February 9, 2005

Mid Life Crisis

I have always said that we only have one shot at life, we might as well make the most of it. We are priviledged to be able to think and interact, even if we are here for just a minute period of infinity.
Being monogamous definitely isn't making the most out of life. I don't care what anyone says, doing the ssme woman year in and year out is not living life to the fullest. Our brains are not evolved to accept pairing off with a mate for life. Love has nothing to do with it. Its a compromise. But why do I compromise? Why put restraints on myself and worry about hurting someones feelings? I'm such a hypocrite. I'll be dead soon enough, the last 10 years have just blown by. I'm 44 now. No children. Its kind of too late for that.
I don't have the answers. Well I do, but it means making radical changes. I guess I'll just keep kicking the can and hitting my head against the wall.

February 1, 2005

Valid Point about the I/P conflict that is ignored

It kind of bothers me when I point out on Yahoo that Arabs only owned 20% of the pre-partioned land when Israel was created. Most of that 20% was owned by absentee Arabs. I never get a response to that fact when I post it, neither from the Paliphiles who believe the entire middle east was OWNED by the Arabs or the Pro-Israelis. It makes me wonder if Pro-Israeli posters don't want to acknowledge this or am I missing something? The fact is most of the actual Arab Landowners are dead by now and/or didn't leave in 1948 or 1967. As far as the majority who left, they were renting anyways. Nobody in the Western world considers rented property their land and nobody uses the right of return to go back to an old apartment. Most Palestinians alive today in disputed territory were born in either other Arab countries or the West Bank and Gaza. It would be interesting to find the number who live outside of Israel who were born in Partitioned Israel and what their story is, and I mean true story.

January 25, 2005

Kennewick Man

OK, here is the deal. Bones were found in the States of a species of man that were Caucasoid, which predates Native American Indian ancestry. Its speculated that they were wiped out by the Indian ancestors. Native American Indian lobbies want to stop research of these bones for obvious reasons.
What if its true? Does this mean that Native American Indians have to give back their casino rights and have to be treated like other Americans for tax purposes? Maybe they can share the casino profit with the reservation caucasians: the trailerparkers. For these people are probably direct descendants of Americas first people:Kennewick Man.
Does Patrick Stewart look lke a Native Indian? I don't think so. But according to research, Patrick Steward looks like Kennewick Man.

I'm assuming all this stuff is true. If so, I figure Native American Indians time is running out with respect to special status. They have 8,300 years tops to go.

January 21, 2005

Me and Daisy

Me and Daisy Posted by Hello

George Bush and God

OK, I realize that winning a Presidential election is far more important than winning a football game, but this thanking God stuff is just way too much to watch.
Bush is pretty much stating that God's will is dictating his policies and that he is in a sense using God as a scapegoat in case he makes mistakes. Since he is doing God's work by being President.
Whatever happened to the seperation of Church and State?
I think either Bush is a nut or his speech writers are nuts.
I'm surprised he didn't start singing "You Light Up My Life" yesterday.