April 6, 2007

The Thinking Blogger Award

Beep! Beep! It's Me has tagged me. Here are the original rules from The Thinking Blog:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote
4. Only choose blogs that haven't been picked before (this one wasn't one of the original rules)

OK, this is a tough one. All of the blogs on my blogroll make me think. And even blogs by retards make me think. In fact, I'm thinking right now and I'm not even reading a blog. I really don't like this tagging stuff. I apologize in advance for those who I am tagging, especially if they feel compelled like I did, to continue with this insanity:

1. Everything Is Pointless: I sometimes hesitate going to his blog because I know it will force me to think more than I want to.

2. Babble, Bullshit, Blasphemy, & Being (AKA Choose Doubt): The closest thing to a Vulcan Atheist in the blogosphere.

3. Scientia Natura: Evolution and Rationality: Really good spins on current stories from a science chick.

4. The Sudanese Thinker: He reminds me that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel for humanity, and that the third world has thinkers too.

5. Gripes Of Wrath: Must make me think, because I often comment on his blog. The thing is, he is like me, an Atheist who understands the threat of Islam.

April 4, 2007

More Fun Using Peanut Butter To Disprove Evolution

I decided to expand on the scientific "logic" used in the now famous creationist Peanut Butter video (I even go out of character for it):

Damn laryngitis is impeding on my full creative genius.

Here is the original version of Peanut Butter: The Atheist's Nightmare in case you are one of the very few who hasn't seen it:

Maybe a few of my readers can do a video or just a post disproving evolution too. It is kind of fun.

What else? Oh, I made a minor edit in the Atheism page of the Uncyclopedia.

I just made an edit to the Atheism entry:
==The Difference Between Atheists and Agnostics==

There is only one distinct difference between an atheist and an agnostic. An atheist will not turn down eating a fetus if it is offered to them, while an agnostic will always say no if offered.

A strong atheist is someone who goes out of his or her way to eat fetuses, while a weak atheist will not be the one to buy or cook a fetus. A weak atheist is sort of like the guy at the party who never buys pot, but will never turn down a toke when it is offered to him.

Note: This is the second time within a week I placed the above on the Atheism page. Someone trashed it the first time. I don't get it. I think it is pretty funny.

April 3, 2007

Take This All You People Who Think I'm Stupid

StupidTester.com says I'm 2% Stupid! How stupid are you? Click Here!

Your Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:

97% scored higher (more stupid),
1% scored the same, and
2% scored lower (less stupid).

You are 2% stupid. This means...

You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.
H/T Hear, O Israel

April 1, 2007

Hamas and Fatah Unite: Invite Jews Back To Gaza

In a complete reversal of policy and ideology, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas united and vowed to embrace Israel as their only real friend in the middle east. They also have decided to drop the title of Palestinians, stating that they are just simply Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank.
They formally agreed to disintegrate the two parties of Hamas and Fatah, and call the new party The Democratic Party of Gazan and West Bank Arabs. Abbas is now the President, while Haniya gladly took the Vice-President position. Abdul Aziz Duaik will now be the Secretary of State.
Haniya was quoted as saying, "When the Gaza sewer collapsed, and the Jews in Israel were the only group on the planet to offer help. it made me realize that Israel is our only friends and that the surrounding Arab countries have used us for 59 years as pawns. They don't give a rats ass about us, and it is clear now, that they never did. We realize now it was a terrible mistake to make Gaza a Jew free zone, and we invite all Jews from anywhere on the planet to live with us in peace."
Abbas decided to drop the title "Palestinians," stating, "the word has nothing but negative connotations associated with it and it is also a deceptive word as there never has been a nation known as Palestine."
On the Right of Return issue, Abbas added, "how silly is that?, I mean, who cares where our grandparents and great grandparents squatted? Right of return is just another stupid concept invented by our Arab neighbours as a way to keep us in contempt of our great Jewish allies."

Link to above story.

In other news, David Duke has been seen dating Halle Berry, Mad Zionist is converting to Islam, and Gert (from Developing Your Web Presence) has just bought a home in Hebron.

OK, but seriously, can you believe this article by Reuters? It is nice to see some intelligence coming out of the Palestinians for a change.

March 30, 2007

Mammals Didn't Branch Out As Soon As Dinosaurs Perished: So What?

Yeah, I know this sounds like a victory for creationists because if science is wrong about one thing, then all science is wrong. Just like the bible would be wrong if Pi wasn't 3.

It now looks like mammals branched out a little 65 million years ago, but waited another 10-15 million years to really diversify.

Science assumed that mammals evolved as soon as dinosaurs perished. This was based on the facts that mammals did branch out after the dinosaurs perished, and dinosaurs weren't around to stop the mammals from evolving. However, evolution usually only happens when it is needed to happen, so that species can increase their chance of survival.

What we do know is no animal larger than a house cat survived very long past the meteorite hit, or hits of around 65 million years ago. We do know that oxygen levels on earth were much higher than they are now, as well.

A large meteorite hit would most likely cut off sunlight (which is a big part of current theory), and most of the plant life on the planet died.

All that were left on land, were small detritivores (cool, I learned a new word). Food was a plenty for these animals, which included insects and little rodent like mammals.

When food is plentiful, and the environment stays somewhat stable, there is no need to evolve. Also, because the larger animals perished, what most likely happened is that large plants and trees died, causing large herbivores to die, causing large carnivores to have nothing to eat. They couldn't survive on the smaller animals who already knew how to hide from the big guys, more or less.

I don't think loss of trees and large plants was all there was to the dinosaurs demise, because they weren't quite cold blooded reptiles, and many small reptiles did survive. Studies have shown their body temperatures varied with size.
Body temperature and the abrupt change in oxygen content most likely was the greatest contributor to dinosaur extinction, but science doesn't know for sure YET. The jury is still out to why small dinosaurs also perished, or did they evolve into birds after the meteorite hit, or something else that went extinct?

Not knowing YET doesn't mean that God exists. And it definitely doesn't mean that because science doesn't know YET, that the earth is less than 10,000 years old and evolution didn't happen.

There is a good chance that the atmosphere slowly changed, or maybe abruptly changed around 50 million years ago, causing plants to get bigger and trees to grow again, which led to different food sources and a need for some animals to get bigger to have a greater chance of species survival.

Many headlines for the above story make it seem that the dinosaur's demise had no bearing on allowing mammals to evolve. The thing they are missing is that without the dinosaur's extinction, mammals would most likely never have got bigger than a small cat, or they would have been easy targets for snacking.

If the meteorite missed, dinosaurs would most likely be still dominating the planet, and only small mammals might still be here. Except for the free-range large mammals, the now highly intelligent dinosaurs bred on farms, for food.

I added these tectonics maps showing continental drift at three crucial times. Remember, placental mammals and marsupial mammals branched out around 110 million years ago. Placental mammals didn't make it to Australia for quite some time after the big asteroid hit.

Isolation of the marsupial mammals, coupled with plenty of food and shelter, probably had something to do with the fact that no Aussie animal developed their intelligence into anything that resembled man or bonobo or dolphin. Maybe next meteorite crash, the Australian little rodents that survive, will be the ones that lead to the most intelligent species on the planet, eventually.

For real science from real scientists on this topic, check out Sandwalk and Pharyngula.