July 17, 2006

Bacon and God: The Mideast Crisis

click cartoon to enlarge it

Why did Hezbollah attack Israel, why did they start this? They are just doing what radical Islamists do naturally. Israel pulled out of that territory years ago, and Lebanon still haven't followed UN resolutions to disband Hezbollah. In other words, like everywhere in the world, the majority of Muslims stand in silence, while radical Islam has it's way.

Anyone who supports Hezbollah should become extinct. And the sooner the better. Those who don't support Israel please answer the question: If you were Israel, what would you do?

July 15, 2006

What is the Solution for Israel Right Now?

As I stated previously, Israel cannot do prisoner swaps as this will only lead to more kidnapping. This goes for Hamas and Hizbollah.

Outside of Hizbollah handing back the soldiers and signing a peace treaty (something that is about as likely as me winning the lottery tonight), Israel now has to forget about outside opinion. I haven't seen outside opinion as being too loving towards Israel anyways. This is about survival. Not just through 2006 but to at least 2036
(I hope deep down that radical Islam is defeated by around then).

My solution isn't pretty because I don't think the Arab nations understand anything but death and destruction. We can see now that Iran isn't building nukes for deterrant reasons.....they will have no problem launching them at Israel for any reason they see fit.

First, Israel should continue crippling Hizbollah in Lebanon, until no more rockets are fired. But more likely, Syria will enter the war. Beautiful. Israel should cripple Syria. Then hopefully Iran will officially enter the picture. This will give Israel the green light to blow up everything they need to blow up in Iran, and while they are at of course, they need to blow up Ahmadinejad, into tiny little pieces.

I know this solution won't sit well with many so if anyone has a better solution (please, no need to tell me what Israel shouldn't do if it isn't accompanied with a valid long term solution as well), lets hear it.

Here are a couple of solutions I found while surfing. Sandmonkey thinks the IDF has done the wrong thing, and Yael K offers a less messier (than mine) solution.

Sad but true from the Dry Bones Blog.

One possible short term solution is the forced returned bodies dead or alive(I think they are dead by now) of the Israeli soldiers, with no prisoner swap in return, only a peace treaty. This will just be another bandaid solution. Oh did I forget about how to deal with Hamas and those who voted for them? One dilemma at a time.

I think this war is inevitable though, and unfortunately necessary. Israel needs to do the West's bidding and try to rid terrorists in 3 regions over the next few weeks, maybe months.

July 13, 2006

This Guy Isn't Helping Stamp Out Radicalism In Canadian Muslim Youth

"I can't believe how stupid people are. I refused to acknowledge Palestinian suicide bombings against Zionists on buses are terrorist acts, and I still got elected."

I checked out Ontario Blogs a few days ago and ran across this piece at Cherniak on Politics. I'm very non-Partisan as far as Canadian Politics goes, however, I hate the scum sucking communist NDP, and the Liberals are the reason we have terrorist cells here. The the Progressive Conservatives are the lesser of 3 evils.
Cherniak, in typical Liberal kiss ass and ostrich fashion, refuses to put elected Liberal MP Omar Alghabra in his proper and deserving place. Instead he buys Alghabra's lip service. Even when presented with facts that contradict the MP from Mississauga-Erindale.

On the surface, Alghabra seems very sincere in his efforts to stop radicalism amongst the Islamic Canadian Youth. After the arrests of 17 Muslims on terrorist charges (many who resided in his riding, by the way), Alghabra said "We need to make sure those people who are bent on radical ideologies don't recruit and seduce our youth."

That is all great Omar, but what exactly is a radical ideology? Lets see what you said after a Beersheba bus bombing in 2004 when the Canadian press inserted the word "terrorist" into an Al Reuters story in place of the word "militant" to describe a suicide bomber:

"CanWest, one of the largest media conglomerates in Canada, is failing its responsibility towards all Canadians, not just Arabs and Muslims," he said. "The media has moral and ethical obligations to report the facts when it comes to news reporting, not the opinions of their editors."

If Alghabra thinks statements like this harbor radicalism he must be an imbecile. Maybe he is. Before the Palestinian elections he said "I don’t believe Hamas wants elimination of Israel."

Alghabra emailed Cherniak when Cherniak asked him about his stance on terrorism, here is what he wrote:
"I have and never had any hesitation in condemning suicide bombers that target civilians, no ifs or buts. I have written a piece in the Montreal Gazette and Ottawa Citizen that was published last year before I ran for office and after the July bombing in London that condemns all form of terrorism."

Can't find those pieces with those words Omar. But I did find this when you had a chance to condemn Palestinian terrorism:

Alghabra, former head of the Canadian Arab Federation, told the Jewish Tribune that he has “always spoken out against extremism and violence against civilians.” But when asked whether he would specifically denounce suicide bombers, he would not comment, claiming that he was being “trapped.”

Either Alghabra is completely dishonest, or very stupid, or perhaps a combination. He shouldn't be considered a voice against Islamic radicalization in Canada until he grows up or gets real.

If he is a liar, maybe he did say his victory was a victory for Islam.

Hypocrite Alghabra also stated: "Canada's foundation is built on multiculturalism, the aboriginals, the anglophone and francophone cultures, the three major cultures. They are the starting foundation of our country. The francophones and the anglophones were the first immigrants and then we welcomed other immigrants. This country has been strengthened and built on the diversity of the people and their culture. So, if we start dismissing multiculturalism, we're really undermining the essence of Canada,"

Too bad, like other hypocritical Westernized Arabs, he doesn't use the same standards when he dodges the fact that diversity and immigration Arab intolerance is what fueled the beginning of the Israeli-Arab conflict.

I still don't get how Canadians could elect a terrorist(Hamas) supporter. Maybe he was too well funded by a certain large oil nation. Maybe some of the leftover funding got into Sid Ryan's pocket too when CUPE recently boycott Israel. Isn't speculation wonderful?

July 12, 2006

Saudis Still Teaching Hate In School

See the video here(Note you may need to view this on Internet Explorer only)

Here are part of the findings from an investigation by MSNBC:

Nina Shea's group — the Center for Religious Freedom — examined textbooks used during the past school year, and found the following teachings, which were verified by NBC News:

* Jews and Christians are "enemies" of Muslims.
* Every religion other than Islam is "false."
* "The hour [of Judgment] will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them."

"It's taught that Christians and Jews are the enemy of the Muslim," says Shea. "And that the Muslim must wage jihad in order to spread the faith in battle against the infidel."

What's more, an eighth grade text equates Jews with "apes" and Christian infidels with "swine." A tenth grade text teaches that the life of a Muslim is worth twice that of a non-Muslim.

"This is the ideological foundation for building tomorrows' terrorists," says Shea.

And it's not just textbooks. In Canada, moderate Muslims like Tarek Fatah charge that militant literature provided by the Saudis is radicalizing some young Muslims, like the 17 men arrested there last month for planning bombings in Canada.

"I see Saudi influence," says Fatah, the communications director of the Muslim Canadian Congress.

Fatah says a version of the Quran sent to Canada from Saudi Arabia in his possession includes added language encouraging jihad.

"The Quran does not ask people to conduct war against non-Muslims, but that's what the Saudis are distributing," says Fatah.

In one example, the word "Jews" is added to the translation, identifying "people" who have "strayed from God's laws."

Tarek Fatah is exactly what the Muslim world needs more of. He has no problem criticizing radical Islam. Recently he joined the Hindu Council and Jewish Congress to demand British Imam Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq not be allowed to enter Canada.

Of course, the Palestinian fooled him when they elected Hamas. He thought that the Palestinian people weren't voting for them because of their terrorist platform. I'll bet he feels stupid now. Check this poll out:

Palestinian Arabs are the biggest assmonkeys on this planet. No one comes close.

77% support the kidnap of Gilad Shalit
67% want more kidnappings of soldiers
80% oppose releasing Shalit to avoid a ground incursion into Gaza
60% support further Kassam rocket attacks against "targets"
Hamas would still win an election if held today, but barely.

July 11, 2006

Putting Things In Perspective


Oh the futility of it all. Man needs to feel special, so man created God. And religion was created, not just one, because "God" works in mysterious ways. He decided to make his word very vague because God likes to watch man passionately kill each other and beat each other to death over the different interpretations. Man created God to be one sick individual.

About the Galaxy Song, it is from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life(1983). The scientific "facts" in the song are very accurate but there are some errors like (from Wikipedia) '"the Sun is 'the source of all our power'." In fact, geothermal power, tidal power, nuclear power and light from other stars do not stem from the Sun.'

A study of the song's scientific accuracy can be found here and here.

Most numbers cited in the song are very good approximations. Much better than the bible's Pi.

Here is the original version of the song from the movie: