July 8, 2009

America Is Embarrassing In Just 40 Seconds

HT The Friendly Atheist

Number one, someone who rejects science, shouldn't have a say in anything to do with science.

Number two, this is a violation of separation of church and state. Elected officials should not be allowed to spread mythological beliefs while in a government setting.

Number three, this is why the Republican Party is in big trouble now and in the future. It is viewed as a Party that is anti-science. This broad confirms it.

Number four, maybe this is why Sarah Palin quit. She realized she only has one third the intelligence of Senator Sylvia Allen of Arizona. Maybe Allen will be the next Republican Presidential nominee. The Democrats can only hope it will be her or someone very similar.

Some comments from Friendly Atheist's site:

I wish I could dish out a bit of scorn for the residents of Arizona who voted for this woman. Unfortunately, I’m from Texas, so I don’t really have any standing to criticize. Darn it.

~David D.G.

Man, if the power of stupid could be harnessed, the Arizona legislature could easily meet the world’s energy needs for, um, the next 6,000 years..


Well, since Earth is only 6000 years old, that means the decay rate for Uranium is far faster (maybe even light years faster!) than all those scientists would have us think. In fact, that would put the half-life of U at ~5900 years.
And since it’s decaying so fast, I can certainly see her urgency to mine some ore!


Speaking of Palin's resignation, Hip Suburban White Guy is fairly certain The Other Palin Boot Will Drop Soon.

H/T Joe's Big Blog

July 1, 2009

Banning The Burqa?

I'm somewhat torn about the banning of the burqa movement that is happening in Europe right now.

I'm for freedom of religion. If some whackjob wants to dress like Jesus and drag a cross around in his backyard, more power to him. It would even be entertaining to see him drag the cross down a public street.

And what about banning the kippah or a priest's outfit? There is a fine line. Granted, the burqa represents an attack against women's rights and it glorifies a sub culture that basically treats women as secondary citizens. The kippah represents faith in a very angry (at times) God who also didn't really give women equal status. That being said, Jews are not a threat to Western ideals. Priests are not a threat to the West either...just the Catholic children of the West, but that is another story.

I'm no fan of Islam because of the way it spreads, and the demands Muslims make once it spreads. So lets cut the crap. This banning talk isn't really about women's rights, it is about bitch slapping Western Muslims who want to infest the modern world with their bullshit (ie Shariah Law), and their spreading of intolerant ideas (oh wait, that is what Fundy Christians do too, but Fundy Christians don't fly into buildings).

Anyway, Pat Condell chimes in on the subject, and let me just say, I have to agree with almost everything he says:

I love the idea of making Muslim men wearing burqas on 100 degree Fahrenheit days. Just keep them away from airports and subways on those days.

I also think, what bothers me most about Muslims is their hypocrisy regarding Israel.
The good majority view the Jews in Israel as people who shouldn't be there. It is OK for Muslims to go to the West, and even turn Dearborn, Michigan into a Muslim majority, but for some reason, Jews coming to a non sovereign land that is now Israel and having a Jewish majority, is a no-no and totally unacceptable.

June 27, 2009

Earth Is Designed For Life?

I wonder if Edward Current actually makes creationists think. Thinking isn't something required in order to be a creationist, but since us humans have such well developed brains, sometimes creationists may not be able to help themselves:

HT Atheist Media Blog

It will be interesting in the future if when life is discovered on another "life hospitable planet" to see what creationists have to say about that.

Some questions to ponder though.

Is it scientifically possible to ever discover civilized life on another planet?

Do other civilizations on other planets believe in a higher power? Is it a part of the natural evolution process for anyone who develops the man like intelligence to buy into the supernatural early in the process (you know, like how early man was pretty much forced into believing supernatural explanations when it came to lightning for example).

And another question comes to mind: Will human evolution finally do away with the part of our brain that looks for and accepts supernatural explanations (I also include superstitious things like wearing a lucky shirt that even many of us atheists have in one way or another)?

June 19, 2009

Most Canadians Aren't This Stupid

At least I don't think we are.

The very first part of the video is true. I don't remember ever discussing the Holocaust in school. Outside of the home or TV documentaries, the Holocaust was not brought up. We did have history classes, but generally history focused only on Canadian history.

The Angry Canuck then goes on to make a complete fool of himself. I will take it on his word that he actually tried to research the Holocaust. However, he must have either been directed or attracted to Holocaust denier material and neo-Nazi websites to get all of his information.

I did send him a message to his Youtube inbox:
You researched from anti-semitic sites, the video at the end is proof of that. That person is a known Jew hater.
Unfortunately Google links to Holocaust denial sites so if you sincerely researched it, you went down the wrong path.
You could easily fall for idiocy researching 9/11 as well.

Here are some real sites:


Watch this video:

And watch this video too made at the end of the war:

I haven't received a follow up from him. Hopefully has gone through some of the material I sent him. He also has been silent on the video site too, but to his credit, he isn't deleting any posts. And to the Youtube communities credit, his video is getting a ton of one star ratings, and many angry comments.

The disturbing part is (assuming this guy is sincere) how easy it is to erase the Holocaust from the history of the newer generations. Kind of a light at the end of the tunnel for anti-semitic Joooo obsessed internet circus freaks. In order to prevent Revisionism from getting an upper hand, it is important to fight Holocaust denial as much as possible.

To leave your own comment on his video click here.

June 15, 2009

For Those Who Need A Good Laugh

Just a quickie. Found this video yesterday on Youtube. Nothing to do with religion, lack of religion. Just an attempt to put you in a good mood:

Ok, so maybe this has some implications. How can you be against pot after watching that video? You don't need religion to smile. That's all for now.