December 1, 2005

Family Guy is a great show

Why I like Family Guy
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  1. I like that show too. but for the other comedy. like the espesode this past sunday where peter was denying that he's fat

  2. sorry, i mean episode

  3. Love Family Guy.... Brian ROCKS!

  4. I like American Dad too. Best two shows on television today.

  5. By "atheist" you mean 'Christophobic leftwing bigot' because you hypocrites have no problem with Islamic terrorism or the subjugation of women and religious minorities under Sharia and immediately cry "islamophobia" the moment anyone questions either of these. Yeah, "creationists are stupid" but socialists and climate change advocates are so "deep and intellectual." These are the real hoaxes delusional lazy-minded sheep bitterly cling to. There's a reason why there are no atheists in Muslim countries while the vast majority take advantage of the freedoms of speech Judeo-Christian culture has allowed to flourish, all the while relentlessly and hypocritically attacking said culture and religious freedoms.

    Blame leftwing liberal Google for directing me to your blog as part of their agenda of relentlessly cramming as much SJW politics into every single web search regardless of whether or not politics had anything to do with it.

  6. If you read my other blog entries besides laughing at idiotic creationists, I'm very tough on Islam and terror as well as SJWs. Climate change is real but I realize that creationists don't like science. Many climate change deniers also deny evolution. If I were you, I'd look for contemporary evidence for Jesus. You'll find none. So you accept things with no evidence and use that as the reason you don't accept evidence based reality.
