January 30, 2007

Should I Ban Rickey?

My regular readers are fully aware that I have a cyber stalker on this blog who constantly attacks me and many of those who leave comments here. I've know "Rickey for a few years now (not personally). He was a regular pest on the now defunct Israel conflict message board on Yahoo, affectionately known as "the hate board."

His motus operandi has not changed. He attacks Jews, Judaism, military posters, blacks, Arabs (not Arab posters though), and women. Rarely will he have anything relevant to say, and rarely will he ever stay on topic. Instead he just mainly makes personal insults. He also has an extensive file of copy and paste insults that he would flood the board with, all this while constantly changing IDs that were close matches to the regular posters on the board (except he bastardized the names in a very derogatory manner). He is known to regular posters as Oink or Oinky.

Since the Yahoo board was put to sleep, he has become totally obsessed (not in a gay way, I think) with me and my blog. In fact, the only reason I moderate comments right now is because when left unmoderated, he would copy and paste lengthy irrelevant long posts from his files.
He has set up a mirror blog dedicated to me called The Atheist Jew Slug, because in his own words he needs to expose me.

Who is Rickey/Oinky? I've often speculated on his ethnicity and even his sex. Because he attacked women so furiously, I thought he was a woman for the longest time. Because he seemed to be passionate about Lebanon (prior to the last war), I thought maybe he was a Druze, because he seemed to hate Jews and make fun of Arabs.
I noticed though, he would never malign Muslims in general.

At times he would get civil with some board members. He said he owned an Auto Repair shop in Burns, Oregon.

When everyone knew that Yahoo was closing the message board, I caught him at a weak moment and got him to post his picture (how can anyone be 100% it is him?). Since he used to attack everyone who posted their pics by trying to belittle their looks, I told him it would only be fair to post his.

At the time I thought he was probably a Pakistani Muslim. But he wrote the following message that changed my mind:

Re: Hey Oink
by: bacon_the_slug (46/Ontario, PussyCanada) 12/18/06 09:51 pm
Msg: 3108634 of 3110225

I am whiter and fairer skinned than you who claims to be the son of some kinds of jews. I think your dad was from ethiopia. My relatives were from the Ukraine.

Posted as a reply to: Msg 3108627 by bacon_eating_atheist_jew

Note: his ID. You can't trust an ID thief 100%, I realize.

Some more info on him that makes me believe he is closer to 40 than the 12 my commenters have speculated on:

Re: If God didn't want us to eat meat
by: baldarab_withdog (46/M/Ontario, Cuntada)

12/20/06 12:29 pm
Msg: 3111313 of 3111693
1 recommendation

Loss prevention/security/surveillance all part of protecting casino assets. The majority of problems come from employees. Every square inch of the casino is covered by some kind of camera. That's the way it was at the Reno Hilton where I worked, and the rest are similar.

His most frequent attack on me had to do with the fact that I married outside "my species." He calls assimilation a sin. This makes me think he is a Muslim. He could be crazy Jew, but I doubt it. He is definately a Holocaust fan. But he is crazy.

A good description of a cyber stalker from Desicritics.org: 'individuals of low self-esteem and a corrupt mind trying their best to bring out the worst in others especially those who disagree with them on matters concerning wealth, ideas, perception and at times the heart. For them rejection means nothing but "failure" and a failure means "let down"..........Humiliation in public, cheap tactics with false quotes, sometimes bodily harm are just some of the genius acts that these degenerated souls can resort to.'

It is apparent he is a nutjob freak. I'm guessing he is very harmless. But maybe not to himself. That is why if I ban him, I'm not worried about what he would do to me, but what he would do to himself. He obviously needs this outlet. What to do?

I realize I'm giving him the attention he craves with this post, but I hold the upper hand, because I don't have to publish any more of his comments and he knows it. And I think my readers are getting sick of his shtick.

January 28, 2007

The Lord's Prayer Has No Business At Council Meetings

Durham Council Votes To Continue Saying Lord's Prayer

This is just more theocratic nonsense by Christians trying to rise above their insecurities. Yeah, the poor picked on Christians. Oooh, the Atheists are out to get them.

"The Lord's Prayer is a Christian prayer, and there's not just Christians within the council or in the meetings," said Mark Robinson of the Humanist Society of Canada.

"Everybody in there should be looked at as one, and what that prayer does is single out Christians."

News to Christians: This isn't Saudi Arabia. Canada is not a theocracy just because it was founded by mostly Christians. Heck, the early founders of Canada didn't even have any information on evolution or the Big Bang. They had no choice but believe in the invisible man in the sky. If Canada was founded in 1200, the founding fathers would have believed the sun revolves around the earth.

Canada is a secular country. There are Catholics, Baptist, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. The Lord's Prayer is a Christian prayer. If said in public it EXCLUDES everyone who isn't Christian. Where do Christians get off?

Lets not forget that the Lord's Prayer, being recited in unison, in a government building, violates the Charter of Rights. Yeah, it is against the law.

Lets take me as an example. I had to listen to the Lord's Prayer in public school in the mid 60's. I'm not sure when they removed it, but I was glad they did. I was in grade one and two and the words in the prayer conjured up visions of death to me.
Why was I, a 7 year old boy, born and raised in Toronto as a secular Jew, exposed to Christian Fundamentalism in a public school?

It was just as wrong then, as it is now.

Even the Christians can't come to agreement on which prayer is the "right" one. And they can't even agree if the Lord's Prayer has to do with life on earth, or planning for Jesus' return and shortly thereafter, or both.

I used to think "hallowed be thy name," was really "how will it be thy name." I wonder if Christians who spew it out like a herd of sheep know what the words mean.

If the prayer is to try to ensure that God is watching over you and attempting to keep you away from doing shitty things on a daily basis. The Prayer should be made at home. What if you are tempted on your way to the meeting? What if you are married and you see a gorgeous half naked hitch hiker on your way to a council meeting? God won't help you, because you didn't pray to him yet.

I'm at the stage in my life where I just find this stuff annoying and slightly offensive. And in this case, there is no need for me to turn the other cheek.

Since Christians think it is their right to annoy and offend people like me, because they think they have more rights in this country than I do. And Durham thinks they can circumvent the laws by reciting the Prayer prior to each meeting. Here is how to put an end to it:

If anyone is at a meeting and is even slightly offended by the recital of the Lord's Prayer they should recite something out and try to drown out the nonsense being spewed.

As soon as the Prayer begins, how about yelling this out:

"Praise Allah, Allah Akbar" or "You Christians are funny, you pray to a dead Jew" or
"There is no evidence a historical Jesus ever existed, and God is a man made concept. There is no God," or, how about just putting your hands under you armpits while the prayer is going and make that weird farting sound by moving your biceps up and down until most of the board members spew out Amen. Or how about just sacrificing a chicken for luck prior to the meeting.

The above isn't more absurd than bringing the Lords Prayer to a public place. And all the above is legal (OK maybe not the chicken sacrifice), unlike the reciting of the Lords Prayer.

Christians may find this offensive and annoying too. But Christians aren't hypocrites.....or are they?

I have no problem if the council members want to meet early at someone's home or how about a church (too obvious), and recite whatever the hell they want to recite. I don't care if they want to carpool and speak in tongues on their way to work. But keep this crap out of the government halls.

More discussion at CBC.ca

January 26, 2007

How Much Money Is A Few Months Of Torture Worth?

Maher Arar, settled for $10 million because he was on the terrorist watch list in the US and deported to his NATIVE Syria (where he was ALLEGEDLY tortured), instead of being allowed to return to Montreal a few year ago.

Ok that is an oversimplification. If you want the details click here.

Besides the obvious questions as to WHY he was on the terror list?, and WHY Syria would torture a TERRORIST?, or even, WHY would Syria torture a non terrorist? And why hasn't the USA removed Arar from their terror list yet? After reading a post by Deepsouth, one comment stands out: Would the Canadian government please send me
to Syria so that I can be abused for a healthy
10 Million bucks.

He originally sued for $400 MILLION, so maybe the Canadian government figured the $12.8 million it is paying out to be a bargoon. Personally, the amount being paid out is beyond obscene.

This leads me to my hypothetical question:

If you were "falsely" accused of a crime and deported to another country (it doesn't even have to be the country you were born in), and you were tortured (not even allegedly tortured), how much money would you accept from your government for a few months of jail and torture? Remember: You will not be raped or murdered and you will return to the country you now call home in around one year.

I'm not a fan of Sadism/Masochism. I'm not that kinky. Doesn't do anything for me sexually or even emotionally. But I would be willing to take a vacation for $200,000. How about you?

The Canadian taxpayer is paying for this fiasco. To be honest, this makes me not want to pay taxes.

January 25, 2007

Might As Well Get Some Use From My New Digital Camera

My wife just wouldn't flush this thing I saw on the floor by our bar last night. And I have no say in the matter.
It is too fricken cold to put her/him/it outside, so right now Wolfie (I'm pretty sure it is a Wolf spider) is our new temporary pet.

Left, is a picture of my wife's finger in comparison with Wolfie. As you can see, Wolfie is around 3 inches 1 inch long. My wife thinks it is 3 inches. I won't tell her differently. That is a piece of hamburger meat next to Wolfie in case anyone was wondering.

If I'm right and this is a Wolf spider, surprisingly they can live 3+ years.

This makes sense, since I don't remember Charlotte making it past October, or was it November?

They love crickets, flies, moths, etc. But my house is pretty bug free, so it looks like hamburger meat for him/her/it right now.

Oh yeah, today is my birthday. I'm still one day older than Wayne Gretzky:

Oh, and Daisy is loving the snow:

January 23, 2007

Canada May Be On The Verge Of The Cancer Cure

I know, we've heard this before. But one thing I have to admit, the fight against cancer has come a long way, even since the early 70's, when a cancer diagnosis might as well been a death sentence. Of course, it depends which cancers we are talking about today, but it seems that a lot of people get "cured." Maybe it has to do with the fact that more things are called cancer than they were way back when. I don't remember people talking about skin cancers in the 60's and early 70's, but I wasn't paying much attention either.

I'm one of those optimistic skeptics, but I really like what I've read about the potential cure written about at NewScientist.com. Bear in mind, I am not a biologist, or any type of scientist or doctor for that matter, but thanks to my laymans understanding about evolution, this stuff really looks exciting:

Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.

DCA attacks a unique feature of cancer cells: the fact that they make their energy throughout the main body of the cell, rather than in distinct organelles called mitochondria. This process, called glycolysis, is inefficient and uses up vast amounts of sugar.

Until now it had been assumed that cancer cells used glycolysis because their mitochondria were irreparably damaged. However, Michelakis’s experiments prove this is not the case, because DCA reawakened the mitochondria in cancer cells. The cells then withered and died.

It appears that this team is looking at cancer in a different way:

Paul Clarke, a cancer cell biologist at the University of Dundee in the UK, says the findings challenge the current assumption that mutations, not metabolism, spark off cancers. “The question is: which comes first?” he says.

Now the big problem is FUNDING the needed human research. Because DCA is not patented, drug firms can't make a ton of money off it. So the pubicly owned drug companies won't spend dough on research:

'Michelakis is concerned that it may be difficult to find funding from private investors to test DCA in clinical trials. He is grateful for the support he has already received from publicly funded agencies, such as the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), and he is hopeful such support will continue and allow him to conduct clinical trials of DCA on cancer patients.'

"Nobody is going to make a billion dollars from this drug," Dr. Michelakis said. "But maybe it will help a lot of people with cancer."

I don't think Canada research will get stymied by the FDA. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

A website has been set up to take donations. It looks legit...and again I'm a skeptic. Check out DCA Research Information, and do your own diligence if you wish to donate.

Now, this is the kind of thing Bill Gates or Warren Buffett should throw a whack of money at. It is one thing to spend money on preventing cancer and other diseases in the third world (spending money on preventing babies in the third world and oil rich countries should be the priority though), it is another thing to cure cancer. Being the main contributor on a venture that cures cancer will ensure immortality, and the good kind of immortality, not the Hitler kind. Hey, maybe I can be remembered as the blogger who twisted Bill Gate's arm on this one.

H/T Shadow Of God at the Raving Atheist's Forum

Added tidbit: She Blinded Me With Science has a very interesting blog post about evolution and cancer.