July 8, 2006


Since Eye on the World copied on my posts recently, I figure we'll be even after this one. At least I'm giving him credit right away. But this is an article that needs to be out there. It needs to read by as many people as possible:

July 7, 2006 (The New York Sun)

Dear Brethren, the War With Israel Is Over

As Israel enters the third week of an incursion into the same Gaza Strip it voluntarily evacuated a few months ago, a sense of reality among Arabs is spreading through commentary by Arab pundits, letters to the editor, and political talk shows on Arabic-language TV networks.The new views are stunning both in their maturity and in their realism. The best way I can think of to convey them is in the form of a letter to the Palestinian Arabs from their Arab friends:

Dear Palestinian Arab brethren:

The war with Israel is over.

You have lost. Surrender and negotiate to secure a future for your children.

We, your Arab brothers, may say until we are blue in the face that we stand by you, but the wise among you and most of us know that we are moving on, away from the tired old idea of the Palestinian Arab cause and the "eternal struggle" with Israel.

Dear friends, you and your leaders have wasted three generations trying to fight for Palestine, but the truth is the Palestine you could have had in 1948 is much bigger than the one you could have had in 1967, which in turn is much bigger than what you may have to settle for now or in another 10 years. Struggle means less land and more misery and utter loneliness.

At the moment, brothers, you would be lucky to secure a semblance of a state in that Gaza Strip into which you have all crowded, and a small part of the West Bank of the Jordan. It isn't going to get better. Time is running out even for this much land, so here are some facts, figures, and sound advice, friends.

You hold keys, which you drag out for television interviews, to houses that do not exist or are inhabited by Israelis who have no intention of leaving Jaffa, Haifa, Tel Aviv, or West Jerusalem. You shoot old guns at modern Israeli tanks and American-made fighter jets, doing virtually no harm to Israel while bringing the wrath of its mighty army down upon you. You fire ridiculously inept Kassam rockets that cause little destruction and delude yourselves into thinking this is a war of liberation. Your government, your social institutions, your schools, and your economy are all in ruins.

Your young people are growing up illiterate, ill, and bent on rites of death and suicide, while you, in effect, are living on the kindness of foreigners, including America and the United Nations. Every day your officials must beg for your daily bread, dependent on relief trucks that carry food and medicine into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, while your criminal Muslim fundamentalist Hamas government continues to fan the flames of a war it can neither fight nor hope to win.

In other words, brothers, you are down, out, and alone in a burnt-out landscape that is shrinking by the day.

What kind of struggle is this? Is it worth waging at all? More important, what kind of miserable future does it portend for your children, the fourth or fifth generation of the Arab world's have-nots?

We, your Arab brothers, have moved on.

Those of us who have oil money are busy accumulating wealth and building housing, luxury developments, state-of-the-art universities and schools, and new highways and byways. Those of us who share borders with Israel, such as Egypt and Jordan, have signed a peace treaty with it and are not going to war for you any time soon. Those of us who are far away, in places like North Africa and Iraq, frankly could not care less about what happens to you.

Only Syria continues to feed your fantasies that someday it will join you in liberating Palestine, even though a huge chunk of its territory, the entire Golan Heights, was taken by Israel in 1967 and annexed. The Syrians, my friends, will gladly fight down to the last Palestinian Arab.

Before you got stuck with this Hamas crowd, another cheating, conniving, leader of yours,Yasser Arafat, sold you a rotten bill of goods — more pain, greater corruption, and millions stolen by his relatives — while your children played in the sewers of Gaza.

The war is over. Why not let a new future begin?

Unfortunately the Palestinians will not listen.

As far as the kidnapped soldier goes, I believe he is gone. It doesn't fit in with the radical Islam we know for a deadline to go by and a head not to be chopped off.
I hope I'm wrong, but today's failure to come up with the soldier in order to stop the Gaza shellings pretty much speaks for itself.

Looks like Gaza will have a new nickname soon: THE PARKING LOT STATE.

July 7, 2006

Dearborn and Israel

Anyone who reads this blog has to know that I like to think, I try to think, and many times my thoughts even make sense. I know I'm no Albert Einstein, but I aint no Ann Coulter either.
Lately, I've been doing more thinking about my argument dealing with land, Israel, and changes in demographics. Something then struck me as I saw a blurb about Michigan having loads and loads of Arabs. I started doing my maniacal internet searches on this topic and found that Dearborn, Michigan is now considered the Arab capital of the United States.
Dearborn? The birthplace of alleged Jew hater Henry Ford has a population of around 100,000 people. 40% are Arabs. Surely, Dearborn didn't have a 40% population of Arabs when Henry was born. Of course not.

Lets see what Americancity.org states about the Arab populstion history in Dearborn:

'Dearborn was founded as the first overnight stop on the stagecoach route linking Detroit to Chicago. Its streets are named for the German Catholics who have since given way to Polish and Italian Americans, whom Arab immigrants and their descendants, in turn, are replacing. Southfield Freeway separates the city’s Western and Eastern worlds, roughly demarcating three neighborhoods: Southend is now mostly populated by Yemenis; East Dearborn is a bustling Lebanese community of Arab restaurants, bakeries, and halal butchers; and West Dearborn’s residential streets remain populated by Italian and Polish ethnics.

The Muslim presence in metropolitan Detroit dates to the last decade of the 19th century, when men from the Lebanese Biqa Valley, working as peddlers and traders, followed a larger number of Lebanese Christian emigrees to the U.S. When Henry Ford began to offer generous five-dollar daily wages for workers at his Highland Park assembly line in 1913, Detroit became the predominant destination for Lebanese immigrants. Immigration accelerated when Lebanon’s economy fell apart in the wake of the Ottoman Empire’s collapse at the end of World War I. The restrictive National Origins Act of 1924 reduced Lebanese immigration to a trickle, but over the next twenty years, wives and dependent children, whom the Act still allowed to immigrate, gradually reunited with their husbands and fathers. In 1927, Ford shifted operations to the Rouge River plant in his native Dearborn, and a Muslim neighborhood soon followed.

By the close of World War II, the Dearborn population numbered about 200 families. Most subsequent immigrants–Palestinian, Lebanese, and Iraqi–arrived in Dearborn as political refugees, with only Yemenis coming to Dearborn in this period primarily for economic opportunity. Collectively, the communities in Dearborn represent the second largest concentration of both Arabs and Muslims outside the Middle East, behind only Paris.'

Dearborn almost had an Arab mayor, if it wasn't for bad timing. 9/11 happened the same day as the Dearborn mayoral primary. Well, don't worry. Next time Arabs/Muslims will probably be the majority, and a terrorist attack won't stand in the way.

Isn't it special that Arabs/Muslims can set up in an American region and nobody accuses them (nor should they) of stealing land, like Jews were accused of doing in Palestine prior to the Partition.

Isn't it special that demographics can change over time in a Western city, and nobody is looking to push the Arabs/Muslims into Lake Michigan?

Where is the Western outrage? How come Dearborn isn't thinking about building a fence around it to protect itself from terrorists?

Why would it seem hysterical if the German Catholics, who built the city of Dearborn, demanded "their" land back?

Addition: For some reason, some readers aren't getting this post. So let me try to explain it a little better. Jews went to Palestine for a better life, just like the Arabs did when they migrated from Arabia to Dearborn. Many Jews came to escape anti-semitism, many came for religious reasons, many came because they didn't have many other options, and many came to escape Dhimmitudism, just like the Arabs of Dearborn did.
Palestine was relatively empty prior to Israel's birth. In the late 1800's, 500,000 people lived on land that now comfortably hold over 6 million. Nobody had to leave, nobody had their land stolen.
For those of you weak on history, at the time of the partition, Arabs owned 20% of the land and Jews owned 8%, the rest unowned. Palestine was governed by Britain. The land partitioned off to be the Jewish state had 550,00 Jews and 450,000 Arabs. It was a Jewish majority in 1947 that came about the same way that Dearborn went for 0% Muslims to 40% today. Except, the United States exists now and isn't up for negotiations, so Dearborn can never be an Arab state, unless in the future, the US decides to allow them to have a separate state (Not impossible).

Get it yet?

Here is a taste of Dearborn:

July 6, 2006


1. There is no God.

2. Jesus most probably did not exist.

3. The story of Noah's Ark is ridiculous.

4. The Exodus story is just a story.

5. The earth and the universe are ancient.

6, Evolution happens.

7. Land is either owned and/or governed. There is no such thing as Jewish land, Palestinian land, Caucasian land, Christian land, Arab land, Muslim, etc.

8. Israel needs to exist as a Jewish majority state until anti-semitism disappears from the earth.

9. Young Earth Creationists are willfully ignorant.

10. Islam must reform or become extinct.

11. When we die, that is it.

12. All religions were originally made up by either delusional individuals and/or con artist out to control large amounts of people.

13. Mohammed existed, but he was an illiterate pedophile and murderer.

14. Mormonism and Scientology are recent examples of how the Jesus myth started and eventually became a popular hoax.

15. Until a fetus can survive on it's own, taking modern technology into account, the choice to abort is entirely up to the host female.

16. The war in Iraq is actually making the other middle eastern nations more civil and Westernizing their belief systems, slowly but surely. It is a good start.

17. Gay marriages shouldn't even be debated. It is sad that certain individuals and groups in our society today has a problem with it.

18. Man has to fight his natural urges to stay monogamous. I have no idea why I am fighting so hard.

19. Child rapists/murderers should be beaten to death with baseball bats.

20. Anyone who believes the Rapture will happen with 50 years shouldn't be allowed in politics.

***I reserve the right to add to this list.

July 4, 2006

Acidman, A Blogger Who Made A Nice Post About My Blog Is Dead

I just found this out yesterday while going through my blogroll and checking out his blog Gut Rumbles. I was under the impression he wasn't all that well, but didn't really know what was wrong with him. I wasn't a frequent visitor to his blog. His last couple of posts, and the comments there were disturbing. 54 is way too early a time to leave.

Acidman, made my day when he posted this in February:

February 08, 2006
Look what I found!

Is Bugs Bunny Jewish, or just a run-of-the-mill infidel? I never realized how much Yosimite Sam resembles a red-bearded Muslim mullah when dressed in desert robes. Or that Jake Plummer resembles Jesus Christ. Does that reference to "smothering gerbils" mean what I think it does?

The guy ain't worth a shit at prognosticating football games, but you've gotta like ANYBODY who calls himself the bacon-eating athiest jew, even if he does live in Canada. He's got a pretty good blog.

But I really wanted to link him just so that I'll appear in the search if anybody ever Googles "Bacon-Eating Athiest Jew."

Posted by Acidman @ 02:41 PM

Acidman was one of the first bloggers to give me major recognition. I will always appreciate it. Rest in peace.

July 3, 2006

Hamas has 2 choices, Israel has no choice

I'm afraid to say that the kidnapped soldier's only chance to live relies on a "miracle" rescue by the IDF, which is highly unlikely because it is doubtful that they know where the soldier is being kept, or a "miraculous" about face by the Palestinians, especially Hamas, which is extremely unlikely.

Israel cannot under any circumstances make a deal for the soldier. It obviously would be a green light to the Palestinians to keep on kidnapping. Israel has no choice but to take the offensive. By the way, check out some of the female prisoners that Hamas want released at Elder of Ziyon's blog.

Hamas has two choices.

1) Let the soldier go. This would show the world that the Palestinians are finally getting it, and it would actually be a step towards peace. It would also represent the idea that Hamas is putting the welfare of the Palestinian citizens ahead of their murderous goals.


2) Kill the soldier, and watch Gaza turn into the world's biggest parking lot. Israel will have no choice but to turn Gaza into rubble if the soldier is murdered.
Every Hamas member will be a walking target.

Hamas made a very big mistake this time, they will either sign their own death warrant or completely change their direction. The latter again is highly unlikely, as Palestinians have never shown any capability of thinking one move ahead, or any sign of intellectual maturity in the past.

And if you have any doubts about my predictions here, check out my former predictions about the Gaza withdrawal and the Hamas election results.

Hat tip Memoirs of Gouda, for the cartoon.