July 20, 2006

Why Did Bush Veto Embryonic Stem Cell Bill

Why Veto, why?

"Va fanculo, I spell my name with an I not an E. You are just trying to break my balls."

Anyways, I'll tell you why Bush said no to embryonic stem cells: It is because he is a Fundy. And every Fundy knows that Jesus is returning any day now. So why spend good money on scientific research that will benefit mankind more than 20 years plus from now? It just doesn't make sense. Better off spending money on worthwhile causes like Churches and Bibles. And by golly spread the word. And keep your car full of gas, cause you never know where you are gonna be when Jesus gives the good word, and you need at least 3 quarters of a tank to make to heaven.

Do frozen embryos get to go to heaven on Rapture day? I wonder what the Good Book says about that.

Don't forget to watch this video. It is guaranteed to make you think. It is from 1941, so I'm sure a few of the people in it died without enjoying the Rapture in real time. But it is gonna happen soon. 45% of Americans can't be wrong.

Hat Tip: Hellbound Alleee

July 19, 2006


Read this post at Combs Spouts Off. It makes perfect sense. It demolishes the terror apologist Moonbats new argument. Thank you Combs for the new sidebar addition.

As far as helping dual citizen Lebanese escape Lebanon and bring them over to Canada and the USA, if this is true, I'm not into it at all.

July 18, 2006


The folllowing two scumbag's analysis of the Middle East crisis are so uneducated, rhetorical and just full of lies and half truths, that I won't bother refuting them in this post. I just want to show these Moonbats off so that my readership can just see how retarded these imbeciles are.

First enemy to mankind is Washington Post columnist/POS Richard Cohen. Thanks to Chris At Home:
"The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself."

Richard, go screw yourself you braindead Dhimmiwitted ignoramous. I hope you wind up as a dishwasher thanks to this "column."

The second piece of human feces is another Robert McClelland, a Canadian cockroach.
He has demonized Israel over the last week at Myblawg.com (blawwwwwg...how cute). Titles of his Jihadist supporting, West hating posts have been Israel/Lebanon Edition, Israel Invades Lebanon, The Failed State of Israel, Israel Murders Canadians, and More Israeli Terrorism.

I'm not going to quote this vile piece of dog dung. He has a bunch of maggots who are regular commenters there as well. He is an NDP supporter. He is nothing but an impotent little twerp who whines away to a very small audience. He wrote "#@$# the Jews" on a building last year. Why is he even breathing?

Below, Robert McClelland (top) and Richard Cohen (below) hang out together:

One well known (to this blog) dhimmiwit has not written a word during this whole crisis. I wonder what Steve is going to write about next at his site: Digitally Deranged.

Israel Matzav totally schools the first Cockroach Cohen.

July 17, 2006

Bacon and God: The Mideast Crisis

click cartoon to enlarge it

Why did Hezbollah attack Israel, why did they start this? They are just doing what radical Islamists do naturally. Israel pulled out of that territory years ago, and Lebanon still haven't followed UN resolutions to disband Hezbollah. In other words, like everywhere in the world, the majority of Muslims stand in silence, while radical Islam has it's way.

Anyone who supports Hezbollah should become extinct. And the sooner the better. Those who don't support Israel please answer the question: If you were Israel, what would you do?

July 15, 2006

What is the Solution for Israel Right Now?

As I stated previously, Israel cannot do prisoner swaps as this will only lead to more kidnapping. This goes for Hamas and Hizbollah.

Outside of Hizbollah handing back the soldiers and signing a peace treaty (something that is about as likely as me winning the lottery tonight), Israel now has to forget about outside opinion. I haven't seen outside opinion as being too loving towards Israel anyways. This is about survival. Not just through 2006 but to at least 2036
(I hope deep down that radical Islam is defeated by around then).

My solution isn't pretty because I don't think the Arab nations understand anything but death and destruction. We can see now that Iran isn't building nukes for deterrant reasons.....they will have no problem launching them at Israel for any reason they see fit.

First, Israel should continue crippling Hizbollah in Lebanon, until no more rockets are fired. But more likely, Syria will enter the war. Beautiful. Israel should cripple Syria. Then hopefully Iran will officially enter the picture. This will give Israel the green light to blow up everything they need to blow up in Iran, and while they are at of course, they need to blow up Ahmadinejad, into tiny little pieces.

I know this solution won't sit well with many so if anyone has a better solution (please, no need to tell me what Israel shouldn't do if it isn't accompanied with a valid long term solution as well), lets hear it.

Here are a couple of solutions I found while surfing. Sandmonkey thinks the IDF has done the wrong thing, and Yael K offers a less messier (than mine) solution.

Sad but true from the Dry Bones Blog.

One possible short term solution is the forced returned bodies dead or alive(I think they are dead by now) of the Israeli soldiers, with no prisoner swap in return, only a peace treaty. This will just be another bandaid solution. Oh did I forget about how to deal with Hamas and those who voted for them? One dilemma at a time.

I think this war is inevitable though, and unfortunately necessary. Israel needs to do the West's bidding and try to rid terrorists in 3 regions over the next few weeks, maybe months.