I was going to make this a two-parter, but I decided, so far at least, that this gets most of my message out:
I am using the video to respond on Youtube to anti-Israel rhetoric and hopefully it will change a few minds as well.
Tension In The Canadian Blogosphere
Anti-semite in denial assmonkey blogger Robert McCLelland got his ass handed to recently for comments he made on one of his crappy posts a few days ago. First he defended the Stormfront-like spewing from retarded poster Arthurdeccco. See comment #2.
Then, later in the thread, Robert showed his intelligence and love of Jews but stating:
Quoting fellow imbecile Tri-Guy:
"When the State starts rounding up my Jewish neighbours, I’ll speak up."
Robert stated:
Not me. People like Klownsella, Chernyuk and Smeagol the Jew have taught me it’s not worth getting involved. When next they come for the Jews I doubt I’ll even be able to muster up a “what a shame”.
I've written about My Blahg and Robert Mclelland before. He and his flock are politically impotent screwballs, but it is fun to watch them implode and throw feces in their cages.
Shlemazl makes a great comparison to McCLelland and his flock of Left Wing anti-semites and Nazis.
The biggest efforts came from Jason Cherniak (Cherniak on Politics) and Steve (Fluid Mind), who through their pens, got the NDP to disassociate themselves with McClelland.
I followed Cherniaks lead and removed Ontario Blogs (administered by McClelland) from my sidebar. Here are Cherniaks posts on the subject:
Blogging Dippers Should Revolt
NDP Condemns McClelland
Why I Did It
McClelland Off Progressive Bloggers
Cherniak is a smart guy. He is a Canadian Liberal though, most probably because his family have a proud Liberal party history. I am confident he will become a Conservative though. After all, OBL would want the Liberals to be in control of Canada right now. He'd really want the NDP's, but they have no shot. The Liberal party in Canada today has evolved into a party that attracts those who support terrorism.
One more thing:
I got an email to participate and have my readers participate too, if they wish on a blog called Blog To America.
Basically it is what is states; write a letter to America and it will most likely get published there. My letter. It is open to anyone from anywhere. Cal from Oman posted a negative letter that pretty much blamed Jews and support for Israel on why he didn't like America. I like the comments left there. He got bitch slapped severely. At least in the first 10 comments to date. Fun reading the comments.
If you want BS or Political Correctness you have come to the wrong place. FAQ How can you be an atheist Jew?
March 6, 2007
March 4, 2007
Click on cartoon to enlarge it:
From Memri:
'the Kuwaiti education ministry plans to delete Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the high school curriculum. This article states that everyone has the right to freedom of religion, including the freedom to change his religion and beliefs. Dr. Rashid Al-'Anzi, chairman of the committee on human rights curricula, explained that the article was deleted "because it is contrary to the Islamic shari'a… and is not in accordance with what we want the pupils to learn."'
Sound familiar? Isn't that why many on the Christian Right want evolution out of science classes, or why they pull their child from school altogether so they can homeschool the Godidit version of science?
Here is what Dr. Ahmad Al-Baghdad, a Kuwaiti reformist, states when it comes to secular science and education:
"It is no coincidence…that education is failing in all Arab countries. Is it reasonable for everyone to ignore the fact that education cannot be religious in its content and orientation? Unfortunately, everyone is disregarding the fact that education cannot work, in any society, unless the contents of the curricula are secular, or at least modern…
"Introducing religion into every scientific field [of study] causes a drop in the level of scientific teaching. I ask the minister of education to have a look in one of the elementary school arithmetic books, which have been infused with religious contents that do not belong in them…
"We are not permitted to adopt the secular teaching methods, although we know that the secular Western or Japanese education is much more effective, pedagogically and scientifically, than the quasi-religious education [that exists] in the Arab states… Secularism is a way of life which is completely impossible [for us] to implement in our education [system]… The best proof of the [religious] orientation [of Arab education] is the deletion of articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because they are contrary to Islam.
"The expected result of this hodgepodge method of teaching human rights in Kuwaiti schools is that pupils will acquire a deficient and distorted understanding of the truth, and will also learn things that are false. The balanced approach that the Arab education ministries are aiming for - [an approach] that combines religion and secular sciences - has not been realized in a satisfactory manner, or to be more precise, has failed completely.
"Until the Arab governments decide on their pedagogical philosophy - [and adopt] a purely religious philosophy or a purely secular one - scientific education will remain a tattered hodgepodge [of conflicting notions], and will produce graduates that have diplomas instead of people with a [true] love of knowledge.
"Anyone who believes he can walk a tightrope for very long is deluding himself and will end up failing abysmally. This is what happens to anyone who places himself under the control of the religious groups, who have never brought humanity anything but misery."
He'll probably wind up in the West. This is what happens to Arab/Muslim intellectuals. Good for the Western gene pools though. We need smart guys like this procreating in the West.
I don't know how true it is, but according to some recent articles, the braintrust in Saudi Arabia is considering banning the letter X, because it is a cross.
Here is a gem from the land of intellectual darkness:
Saudi Arabia's commission issued this 'famed 1974 fatwa — issued by its blind leader at the time, Sheik Abdul Aziz Ben Baz — which declared that the Earth was flat and immobile. In a book issued by the Islamic University of Medina, the sheik argued: "If the earth is rotating, as they claim, the countries, the mountains, the trees, the rivers, and the oceans will have no bottom.'
In a university book? Don't count on the cure for cancer coming from an Islamic state.
But don't expect it come from the American Bible Belt either. Just look at the recent words of Marshall Hall of Cornelia, Ga., is a retired schoolteacher who has spent the last 30 years protesting the teaching of evolution. His books argue not only that Darwin was wrong but also that science has been wrong ever since Copernicus and that the idea of Earth turning is a "carefully crafted Bible-bashing lie."
A teacher? I feel sorry for his former students.
Before I get flack from modern Christians who will say this fixed earth guy is not representative of the American education system, I would like to draw attention to the new source of information for reality deniers: The Conservapedia.
Their mission:
Conservapedia is a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American. On Wikipedia, many of the dates are provided in the anti-Christian "C.E." instead of "A.D.", which Conservapedia uses. Christianity receives no credit for the great advances and discoveries it inspired, such as those of the Renaissance. Read a list of many Examples of Bias in Wikipedia.
Conservapedia is an online resource and meeting place where we favor Christianity and America. Conservapedia has easy-to-use indexes to facilitate review of topics. You will much prefer using Conservapedia compared to Wikipedia if you want concise answers free of "political correctness".
Yep, the Fundies have found another way to try to dumb down America. Again, I'm convinced that the more they expose their beliefs on the internet, the more they are shooting themselves in the foot. YEC's cannot withstand scientific confrontation.
I really don't mind their page on Atheism. It actually looks like it was written by an Atheist.
But check out their "kangaroo" entry:
According to the origins model used by creation scientists, modern kangaroos, like all modern animals, originated in the Middle East[1] and are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that were taken aboard Noah's Ark prior to the Great Flood. It has not yet been determined by baraminologists whether kangaroos form a holobaramin with the wallaby, tree-kangaroo, wallaroo, pademelon and quokka, or if all these species are in fact apobaraminic or polybaraminic.
Also according to creation science, after the Flood, kangaroos bred from the Ark passengers migrated to Australia. There is debate whether this migration happened over land[2] -- as Australia was still for a time connected to the Middle East before the supercontinent of Pangea broke apart[3] -- or if they rafted on mats of vegetation torn up by the receding flood waters[2].
I wanted to edit it and add a third possibility (but I wasn't able to sign in and open an account for some reason):
Kangaroos could have floated on the back of crocodiles from the Middle East to Australia. Since there was plenty of fresh dead people and animals in the water, and crocodiles live in the water, they were full, and had plenty of leftover food. So they didn't have to eat living animals, and even thought ahead (probably God inspired), to bring living animals with them to Australia so that crocodiles in the future would have something to eat.
A Qur'anic version of the Consvervapedia would probably do very well in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
On the Conservapedia see also Thoughts From Kansas, Boing Boing, and Librocrats.
From Memri:
'the Kuwaiti education ministry plans to delete Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the high school curriculum. This article states that everyone has the right to freedom of religion, including the freedom to change his religion and beliefs. Dr. Rashid Al-'Anzi, chairman of the committee on human rights curricula, explained that the article was deleted "because it is contrary to the Islamic shari'a… and is not in accordance with what we want the pupils to learn."'
Sound familiar? Isn't that why many on the Christian Right want evolution out of science classes, or why they pull their child from school altogether so they can homeschool the Godidit version of science?
Here is what Dr. Ahmad Al-Baghdad, a Kuwaiti reformist, states when it comes to secular science and education:
"It is no coincidence…that education is failing in all Arab countries. Is it reasonable for everyone to ignore the fact that education cannot be religious in its content and orientation? Unfortunately, everyone is disregarding the fact that education cannot work, in any society, unless the contents of the curricula are secular, or at least modern…
"Introducing religion into every scientific field [of study] causes a drop in the level of scientific teaching. I ask the minister of education to have a look in one of the elementary school arithmetic books, which have been infused with religious contents that do not belong in them…
"We are not permitted to adopt the secular teaching methods, although we know that the secular Western or Japanese education is much more effective, pedagogically and scientifically, than the quasi-religious education [that exists] in the Arab states… Secularism is a way of life which is completely impossible [for us] to implement in our education [system]… The best proof of the [religious] orientation [of Arab education] is the deletion of articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because they are contrary to Islam.
"The expected result of this hodgepodge method of teaching human rights in Kuwaiti schools is that pupils will acquire a deficient and distorted understanding of the truth, and will also learn things that are false. The balanced approach that the Arab education ministries are aiming for - [an approach] that combines religion and secular sciences - has not been realized in a satisfactory manner, or to be more precise, has failed completely.
"Until the Arab governments decide on their pedagogical philosophy - [and adopt] a purely religious philosophy or a purely secular one - scientific education will remain a tattered hodgepodge [of conflicting notions], and will produce graduates that have diplomas instead of people with a [true] love of knowledge.
"Anyone who believes he can walk a tightrope for very long is deluding himself and will end up failing abysmally. This is what happens to anyone who places himself under the control of the religious groups, who have never brought humanity anything but misery."
He'll probably wind up in the West. This is what happens to Arab/Muslim intellectuals. Good for the Western gene pools though. We need smart guys like this procreating in the West.
I don't know how true it is, but according to some recent articles, the braintrust in Saudi Arabia is considering banning the letter X, because it is a cross.
Here is a gem from the land of intellectual darkness:
Saudi Arabia's commission issued this 'famed 1974 fatwa — issued by its blind leader at the time, Sheik Abdul Aziz Ben Baz — which declared that the Earth was flat and immobile. In a book issued by the Islamic University of Medina, the sheik argued: "If the earth is rotating, as they claim, the countries, the mountains, the trees, the rivers, and the oceans will have no bottom.'
In a university book? Don't count on the cure for cancer coming from an Islamic state.
But don't expect it come from the American Bible Belt either. Just look at the recent words of Marshall Hall of Cornelia, Ga., is a retired schoolteacher who has spent the last 30 years protesting the teaching of evolution. His books argue not only that Darwin was wrong but also that science has been wrong ever since Copernicus and that the idea of Earth turning is a "carefully crafted Bible-bashing lie."
A teacher? I feel sorry for his former students.
Before I get flack from modern Christians who will say this fixed earth guy is not representative of the American education system, I would like to draw attention to the new source of information for reality deniers: The Conservapedia.
Their mission:
Conservapedia is a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American. On Wikipedia, many of the dates are provided in the anti-Christian "C.E." instead of "A.D.", which Conservapedia uses. Christianity receives no credit for the great advances and discoveries it inspired, such as those of the Renaissance. Read a list of many Examples of Bias in Wikipedia.
Conservapedia is an online resource and meeting place where we favor Christianity and America. Conservapedia has easy-to-use indexes to facilitate review of topics. You will much prefer using Conservapedia compared to Wikipedia if you want concise answers free of "political correctness".
Yep, the Fundies have found another way to try to dumb down America. Again, I'm convinced that the more they expose their beliefs on the internet, the more they are shooting themselves in the foot. YEC's cannot withstand scientific confrontation.
I really don't mind their page on Atheism. It actually looks like it was written by an Atheist.
But check out their "kangaroo" entry:
According to the origins model used by creation scientists, modern kangaroos, like all modern animals, originated in the Middle East[1] and are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that were taken aboard Noah's Ark prior to the Great Flood. It has not yet been determined by baraminologists whether kangaroos form a holobaramin with the wallaby, tree-kangaroo, wallaroo, pademelon and quokka, or if all these species are in fact apobaraminic or polybaraminic.
Also according to creation science, after the Flood, kangaroos bred from the Ark passengers migrated to Australia. There is debate whether this migration happened over land[2] -- as Australia was still for a time connected to the Middle East before the supercontinent of Pangea broke apart[3] -- or if they rafted on mats of vegetation torn up by the receding flood waters[2].
I wanted to edit it and add a third possibility (but I wasn't able to sign in and open an account for some reason):
Kangaroos could have floated on the back of crocodiles from the Middle East to Australia. Since there was plenty of fresh dead people and animals in the water, and crocodiles live in the water, they were full, and had plenty of leftover food. So they didn't have to eat living animals, and even thought ahead (probably God inspired), to bring living animals with them to Australia so that crocodiles in the future would have something to eat.
A Qur'anic version of the Consvervapedia would probably do very well in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
On the Conservapedia see also Thoughts From Kansas, Boing Boing, and Librocrats.
March 2, 2007
Only 60 Out Of 500 Canadian Muslims Think Cutting Off Harper's Head Is Justifiable
This is how I picture how moderate Canadian Muslims pray:
Environics recently published a survey which questioned 500 Muslims living in Canada about their views on various issues.
The overwhelming majority of Canadian Muslims surveyed like living here, and do not support terrorist activity (at least within Canada).
The disturbing part of the poll is that 12 percent of Canadian Muslims believe the foiled terrorist attacks a cell of Muslim radicals were plotting for southern Ontario last summer were justified. That plot included cutting off Stephen Harper's head. I wonder if 12% or even 1% of any group in Canada can justify domestic terrorism other than Muslims. And who knows how many of the Muslims interviewed justify international terrorism. Lets just say that is is more than 12%.
Lets see, 12% isn't really a big number if those are the chances that the football team you are betting will win the game, but it is a big number when you are talking about those among us who are supporters of assmonkey terrorism. 700,000 Canadian Muslims multiplied by .12 equals 84,000 potential terrorists or potential terrorist enablers.
The Liberals and the Canadian Joke Party (The NDP) recently got together to make it easy for those 84,000 Muslims to fuck up Canada by voting against two provisions to the Anti-terrorism act.
Like I said before, if extra time was spent on me at the border because I look semitic or I have a semitic sounding name, I have no problem with it. We shouldn't make it harder to prevent terrorism. There is no sign that terrorists have given up.
CSIS identified over 50 possible terror cells in Canada and we are very close to the Islamic capital of North America: Dearborn.
Screw the Liberal party and of course the NDP. Is Stephane Dion courting the terrorist vote? You decide. He is courting the Muslims, that is for sure. Especially the Muslims, who put their head in the sand when hate is taught at Mosques and those who deny the reality of why Islam is perceived the way it is in the West.
The sad thing is that the moderate Canadian Muslim population is pretty much completely silent and overwhelmingly impotent when it comes to dismantling the radical element. The allow the radical element to be their spokepeople.
Only 7% of Canadian Muslims vote Conservative. Now that is a low number, and it is very telling. It means that 650,000 out of 700,000 Muslims don't mind making it easier for terrorists to do their thing in Canada.
I've always said that The Conservative Party in Canada is the lesser of three evils.
Islam (yeah, I know I can say "radical Islam," but I'm not) is the biggest potential danger to humanity other than natural disasters. The Conservatives understand this and haven't backed down on bit.
Oh, you don't believe me about Islam being the greatest threat to humanity? Here is a pretty cool site: http://www.globalincidentmap.com/home.php
See also Disturbing Reality Buried
Environics recently published a survey which questioned 500 Muslims living in Canada about their views on various issues.
The overwhelming majority of Canadian Muslims surveyed like living here, and do not support terrorist activity (at least within Canada).
The disturbing part of the poll is that 12 percent of Canadian Muslims believe the foiled terrorist attacks a cell of Muslim radicals were plotting for southern Ontario last summer were justified. That plot included cutting off Stephen Harper's head. I wonder if 12% or even 1% of any group in Canada can justify domestic terrorism other than Muslims. And who knows how many of the Muslims interviewed justify international terrorism. Lets just say that is is more than 12%.
Lets see, 12% isn't really a big number if those are the chances that the football team you are betting will win the game, but it is a big number when you are talking about those among us who are supporters of assmonkey terrorism. 700,000 Canadian Muslims multiplied by .12 equals 84,000 potential terrorists or potential terrorist enablers.
The Liberals and the Canadian Joke Party (The NDP) recently got together to make it easy for those 84,000 Muslims to fuck up Canada by voting against two provisions to the Anti-terrorism act.
Like I said before, if extra time was spent on me at the border because I look semitic or I have a semitic sounding name, I have no problem with it. We shouldn't make it harder to prevent terrorism. There is no sign that terrorists have given up.
CSIS identified over 50 possible terror cells in Canada and we are very close to the Islamic capital of North America: Dearborn.
Screw the Liberal party and of course the NDP. Is Stephane Dion courting the terrorist vote? You decide. He is courting the Muslims, that is for sure. Especially the Muslims, who put their head in the sand when hate is taught at Mosques and those who deny the reality of why Islam is perceived the way it is in the West.
The sad thing is that the moderate Canadian Muslim population is pretty much completely silent and overwhelmingly impotent when it comes to dismantling the radical element. The allow the radical element to be their spokepeople.
Only 7% of Canadian Muslims vote Conservative. Now that is a low number, and it is very telling. It means that 650,000 out of 700,000 Muslims don't mind making it easier for terrorists to do their thing in Canada.
I've always said that The Conservative Party in Canada is the lesser of three evils.
Islam (yeah, I know I can say "radical Islam," but I'm not) is the biggest potential danger to humanity other than natural disasters. The Conservatives understand this and haven't backed down on bit.
Oh, you don't believe me about Islam being the greatest threat to humanity? Here is a pretty cool site: http://www.globalincidentmap.com/home.php
See also Disturbing Reality Buried
February 28, 2007
History As I Know It
My fourth Youtube video. This one is a bit different, because I actually spent time finding pictures and then I put them to music (well more of a narration piece), and then I did lots of editing (about 3 hours worth, which is more than one hour for each one minute of video), using Windows Movie Maker.
I hope it is enjoyable at least:
The narration is from the animated movie, "The Point." I remember watching it in the early 70's a few times. Why it isn't on frequently, or at all anymore, is sort of mind boggling. It is really one of those cartoons that makes a pre-teen or an early teen think. Maybe that is why.
From Wikipedia: The Point! is a fable by American songwriter and musician Harry Nilsson about a boy named Oblio, the only round-headed person in the Land of Point, where by law everyone and everything had to have a point.
"I was on acid and I looked at the trees and I realized that they all came to points, and the little branches came to points, and the houses came to point. I thought, 'Oh! Everything has a point, and if it doesn't, then there's a point to it.'" -- Harry Nilsson
I figured the narration I selected was obscure enough and unique enough to give my video production a real artsy fartsy touch.
Youtube took away the science and technology category (to piss off secularists perhaps?), so I had to file the above video under "entertainment."
Oh, and I said that this was my fourth Youtube video. I haven't posted my third one on my blog yet, so I might as well now. Just a short video of my doggie:
Daisy is such a good girl:)
I hope it is enjoyable at least:
The narration is from the animated movie, "The Point." I remember watching it in the early 70's a few times. Why it isn't on frequently, or at all anymore, is sort of mind boggling. It is really one of those cartoons that makes a pre-teen or an early teen think. Maybe that is why.
From Wikipedia: The Point! is a fable by American songwriter and musician Harry Nilsson about a boy named Oblio, the only round-headed person in the Land of Point, where by law everyone and everything had to have a point.
"I was on acid and I looked at the trees and I realized that they all came to points, and the little branches came to points, and the houses came to point. I thought, 'Oh! Everything has a point, and if it doesn't, then there's a point to it.'" -- Harry Nilsson
I figured the narration I selected was obscure enough and unique enough to give my video production a real artsy fartsy touch.
Youtube took away the science and technology category (to piss off secularists perhaps?), so I had to file the above video under "entertainment."
Oh, and I said that this was my fourth Youtube video. I haven't posted my third one on my blog yet, so I might as well now. Just a short video of my doggie:
Daisy is such a good girl:)
February 26, 2007
Youtube Muslims Blatantly Unite To Censor The Truth
From Digg News:
Muslims on YouTube have formed several groups where users and videos that criticize Islam (which they define as "Hate Speech") are listed and mass-flagged as abuse. YouTube seems to remove videos and sometimes even ban users automatically. Muslims claim that they only flag videos that have violated YouTube's TOS, but this has been been proven false
A group on Youtube called United Muslims put up a hit list of Youtube members they wanted to ban. The thing is, that they can't handle the truth. Sure, some of the videos go overboard, but so do many anti-Christian, anti-Israel, etc. videos that don't get banned by agenda. And as far as I'm concerned, shouldn't get banned. I've even seen Holocaust denying videos on Youtube. I'm all for free speech, and as I've said before, the nuts (like the YECs) will find that the internet is their worst enemy.
I think Youtube should stop allowing members to control comments. If someone wants to refute a message, they should be allowed to do so. Many of these sites simply delete comments that debunk the videos in question.
It is funny that the Muslims perceive their biggest enemies on Youtube to be the Youtube Atheists. Generally very politically liberal, I find it refreshing that so many Atheists are making videos exposing the Koran and Radical Islam.
Most Atheist videos are pretty much anti-religion, and mostly mock Christian belief, but that is because most Atheists are ex-Christians.
Here is the video that got Nick Gisburne, Youtube Atheist, banned. In case you haven't seen it, it is just verses from the Koran set to music:
I'm glad this flew back in the faces of the banning Muslims. Many Atheists simply uploaded it and posted it on their own sites. If Muslims want to debunk these Koran phrases, I say let em. But banning videos like this isn't the answer.
UPDATE: New post written May 14th, 2007
My friend at Eye on the World has had his account banned a few times on Youtube. He puts together many of his own videos, including one last year, that I co-wrote with Elder of Ziyon (who did most of the writing). I did the singing (I'll never make it on Idol):
Muslims on YouTube have formed several groups where users and videos that criticize Islam (which they define as "Hate Speech") are listed and mass-flagged as abuse. YouTube seems to remove videos and sometimes even ban users automatically. Muslims claim that they only flag videos that have violated YouTube's TOS, but this has been been proven false
A group on Youtube called United Muslims put up a hit list of Youtube members they wanted to ban. The thing is, that they can't handle the truth. Sure, some of the videos go overboard, but so do many anti-Christian, anti-Israel, etc. videos that don't get banned by agenda. And as far as I'm concerned, shouldn't get banned. I've even seen Holocaust denying videos on Youtube. I'm all for free speech, and as I've said before, the nuts (like the YECs) will find that the internet is their worst enemy.
I think Youtube should stop allowing members to control comments. If someone wants to refute a message, they should be allowed to do so. Many of these sites simply delete comments that debunk the videos in question.
It is funny that the Muslims perceive their biggest enemies on Youtube to be the Youtube Atheists. Generally very politically liberal, I find it refreshing that so many Atheists are making videos exposing the Koran and Radical Islam.
Most Atheist videos are pretty much anti-religion, and mostly mock Christian belief, but that is because most Atheists are ex-Christians.
Here is the video that got Nick Gisburne, Youtube Atheist, banned. In case you haven't seen it, it is just verses from the Koran set to music:
I'm glad this flew back in the faces of the banning Muslims. Many Atheists simply uploaded it and posted it on their own sites. If Muslims want to debunk these Koran phrases, I say let em. But banning videos like this isn't the answer.
UPDATE: New post written May 14th, 2007
My friend at Eye on the World has had his account banned a few times on Youtube. He puts together many of his own videos, including one last year, that I co-wrote with Elder of Ziyon (who did most of the writing). I did the singing (I'll never make it on Idol):
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