April 8, 2006


I wish every high school class in the world made this video mandatory viewing. Home school teachers should be FORCED to show their kids this. The Fundy parents, or whatever they call themselves, can explain it to their kids how ever they want to. Let them say that this an alternative theory to Godidit, but at least let the kids see it.

I have serious doubts that Fundies even make an attempt to understand what Professor Miller is stating in this video.

Ken Miller, by the way, is a Professor of biology at Brown University. He is a Catholic, and believes in Theistic Evolution. He believes in God, but doesn't deny science like the Christian Right does.

I would love to see a live debate between Miller and that freak Preacher Haggard. Miller for sure would show up, but it is very clear that Haggard never would. Fundies are slippier than greased pigs.


  1. Great link. The degree to which the common American is ignorant to science is very depressing to me. I wonder how many "joes" off the street would be able to fully engage with that video. Very good, in any case.

    But, I must say, I don't put much stock in "theistic" evolution. I think Occam's Razor might apply, slicing God out of the equation. It's interesting to note that 72.2% of NAS scientists are atheists. Only 7% believe in a personal God.

  2. Frances, where do you get those stats from. I thought it was closer to 50/50. That is what Religious Tolerance states I believe.
    I don't get the Theistic evolution thingy either, but I at least respect the effort.

  3. First time I have seen this. Thanks for posting it :)

  4. BEAJ,

    Check out this webpage: http://libertariandefender.blogspot.com/2005/09/strong-atheists-case-against-christian.html

    On that, look under:

    II. Science's Take on Theism/Design/Creation/Divine Guidance

    and then

    A. Pervasive Atheism Among Eminent Scientists.

    It provides all the background info to back up my stats. Very interesting stuff.

  5. Thanks. Greater scientist apparently is a term not being used anymore. Now Fundies like to include political and computer "scientists" when getting signatures to get ID in science class.

  6. Hiya! First of all, I can't thank you enough for this blog. It is a treasure, and you have a new loyal reader.

    Second...Ted Haggard. I'm not so sure he actually believes everything he says. I know how he comes off in "Root of All Evil." Maybe I need to watch the clip again, but I don't think he actually denies evolution to Dawkins, however, I'm sure he would quickly deny all science if he were speaking to one of his "borg." The guy is a con artist involved in one of the biggest rackets in the world, in all history. He'll say anything to fill the collection plate. He's a millionaire because of this. He's not just some "freak Preacher," he's the president of the national association of evangelicals - he's president of millions and millions of fundy freakshows. I don't know where I'm going with this other than to say Ted Haggard probably doesn't care about the issue enough to go to your fantasy debate - he just helps power this artificial ID vs Evolution controversy that think-tanks created in order to keep the country divided and sway votes one way or another. There are plenty of these artificial controversies from gun control to abortion, and the reason they work is because we fund wars and corporate welfare instead of education. If we were a more educated people, we wouldn't fall for this crap, and I think that's one of the many points Ken Miller makes in this clip.

    Another thing...One of the associate pastors at Haggard's New Life Megachurch, Rob Brendle, who I believe runs the youth group (saturdaynight.org) is an old-earth guy.

  7. I have often linking the Old Earth Creationists sites. Ken Miller is pretty much an OEC.

    And at this time You Tube is down, shouldn't be long, but you should watch the clip again. I'm sure Haggard is a Young Earth Creationist. It is pretty evident the way he answered the questions.

    Thanks for the kind comments about my blog btw.

  8. I've actually got the documentary on tape, from the BBC, so I watched it again. I maintain that Haggard's just another politician in disguise. No doubt many in his congregation are YECs, but I strongly believe Haggard will just say anything to keep them coming and tithing.

    Did you notice that he seems to have trouble controling his upper lip? It's very distracting.

  9. Anon, 45% of Americans are YECs. That is pathetic, and it is mostly Baptists. For sure his congregation believes it.

  10. The degree to which the common American is ignorant to science is very depressing to me.

    what is the measurement and what is the source?

    Eurotrash "Bistro-talk" won't cut it.

  11. BEAJ: *I can't believe I watched the whole thing...*

    I did, though -- I clicked it on to catch a couple minutes, and ended up sitting here for two solid hours, unable to walk away from it! What a great link! Thank you!

    At one point, Miller decries the loss of popularist scientists like Carl Sagan (Michiu Kaku is another popularist if you're into string field theory, but I don't know if he has any videos available), and I heartily agree with him. If more scientists dropped the snob-appeal of "arcane knowledge," and were willing to make learning into an interesting experience, we might actually have a better-educated population, less inclined to content themselves with following the charismatic leadership of the creationists. Miller himself could fill part of the gap, but we need many, many more.

  12. Chim, Miller is a excellent spokesman because he actually believes in God.
    Baptist fundies of course don't like him because many think that Catholics aren't Christian.

  13. LOL! Actually, the Baptists might have something there, but it would apply to all the "Christian" sects, not just Catholics -- they're actually all Paulists. Not many of them actually adhere to the teachings of Jesus, but they follow Paul's dictae rather sternly...

    PS -- I came visiting 'cause Zorph recommended a couple of your posts. Now you're on my blogroll...

  14. I noticed that Chim. I added you once yesterday morning.

  15. Popularisers of science still exist. The books by mathematician Ian Stewart "From Here to Infinity" and "Does God Play Dice?" are accessible. As are books by mathematician John Allen Paulos "Innumeracy" and "Beyond Numeracy".

    James Gleick has a good book on chaos theory and a biography of Richard Feynman. The New Scientist Magazine--be sure to check its site and subscribe to its email newsletter--has a book with a collection of articles "The New Scientist Guide to Chaos".

    Hans Lauwerier has a lovely book "Fractels".

  16. Mr. Miller,
    Are you trying to tell me that you believe dogs evolved into whales? :-0

    "Wow", is all I can say.


  17. Martim, it is a known fact that whales evolved from a four legged mammal. It was not a dog though.
    You can shake your head all you want but if you deny evolution, you deny reality.
