August 21, 2006

Just Think Of Me As The William Hung Of Anti-Terrorism

Watcher from Eye on the World has FINALLY put together the slideshow to go with the song written by Elder of Ziyon, and to some extent, me.

If Fox News wants to pay my fare and accomodations, I have no problem performing it live on the O'Reilly Factor.
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  1. There are two of the "kids" carrying a Katyusha rocket, though.

  2. That was so bad I was crying with laughter.

  3. Thanks Suzanne. Leno here I come.

  4. I got worked up over Islamo-fascism while listening to Michael sAvage on the way home this evening. Then i came home, made dinner, simmered down and watchedthat video. Excellent stuff.

    Someone ought to do a documentary on all the anti-communist, anti-moonbat, anti-islamofascist indy media out on the web. It would offend every nutty Muslim with a switchblade across continents, but wow, what an interesting look at the underbelly of the American (and Canadian) mainstream political media. Well, I think it would be interesting anyway. I like that sort of thing.

  5. You have anti-choice friends, AJ?

  6. Infidel, it would be interesting to do see a documentary on the mental problems of a Moonbat. "Obsession" which I featured here a couple of weeks before Google pulled the full version was a pretty good documentary that put Islam in it's place.

    Roya, two people aren't going to agree on everything. I am pro-choice. But I also think it is OK for people to be anti-choice(I can understand their logic and argument, though I don't agree with it). Just as long as abortion remains an option for pro-choicers.

  7. Don't the Catholics have a problem with pedophelia? Haven't they tried to keep this a secret for a long time.

    Maybe you should clean up your own nest before attacking a group of people.

    Don't you find yourself to be a hypocrite?
