If you want BS or Political Correctness you have come to the wrong place. FAQ How can you be an atheist Jew?
May 11, 2006
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Canada's spy agency has warned: a terror attack on Canadian soil is "now probable."
It seem that the Religion of Peace has found a reason to hate us. Stupid us. We obviously haven't done everything we can to make Canada a Muslim country yet.
Looks like we need to be taught a lesson. Some innocent people need to die, so we can learn.
Thank you Liberal Moonbats, for allowing terror cells to grow in Canada. Until there is a Mosque on every street corner, us Canadians will have to watch our backs.
One more thing I've realized, our troops in Afghanistan are much braver than me. I'm a wimp (a keyboard warrior) in comparison to the Western ground soldiers fighting terror. These soldiers are fighting for our freedom and our future. The sickness of Islam must be defeated and reformed. Most Canadians haven't realized it yet, but according to CSIS we will understand it soon enough.
Aaron, from Aaron's Case, on his main page, speaks for many of us when he says: "Hey, I'm just a friendly family guy and relatively high-profile blogger who objects to a religion that would dhimmify all non-adherants and make them pay jizya for the privilege of remaining alive under Muslim rule. It pains me deeply that there has yet to be even a rally of even 1000 Muslims out of the 1.2 billion adherants anywhere on earth to renounce violent jihad or even to protest the widespread practice of female genital mutilation and honor killing seemingly unique to that faith throughout the Islamic world.".....but publish a cartoon of Mohammed and watch the shit fly.
May 10, 2006
I have a few questions for Evangelicals
I don't know how much response I will get over this one, but here goes:
Lets say you start questioning things like the age of the earth and evolution. First off, do Evangelicals question these things? And if you do and actually start buying into the reality of an ancient earth and evolution, do you start questioning people at your church, the head honcho Preacher for instance, or close friends you see at church regularly?
Are you content with their answers? If you changed your mind about Young Earth Creation, would you change churches, or not go, or go less? Do you find a pressure on you to believe the unbelievable?
I'd like honest answers here, even from ex-Christians if you feel like sharing.
May 9, 2006
Am I a racist if I say:
Most illegal immigrants in the United States come from Mexico.
9/11 was planned and carried out by Arabs.
Blacks have a much better chance to become NFL running backs than whites, and especially white Jews.
Blacks have a much better chance of making the NBA than whites, and especially white Jews.
Many blacks have a different genetic make up than many whites which enables many blacks to be better athletes in sports like basketball, football and to a lesser extent baseball, and this is a big reason blacks are over-represented in these sports.
Short people have a better chance of becoming jockeys than tall people.
Muslims carry out most suicide bombing attacks in the world today.
Many first generation Chinese North Americans tend to appear physically pushier than most other people, and many tend to be lousier drivers. This could be due to culture and/or genetics, most likely a combination.
Most gays are genetically predisposed to be gay.
Up to 50% of Saudis historically are inbred (second cousins or closer).
Many Middle Eastern Arab Muslims are taught from an early age to hate the West and Israel.
Jews are over-represented as lawyers, accountants, doctors, and stand-up comedians.
The sky appears blue during a cloudless day.
I don't think Jimmy the Greek should have been fired for saying: "The slave owner would breed this big Black with this big Black woman so he could have a big Black kid."1
Only one black NFL quarterback won a Super Bowl. It was back in 1988, when the Washington Redskins beat the Denver Broncos.
Wasington's NFL team's nickname is Redskins.
Close to 45% of Americans believe in Young Earth Creation and think evolution is a crock.
Blacks are over-represented in jails.
When it comes to pets, dogs appear more loyal to their owner than cats do in most cases.
Not very much in the way of medical or technical advances have come from Arab countries over the last 1000 or so years.
The average IQ of those who live in Arab countries is approximately 83.
Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of around 107.
Blacks in America have a lower IQ average than whites in America.
Close to 65% of Americans who drop out of high school believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old.
If a terrorist act was committed today, it was most likely carried out by a Muslim.
Bats are the only mammal that actually flies.
1 In his autobiographical Narrative, Frederick Douglass (a former slave) describes a young landowner named Covey, just starting out in life, who could only afford one slave. So he bought a woman named Caroline, "a large able-bodied woman about twenty years old."
"Shocking as is the fact," Douglass wrote, "he bought her, as he said, for a breeder." Then Covey went out and rented a married male slave, "And him he used to fasten up with Caroline every night! The result was that at the end of the year, the miserable woman gave birth to twins." A similar account appears in a series of narratives assembled by Fisk University in Nashville. "They would buy a fine girl and a fine man and just put them together like cattle," one former slave recalled. "They would not stop to marry them. If she was a good breeder, they was proud of her. I was stout and they were saving me for a breeding woman, but by the time I was big enough I was free."
May 8, 2006
Pascal's Wager: Might As Well Bet On Atheism
That Pascal dude sure makes it tough for us Atheists. What is more important?: living the life of a righteous believer so that we can have an opportunity at life everlasting in heaven, or live a life that most likely will be just as righteous, but possibly being rewarded with an eternity in hell because we didn't believe in God or suck up to him.
First off, which God are we supposed to suck up to? There are over 3400 potential Gods to choose from according to Godchecker.com. Many Christians say, that according to their interpretation of the bible (written by many different men and maybe even some women), we must accept Jesus Christ to ensure our place in heaven.
Of course, the Christian cult than breaks off even more, and each sect has different rules to get into heaven, or stay out of hell. Most of these sects allow for do overs if you did something really bad, or even if you did lots of really terrible things, just as long as you die sincerely accepting Jesus as you personal saviour. Some sects say that Jews are exempt because we a chosen, we don't have to accept Jesus to get in. Of course, most say that Jews don't get in because we turned our back on Jesus.
Then you have those Muslim, Hindu, Scientology, Jewish, etc. beliefs to deal with.
And many Muslims believe the suicide bombers are Martyrs, and they are the closest you can get to their God (personally I would think hell for them....but). Most Orthodox Jews believe that Jews must follow (or at least try as hard as humanly possible to follow) the 613 Mitzvot (commandments). Of course, you can't do that and accept Jesus at the same time unless you are Jew for Jesus, who by covering a couple of religions, take Pascal even more seriously than mono religious people.
You have the Buddhists who believe that some sort of Kharmatic force dictates what our next life is going to be. I still don't get where 6.5 billion people reincarnated from. It couldn't be people. Must have been insects. But what were todays insects in their past lives? At least if they are right, we don't have to worry about accepting God or Jesus, or Mohammed.
God, if he exists, got so fed up with people believing in biblical fairy tales, he tried to show a new generation exactly how easy it is to start a religion based on ridiculous claims when he guided the Mormons in their beginnings. But few realized the parallels.
When Christians like Ray Comfort ask, why not accept Jesus since you are not guaranteed to get into heaven without accepting him, ask him/her if you should also accept Mohammed and Allah too and the teachings of Joseph Smith as well. At least there is historical proof Mohammed existed, same with Joseph Smith. And we all know that according to South Park, Mormonism is the right religion, and only Mormons get to go to heaven.
Pascal was a Christian. I think he tested out at least 2 different Christian sub cults. He had a revelation when he had a near death experience in his early 30's, but it didn't stop the sickly Pascal from dying in his late 30's. He was a genius when it came to probability theory. Too bad he didn't know what we know today when it comes to the universe and evolution, or he would know that the probability that God and/or heaven exists is as close to zero as anything can get.
Some people say that all religions are just different paths to the same destination. I couldn't agee more, except the final destination is not heaven but "Dust In The Wind."
Getting back to betting on Atheism, I say that if God exists, he put absolutely no evidence on this planet or the universe to prove it to me. My bet would be that God wouldn't want people who were that gullible to be that close to him, in heaven. In fact, he would embrace only Atheists, who dealt with real evidence. He would only want to be with those don't believe in fairy tales. He needs the intellectual stimulation. He doesn't need dummies.
And if God doesn't exist, which of course he doesn't, Atheists like me can live our lives realizing that this is our only shot to be conscious beings, and we have the choice to make the most of it or the least of it.
May 6, 2006
Time To Qualify My Ideology Again
I did a post a little while ago that basically states where I stand on most issues:
here it is once more.
I'm pretty much a centrist, but socially I definitely lean to the left. When it comes to fighting Radical Islam and Evangelicals who want to push their bullshit agenda, I am on the Far Right.
Some people may find a conflict here because many Evangelicals are very Anti-Jihad, and many Atheists have their heads up their ass when it comes to the goals of Islam, and feel that supporting gay rights, for example, is the same thing ideologically as supporting Islamic rights. Atheists don't have to be MOONBATS. Atheists don't have to be blind. Atheists don't have to be Dhimmis in waiting.
Hey that isn't an Alley Cat, it is an Allah Cat, run:
Again, as proven by some of the commenters on this blog, the Far Left just don't get it. Even when given evidence, they deny and/or ignore it. Even if the evidence comes from first hand sources such as The Sandmonkey, God's Loyal Opposition, Roya (The Atheist Girl), Wafa Sultan, or The Three Former Palestinian Terrorists. Sorry but I can't handle a culture that protests cartoons on one hand but stays relatively silent when it comes to protesting terrorist acts.
As far the Christian Right is concerned, I feel I am better equipped to fight it, and I think it is a war that will eventually be won..........but not in my lifetime.
Science and fact can only be denied for so long. Let us not forget that mind numbing religious beliefs have been around for thousands of years. In fact it was the only game in town for quite a while. The Young Earth, for instance, was ingrained in our ancestors so much that it wouldn't surprise me if part of our brains evolved a small section that automatically accepts it as a given. But I have "faith" that humans are capable of overcoming this brain defect, if we are allowed to receive facts and evidence. Didn't OBL just say that Freethinkers should have their heads cut off? (Oh yeah, just some more rhetoric for the Religion Of Peace). At least the Christian Right hasn't been threatening anything like that. They just tell me I'm going to hell. I can live with that.
Yes, it is amazing that in today's day and age that 45% of Americans believe in a Young Earth and think evolution is phooey. But those numbers were much higher 100 years ago. And I expect that number to keep dropping and dropping as more scientific discoveries come along. The Christian Right can only do the Ignorant Jig for so long before their legs have no more strength.
I don't even have a problem with the fact that Fundamental Christians plop out more children than us Secularists. Just because a child is born to two delusional parents, doesn't make the child delusional. If that was true, Agnostics and Atheists would not be growing by percentage. It is my duty, and the duty of anyone who appreciates at least the basics of how scientific theories are derived, to educate as many young people as we can. Facts will win in the long run. As long as the Christian Right doesn't ban science, reality will win.
It won't be long before the Catholics start owning up to the fact that Jesus might not have existed the way they are going. I love it. Check this out at Beep Beep's. It is only a matter of time. The Christian Fundies will be dinosaurs within a century.
here it is once more.
I'm pretty much a centrist, but socially I definitely lean to the left. When it comes to fighting Radical Islam and Evangelicals who want to push their bullshit agenda, I am on the Far Right.
Some people may find a conflict here because many Evangelicals are very Anti-Jihad, and many Atheists have their heads up their ass when it comes to the goals of Islam, and feel that supporting gay rights, for example, is the same thing ideologically as supporting Islamic rights. Atheists don't have to be MOONBATS. Atheists don't have to be blind. Atheists don't have to be Dhimmis in waiting.
Hey that isn't an Alley Cat, it is an Allah Cat, run:
Again, as proven by some of the commenters on this blog, the Far Left just don't get it. Even when given evidence, they deny and/or ignore it. Even if the evidence comes from first hand sources such as The Sandmonkey, God's Loyal Opposition, Roya (The Atheist Girl), Wafa Sultan, or The Three Former Palestinian Terrorists. Sorry but I can't handle a culture that protests cartoons on one hand but stays relatively silent when it comes to protesting terrorist acts.
As far the Christian Right is concerned, I feel I am better equipped to fight it, and I think it is a war that will eventually be won..........but not in my lifetime.
Science and fact can only be denied for so long. Let us not forget that mind numbing religious beliefs have been around for thousands of years. In fact it was the only game in town for quite a while. The Young Earth, for instance, was ingrained in our ancestors so much that it wouldn't surprise me if part of our brains evolved a small section that automatically accepts it as a given. But I have "faith" that humans are capable of overcoming this brain defect, if we are allowed to receive facts and evidence. Didn't OBL just say that Freethinkers should have their heads cut off? (Oh yeah, just some more rhetoric for the Religion Of Peace). At least the Christian Right hasn't been threatening anything like that. They just tell me I'm going to hell. I can live with that.
Yes, it is amazing that in today's day and age that 45% of Americans believe in a Young Earth and think evolution is phooey. But those numbers were much higher 100 years ago. And I expect that number to keep dropping and dropping as more scientific discoveries come along. The Christian Right can only do the Ignorant Jig for so long before their legs have no more strength.
I don't even have a problem with the fact that Fundamental Christians plop out more children than us Secularists. Just because a child is born to two delusional parents, doesn't make the child delusional. If that was true, Agnostics and Atheists would not be growing by percentage. It is my duty, and the duty of anyone who appreciates at least the basics of how scientific theories are derived, to educate as many young people as we can. Facts will win in the long run. As long as the Christian Right doesn't ban science, reality will win.
It won't be long before the Catholics start owning up to the fact that Jesus might not have existed the way they are going. I love it. Check this out at Beep Beep's. It is only a matter of time. The Christian Fundies will be dinosaurs within a century.
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