September 12, 2005

Remembering Why I Got Married

I remember one of the reasons I married my wife. She passed the escargot test. She didn't refuse to eat gooey snails in butter and mushroom caps. She had no problem at all eating them in fact.

We haven't had escargot in quite some time. But I'm pretty sure that if we were dining in a restaraunt that served escargot now, she wouldn't order it, and if I ordered it and suggested she try one, she would put it in her mouth, mumble "excuse me", then she would run to the washroom and spit it in the sink.

Of course, if she was having dinner with a stranger, she would probably order it and eat it without a problem.
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  1. I don't know about all guys. But that was the kind of the point I was making:)

  2. I still haven't figured out the song yet. But I'm almost done downloading that big file of songs from 1990-2004.
    I'll know the title by Thursday I figure.

  3. I think any girl I date would pass that test. -Zoe

  4. We only get 3 TV channels up here in Canada, and it is usually too cold here for radios to work properly so you are probably right about it being a One Hit Wonder Canadian song. It is probably from a beer commercial.
    But seriously, I think that you could have had a point up until the mid 80's(?).
    We had more stringent Canadian content laws, but these days Southern Ontario might as well be a US state as far as culture goes.

  5. Zoe, you are lucky that girls today are the product of th Bill Clinton Big Gulp Generation....they love the "it isn't really sex" loophole.

  6. Dude, I would NEVER eat escargot, but that doesn't mean I don't... well, you know. Your test is flawed.

  7. No theory is perfect, not even evolution. But I played the percentages, and I lost in the long run.
