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May 22, 2006
Palestinian Poll
Hat tip to Comment Pimpette. HAHAHAHA
Great analogy of the Israel-Palestinian conflict from the BBC message board by a poster named Leffeblond:
"The Arab states have turned Israel into a larger version of the Warsaw ghetto with their threats to drive Israel into the sea and funding terrorists. This time though that ghetto is armed and will defend itself.
I see the reluctance by the Arab nations to cede that small sliver of land as nothing more than territorial greed, as Arab League nations stretch from the Atlantic to Iraq."
Probably More Entertaining Than The Da Vinci Code
This is a video which combines The Life Of Brian and The Passion of Christ (I think).
Pretty funny editing here.
I have no interest in seeing The Da Vinci Code, just as I had no interest in watching The Passion. Hell, The Passion has been available on my TV for free for quite some time and I won't watch it. The thing is, there is almost no chance that a dude named Jesus Christ ever walked this planet around 2000 years ago. There are too many wonderous things on this planet that really happened. I'm interested in these things in movies or documentaries. There are so many real things that will happen. I'm interested in these things too. Speculation on things we don't know is good too. If someone is going to totally make something up, make it clear the characters are not real, like Sherlock Holmes, or make it a comedy like Life of Brian (I know Brian wasn't real either, but he was more real than Jesus).
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I couldn't think of anything else to post today.
One more thing. Check out The Dilbert Blog. Scott Adams last three or four posts have to do with US aid to Israel and terrorism. He is such a joker.
May 21, 2006
I'm Just A Liberal Atheist Who Hates Terrorists and Dhimmiwits
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 35% Conservative, 65% Liberal |
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
I can't help it if I recognize terror for what it is. A true realist is not a Dhimmiwit. It would be one thing if it was just rhetoric, but certain people blow themselves up in front of innocent people. And the brothers and sisters of these suicide bombers blame the West, not their culture of hate.
Thanks Cat, for the link to the quiz. It doesn't take long to do.
May 20, 2006
These Guys Must Be Berkeley Grads
Sometimes you have to wonder if certain people take the concept of a free country and free speech a tad too far. Isn't this rally just sickening though? At least thanks to free speech, we know who the enemies are and what they look like. And this kind of stuff proves to me at least: TO BE PRO-PALESTINIAN IS TO BE ANTI-WEST
Getting back to Berkeley. I don't think there is a high level education institution that creeps me out more. Arab instructors with their blatant anti-semitism, actually get to teach "America's" young.
This guy pretty much sums up Berkeley:
"Encountering anti-Semitism and intolerance at the bastion of free speech and liberalism—UC-Berkeley—was shocking to me. Having attended a very diverse public high school in San Francisco, my friends were from all racial and socio-economic backgrounds, and being in a family of Holocaust survivors taught me the supreme importance of tolerance and respect. When I came to UC-Berkeley, I was uncomfortable because I saw self-segregation and hatred running rampant. I wanted to change this, so I ran for and won a seat on the student government senate. To my astonishment, what I found among the leaders of Berkeley was even worse; I encountered anti-Semitic rhetoric and race baiting politics. This at Berkeley?" More
Here is a first hand account of how vile Berkeley is.
Here are some nothworthy anti-semitic incidents that happened at American Colleges from 2002-2004. Notice how many happened at Berkeley.
I know Berkeley isn't completely full of anti-Western, terrorist sympathizing pieces of crap and Dhimmis, so my apologies to those who are not.
May 18, 2006
Apes Are In The News Once More
Live Science is going ape these days with stories about apes and monkeys.
Putty-nosed monkeys, who dwell in African rainforests, give out warning "hacks" when predators are around. I love the description of the goals of the monkeys by the Live Science writer: "Their three main goals in life are to reproduce, eat, and not get eaten." Aint that what evolution is all about? More here.
Now it looks like humans and chimp ancestors may have interbred. " The initial split occurred around 6.3 million years ago. Sometime after, the descendents of the earliest known human ancestor—the 6.5 to 7.5-million-year-old "Toumai," a biped that probably didn't look much different than chimpanzee ancestors—mated with ancestral chimps and created a hybrid species.
Scientists can't say how long the hybridization carried on, but the final speciation occurred around 5.3 million years ago, possibly because the two species' genetic coded were too different to mix or the animals were simply physically unappealing to each other." More here
Unappealing to each other? I don't think they are talking about married couples who have been together too long.
And now for the best story, at least to me. Apes plan ahead.
"To determine if apes can also perform this type of "mental time travel," Nicholas Mulcahy and Josep Call, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, enlisted five bonobo chimpanzees and five orangutans for an experiment.
The researchers first led the animals into a room and taught them how to use a tool to get a food reward. Then the apes were directed to a "tool shed" containing tools for reaching grapes and juice bottles. Two of the tools were well suited for the task, while six were not.
After an ape made its selection, it was not allowed access to the goodie dispenser for an hour, so the animal hauled the tool back to a waiting room for storage.
When the researchers allowed the animals to have a go at the dispenser, the apes returned with a suitable tool and retrieved their treat in less than 5 minutes about 30 percent of the time.
One orangutan, a female named Dokana, was particularly adept at planning ahead. She returned to the feeding area with the correct tool for the task nearly every time. Even when she brought back the wrong tool, she figured out how to alter it to make it work anyway.
In a second test, the researchers extended the wait time to 14 hours and ran the test with Dokana and a male bonobo named Kuno. Dokana took tools with her in all 11 trials, and returned with the proper tool seven times. Kuno did even better, returning with the right tool eight times.
Reading an ape's mind
The authors suggest that selecting a tool, which has no value in itself, is evidence that the apes are actually planning ahead, since the animal knows that the tool will come in handy later on."
OK, now I would have guessed that Great Apes could think ahead. But this leads me to ponder why can't Palestinians think ahead. Maybe some of the Palestinian leaders need brain transplants. Give the Palestinian leaders bonobos brains and maybe, just maybe, there will be peace in the middle east.
Here is an example of how Palestinians think ahead:
Palestinians have yet to show any ability to think even one move ahead. They seem to be stuck on the past. Voting for Hamas was a perfect example of this. I have a feeling that when a Palestinian gets ready for a game of chess, he just imagines suicide belts on all the pawns.
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