Blogs on my blogroll have to meet one of a few requirements. Most have to deal with reality(which of course, could include Atheism) and/or the War on Terror(which of course, is reality). I also will blogroll anyone who blogrolls me. Yes even if a religious Moonbat blogrolls me, I will blogroll them. That is just the way I am. Do you hear that Kos?
I happened to stumble upon Strong As An Ox And Nearly As Smart a day or two ago and found this gem:
I almost feel sorry for the Muslim who phoned in..............almost.
The Last Amazon found me. I checked out the blog. Good current stuff about Israel.
Everyone who reads my blog and has even a remote interest in the middle east should read the following posts at Professor Kurgman's Beautiful Mind:
Conflict in the Middle East: A History is hysterical. Conflict in the Middle East: Solutions is extremely funny as well (who said sequels have to suck?)
The good Professor left a link in my comments for an article that literally made me laugh so hard I had tears streaming down my cheeks.
I can't argue with this short piece from Girl On The Right.
Dr. Sanity lives up to her name. All you need to do is check out his last 4 or 5 posts to find out.
In the world of Atheists, the notorious Choobus, a legend from the Raving Atheist forums, has just started a blog. I expect it to be vile, degrading, and a laugh a minute.......OK, I just checked his last post. Parental warning alert bigtime.
Just one more thing I'd like to add. I'm not a spelling Nazi, but I do find that many of my ThEIst blog pals who rightfully place me on their blogroll, wind up spelling AthEIst wrong.
If you want BS or Political Correctness you have come to the wrong place. FAQ How can you be an atheist Jew?
July 23, 2006
July 21, 2006
I admit it. I like the concept of the Church of Reality: if it is real, we believe it. It all sounds good. I didn't like the idea of calling it a church, but that is just a minor peeve. My major peeve is that the founder has revealed himself to be a complete Moonbat, and he has started making his own rules up that have nothing to do with reality.
I have been on the C of R email list for some time now. Never taking anything serious.
But that changed a few days ago. Let Marc's own word's bury him here:
On 7/16/06, Marc Perkel
Dear Church of Reality Members,
I'm considering issuing and edict condemning the Israeli
unprovoked war
with Lebanon. If there's a reason what I shouldn't I'd like to hear it.
But what I'm seeing is just plain wrong - big time!
Feedback Appreciated,
Marc Perkel
First One
Church of Reality
Here is how I responded:
Unprovoked? What is Israel supposed to do? Lebanon was
supposed to
disband Hezbollah after the withdrawal of Lebanon a few years back.
You are way out to lunch here.
I ask you, if you were Israel what would you do?
His response (notice no answer to my question):
Lebanon isn'r able to control Hezbollah. Especially with Israel
attacking it.
My reply:
Lebanon has condoned Hezbollah. Israel is trying their best to attack
Hezbollah, not civilians. Granted, Lebanon is weak, if it sincerely wants to rid itself of Hezbollah, obviously they can't or won't do
it....therefore, someone else(Israel) must.
His response:
Israel attacked Lebanon - not Hezbollah. They attacked the airports and
power plants and cutting off roard and bombing bridges.
My reply:
Hezbollah is like Al Qaeda.. except they are Lebanons unofficial
army. the airport, power plant and bridge bombings are to prevent more missiles and weaponry coming into Lebanon.
Lebanon isn't stopping Hezbollah from getting Iranian missiles.
His reply:
What makes you think Lebanon can? Why does a democract need to be bombed back to the stone age in order to serve Israel?
My reply:
Where has Lebanon tried to stop it. I'm going to ask you a simple
question. What would you do if you were Israel?
Finally a stupid assmonkey answer to my question:
If I were Israel I would be the beacon of peace and sanity. I would
figure out whatever it takes to make people not want to hate jews and
create peace. Attacking Lebanon is just going to make more people hate Israel and will cost them in the long run.
Oh man, this made me shake my head and laugh at him. The guy needs a straight jacket.
But I replied: That is not an answer. Israel pulled out of two places and both
places are attacking them.
Don't wimp out here. I'm looking for a real answer. Arabs hate Jews
already. It has to do with Arab intolerance.
The only way Arabs won't hate Jews anymore is if Jews commit suicide.
The Western support for Israel has been unreal this time around. I'm
surprised that you are still looking at the conflict from only one
perspective. Lefties tend to side with the underdog. For some
reason, you think the Arabs are underdogs.
His reply: There are more that two sides here. Lebanon is an innocent third party.
You don't go to war over a kidnapping. That's insane.
I still didn't give up: It isn't about just the kidnapping. From Gaza, bombs are being lobbed
into Israel daily. The kidnapping there is just the tip of the
The Hezbollah attack was well planned, in Israel territory and
soldiers died. It was an act of war.
If Mexico had terrorists wanting Texas back, and the Mexican
government didn't get rid of them, and these terrorists kidnapped
Americans, lobbed bombs in Texas from Mexico, and sent the odd suicide
bomber into Austin, Houston and Dallas and blew up school children,
what would the USA do?
His reply:
But Israel started the rocket attacks and they were against the country
of Lebanon bombing the entire nation back to the stone age.
My reply: Israel was attacking the cancer within Lebanon. Again, I ask you,
what would you do if you were Israel? How do you negotiate with
Hamas/Hezbollah mentality?, those who do not recognize Israel's right
to exist, and their main goal is to literally rid the middle east of
Again, you failed to understand my analogy with Mexico and the USA. or
you chose to ignore it.
War is war, innocent people will die. Israel just wants to live,
Arabs want them to die.
Finally to prove his insanity he issued this press release. (At least he took out "unproved war," out of it:
Marc Perkel - founder of the Church of Reality has today issued and
edict condemning the Israeli invasion. "Israel has gone insane." say
Marc Perkel who was raised Jewish and now stand is shock at what he is
witnessing in Lebanon. "This invasion is absolutely unjustified - it is
wrong. Israel destroyed the sovereign nation of Lebanon, a newly formed
western style democracy who would be the kind of nation that would have
been Israel's friend. Israel destroyed their roads, their airports,
their ports, their power plants, and indiscriminately bombing civilian
cities killing hundreds of innocent people far from the southern border.
Lebanon is not Hezbollah and Hezbollah is not Lebanon. Israel is
destroying the wrong enemy. Israel is destroying its own standing in the
world community"
"This is unproductive in that by launching an unjust war Israel has
empowered its enemies showing that Israelis are terrorists too. Israel
can not win the peace by mass slaughtering innocent people and
destroying a neighboring nation in an unprovoked attack. Israel has
given Islamic terrorists a new tool for recruiting assassins to kill not
only Israelis, but citizens from the rest of the civilized world. Israel
has put world peace at risk and this attack is an attack against
civilization itself."
The Church of Reality asserts that Israel is not above international law
and it should have gone to the United Nations first to get a consensus
of the world community and acted along with other nations in a
coordinated and well thought our response. "To start a war over the
kidnapping of two people is just plain wrong. You don't kill hundreds to
save two. That's crazy!"
Details of the Church of Reality's position can be found here.
My response:
Marc, you've lost it. You gave no solution for what Israel should do
and more importantly, you do not formally denounce Hezbollah's
actions, in fact, you sympathize with the terrorists who started this.
I have taken myself off your list and removed you from my recommended
site list on my blog. I hope other members follow my lead here, if
they haven't already. You are clearly denying reality by condemning
Yours truly
The Atheist Jew
Just in case anyone has doubts about his idiocy, his final reply:
Fine - I don't need zionists in the CoR.
Why is it that those who blame Israel can only state what Israel shouldn't do, but can't come up with any answer to what they should do, outside of committing suicide that is?
I do have a great response now, not that it would have mattered with this dummy, when it comes to Hezbollah not being Lebanon: If that is true, than the IDF isn't Israel. So this crisis has nothing to do with Lebanon or Israel. They are off the hook. It is strictly between Hezbollah and the IDF.
Marc is definitely only seeing one side here. It is pathetic. Here is his latest blog post:
What if Israelis Kill Americans?
Letter to the Editor
What if Israelis start killing Americans? It could easily happen because Americans are also pinned down by Israel's discriminate attacks. If Israelis kill Americans then who's side are we supposed to be on? I can't accept that Israeli lives are more important than American lives or the rights of Israelis are superior to ours. If Americans in Lebanon are killed by Israelis then Americans have the right to defend themselves.
I have a good response for this one. What if Hezbollah kills an American in Israel?
July 20, 2006
Why Did Bush Veto Embryonic Stem Cell Bill
Why Veto, why?
"Va fanculo, I spell my name with an I not an E. You are just trying to break my balls."
Anyways, I'll tell you why Bush said no to embryonic stem cells: It is because he is a Fundy. And every Fundy knows that Jesus is returning any day now. So why spend good money on scientific research that will benefit mankind more than 20 years plus from now? It just doesn't make sense. Better off spending money on worthwhile causes like Churches and Bibles. And by golly spread the word. And keep your car full of gas, cause you never know where you are gonna be when Jesus gives the good word, and you need at least 3 quarters of a tank to make to heaven.
Do frozen embryos get to go to heaven on Rapture day? I wonder what the Good Book says about that.
Don't forget to watch this video. It is guaranteed to make you think. It is from 1941, so I'm sure a few of the people in it died without enjoying the Rapture in real time. But it is gonna happen soon. 45% of Americans can't be wrong.
Hat Tip: Hellbound Alleee
"Va fanculo, I spell my name with an I not an E. You are just trying to break my balls."
Anyways, I'll tell you why Bush said no to embryonic stem cells: It is because he is a Fundy. And every Fundy knows that Jesus is returning any day now. So why spend good money on scientific research that will benefit mankind more than 20 years plus from now? It just doesn't make sense. Better off spending money on worthwhile causes like Churches and Bibles. And by golly spread the word. And keep your car full of gas, cause you never know where you are gonna be when Jesus gives the good word, and you need at least 3 quarters of a tank to make to heaven.
Do frozen embryos get to go to heaven on Rapture day? I wonder what the Good Book says about that.
Don't forget to watch this video. It is guaranteed to make you think. It is from 1941, so I'm sure a few of the people in it died without enjoying the Rapture in real time. But it is gonna happen soon. 45% of Americans can't be wrong.
Hat Tip: Hellbound Alleee
July 19, 2006
Read this post at Combs Spouts Off. It makes perfect sense. It demolishes the terror apologist Moonbats new argument. Thank you Combs for the new sidebar addition.
As far as helping dual citizen Lebanese escape Lebanon and bring them over to Canada and the USA, if this is true, I'm not into it at all.
July 18, 2006
The folllowing two scumbag's analysis of the Middle East crisis are so uneducated, rhetorical and just full of lies and half truths, that I won't bother refuting them in this post. I just want to show these Moonbats off so that my readership can just see how retarded these imbeciles are.
First enemy to mankind is Washington Post columnist/POS Richard Cohen. Thanks to Chris At Home:
"The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself."
Richard, go screw yourself you braindead Dhimmiwitted ignoramous. I hope you wind up as a dishwasher thanks to this "column."
The second piece of human feces is another Robert McClelland, a Canadian cockroach.
He has demonized Israel over the last week at ( cute). Titles of his Jihadist supporting, West hating posts have been Israel/Lebanon Edition, Israel Invades Lebanon, The Failed State of Israel, Israel Murders Canadians, and More Israeli Terrorism.
I'm not going to quote this vile piece of dog dung. He has a bunch of maggots who are regular commenters there as well. He is an NDP supporter. He is nothing but an impotent little twerp who whines away to a very small audience. He wrote "#@$# the Jews" on a building last year. Why is he even breathing?
Below, Robert McClelland (top) and Richard Cohen (below) hang out together:
One well known (to this blog) dhimmiwit has not written a word during this whole crisis. I wonder what Steve is going to write about next at his site: Digitally Deranged.
Israel Matzav totally schools the first Cockroach Cohen.
First enemy to mankind is Washington Post columnist/POS Richard Cohen. Thanks to Chris At Home:
"The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself."
Richard, go screw yourself you braindead Dhimmiwitted ignoramous. I hope you wind up as a dishwasher thanks to this "column."
The second piece of human feces is another Robert McClelland, a Canadian cockroach.
He has demonized Israel over the last week at ( cute). Titles of his Jihadist supporting, West hating posts have been Israel/Lebanon Edition, Israel Invades Lebanon, The Failed State of Israel, Israel Murders Canadians, and More Israeli Terrorism.
I'm not going to quote this vile piece of dog dung. He has a bunch of maggots who are regular commenters there as well. He is an NDP supporter. He is nothing but an impotent little twerp who whines away to a very small audience. He wrote "#@$# the Jews" on a building last year. Why is he even breathing?
Below, Robert McClelland (top) and Richard Cohen (below) hang out together:
One well known (to this blog) dhimmiwit has not written a word during this whole crisis. I wonder what Steve is going to write about next at his site: Digitally Deranged.
Israel Matzav totally schools the first Cockroach Cohen.
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