January 11, 2007

Science News: Monkeys Wear Perfume?

I really like World Science. They have a lot of really interesting articles that are pretty easy to read.

Here is one that caught my eye:

Sci­en­tists have been re­porting sight­ings of wild spi­der mon­keys rub­bing them­selves with chewed-up leaves that may func­tion as per­fumes. Although it’s un­pro­ven that they do it spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to take on an aro­ma, mount­ing ev­i­dence points that way, the in­vest­i­ga­t­ors say.

I know, I know. The sentence has Fundies favorite "scientific term" in it; unproven. Yes, this is "still a theory." This means that further findings and studies may falsify the theory. Again, not to be confused with evolution and the mounds and mounds and mounds of evidence that has turned evolution into a fact, although there a many sub theories within it. Evolution is fact because it even observable. Take the cane toads in Australia for example, and the snakes that pray on them.

Again, if evolution were false, there would be mounds of evidence that contradicts it. Just as there is mounds of evidence that contradicts the old theory that the sun revolved around the earth.

The world is a wonderful place when you accept scientific facts and findings.

And who says that apes are so different from man. Oh yeah, the Fundies. Well, check this out. Chimps have obviously discovered a great way to relieve stress.
********Don't view this if you are an inappropriate person

Still thinks man is special? The above video gets me thinking. First off, I wasn't able to see the front of the altruistic chimp, so I couldn't tell if it was a he or a she.
Was this nature or nurture? And if nurture, was it taught by man? Maybe Ted Haggard is working on a new flock. Baptist chimps? It has been done before.

But if this wasn't taught by man(by man I mean man or woman), it had to be taught by chimp, and then it inevitably has to be nature, unless you believe God told the chimps what to do. Who would have thought that every sperm isn't sacred?

The chimps have come up with a great way to help mankind progress.
For a good 15 to 20 minutes Louie is void of aggression. The female can go on with her daily chores knowing she won't be bothered for at least 15 minutes and Louie can now think about things like a feeding his family, building towns, curing cancer, etc.

I wonder what our world would be like if humans were just like Louie and his friend.

Meanwhile, I'm bringing a large stone into the bedroom and I'm gonna take off my clothes, get on top of the stone and act like a chimp. Lets see what the wife does.
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  1. "Meanwhile, I'm bringing a large stone into the bedroom and I'm gonna take off my clothes, get on top of the stone and act like a chimp. Lets see what the wife does."

    she'll probably run out and buy you a chimp :-)

  2. RE: BEAJ

    RE: "Meanwhile, I'm bringing a large stone into the bedroom and I'm gonna take off my clothes, get on top of the stone and act like a chimp. Lets see what the wife does."

    My guess is that she will tell you to go and chew up a few leaves and rub them under your armpits first. Maybe not only your armpits? lol

  3. No, so how could we think man is so special then? Right. And if not, if all this is just a cosmic quirk, 'an accident' does anything really matter?... why bother being an atheism evangelist? We should just weep into a banana skin.

  4. Seif, everyone makes their own purpose.
    If you think that accepting reality will turn you into a banana skin weeper, then you have to deal with it.
    I'm hardly an evangelist, I just accept what has evidence and dismiss what doesn't (especially when something should be backed up with lots of evidence).
    If I can help educate even a few people and leave this earth a more educated place,I will be happy. My goal is to be happy.

  5. RE seif

    Things matter because we have the ability and intelligence to consider that they matter.

  6. Things matter to my border collie too. And she isn't as smart as some Fundies.

  7. "Meanwhile, I'm bringing a large stone into the bedroom and I'm gonna take off my clothes, get on top of the stone and act like a chimp. Lets see what the wife does."

    So, how did that turn your for you? Will you be posting the video on youtube? :)

  8. Monkeys wear perfume? Does that include assmonkeys?

    Banana skins? Does seif know that's been debunked?

  9. fatso:

    It's hard for you to get a real perspective on life and topics when your total day is spent slothing in front of the tv and computer and making sports bets while your goy wife is forced to work to pay the bills. Get a life and a job.
