Recovering Ortho Jew has tagged me to do a Book Meme.
I was sort of hoping to avoid this Meme, but it was inevitable to get tagged as I've seen many blogs on my blogroll do book meme posts. I am not much of a fiction reader. And the truth is that I am a slow deliberate reader. Sure, I can "read" a book quickly, but it is a lie to say that I retained much of anything if I try this approach. And I have a sneaking suspicion that those of you who think you can read a 250-300 page book in a night, haven't really read the book. It is impossible to read a book properly at a rate of more than 10 pages per hour.
Most of the non fiction books I've read were in high school. I enjoyed reading in high school, and the focus on existentialism that my school had in their English department definitely had an impact on my transformation from someone who assumed there was a God, to me becoming Agnostic, to finally becoming Atheist.
Don't get me wrong, I read tons now. Most (all) of the books I read though are non fiction texts though. And of course I must read 30 to 40 blog posts a day and 30 to 40 newspaper/science/sports articles a day.
Now for the Meme:
A book that changed my life?:
Who Has Seen The Wind by W O Mitchell; all about life and death, I found it thought provoking at the time and it made me become introspective of my own life, and the mortality of everything from amoebas to humans.
A book I’ve read more than once:
Tough one. Does Winning At The Races by William Quirin count?
A book I would take with me if I were stuck on a desert island:
Here is where I get practical. Robinson Crusoe. I figure it would give me an idea of how to cope. I'd also consider a book on how to make a boat.
A book that made me laugh:
Horton Hears A Who by Theodor Geisel.
A book that made me cry:
I don't know about crying. I admit I've come close though, especially while watching some feel good movies. I think there were parts of Johnny Tremain that made me come close, but I was pretty young back then.
A book that I wish had been written:
The Harry Potter series. I haven't read them, but it made the author filthy rich.
A book I wish had never been written:
The Koran, or Qu'ran, or whatever you call it. Too many people have some ugly interpretations when it comes to what it says.
I'm currently reading:
Outside of Now You Know, by Doug Lennox(the red version and the blue version), books about trivial facts, I am not reading any book right now. Especially non fiction.
A book I've been meaning to read:
The End of Faith by Sam Harris. I came close to buying the Jesus Mysteries, but I found out enough on the internet to satisfy my curiosity.
What turned me onto fiction?
Other than being forced to read fiction in school, absolutely nothing.
Now it is time to tag 5 bloggers. I will focus on tagging females. One, their gender seems to like reading fiction, and secondly, they seem to like to talk about themselves, generally speaking of course:)
Atheist Girl, Begin Each Day As If It Were On Purpose, Lemons and Lollipops, Memoirs Of A Gouda, and Beep Beep It's Me.
Actually this group of chicks I'm tagging has a lot of smarts, so I expect their responses to be quite impressive.