If you want BS or Political Correctness you have come to the wrong place.
FAQ How can you be an atheist Jew?
An atheist is one who disbelieves in (or denies) the existence of God, Gods, and other supernatural beings.
A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew, or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.
I did learn something yesterday, while watching the Annapolis Summit. I found out that Annapolis is in the USA and not Greece. OK, just kidding. But below is a map of the middle east, and perhaps a few of my readers thought Israel is much bigger than it appears on this map. In fact, from reading what paranoid Jew haters write, one might thing that Israel was larger in area than Saudi Arabia:
OK, lets talk peace from my objective point of view. Alright, as objective as I can be, since I'm an ethnic Jew, and I realize that Israel does serve a purpose right now, and probably the next 100 years at least, as a place of last refuge for any Jew to go to if anti-semitism gets ugly anywhere in the world. Right now, Israel needs to have a Jewish majority, but inevitably us Jews only need to be around 1.8% of any population in order to control just about everything:)
My viewpoint is also tainted by my militant atheism too. There is no evidence for any God, and the idea that Noah's Flood or the Exodus happening is zero in my books. But I do understand that humans have evolved the susceptibility to believe in God, and that is a fact that isn't about to be changed in the next little while. It isn't like God is going to show up and tell everyone he doesn't exist.
I have a few assumptions based on reality.
1. If the Arabs dropped their arms there would be peace. And Israel inevitably wants peace. Proof: We now see peace between Israel and Egypt for example, since they signed a land for peace deal. Another example is the exodus of Jews from Gaza.
2. The Palestinian Arabs collectively have never shown an inclination to want a state peacefully laying next to Israel. Proof: 1948 and the rejection of the Partition, and from 1948-1967 when there was no talk about turning the West Bank and Gaza into a state prior to the Israeli "occupation." Present, Hamas' complete rejection of the Annapolis Summit. Hamas was elected by the majority of the Palestinians.
3. Sovereign Israel is behind the Green Line. However, the West Bank and Gaza are up for negotiations, much like the entire Palestine region was up for negotiations prior to 1948. Jews in the West Bank are settlers, but so are the Arabs. If the land belongs to any government right now, it is Israel (since Jordan gave up rights in 1988). But Israel has not made sovereign borders to include the West Bank because they don't want the West Bank Arabs to be citizens of Israel, because demographically it would be a nightmare very shortly, and suicide for the Jewish majority state (The Jewish state is needed as I pointed out before)
4. The governments that decided to put Jewish settlements and increase Jewish settlements in the West Bank were not thinking straight. It was an emotional decision with absolutely no foresight. You can't have settlements that are not continuous and expect to be surrounded by Arab villages along the way, at least not in a sovereign nation where you can't give the Arabs in the West Bank equal rights....if Israel were to make final borders that included Arabs who were not citizens, that would be Apartheid. It isn't right now, but this situation cannot go on any longer. It is like a perpetual game, and it is starting to get old.
5. Even full withdrawal behind the Green Line will most likely not stop the violence, but some sort of final borders must be made. Even though Israel was condemned by many Moonbats last year for the war with Lebanon, at least it was a war between two sovereign nations. Israel needs to just give the Palestinians a state they most likely don't want in order to give a Israel legitimate military target, if Israel gets attacked (which most likely will happen). Until Israel makes sovereign borders, technically non sovereign portions are in fact up for grabs, and violence, though detestable, is not completely off base. But it works both ways. And since Israel has the power to wipe out the Palestinians if they wanted to, it really is foolish on the Palestinian's part to engage in Israel in this way. But nobody has ever accused the Palestinians of doing the right thing.
The biggest problem is the solution for final borders.
Including the West Bank and Gaza would be suicide for the Jews of Israel. Not gonna happen, not even on the table.
Going back to the Green Line or close to it is probably the best bet. Compensate the Palestinians with a little land to draw the West Bank closer to Gaza so the Palestinians could possibly have a tunnel to connect the two areas (which of course will be used to ship arms back and forth). I would also compensate the Palestinians with a few billion dollars, just to show some Goodwill (so they have some money to buy more arms, most probably).
Sign an agreement that allows Jews and settlements to remain on their perceived holy lands in the West Bank, but they must live under the new Arab majority government. It really is only fair, since many Arabs live in sovereign Israel. But would it be safe for the Jews to live in a most probably hostile new Islamic nation? Absolutely not, but they should have the option.
Jerusalem has to be divided, but I do like the idea I just read in this article: Western nations should put their embassies in Jerusalem. Islam lacks humility. The West needs to bring humility to them in order to foster in the best of the West which is "the social contract" (confused in the article as being Judeo-Christian values).
The former governments of Israel set up this mess in the West Bank, and it is something that just cannot morally or ethically or logically perpetuate. And it is going to be very expensive to unwind, but I think it is the only way to possible peace (a peace, which again isn't very likely currently):
Jackie Mason is all over the place on this one. Hard to follow. Here is the video description:
Judeo-Christian values are being destroyed by intolerance of minority religion and atheism. Atheism is becoming are state religion. And they will stop at nothing to stop the practice of Christianity in this country.
Basically, he is talking about how the minority (non Christians) are controlling censoring Christianity. He sort of says those who have Judeo-Christian values are being censored. Heck, I have Judeo-Christian values, so do most of us great apes. The bible writers just took innate common sense, and put it into a book, between lots and lots of Gods temper tantrums. Funniest (most moronic line): "Christianity which does nothing but advocate goodness and love and happiness, and merriment and the acceptance and the love of all religions of all people."
Yes, he seriously said that!:
Jackie, you can't have absolute freedom of religion without separation of church and state. It doesn't matter what today's majority happens to believe. He goes on about Christmas movies and tries to make a point that they aren't acceptable in schools but pornography is all around us. Newsflash: Pornography isn't allowed in most schools either. I'm not against Christmas trees and people saying Merry Christmas. To me, it is a time for families to get together, and it has the same religious significance to most people as does Halloween. And I have nothing against kids saying Trick or Treat either.
Apparently according to Jackie hate and venom is protected but the goodness of religion is not. Honestly, I have to wonder what cave Jackie lives in.
Jackie, has let me down big time with this video. He forgets how bad real Christian countries were to Jews and other minorities, and why America is so great (OK, potentially so great). And by calling America a Christian nation, he lets down most Jews I know.
Another favourite Youtubist of mine is Hairy Reasoner. Hairy is a fellow Canuck, who probably lives in Southern Ontario like I do. His videos are creative, and his wit is extremely dry, guaranteed to keep you smiling throughout. And when I guarantee something, I mean it. Here is his most recent video "My Favourite Creationist." Hairy makes minced meat out of Canada's version of Ken Ham or Kent Hovind; Grant Jeffrey:
I do worry about Hairy though. It seems as he has read Grant Jeffrey's books. He must be masochistic to some degree, or he has way too much time on his hands. Here is another of his videos. It is called "Intelligent Design and the Human Body":
For all of Hairy Reasoner's videos, click here. Well worth any extra time you have on your hands.
I started a thread over at Raving Atheists, but the topic is good enough for a blog post, so here goes. Not word for word; I'm going to edit the original post a bit:
I think Holocaust deniers are crazier than YECs (Young Earth Creationists). A YEC is someone who has been brainwashed since a young age (in most cases) to believe that the bible is a guide to everything, from science to moral behavior. They look at science, and accept anything that isn't contrary to the bible, but then twist anything that contradicts the bible, to fit the bible. I'm not talking theistic evolutionists, who twist the bible to fit science. Theistic evolutionists don't deny reality, they just add to reality. Holocaust denial is a different issue. I believe in most cases, that one dislikes Jews before they become a denier. It is more complicated than just disliking Jews. Just like YECs when it comes to evidence of evolution, Holocaust deniers do not accept anything that confirms the Holocaust, from actual videos, to first hand testimony by both survivors and the actual Nazis themselves {which includes the testimony at the Nuremberg trial), are totally dismissed as lies or acts of coercion or the result of tortured "confessions" by the Allies. Meanwhile, they have their own sites which are equal to Fundy science sites, and they use the same techniques as well (example, partial quotes while ignoring mounds of evidence to the contrary). I think Holocaust denial occurs mostly with plain old paranoid Jew hating conspiracy theorists, Muslim conspiracy theorists, and to those with Germanic ancestry, where denial is a psychological response to their possible humiliation, that a people (the Jews), who many Germans historically didn't like (a lot of this had to do with the "Jews killed Christ" Catholic thingy and of course, the usual scapegoat thingy at a time of economic hardship), wound up getting sympathy after the Germans lost the war in a very large way. It was a kick in the teeth that the Jews (who many German regarded as their lessers) were getting world sympathy. and the survivors were evidence of a hideous regime of seemingly proud every day Germans. It is a test in cognitive dissonance.
I think a normal response would be not to deny the Holocaust happened, I say that because as an atheist, and as an ethnic/cultural Jew, I often have the Bolshevik revolution, and the deaths caused by atheists or worse, atheist Jews, thrown in my face. My response is to disassociate myself from the people who committed the heinous crime against humanity, realizing that Communism is an ideology (nothing to do with being an atheist or a Jew), and the fact that power corrupts. But the last thing I'm going to do is say it didn't happen, or try to rewrite the intentions of the people involved or question the amount of dead innocents (because I'm not crazy). I don't hold a grudge against the German people at all, but I do hold a grudge against the deniers, even though I think they have to be insane to go to the extent they do.
The reason I'm bringing this up is that I just joined a forum called The Liberty Forum (which is supposed to be a Libertarian forum, not Stormfront), and I was attacked from every direction by Jew haters. From Protocols of Zion bs, to my support for Israel (ok I've been attacked here too on that one), to Jewish control of the world, to blatant Holocaust denial ("a few Jews died in camps of Typhoid"). My introduction thread took on a life of its own. What I found really weird is that hardly anyone actually came to say the Holocaust is fact. I had next to no support. Here is a link to the Liberty Forum thread for anyone interested. It isn't a pretty thread, and I do wind up calling, those deserving, names. My cyber stalker Rickey even shows up (under the name Rick Carsten).
The Raving Atheist forum thread again, where by the way, one denier showed up and I did get a lot of support, though the thread strayed from my original question. Right away I was asked if I thought moon landing deniers were crazier than flat earthers'. I gave this response:
"I think flat earthers' are (more insane). But it is an interesting comparison to my question. Flat earthers' represent bible brainwashed people who are denying just about every aspect of science to make their bible correct, while moon lander deniers are rejecting a historical event. But moon lander deniers are also denying science (many think we didn't have the capabilities to get to the moon) and many just think it was all part of a conspiracy theory. But the motive is the important thing when it comes to why they are denying...this is what makes one more insane than the other. So I guess it depends on the moon landing deniers motives for denying."
One more thing. To the Jew hating Holocaust Deniers who may wind up reading this:
This dude is hilarious. I've been watching his videos for a few months now, and I think he's found his comic niche. And we need all the comedy we can get with this Hollywood writer's strike going on. His videos are fairly short (usually just over 3 minutes long). Here is his newest video, Resisting The Urge: A Guide For Christian Boys:
This is my favorite one to date: Checkmate Atheists
God Doesn't Exist?, Prove It (the first picture will crack you up):
His most popular video (over 120,000 views. WOW!): The Atheist Delusion
In the phenomenal fisking department, Sexo Grammaticus completely schools Dr. Roger Olson. Why don't these theists get it yet, they have nothing but straws when they try to attack atheism. How much bashing can theists take before they just give up on trying to bash us.
Here is the beginning of Dr. Assmonkey's article:
I feel sorry for atheists. They are so much in the minority in American society and they are bound to feel some marginalization if not persecution. Christians should be the last people to persecute anyone -- including atheists. But that doesn't mean Christians have to accommodate atheism as they tolerate and love atheists. We have to recognize atheists' full freedom to believe God does not exist, but we don't have to embrace atheism as a social good. In fact, I would argue that atheism has no redeeming social value.
To see how Dr. Assmonkey gets slaughtered click here. The fisking was done in masterful fashion. I suggest this as a must read for theists and atheists alike.
What level of understanding do you need to understand this blog?: Hey, I don't mind. Hemingway wrote in simple sentences too. I don't use a thesaurus and I don't even reread what I post before clicking on the "Publish Post" button. I like the fact that my blog is probably readable to most theists as well:) I do know one thing, my posts provoke thought much of the time, and that is what really counts.
Of course, I needed to check out some of the other blogs that I enjoy reading to compare their readability to mine.
Pharyngula, a very popular science oriented blog ranked "High School." The same ranking applied to God Is For Suckers, a blog that has many authors, and Jewish Atheist. Begin Each Day As If It Was On Purpose, a blog done by a professional journalist received an "Elementary School" ranking, which makes me wonder how valid the test is. Rondi is extremely intelligent and has a vast vocabulary, but maybe as a journalist, she writes in a way in which the masses can understand. Perhaps it is part of her talent, and a style that is required for anyone who writes newspaper articles. I had to check out what Everything Is Pointless ranked, and not surprisingly (thanks to the many headaches I got reading that blog in the past), it received "Genius" status. The person who emailed me the link, Texas Fred, as got a "Genius" ranking. Fred, you need to dumb down your blog a bit, ya hear me? My Judeophobe Watch blog also scored "Junior High School." At least I'm consistent and so is are the analytics of the Readability site. Shlemazl scored a "College Undergrad" rank. Gripes Of Wrath scored "Genius." Developing Your Web Presence got a "High School" ranking and Stardust Musings scored a "Junior High School" ranking just like me. I need to stop. Sorry if I didn't get to your blog Tommy, Hammer, Basiorana, Val, Elder, Jack, etc. I'm just wiped out. Too early in the morning to go any further with this:)
It was difficult but I have now accepted the fact that The Sopranos is over (I do expect a feature film in a year or two though). I didn't know how I was going to ever fill the void. I tried House, sort of. I watched a few minutes of it here and there and just haven't been able to connect yet(and I've read that House is an atheist). I have only watched one episode of 24 (I hate the split screen stuff). Now, before anyone feels sorry for me. I do have my staples: Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. But these are all comedies and 3 out of 4 of them are cartoons. I needed a psychological drama series in my life, so I finally caved and watched the first episode of Dexter. It grabbed my attention (this is defined by the fact that when I watched it, I didn't simultaneously surf the net). I do pay a fortune to my cable provider. I get over 200 channels, including The Movie Network package, which allows me to watch many shows that are archived as part of the package. In other words, the first 12 episodes from year one of Dexter were available to me, and early last week, I spent an entire day watching the other 11 episodes. The next day, I watched the first 5 episode for this season. I've never done anything like that before. It was worth it. Now I'm hooked.
The Wikipedia description of the show: Orphaned at the age of three and harboring a traumatic secret, Dexter (Michael C. Hall) was adopted by a Miami police officer named Harry Morgan who recognized his sociopathic tendencies and taught him to channel his gruesome passion for killing and dissecting in a "constructive" way: by killing only heinous criminals (such as mob assassins and serial killers of the innocent) who have slipped through the justice system. To satisfy his interest in blood and to facilitate his own crimes, Dexter works as a blood spatter analyst for the Miami police. Although his drive to kill is unflinching (he begins to become overcome by a feeling of "emptiness" otherwise), he is, through extensive instruction from Harry, able to fake normal emotions and keep up his appearance as a socially-responsible human being.
Here is a scene from the first episode:
The one thing I found difficult was getting used to a heterosexual Michael C. Hall (he was the gay brother on Six Feet Under, incidentally another show I really liked). They made the transition a bit easier because at the start of the show, Dexter really wasn't into sex at all.
The show flows fantastically, and I can't wait for episode 7 (I saw episode 6 earlier this week).
Just like Tony Soprano was likable, Dexter, the serial killer, is actually even more likable. But then again, Dexter is just taking out the trash. Unless you are totally against the death penalty, Dexter personifies justice, even though that isn't his main objective. I really don't have a problem with the idea of someone being put to death after they murdered someone (as long as it wasn't a domestic murder, those can be tricky).
The shooter, had a Youtube account, and he left clues to what he represented, and finally to what he was about to do before he actually opened the doors to Jokela High School in Tuusula, Finland and shot the place up.
His Youtube account is suspended. His account name was Sturmgeist87. The 87 probably represented his year of birth. Sturmgeist is German for "storm spirit."
At the time of this writing, the summaries of the videos outside of his last one, can be seen by searching his ID on Youtube.
His last video was taken down completely. From the article:
The YouTube video, entitled "Jokela High School Massacre - 11/7/2007," was posted on Tuesday by a user called Sturmgeist89.
"I am prepared to fight and die for my cause," read a posting by a user of the same name.
"I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection."
Just great, again we will see TV preachers blaming this on the teachings of evolution, and how taking religion out of school cause children to be conflicted.
All I can say to that is that millions and millions of kids are taught evolution and only a very small percentage of them go out and kill innocent people. I would rather blame his parents for nurturing such a nut.
UPDATE: Apparently this is a copy of his last video made just prior to his shooting spree:
Before Youtube takes everything down here are a few of his other descriptions of videos:
Just Testing My Gun Exactly what the title says. Me shooting with Catherine :P...Sig Sauer Mosquito .22 .22LR Semi-automatic Gun Apple
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Me & Catherine Me and my gun, Catherine (.22 LR semi-automatic Sig Sauer Mosquito). I love her! :) "All are equal No discrimination Me and my gun, Catherine (.22 LR semi-automatic Sig Sauer Mosquito). I love her! :)
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Edited by me :) (more) (less)
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When Jeffrey Comes Marching Home Again Insane Killer... (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 227 Added: 1 week ago Tags: Jeffrey Dahmer Serial Killer Murderer Rapist Cannibal Necrophiliac Time: 00:45 More in People & Blogs Add Video to QuickList
Sicilians - True Romance Classic scene from the movie True Romance (1993), directed by Tony Scott. This scene also includes possibly one of Christopher Walken's best performances. Classic scene from the movie True Romance (1993), directed by Tony Scott.
This scene also includes possibly one of Christopher Walken's best performances. (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 63 Added: 1 week ago Tags: True Romance Movie Christopher Walken Dennis Hopper Gangster Gangsters Mafia Sicilians Time: 04:04 More in Film & Animation Show more videos recently added: Today | This week Add Video to QuickList
Global Domination! Brief view into history and maps of some of the biggest empires of world history and in the end... my world empire!!! Me, Brief view into history and maps of some of the biggest empires of world history and in the end... my world empire!!! Me, a megalomaniac? NO! I just want to rule the world! MWHAHAHAHAHA! Mine... ALL MINE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
Music: March To Doom by Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer -soundtrack). (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 99 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: History Empires Natural World Empire Global Domination Megalomania Megalomaniac Time: 01:50 More in News & Politics Add Video to QuickList
Rules Of War - Air Force One Poor and terrible movie (directed by Wolfgang Petersen) but only Gary Oldman's character as a Russian terrorist Ivan Korshunov makes it great. In this scene he explains Poor and terrible movie (directed by Wolfgang Petersen) but only Gary Oldman's character as a Russian terrorist Ivan Korshunov makes it great. In this scene he explains his philosophy on war and talks about some people's hypocritical attitude on war & terrorism. (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 127 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Air Force One Movie Wolfgang Petersen Gary Oldman Ivan Korshunov Plane Hijack Execution War Terrorism Hypocrisy Time: 00:39 More in Film & Animation Add Video to QuickList
Removal Of Vocal Chords - Dr. Butcher MD Funny scene from the movie Zombie Holocaust (aka Dr. Butcher MD). "The patient's screaming disturbing me, performed removal of vocal chords."
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 57 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Zombie Holocaust Dr. Butcher MD Donald O'Brien Scientist Medical Experimentation Experiments Human Time: 01:21 More in Film & Animation Add Video to QuickList
naturalselector89 Is Back! , naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, naturalselector89, and naturalselector89...naturalselector89 Comeback Sturmgeist89 It is about time to make this announcement.
This video is about: NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89, NaturalSelector89,... (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 220 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: NaturalSelector89 Comeback Sturmgeist89 Time: 00:43 More in People & Blogs Add Video to QuickList
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Music: No Mercy by Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer -soundtrack). (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 41 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Tank Tanks Armored Vehicle Tyranny Totalitarianism Government Military Budapest Prague Beijing Waco USSR China USA Time: 01:31 More in News & Politics Add Video to QuickList
Inconvenience Of Existant Reality Video about reality. Music: Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel....Reality Modern World Humanity Human Race Society Politics Religion No Yes LOL
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 54 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Reality Modern World Humanity Human Race Society Politics Religion No Yes LOL WTF Misantrophy Time: 03:23 More in News & Politics Add Video to QuickList
Supremacy Of Self - Adolf Hitler I am not a nazi and I don't support national socialism. I just thought the lyrics would fit this video well. Music: Supremacy Of Self I am not a nazi and I don't support national socialism. I just thought the lyrics would fit this video well.
Music: Supremacy Of Self by Hatebreed. (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 58 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Adolf Hitler Führer Chancellor Third Reich Nazis Nazi-Germany National Socialism Nazism Time: 02:25 More in People & Blogs Add Video to QuickList
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Dedicated To A Friend Dedicated to a good friend, great philosopher and great artist. Your friendship is something I appreciate very much....robinmcveigh
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 9 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: RobinMcVeigh Time: 02:06 More in People & Blogs Add Video to QuickList
Act On Instinct Footage of several historical events - wars & terrorist attacks etc. - that changed the world somehow very much. Music: Act On Instinct by Frank Klepacki ( Footage of several historical events - wars & terrorist attacks etc. - that changed the world somehow very much.
Music: Act On Instinct by Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer -soundtrack). (more) (less)
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Three Kinds Of Humans These are the main types of human personalities (of course they divide into smaller groups but this is just generally). Also the percentages in this video are These are the main types of human personalities (of course they divide into smaller groups but this is just generally).
Also the percentages in this video are estimations and are based on Gaussian distribution and history of human race / how humans have organized into communities and societies.
Music: Theme song for individualistic humans is Freedom by Alice Cooper. Song for manipulative... (more) (less)
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Personality Test My test results. Here is the test: http://similarminds.com/global-adv.html Trait descriptions: http://similarminds My test results.
Here is the test: http://similarminds.com/global-adv.html
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 112 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Personality Test Mind Mentality Psychology Time: 01:51 More in People & Blogs Add Video to QuickList
Zorin's Final Laughter - A View To A Kill The movie A View To A Kill is property of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. and Viacom International Inc. All copyrights belong to them. This scene The movie A View To A Kill is property of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. and Viacom International Inc. All copyrights belong to them.
This scene is a classic! Zorin's (Walken) final laughter when he starts losing his grip and falls off to his death from Golden Gate Bridge. (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 267 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: AVTAK A View To Kill 007 Bond Movie Max Zorin Christopher Walken Laughter Golden Gate Bridge Time: 00:14 More in Film & Animation Add Video to QuickList
Nazi-Germany & USSR - Same Shit, Different Ideology As you can see, these two enemies were not so different after all......Nazi-Germany USSR Irrational Ideology Dictatorship Totalitarianism Nazism Socialism Propaganda
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 26 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Nazi-Germany USSR Irrational Ideology Dictatorship Totalitarianism Nazism Socialism Propaganda Militarism Prison Camps Time: 05:13 More in News & Politics Add Video to QuickList
Mass Of Murderers Collection of pictures and information about some mass murderers, spree killers, bombers etc... Music: Revenge by KMFDM....Mass Murderer Spree Killer
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 14 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Mass Murderer Spree Killer Massacre Shooting Shooter Bombing Bomber Time: 04:04 More in People & Blogs
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From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 0 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Famous Last Words Quotes Historical Leader Ruler Dictator President General Politician Philosopher Time: 01:23
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Nazis & Holocaust - Schindler's List Great movie and I collected the best clips from it. Music: Der Meister by Rammstein....Schindler's List Movie Third Reich National Socialism Germany Nazis Jews
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 481 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Schindler's List Movie Third Reich National Socialism Germany Nazis Jews Holocaust Genocide Time: 02:26
Führer's Face! Heil Hitler! Sieg heil! White power! Heil aryan super race! Just joking. Im not a nazi and I don't support national socialism. Heil Hitler! Sieg heil! White power! Heil aryan super race!
Just joking. Im not a nazi and I don't support national socialism. (more) (less)
From: Sturmgeist89 Views: 57 Added: 2 weeks ago Tags: Adolf Hitler Führer Chancellor Third Reich Nazi-Germany National Socialism Nazism Ideology Totalitarianism Cult Time: 02:40
*************************************** There are more, but by now, I think everyone gets the drift. This killer too was fascinated by train wrecks, but he seemed to be lacking one ounce of humanity.
He doesn't mention atheist or religion in anything that I've seen. I mean his personal beliefs that is. But he did have an excellent command of the English language or a real good translation program. I couldn't find many grammatical errors at all.
One thing that is happening though, is the internet seems to be the newest porthole into the mind of very sick puppies.
Potholer54 has only made 6 videos on Youtube so far. Each of them are gems. They are concise and very easy to understand especially for someone who appreciates science but who hasn't taken a post secondary school science class (like me). Here is an excellent video on geology and how it pertains to figuring out the age of the earth, and more importantly, the embarrassing stance that 45% of Americans have regarding an earth that is less than 10,000 years old. The video is only 9 minutes long, and I guarantee you, you will most likely learn a lot:
Click here to check out his other videos: History of the Universe Made Easy (Part 1 and 2) The Origin of Life made easy Re: Re: The Origin of Life made easy God and DNA made easy
Another topic:
I'm still perplexed why Digg has banned my blog URL. I'm thinking it had something to do when I did a post on Joseph Cohen, an orthodox Jew turned raving lunatic Muslim. I have sent them 6 or 7 emails and have yet to get a response.
Blog Rush also gave me the boot. Why? I have no idea. I don't do much advertising. I don't blog for money. I do think the quality of this blog is A1, though I'm a little biased:) I did put this blog under the religion category, because I wanted the religious folk to view my blog. Maybe that was a mistake.
I watch lots of Youtube videos. Of course, some are just special, like the one I'm posting here. I'm writing this post before I am able to totally digest what I just watched. Quick synopsis: A Holocaust denying woman ("the Nuremberg trials were lies") who actually understands the basics of evolution and the history of the universe, is blaming atheists for everything from trying to take away her right to wear and worship her swastika, to massive deaths at the hands of communism, to trying to force races to intermarry and destroy racial barriers, which is a very bad thing according to her, because it took billions of years to perfect the differences in races in humans.
Here is her video description:
About This Video 110,000,000 (THAT IS ONE HUNDRED TEN MILLION) M... 110,000,000 (THAT IS ONE HUNDRED TEN MILLION) Murdered in the past century by the critic of the Swastika: ATHEIST COMMIE RED MURDERERS. Hypocrites step forward to criticize.
Don't breathe a word against this innocent cross.
Atheists who want to destroy sacred symbols, culture, class, religion, God in the government.. not anymore. Never again.
I'm proud to hail this ancient cross as my own... and from where I come from.
Deal with it. The American founding fathers did not die in vain, so YOUR ATHEIST religion could destroy everyone else's.
Some atheist posted that my kid wanted to sleep... because the atheist (who would sit up until 5 am. getting laid w/an underaged prostitute they picked up off the street... afterall, atheists want to legalize prostitution (so they can exploit women and children... and even now wittled and wormed they way into LEGALLY GIVING 11 years olds "birth control" in one of the schools in U.S... leftwing crackpots that they are... pretending they care about children, when they fight like the devil to abort as many kids possible, and atheists happily raping 6 year old kids at 5 a.m.) --but that is beside the real point that ATHEISTS MURDERED 110,000,000 IN THE PAST CENTURY... LET ME REITERATE ONE HUNDRED TEN MILLION MURDERED BY ATHEISTS IN THE PAST CENTURY, my kid got to sleep at a whopping 9 PM... so, excuse me, hypocrite and judge! Nobody died and made you gods, except in your own deluded, egocentric mania. Let's focus on your non-scientific hypocrisy:
Atheists have a delusion that it's "only thin empty air" when they look out at the surrounding cosmos. Scientists have learned there is such a thing as "dark energy and dark matter". Reality as perceived by the mortal, is really the abstract concept in the universe. Roughly 70% of the universe is made of dark energy. Dark matter is thought to make up 23 percent. You are only part of the remaining "matter". God can exist, without evidence, just as particles pop in and out of existence. Scientists know this. Now, tell me again, it's only "invisible" air. Atheist claims to have "absolute truth" in their lack of reverence for God and Science, classic, an atheist mental illness --further explaining why they MURDERED ONE HUNDRED TEN MILLION IN THE PAST CENTURY. ATHEISTS MURDER 85-110 MILLION... IN THE PAST CENTURY. Absolutely mentally ill! How many people have Deists murdered compared to Atheists? Miniscule by comparison. **************************************** Do communists even exist in any large numbers today? What percentage of atheists are actually communists? The thing she doesn't get is that communism is an ideology, while atheism is simply a disbelief in God. In fact she doesn't seem to know much about atheists at all. She does seem to love Hitler. One good thing, she admits that Hitler was a deist and not a lousy atheist. LOL
Oh, and why can't she just say that she loves her swastika because she loves Hitler and Nazism? Why bring up the Hindu and Native American bs? Yes, she has the right to wear her swastika, and I have the right to call her a Nazi imbecile.
OK, gotta run. I have to go out and tell pregnant women that they need an abortion.