returned in the future.

Now Felix Warneken and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have found that 12 of 18 semi-wild chimpanzees went out of their way to help an unfamiliar human who was struggling to reach a stick. They even did this when they first had to climb into a 2.5-metre-high ropeway and for no reward. Equivalent experiments ...

or this

Chimps get angry but not spiteful, study finds

LONDON (Reuters) - An angry chimpanzee will take revenge but -- unlike a human -- it will not do so out of spite, according to a study published on Monday that offers insights into how people perceive what is fair.

The study showed chimpanzees would seek retribution when wronged but did not punish others out of spite, for instance if another chimpanzee was better off, said Keith Jensen, an evolutionary biologist at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, who led the study.

Scientists had debated whether a sense of fairness and social comparison applied only to humans and the study was an attempt to answer some of the questions, Jensen said in a telephone interview.

"Like humans, chimpanzees retaliate against personally harmful actions, but unlike humans, they are indifferent to simply personally disadvantageous outcomes and are therefore not spiteful," he and colleagues wrote in a study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences.

The study suggests that anger is an important motivational force but what causes it differs greatly between chimpanzees and humans, Jensen said.

"Humans and apes both get upset at theft but humans are more likely to get upset at unfairness," he said.

For more reaction to Gerson's article check out Rank Atheism and also An Atheist Responds by Christopher Hitchens.

Big H/T to Internet Infidels News Wire, a great place for what is hot in the world of belief and atheism.

July 13, 2007


I knew this lying hypocritical imbecile looked familiar when I saw his video "Daniel Pearl I Am Happy Your Dead:)" He is the same POS who Richard Dawkins interviewed in his Root of All Evil documentary. Yes, Takferi is Yousef Al-Khattab aka Joseph Cohen. A Jew, who grew up secular in Brooklyn, and turned Orthodox at 18. He went to an Israeli settlement, where one day, his already mushed up brain fell for a pitch made by a Muslim on the internet. Since that time he has been an Al Qaeda loving Muslim. His wife, also an ethnic Jew and former Orthodox Jew, stuck with him and he has also polluted the minds of his children.

Here is the Dawkins interview (it is a good one as it includes the Teapot Atheist analogy after Dawkins spits out a piece of Cohen):

Joseph isn't very bright. His Youtube videos are full of double talk and back tracking as well. It isn't very difficult to see right through the retard.

Here is his story of conversion. I'm sure it isn't the exact truth, because of his history of changing his stories:

The Dawkins piece was a little different this time out. The first time I saw it, Cohen stated that he converted because he went to pick up his kids and saw female teachers showing too much leg. He is really a depraved individual.

UPDATE: Youtube pulled his account today. Personally, I want it still there for the world to see.

The Jawa Report has a great post
on him (including a link to my blog). There is a good possibility the POS is in New York once more, and not Morocco. If the loon winds up going to Utah, I wonder if he'll become a Mormon next:)

July 11, 2007

Muslims Like This Make Me Sick

This video is called: Daniel Pearl I Am Happy Your Dead:) "Your"?

Takferi represents exactly why the West has a big problem trusting Muslims. Do moderate Muslims exist? This idiot would call himself moderate, because he doesn't condone the head chopping. It is like me saying I don't condone slaughterhouses while eating a steak.

He is a raving hypocrite. Pearl did not kill anyone, yet Takferi blames him because he was a Jew who supported Israel, so he basically says that all Jews who support Israel are guilty for any Palestinian deaths, yet takes exception that people blame all Muslims for acts of terrorism. Not only that, but he lies by saying that Muslims are killed for being born Palestinian. He also called Pearl a spy. Why? Because he was an investigative journalist? The mentality of those like Takferi is mind boggling.

The hypocrisy really gets to me. He calls himself an American, yet here is a quote by him under his Youtube video:

takferi (12 hours ago)
we can't enjoy it when the capitalist athiests send daniel pearls to our lands to spy and commit treason. thank you for ur post and concern.

Our lands? OK, so Muslims can come to Western lands, but the West can't come to "Muslim land." I see. And what is the definition of spy or treason to this imbecile?

It is just like the fact that over 10 million people in Brazil today are of Lebanese descent, yet the Arab world took a hissy fit, when Jews started migrating to the non sovereign region of Palestine prior to 1948. Hypocrisy reigns supreme in the Muslim world.

Update: It seems that the hypocritical Muslim has changed the title using proper English. He also has not allowed any posted comments since 1 PM EST. I know I have two pending comments, and I'm sure there are many more.

He also has a Web Site that states: UNITE AND CONQUER Oh yes, the motto of the religion of peace:)

July 7, 2007

Border Collie Watches Border Collies Watching Border Collies

A quickie. Nothing to do with the fact that there is no evidence that God exists, or that Jesus or Moses existed either. Just my best friend Daisy watching a TV show about border collies who watch border collies on TV. It is sort of surrealistic video, though I have no idea what I'm talking about. Enjoy, it is just over 30 seconds.