June 24, 2007

Creation Museum Is An Embarrassment To The West

Why can't YECs (Young Earth Creationists) just be honest and admit that they don't really want to understand evolution or science and that their science book is the bible, instead of pretending that they have scientific evidence that supports their claims and that all other scientific claims that state otherwise are wrong? Why do they embarrass themselves and our education system?

I wish theists would just admit that they believe in God (or a literal bible) because they need to believe that there is an afterlife. Nothing to do with facts, but all to do with faith. Very few theists will admit this. They would rather grasp onto insane reasons to back up their need to believe, than seem too simple.

The Creation Museum is a product of insecure insane beliefs going to the extreme. It is a museum of lies and deceit. If Ken Ham actually believes all his nonsense after being directly scrutinized by many scientists, he has to be completely nuts.

This is a pretty funny short video. "Who let the Jew in the Creation Museum." LOL The sad thing is that quite a large number of Jews do not accept evolution as fact, and even more discouraging is the fact that there are Jews who think the earth is literally young as well:

I read an interesting comment today. Someone, on Youtube commented that "it isn't atheists who believe that something came from nothing, it is creationists who believe that."

Before any anti-evolutionist theists comment here, please watch this entire video first. It explains how and why evolution is fact:

June 21, 2007

Friendly Debate With Theists Is Possible, But Is It Futile?

Whenever I comment on a theist's blog, I know I will get reaction. I've been banned, I've been ganged up on by reader's who attack me as if they were bees defending their queen from wasp (I'm hardly a wasp:)). Many times things start out calm but the ongoing conversations tend to turn ugly. I know many times it is my fault that things turn ugly as I may have gotten unnecessarily insulting in the past. It is hard, because sometimes ridiculing seems so natural, but I am trying to mend my ways.

I was watching The View a couple of weeks ago (yes, sometimes I watch The View because it keeps me in touch with my femine side....no, actually I don't mind watching the Hot Topics part of the show). They were discussing the Presidential race and religious beliefs. The guest host was Sherri Shepherd . Barbara Walters, who was raised by an atheist father, was doing a fantastic job debating mostly Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck about the whether a President believed in God was relevant or not. Ms. Walters even said it was scary to think that a President may make decisions based on faith. They went on to discuss that Americans would not vote for an atheist, and somehow the topic of evolution came up. Walters asked Shepherd if she believed in evolution, to which she replied, "No." And Walters actually drilled her about it, she said something to the affect, "have you ever read Darwin's book or looked at the evidence for evolution"...the answer was "no, I believe the Bible." And she didn't stop, Walters then said that she should read it since she now has a child.
That was great TV.

I looked for a clip of the show all over the internet and I still can't find one. I did a blog search for reaction to the segment and I could only find one. In a theist's blog. A very nice theist, I might add. Singing In The Rain wrote a reaction to the confrontation in a post called "A Missed Opportunity." Here is what Rick Cavin (actually it is his wife Laurie) wrote:

"I was so disappointed. Here was an opportunity on national TV for someone to point out the dearth of evidence for evolution. The fact that hardcore evolutionists like Stephen Jay Gould even admit they have no answers for major issues such as as how life began. The fact that there are very few supposed transitional forms.The fact that all of the present day phyla appear fully formed during the Cambrian explosion. But because Shepherd had not engaged the material and was not ready with an answer, Barbara Walters was able to attempt to portray her as uneducated - although maybe in a politically correct way."

Of course, the content of this disappointment was extremely typical of a creationists total misunderstanding of what evolution is as I pointed out in the comment section of that blog. No matter how well I explained the misconceptions and falsities in the post, the author wound up refusing to understand what I was clearly stating. Futility.

I mentioned my "belief" that the Exodus never happened an my "theory" that Jesus never existed. This actually caused another post to be written directed at me:
Historical Jesus. Again, if you read my comments, I was extremely friendly and cordial.

Now, I will be first to admit, that my mind is pretty set now. I'm an atheist because I've concluded that science has answered almost every important question out there regarding life on earth and the history of the universe, and that I'm positive that eventually, science will answer everything in an almost certain manner. I'm also set in my conviction that Jesus was an invention of Paul at best, and perhaps a later in time invention. I'm also convinced the Exodus didn't happen. Maybe 40 slaves escaped Egypt, but that was about it. I doubt Moses existence as well. And of course the story of Adam and Eve as well as Noah's Ark are too farcical to consider.

That being said, I'm open to new evidence, but it has to be pretty hard evidence to get me to sway on any of the above myths. I know, through my readings, research and conversations with theists, that no such evidence exists to date, and I find it highly unlikely that anything will be found to change my mind. But again, I'm a realist, and I'm admitting I'm willing to change my viewpoint based on facts, reality, and evidence. Becoming an atheist is all about changing ones mind because of evidence or lack of evidence.

I also had a nice conversation with Nick Brennan, of Christianity, Religion, Atheism and so on and so forth. I actually think Nick is open to new facts, more than most theists I have run across. I had a short reasonable conversation with him in the comment section of his post "Atheists Suffer From A Lack Of Intelligence," where Nick was actually defending atheists up to a point. I pointed out that he was wrong about morality, and he seemed to take it well.

In another post, "Fidelity and Morality Linked?," I again gave him some good some facts and logic to ponder, and he seemed fine with it.

I guess this is one reason why I debate. The odd theist is open to real facts and evidence. But the main reason I leave my mark on these types of blogs is because of the lurkers. I've said this before, it is unlikely to get someone who doesn't believe in evolution or an ancient earth, or who thinks that gays are an abomination in God's eyes, to change their mind. However many people haven't really formed their opinions or are on the fence when it comes to such issues. It is those people who I hope I'm influencing.

I am having a bit of a problem with a commenter in the Fidelity post named Livingsword. Is that Livings Word, or Living Sword? Doesn't matter. Anyway, he is stating he was an ex-atheist. I know that is bull. At best he was a secular agnostic, or someone who didn't ponder the existence of God much, but he was not an atheist. Atheism doesn't come overnight. We are born agnostic, not atheist.

Here is some of the junk he stated (get ready to grit your teeth my atheist friends):

"When I was an atheist (I didn’t become a follower of Jesus till my late 20’s) anything went, all (as in every one of) my atheist friends slept around, today I know a few atheists who don’t but they are still the minority. The vast majority of Jesus followers I know are totally devoted."

"With all due respect I am very aware of my own personal previous beliefs. I recognize that there are atheists that do not go around destroying the world in a systematic manner, and that the world may categorize as “good”. Please do not think that perhaps since I am now a follower of Jesus I have given up reason and logic and have no education or that I am a fool. I became a follower of Jesus because I was compelled to by the evidence, logic and reason. It has proven to be just that in the life I have experienced, living a life built upon the teaching of Scripture is breathtaking!

One of the other logical conclusions of atheism is that if there is no “higher power” or “authority” than myself (who is everybody else to tell me what to do they are just some biological fluke as I am, even if they outnumber me they cannot tell me what to do) then I can decide on “morals”. In other words “no God then all bets are off” and it is truly “survival of the fittest”.

When I speak of the contrast between my previous atheistic life and my present Jesus following life it is simply as an example off how those around me were so profoundly touched by the genuine amazing change (by God changing me not me making the changes) that they were “blown away”.

In my life surrounded by many unbelievers, quite a few of whom are atheists I see a drastic difference in the way they choose to lead their lives. My atheist male friends generally think it is no problem to cheat on their “partners”. Whereas when I am hanging out with the Jesus following men there is a profound sense of respect for their wives and for women in general. We never (and I mean never) say anything degrading about women.

I will throw out another matter. When I am hanging out with my atheist friends and our gay friends are not around the atheist friends often mock our gay friends, I have never (and I mean never) seen my Jesus following male friends do that when our gay friends are not around. The interesting thing is that the straight atheist guy’s act like being gay is very ok when the gay friends are around them but then say terrible things about the lifestyle when the gay friends are not around."

June 18, 2007


I picture the average anti-semite as a blamer and a whiner who has a sense of inferiority.
What makes an anti-semite? Evolution is one cause, which I think has given humans an innate fear of those who are different than us. I've heard of white children actually being scared of black children when first being exposed to one at 3 or 4. This probably happens in rural communities these days.
But there are many educated people who look for anything remotely bad to do with Jews and buy into it, regardless of how flimsy the "evidence" is.
I mean it gets downright laughable when it comes to the conspiracies a Jew hater will embrace.
Do these people have terrible lives? Are they jealous of the success that Jews attain (in proportion to the non Jewish population)? I know success is a relative term, but you know what I mean. I'm sure the successful minority aspect is a huge contributing cause and a source of insecurity and inferiority in these people. They feel inadequate and mediocre at best. Bonding with other Jew haters, gives them a mission. Yes, the Jews are responsible for their shitty pathetic lives and lot in life.
The internet is full of these freaks. They contradict themselves constantly, but rarely notice it because they are too busy spreading hate. And they are completely dishonest in most cases too. Rarely will they let anyone try to rebut their insanity. I've had too many comments deleted on their blogs. I'm thinking that many are scared of me by now, and I mean it. Again, see my other blog, Judeophobe Watch for examples.

If you really want to see for yourselves how sick these individuals are, here are a few blogs to visit:

Patrick Grimm's Zionist Watch
He thinks that what is good for Jews is bad for gentiles and it is a zero sum game.
No proof though. He rambles and rambles about nonsense.

The Wisdom of Jayne Gardener She is a condescending liar. I've caught her in a few already.

Meta-research This guy is seriously screwed in the head. I mean insane.

Seriously, check out these blogs. And try to leave a comment if you are so inclined.

Update: I just wrote a piece on Judeophobe Watch called:
Anti-semites Strengthen Jewish Identity and Support For Israel

June 16, 2007

What Does This Guy Think A Good Muslim Is?

While checking out Youtube yesterday, I watched two new videos by the hilarious Pat Condell. Linked to one of the videos, was a video by a Youtubist named CluelesswithChrist. Of course, the name intrigued me, so I watched her videos, and I watched and I watched and I watched. Am I allowed to say she is fricken hot? I guess I can, as long as my wife doesn't read this. The likelihood she reads this though is equal to the chance she will come home from work today and immediately undo my pants and then have her way with me.....lets say it is as close to zero as anything can get.
Ok, so I go to her main page and read an absolutely disturbing comment by a guy named MuhammadFaysalNawa. I'll get to the comment soon, but first, this is how Muhammad describes himself:
Joined: May 22, 2007
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salam to all

khush amdeed
I am here to clear the lies by the kuffa on youtube. This is why i do not beleif in the free speech because the peoples on the youtube are making the fun of my religion

I come to uk in 1994 and my wife is from peshwar. I do my best to be good muslima and i like to live like Muhammad PBUH this is why i do not like the lie and the cartoon they make fun of. I have my own chip shop and i like to eat chips and cola is my favourite drink

i like to play cricket in the spare time and i support pakistan. I also eat dixy chicken and play cards with brothers on the saturday.

FLAG THIS VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =ROXpXTYjzk4

Name: MuhammadFaysal
Age: 32
City: Bradford
Hometown: Lahore
Country: United Kingdom
Occupation: Chip shop
Companies: Chip Shop
Interests and Hobbies: Cricket
Books: القرآن al-Qur'ān
OK, here is what Muhammad said about CluelessWithChrist dated June 15th:

MuhammadFaysalNawa | June 15, 2007




I'll note, that C with C doesn't state she is an atheist. In fact she wears a cross i most of her videos. It is hard to say what her beliefs are, only that she finds a lot about Christianity to be ridiculous and absurd.

Here is the video that Faysal wants flagged:

OK, I'm not down with the word F*ck, but this guy makes a lot of sense and the video goes into detail about the agenda of many Muslims on Youtube.

June 15, 2007

My Health Scare

I've been battling laryngitis for months now. I finally saw an ENT doctor yesterday:

I know I should really rest my voice, but I will have a hard time of it. For example, I made the above video which consists of non stop babbling for over 5 minutes.

In mid February I went to watch my nephew, the best goalie prospect in Canada play.
I started talking to my brother, and nothing but non comprehendable whispers came out. I dismissed it to the air in the coldish arena. When I got back home, my voice was fine.
The reason I wasn't so concerned, is the same thing happened before at the end of "discussions" about meaningless futile stupidness with my wife.
I noticed by late March that my voice would weaken considerably as the day went on. This continued to the point that I would only have a good hour of voice a day.
Those closest to me were starting to bother me about going to the doctor. I'm a man, and I need to be doubling over in pain before I see a doctor dammit. And my laryngitis was not painful. I was not spitting up blood. But I knew this wasn't normal.
I started doing lots of internet searches. And I kept telling those bugging me to see a doctor, lets wait a week. A week turned into months. Finally, at the end of April I went to a walk-in clinic. He told me to go to the hospital for a heart and lung xray. I went in 3 days, which was a Friday. Took the xray. The nurse told me, "you can go." What did that mean? Did it mean, yep the xray came out because I can see all the lumps in your lungs? I asked when will the doctor contact me regarding the results. I was told the technician won't be in until Monday.
The suspense was killing me. I waited until Thursday and since I didn't hear from the doctor's office, I decided to call. I said, "did you get my xray results." I was told they are fine. "What about the referral?" We are waiting to hear back from the referring doctor's office, I was told.
My voice got progressively worse. My internet searches got more refined. Did I have the big C. Is that why I can't speak normally at all now? Is the tumor in my throat getting bigger? I know it could be anything. But I am pessimistic by nature.
I started thinking it had something to do with GERD, because I was noticing an acidic taste in my mouth in the mornings. I started taking Rolaids extra strength tabs, but they weren't helping. I starting drinking lots of tea and cutting down on pop and coffee.
I finally got a call on Monday. A cancellation freed up an appointment slot for me Thursday (yesterday). I really didn't want to go, but I knew I had to.
Within one minute of sticking the camera up my nose to view my throat, the doctor told me my vocal cords are crossed. And this happened from misuse of my voice. WOW.
I asked if that was common, he said no. I asked about GERD, he said it is a possibility since I have ulcers that are in my vocal cords as well. He hesitantly prescribed omeprazole. But I'm starting to think the pills are helping me already.
He recommends that I go to a speech pathologist to learn to talk (and shout?) again.
Canada is great for medical. OHIP covers everything but the drugs. The drug plan I am on paid for 90% of the prescription (which would have been $77 without the plan, for 50 tiny pills).
Now about my "crossed" vocal cords. It is just starting to hit me. What the hell is that? I haven't found anything about the condition on the internet. Is it naturally reversible? If not, is my voice screwed forever? Is there an operation available to correct it (good luck convincing me to go under the knife for something like that).

During this whole process, I never once lost my faithlessness.

As an atheist, I realize this is my only shot at life. I thanked the doctor and sincerely meant it (because he saw no signs of cancer). I am too young (46) for The Big Sleep. Plus I am motivated to outlive my wife. I don't want to die until I can experience what it is like to be single one more time:)

I haven't posted the following video on this site yet. It does shows how bad my laryngitis is. This one is funny (at least I think so). Jews Control The World: