This is a situation where a ridiculous religious belief gets in the way of SAVING LIVES. It is up to the state to protect the lives of minors; those incapable of making mature decisions. Once the state knows about this situation, they have every right to step in and SAVE LIVES.
What the parents are doing here is akin to murder and they want the doctors to be accomplices. Here are what doctors swear to:
From the Hippocratic Oath (Modern Version):
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
If a Fundamentalist Christian put his house on fire because he believes Jesus told him to do this on his 50th birthday, and to make sure his wife and kids were also in the house with him at the time, and firemen showed up and started to put out the fire, only to hear the man and his family telling them not to, because if they did, he and his family would wind up going to hell instead, do you think any fireman in their right mind (regardless of faith) would even consider what this lunatic is telling him to do?
And if the firemen didn't put out the fire, would this be acceptable to the religious freedom nuts out there.
Speaking of the nutcases, this situation in BC is silenting a lot of Fundies who have been whining about religious persecution, and the war against Christians. What says you Fundies? Should the doctors respect the parents wishes? Two have died so far. Is this acceptable?
This is even a dilemma for hardcore Libertarians who believe heroin and cocaine should be legalized. The ultra-Libertarians think government should have no say. What about here?
How about this?, since the babies were born premature, they can be considered late trimester abortion cases. Let the parents decide.
The bottom line is the children have been born (and they can survive outside the womb without the parents help), and they were not born with any beliefs.
There is no such thing as a Jehovah Witness ethnicity, and unlike Jews, are not Jehovah Witnesses by birth. They are too young to make this decision and not bound by any religion. They should get the best medical treatment that is possible. End of story.
Did you know that there are 6.5 million Jehovah Witnesses out there. But only 144,000 get to go to heaven when Jesus returns. The rest stay on an Edenized earth forever and ever.
I wonder what happens when the sun burns out.
It is just another cult of delusional Godidiots.
They keep saying the end is near. From the cult's beginnings in the late 1800's to now, they have already had three major dates of exact predictions of Jesus' Return come and go. In the meantime they were able to suck millions of dollars and belongings from their faithful flock.
Damning blog post at Progressive U.
Jehovah's Witness Law: In order for a crime to be recognized, you need either a confession by the guilty party or two witnesses. This pretty much gives a green light to sexual abuse.
A marriage made in heaven between pedophiles and a Church that is more concerned with it's reputation than the welfare of sexual abuse victims.
ReplyDeleteIf you are talking about the JW family of 6 babies recently in the news.
ReplyDeleteApparently the 6 babies were conceived using IVF procedures. I don't understand how using IVF is approved by god, but blood transfusions aren't.
Can't say I am a huge fan of IVF and I realize that that comment will probably get me into trouble somewhere along the line, but I kinda figure that if a couple is having a huge problem conceiving, that nature is trying to tell them something.
(You may all attack me for being a heartless atheist now.) ;)
The article you link two unfortunately mixes two issues, and claims that disfellowshipping is a violation of freedom of speech: "Their 'freedom of speech' was taken away by no church member being able to talk to them and in many instances they were put out on the street by their families as directed by church leaders." But an organization certainly has the right not to talk people, and to ask others not to talk to them. (Putting family members out on the street is a different matter, especially if it's done to minors.) It's stupid and may be dishonest, but not a violation of anyone's rights.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I've been told that if a JW comes to your door, all you have to do is say, "I've been disfellowshipped," and they'll run away from you as fast as possible.
Ruth, thanks for dropping by.
ReplyDeleteHere is a quote from a JW site:
'Are you Christians?
Yes. We follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and put faith in the ransom sacrifice he provided for the salvation of mankind. We imitate his example in preaching and teaching and in our dealings with fellow humans. We also look forward to living in true peace on earth under his heavenly Kingdom.'
I look at anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God to be a Christian.
There are obviously many different interpretations of the NT and many different types of Christians out there. And I can find any different Christian sect to state that their interpretation is the real one, and that all others have flaws, some more than others.
I know Baptists who say that Catholics are evil and aren't Christian.
To me, Jehovah Witnesses are just as Christian as anyone who accepts Jesus as the Son of God. But I think that Catholics like Dr. Ken Miller who accepts scientific fact to be closer to be less delusional than JW's or Evangelical Baptists.
Just because God couldn't make his word easy to understand and caused all these different sub cults to spring up, doesn't make a Catholic less of a Christian than a Baptist or a JW.
Ruth, I think you are right about the Jehovah Witnesses not being Christians. My sister is one of them and she considers herself a Christian even though she doesn't believe in Christ as a God. I think that they say that just to be accepted in the society. Like a psychological-social-religious strategy or something.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't agree with you when you want to put them down either. You say that their bible is full of flaws. Isn't your bible full of flaws too?
That's the problem we have in the world right now. Religious people fighting all the time against each other. When the whole world becomes smarter and accepts the reality of the absence of a God then we would be a happier society.
Well, if one accepts the bible as the word of god then the church of JW is correct. Only 144,000 get into heaven; they have to be vigin men; AND, from the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. Rev.7:4
ReplyDeleteRuth, that wasn't me. It was most likely Rickey. Did it come from California, if you can tell from your site meter?
ReplyDeleteI cut to the chase and consider all religions cults. It is only the cultural acceptance of their beliefs that differs.
ReplyDeleteIf you do a search on “email headers gmail” you will find instructions that will tell you how to find out who the original sender of a message is. Most unprincipled mail abusers do not realize there is extended email header information included with all email messages that includes information like who sent the original message the route it took to get delivered the IP address they used when they sent the message etc. Also most services have a place where you can report abuse.
ReplyDeleteISP’s and internet mail services generally don’t like having their users reported as abusers of their system and will terminate that person’s internet service(s). It takes up their time and their domain name could get black listed not to mention the hundreds of pages of court documentation that has been written about how to deal with internet abuse and how it applies to etc etc etc. Suffice it to say ISP’s don’t want to get caught up in courts about abusive net users. Most services also have some kind of “terms of use” you click on when you sign up that makes it possible for them to charge the liable person as is appropriate.
If you are looking to get a troll who has been bothering you in some deep dodo, you might even consider giving out your email address and letting their low IQ do the rest.
Jhrhv, the troll apparently said it was me and left a nasty message on another bloggers site.
ReplyDeleteBEAJ, sure sounds like Rickey the loser trolls M.O. doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI just wanted Ruth to now that with email header info if she wants to she can bust Rickey and probably get his internet access taken away. At the very least if its his first offence when someone has taken him to task he would be put on warning of suspension of service.
Who you cheering for in the game today? I think I’ll take Da Bears.
The day of the year when millions of people around the globe get excited about a bunch of men throwing around a sack of air. YEAH!!!! I love it.
Jhrhv, I don't think Ruth got an email, but someone posted on her blog pretending to be me.
ReplyDeleteI like da Bears. Defense over offense, but the game is unbettable to me even with the 7 point spread....7 points is high, do the bookies know something?