If you want BS or Political Correctness you have come to the wrong place. FAQ How can you be an atheist Jew?
August 23, 2006
A "documentary" about to be shown this weekend, Darwin's Deadly Legacy, is yet another attempt by the Fundamentally Retarded to whine and lie about evolution.
Since I haven't seen it, I will cut up World Net Daily's article entitled Darwin-Hitler connection sparks attacks It is an attempt to shoot down people who have seen this argument many times before. Anyone familiar with the analogy that Hitler used "Darwinism" doesn't need to watch the documentary to know that this is going to be another dishonest attempt at saying evolution is bad and creation is good.
The documentary was done to "show why evolution is a bad idea that should be discarded into the dustbin of history,"
The documentary is trying to show that because Hitler supposedly incorporated "Darwinism," evolution is very very very bad. Lets even say that Hitler did use Darwin's theory to weed out the Jews (which he didn't). This still wouldn't mean that evolution isn't correct. It still doesn't mean that you can throw away facts becasue you don't like the repercussions of the facts. Lets throw cancer into the dustbin of history too, yeah lets ignore cancer.
WorldNetDaily columnist Ann Coulter also was a target for the critics who have yet to see the program.
She has, the critic contended, "no knowledge of science or history," and others on the program are nothing but "creationists."
Ann Coulter plagiarizes pieces from Behe and other creationists. I very much doubt she would ever be able to last one minute in a debate with a real scientist. I won't say she doesn't know anything about history, but from what I've seen, she doesn't know a lot. The others who are mentioned on the website promoting the documentary are in fact creationists. Creationists are not scientists, as stated before here. Those who mock evolution either don't understand evolution, or try to poke holes in certain parts of evolution theory. There has NEVER been one peer reviewed scientific study that puts doubt on evolution theory.
The program, according to producer Jerry Newcomb, is about the social effects of Darwinism, and the bloodshed that can be attributed to those beliefs. He said before Darwin, the basic concept was that man was made in the image of God, and was therefore valuable. But Darwin changed all that.
Hellooooooo, since when was Hitler the first person who tried to wipe out a people who were different than him. This dude is trying to say, for example, that Hitler was the first one to try get rid of Jews.
Lots of people, including Christians tried to rid the world of Jews even before Darwin came around.
"To put it simply, no Darwin, no Hitler," said D. James Kennedy, who is host for the special. "Hitler tried to speed up evolution, to help it along, and millions suffered and died in unspeakable ways because of it."
Coulter, who also wrote the bestselling "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," said Hitler simply was taking Darwinism from the theoretical to the practical.
"He thought the Aryans were the fittest and he was just hurrying natural selection along," she said.
Hitler believed in a special creation for the Aryan race. He believe in God, and he believed he was carrying out God's plan.
He never mentioned evolution.
'Hitler's goal was the "purification" of the "Aryan race" through the elimination of "subhumans", which included Jews, gypsies, Asians, black Africans, and everyone else who was not a white Aryan. Despite the creationists claims that this was based on Darwinain evolutionary theory, Hitler's own writings give quite a different story. The ICR claims that "Hitler used the German word for evolution (Entwicklung) over and over again in his book." (ICR Impact, "The Ascent of Racism", Paul Humber Feb 1987) Like so many of ICR's claims, this one is simply not true -- a quick scan of several online English translations of Mein Kampf shows only ONE use of the word "evolution", in a context which does not refer at all to biological evolution, but instead to the development of political ideas in Germany: "This evolution has not yet taken the shape of a conscious intention and movement to restore the political power and independence of our nation."... "White Aryans," Hitler writes, "are the special creations of God, the "highest image of the Lord", put here specifically to rule over the "subhuman" races: "Human culture and civilization on this continent are inseparably bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he dies out or declines, the dark veils of an age without culture will again descend on this globe. The undermining of the existence of human culture by the destruction of its bearer seems in the eyes of a folkish philosophy the most execrable crime. Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord commits sacrilege against the benevolent Creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise."..."Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord," adding "Compared to the absurd catchword about safeguarding law and order, thus laying a peaceable groundwork for mutual swindles, the task of preserving and advancing the highest humanity, given to this earth by the benevolence of the Almighty, seems a truly high mission." For Hitler, removing the subhumans from earth was not a matter of biology or evolution -- it was a divine mandate from God Himself, the "work of the Lord", a "truly high mission".'
Hitler was a creationist. A special creationist. A believer in God. He most likely believed in a young earth as well, which makes evolution impossible.
Some Hitler quotes:
"I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work." [Adolph Hitler, Speech, Reichstag, 1936]
"I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator." [Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 46]
"What we have to fight for...is the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." [Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 125]
"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so" [Adolph Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941]
The first edition of Mein Kampf suggests that Hitler may once have believed in a young earth: "this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men" (p. 65; the second edition substitutes "millions" for "thousands," and chapter 11 refers to "hundreds of thousands of years" of life in another context.) Other passages further support his creationist leanings:
The undermining of the existence of human culture by the destruction of its bearer seems in the eyes of a folkish philosophy the most execrable crime. Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord commits sacrilege against the benevolent Creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise. (Hitler 1943, 383)
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, . . . so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. (Hitler 1943, 214)
It is amazing that dishonest creationists will only use part quotes and forget about everything else in order to try to keep their false illusions alive.
In the documentary they used Human Genome Project Director Francis Collins, whose book, "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief," was published only a few months ago.
Collins is a theistic evolutionist. Therefore, he believes in evolution, only he thinks God made everything possible.
He must have been quoted so out of context that he has now made this statement:
"absolutely appalled by what Coral Ridge Ministries is doing. I had NO knowledge that Coral Ridge Ministries was planning a TV special on Darwin and Hitler, and I find the thesis of Dr. Kennedy's program utterly misguided and inflammatory."
Hitler even outlawed Atheism in 1933
I know this is a bit of stretch but how about:
August 21, 2006
Just Think Of Me As The William Hung Of Anti-Terrorism
Watcher from Eye on the World has FINALLY put together the slideshow to go with the song written by Elder of Ziyon, and to some extent, me.
If Fox News wants to pay my fare and accomodations, I have no problem performing it live on the O'Reilly Factor.
August 20, 2006
Take A Deep Breath: How Can Anyone Believe the Exodus Story?
This is pretty good but the narrator forgot about the fact that the trip to cross the Sinai would only take 10 days tops, and that is if the Israelites were walking into a sandstorm.
Now for some Moses humor:
God's quirkiness is revealed in the Exodus.
More on the lack of proof that the Exodus happened.
More here:
Building a history. Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University also points out that there's no physical evidence that thousands of people wandered for decades in the desert. Besides, Jericho and other Canaanite cities described in the Bible didn't exist when the Israelites were supposed to be conquering them. Finkelstein says the Bible isn't just fantasy, though. He thinks the first books of the Bible were written in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C., long after the Exodus might have happened. The writers drew on a pool of folk tales, of myths, of shreds of evidence to build a history for Israel, he says.
I may have to buy and READ "The Bible Unearthed." I've seen Israel Finkelstein (not to be confused with the retarded Jew, Norman Finkelstein) in a documentary touch upon his findings. Here is part of an Amazon review of the book:
"The authors did not intend to change a persons faith only to point out the Biblical stories may be more allegory than historical. E.g., they propose the early writings of the OT were written c. 700 BCE. They also suggest the early Israelites were probably Canaanites. The points are supported by archaeological studies that may be more academic than the casual reader comprehends but doesn't burden the reading for the casual reader."
Now for some Moses humor:
God's quirkiness is revealed in the Exodus.
More on the lack of proof that the Exodus happened.
More here:
Building a history. Archaeologist Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University also points out that there's no physical evidence that thousands of people wandered for decades in the desert. Besides, Jericho and other Canaanite cities described in the Bible didn't exist when the Israelites were supposed to be conquering them. Finkelstein says the Bible isn't just fantasy, though. He thinks the first books of the Bible were written in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C., long after the Exodus might have happened. The writers drew on a pool of folk tales, of myths, of shreds of evidence to build a history for Israel, he says.
I may have to buy and READ "The Bible Unearthed." I've seen Israel Finkelstein (not to be confused with the retarded Jew, Norman Finkelstein) in a documentary touch upon his findings. Here is part of an Amazon review of the book:
"The authors did not intend to change a persons faith only to point out the Biblical stories may be more allegory than historical. E.g., they propose the early writings of the OT were written c. 700 BCE. They also suggest the early Israelites were probably Canaanites. The points are supported by archaeological studies that may be more academic than the casual reader comprehends but doesn't burden the reading for the casual reader."
August 18, 2006
The 2,996 Project
The idea is simple, but powerful: have a special tribute for each victim of 9/11, with each tribute being created by a different blogger. We started 2,996 Project to coordinate the creation of the tributes, and that's what this site is all about. Here you can sign up to make a tribute yourself, on your blog (we'll randomly assign a victim to you). You can also browse or search through either the victims that have already been assigned, or those that have not -- and you can get pointers to more information on all of them.
SIGN UP HERE (no cost, only a couple of hours of your time is required)
To date over 1900 bloggers have signed up, which means 1000 victims do not have a tribute writer assigned to them yet. The tributes are to be written on September 11th.
I signed up yesterday. The process took less than one minute. I was randomly assigned to do a tribute to John Iskyan. He left behind a wife and two young children. There is lots of information on the internet for all victims. Tributes have been done before. But this is a unique tribute which marks 5 years since the 9/11 tragedy.
Join up now. These victims need to be remembered.
August 17, 2006
People Wonder Why An Atheist Is An Atheist
I get emails all the time. Some people tell me I'm doing a good job or that they like my blog. I get religious people telling me I'm wrong about God, but I usually argue with them to the point that they stop emailing me.
Someone just emailed me a few days ago and asked how I can be an Atheist instead of being an Agnostic, in other words, how do I know for sure there isn't a God?.....it is unanswerable as to whether God exists or not, so why not just be Agnostic?
My reply:
I think the term atheist is just a term for strong agnostic. As you say, I can't disprove that God exists, just like I can't disprove that there aren't 50 Gods. In fact, I can't disprove that my dog isn't
However, from everything I see, there is absolutely no proof that God ever existed or needed to exist. Science explains almost everything, and in the near future I am confidant that it will explain everything
about abiogenesis to the beginning of the universe. The concept of God is created by man's need to give genuine purpose to
our existence, and to give us hope of eternal life in many cases.
Coincidentally, another reader, Mark, sent me a link to this short video narrated by Richard Dawkins. Enjoy The Teapot Atheist. This compliments my reply to my other reader:
It is only when believers actually give God characteristics (or a personality) or give God credit for doing specific things, that one can disprove God's characteristics or personality, or actions.
For example, if a believer says that God created man less than 10,000 years ago, science has proved that wrong. The same goes with the Ark story.
And of course there are many contradictions when it comes to God's personality. Loving and vengeful tend to conflict a tad, for example.
Generally speaking, believers are very vague about God. And lets not forget there are over 3000 Gods out there, each are either very different or slightly different from the next. Remember what Dawkins says, every believer is an Atheist when it comes to all the other Gods and teapots that exist or existed in the minds of others.
Someone just emailed me a few days ago and asked how I can be an Atheist instead of being an Agnostic, in other words, how do I know for sure there isn't a God?.....it is unanswerable as to whether God exists or not, so why not just be Agnostic?
My reply:
I think the term atheist is just a term for strong agnostic. As you say, I can't disprove that God exists, just like I can't disprove that there aren't 50 Gods. In fact, I can't disprove that my dog isn't
However, from everything I see, there is absolutely no proof that God ever existed or needed to exist. Science explains almost everything, and in the near future I am confidant that it will explain everything
about abiogenesis to the beginning of the universe. The concept of God is created by man's need to give genuine purpose to
our existence, and to give us hope of eternal life in many cases.
Coincidentally, another reader, Mark, sent me a link to this short video narrated by Richard Dawkins. Enjoy The Teapot Atheist. This compliments my reply to my other reader:
It is only when believers actually give God characteristics (or a personality) or give God credit for doing specific things, that one can disprove God's characteristics or personality, or actions.
For example, if a believer says that God created man less than 10,000 years ago, science has proved that wrong. The same goes with the Ark story.
And of course there are many contradictions when it comes to God's personality. Loving and vengeful tend to conflict a tad, for example.
Generally speaking, believers are very vague about God. And lets not forget there are over 3000 Gods out there, each are either very different or slightly different from the next. Remember what Dawkins says, every believer is an Atheist when it comes to all the other Gods and teapots that exist or existed in the minds of others.
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