July 11, 2007

Muslims Like This Make Me Sick

This video is called: Daniel Pearl I Am Happy Your Dead:) "Your"?

Takferi represents exactly why the West has a big problem trusting Muslims. Do moderate Muslims exist? This idiot would call himself moderate, because he doesn't condone the head chopping. It is like me saying I don't condone slaughterhouses while eating a steak.

He is a raving hypocrite. Pearl did not kill anyone, yet Takferi blames him because he was a Jew who supported Israel, so he basically says that all Jews who support Israel are guilty for any Palestinian deaths, yet takes exception that people blame all Muslims for acts of terrorism. Not only that, but he lies by saying that Muslims are killed for being born Palestinian. He also called Pearl a spy. Why? Because he was an investigative journalist? The mentality of those like Takferi is mind boggling.

The hypocrisy really gets to me. He calls himself an American, yet here is a quote by him under his Youtube video:

takferi (12 hours ago)
we can't enjoy it when the capitalist athiests send daniel pearls to our lands to spy and commit treason. thank you for ur post and concern.

Our lands? OK, so Muslims can come to Western lands, but the West can't come to "Muslim land." I see. And what is the definition of spy or treason to this imbecile?

It is just like the fact that over 10 million people in Brazil today are of Lebanese descent, yet the Arab world took a hissy fit, when Jews started migrating to the non sovereign region of Palestine prior to 1948. Hypocrisy reigns supreme in the Muslim world.

Update: It seems that the hypocritical Muslim has changed the title using proper English. He also has not allowed any posted comments since 1 PM EST. I know I have two pending comments, and I'm sure there are many more.

He also has a Web Site that states: UNITE AND CONQUER Oh yes, the motto of the religion of peace:)

July 7, 2007

Border Collie Watches Border Collies Watching Border Collies

A quickie. Nothing to do with the fact that there is no evidence that God exists, or that Jesus or Moses existed either. Just my best friend Daisy watching a TV show about border collies who watch border collies on TV. It is sort of surrealistic video, though I have no idea what I'm talking about. Enjoy, it is just over 30 seconds.

July 4, 2007

Time To Offend The Catholics Again

First off, the following video is what is called satire. It takes aspects of real life, and tries to make it overblown and humorous. If you are easily offended, please don't watch. If you don't like swear words, please don't watch it either. Anyone else who wants to grin continuously for over 4 minutes, by all means, click the play arrow:

I loved the last line in the video.

To view more of Louis CK on Youtube click here.

Check out Louis CK's web site too.

July 2, 2007

Canadians Not As Ignorant As Americans When It Comes To Accepting Evolution

59% of Canadians accept the reality of evolution, while only 22% believe some dude named God poofed man, the earth, the universe, and everything else into existence less than 10,000 years ago. Of course, we have a bunch of non committal Canadians who "don't know." These are the same people who would answer "don't know" to just about anything because they just don't want to risk that they might give the "wrong" answer. The don't knows could also have included those yo yo's who believe the earth is old but "macroevolution" never happened.

Click here for the actual poll results.

Here is what Americans "believe."

Of course, the more educated one is, the more likely that person is to accept evolution and an ancient earth. And on a bright note, the younger generation of Canadians accept evolution more than the older generation.

The second poll question was way too wordy. The Big Valley Creation Science Museum opened this month in Alberta. One of the museum’s displays suggests that dinosaurs and human beings co-existed on earth. Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? Canadians don't have the greatest attention spans. After around 12 words, many Canadians minds start wandering off thinking about beer or hockey.

The results just didn't jive with respect to the first question on whether one believed in evolution or creation. 42% agreed with that statement, while only 37% disagreed. Again another 21% were non committal. Besides not really understanding the question, I'm going to blame Canadian television which used to have The Flintstones on way too much.

I was really surprised that Quebec doesn't have as many reality deniers as the rest of the country. I would have thought that they had way more yard ape YECs.

June 29, 2007

Canadian Mensa Member Proves Intelligence & Insanity Are Mutually Exclusive

While checking out my subscription's videos on Youtube, I checked out member akg41470's new videos. This Youtubist does a series called "Actually...," which refutes creationist nonsense videos that are posted on Youtube. Episode 13 caught my eye, because the reality denier who was being refuted claims to be a member of Mensa Canada.

Wazooloo is a dude who is approaching 40. His videos are long, but worth watching if you like watching someone making a complete fool of themselves. Also, anyone who likes psychology may enjoy this as a case study in delusion and insanity. I watched both as I was intrigued by the fact he is a Canadian "genius." I know my atheist readers will enjoy these. His whole premise is that the bible is 100% accurate and some of his insights will make you laugh out loud.

I'm wondering if Mensa Canada is a scam. I did their 10 minute workout sample test. It took me 3 or 4 minutes, and I got all 5 questions correct. Maybe it is just that I am a Super Duper Mega Genius.

These literal biblicists think that science is just like the bible. If you can find one thing that scientists were wrong about, it means all of science is wrong.

As I've state before, the internet will cause the death of Young Earth Creationism. These fools should just keep their nonsense in their own homes and places of worship, if they want to keep their flock numbers up.

Anyway, this guy is an embarrassment to Canada and Mensa.