February 24, 2007

Youtube Atheists

They let me in without a background check. Don't they know that I'm really a Fundy who is working undercover?

Over 250 members and counting. Check out the videos. Even Hellbound Alleee has joined up.

Oh, and you God damn Atheists who are not members yet, join Deep Thought's Atheist Blogroll. Just email Mojoey and he will add you.

February 22, 2007


The Rabid Ape does an excellent job explaining what evolution is and how it works. Even most Fundies will be able to understand it, but they will do the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil thingy upon viewing it:

The one thing I didn't like is that he stated there is no such thing as micro evolution and macro evolution, there is only evolution. I would have stated it different, because the terms do exist: Macro evolution is just loads and loads of micro evolution.

Pharyngula has linked another video that explains evolution in laymen terms, but it was done in German (ooh the Germans). Thankfully it has English subtitles.

On another note, I have no idea why Googlebot has started to diss me. Is it because I'm an Atheist or is it because I am not very happy with Islam? It can't be because I'm a Jew. Maybe it is a combination, but I used to get 50-100 hits a day from random Google searches; in the last week I been getting next to zero. Even a search of my blog name doesn't link to my blog anymore, at least on the first page of results. How am I going to get my message out to those who search things like "evil Atheist Jews?"

What does Google have against me? I used to rank up at the top when it came to many "Atheist blank" searches, and almost every "Atheist Jew blank" searches. I don't appear until the second page now. And only once.:

But Blog Search Has KO'D Me BLOG SEARCH ATHEIST JEW Note: Rickey's The Atheist Jew Slug is linked as is The Atheist Jew (a dormant blog that has no connection with me)

February 20, 2007

Trouble With Atheism: Yeah, Dolts Don't Know What Atheism Is

This is long, but it is worth watching ONCE.

'Rod Liddle argues against those who turn to atheism for a rational and moderate approach to today's problems, and says that atheism has high priests and dogmatic beliefs, just like fundamentalist religion.'

First off, very few suggest that Atheism will solve today's problems. Many problems will disappear if magically everyone became Atheist tomorrow though, and yes, some could be created depending on the political leanings of the leaders.
As far as having high priests and dogmatic beliefs go. Well, I'm gonna watch the video for a second time, before I tell you why that is nothing but horse manure. I'll just make points as I see fit, while watching. Ok?

0:35 Atheism at its worst? You mean when an Atheist is like Stalin? How often does that happen?
0:40 Atheism is a conclusion. Nobody says that Atheism in itself is the answer to everyone's prayers.
3:13 Dawkins does not hate God. You can't hate something that doesn't exist. He doesn't think that belief in God is necessary, and in fact, believes that belief in God, causes much of the violence in the world, and stagnates intellectual growth and education. He is right.
4:10 "Atheists have become dogmatic in their contention that there is no God." Bullshit. Atheists just do not have any reason to consider God exists. We are sure that there is no evidence that God exists, and that none is likely to ever appear. We have no rules. And no, not everyone who believes in God is a deluded and dangerous fool. But many are both, some are one and not the other. Many are neither. And many are wilfully ignorant due to evolved insecurities. I am certain we have evolved a brain that readily accepts the concept of God and other supernatural beings. It is a fight not to be superstitious, for example.
4:38 "Atheism is becoming a religion of its own...they have gurus and sacred texts"
More bullshit. I've never read any sacred texts to do with Atheism. And the Origin of the Species is not a sacred text, it is a science book. A bible is full of unprovable myths. A science text is full of falsifiable theories and facts. We have representatives that are trying to explain that religion is crapola. If you want to call those who rely on facts and the scientific method to be my gurus, fine.
4:50 "Unknowable truths." This dude is starting to sound awfully wilfully ignorant now.
5:10 "Atheist regime." Soviet Russia was a political regime where the leader tried to force his country not to have faith in God. Sorry, but that doesn't happen much. No Atheists that I know want to ban prayer in church or home, or churches for that matter. And I know very few communists, if any, within the Atheist community.
5:26 "Atheism is a belief in a disbelief" Ok, I've had enough. I'm not watching anymore of this over. I watched it once, and thought it was fair, but now I'm just getting mad.

Hat tip: Educational Television Blog via TikkunGer

I had a lot more to say, but I'll let the following bloggers speak for me on this travesty of a documentary. They are all negative, and I wasn't looking for any bias whatsoever, but it is impossible after seeing it a second time not to be negative:

Rosio Pavoris
Rank Atheism

And for all you Agnostic bloggers who state that the points made in this video is why you can't be an Atheist, check out this great post at Rank Atheism for common errors made theists and Agnostics when it comes to
Misleading premises in arguments: Propositional Logic

February 19, 2007

Difference Between Joanna Francis and a Bucket of Feces: The Bucket

A friend of Assmonkey Supreme, Mark Glenn, Joanna Francis is feces personified. Bear with me, let me explain.
Yesterday I got a hit on my blog from an old post made about me by a raving Jew hater. The Ugly Truth article was just a bunch of my replies to a retard (he didn't bother posting his ignorant crap), but one of the two comments caught my eye yesterday:

joannafrancis on November 10th, 2006

“You have kids. Hopefully they didn’t inherit your self loathing and inferiority and low IQ. If they did they did and think like you, they should have been aborted.”

Definitely a Jew. Only a Jew would write something like that. They love abortion. For us, that is. And they wonder why people don’t like them?

I decided to further investigate this Joanna Francis. Such a lovely non assuming name and all. Well, it linked to a Jooooo paranoid hate site, No Peace Without Justice.

Check out her site. 80%+ of her posts blame Jews for everything from Anna Nicoles burial place to abortion being a Jewish conspiracy to murder Christian babies worldwide. HAHAHAHAHA

Classic: Jews Murder Christian Babies At Sea

"Jews have been the driving force behind legalizing abortion in (formerly) Christian countries, such as the United States, France, England, Canada, et al. But in some Western nations, the people still have a modicum of common sense, and refuse to allow Jews to get rich performing their favorite pastime: Jewish ritual killing of Christian babies.

The Jews were obviously frustrated by their inability to practice infanticide in every country of the West. However, the people who invented the word chutzpah were not going to let quaint things like laws, morals, or respect for life get in the way of their fun. As expected, they came up with the perfect solution to satisfy their infanticidal needs: abortion ships that dock in countries where abortion is illegal. Kind of like riverboat casinos anchored permanently on the Mississippi, circumventing anti-gambling laws in the surrounding states."

And of course, this has to be pinned on the Jews because Rebecca Gomperts, the founder of Women on Waves, has a Jewish sounding name. Her proof she is a Jew is this link. Yes, there have been many Jews with the last name Gomperz (who cares about the spelling, close enough).
Such horrible Jews too:
Benjamin Gompertz the mathematician; Lewis Gompertz, founder of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals; Samuel Gompers founder and president of the American Federation of Labor and the statue in Washington commemorating his life unveiled by President Roosevelt; and many gravestones and their inscriptions from the cemetery at Emmerich.

She apparently researched this article, Killing Us Left and Right, for 3 years.

There is speculation that Joanna Francis had an abortion early in life, and now she blames the Joooooos for making abortions so readily available to her. She now is overwhelmed with guilt that she had that abortion, as she can't conceive now, and now is childless, well past menopause. Instead of blaming herself, she found a scapegoat, as many self-loathers do.

I wonder how much research she put into Benedict XVI: Zionist Double Agent: "The Christian people in the United States are just as much enslaved to the Zionists as the Palestinians are. The only difference is that the Americans are mental slaves, i.e., brainwashed by the Jewish-owned media."

And this was well researched too, I'm sure: Israeli Snipers Killing US Troops In Iraq? At least she put a question mark in there. Rense didn't care about the question mark, they used her piece anyway.


I'm sure Catholic Friends of Israel won't mind me copying this blog post:


Priest Ejects Group with Anti-Jewish Links, by Alex Easton. NorthernStar.com Nov. 25, 2006:

'A LISMORE priest has distanced his parish from a local extremist group of Catholics who back claims of a Jewish conspiracy of genocide against Christians.

St Carthage’s Cathedral rector Father Dennis Carroll this week took the unusual step of censuring the anti-abortion group Apostles for Life in his parish bulletin.

Fr Carroll told parishioners the group had lost his support and had been discontinued as a parish group. He warned parishioners ‘to be wary of the anti-Jewish views expressed’ on the group’s website.

Those views included an article by anti-Semitic writer Joanna Francis, which says abortion-on-demand ‘for American Jews signified the beginning of their Messianic age, wherein they could now freely practice genocide against their ancient enemies, the Christians, with impunity’.

In other articles, Ms Francis has also claimed Pope Benedict XVI was a Zionist double agent and that Israeli snipers were killing US soldiers in Iraq.

When contacted by The Northern Star, Fr Carroll said he stripped Apostles for Life of its status as a Parish group early this year ‘because they have spun off into the crazy right wing of Catholicism’.

The group's homepage proclaims that its members gather "to promote the truth and beauty of Church teaching, especially the Gospel of Life, and the sanctity of all human life." But I would think any organization whose website promotes articles asserting:

. . . What remains unspoken by these groups, however, is that abortion was always intended to be practiced on us goyim (cattle), as a means to reduce the numbers of their enemies. What better way to cull the herd than by preventing our births altogether? (Jews quietly lament the fact that some Jewish babies have fallen into the trap set for us goyim.). . . ("Killing Us Left and Right", by Joanna Francis 4/2/2006)

without thinking twice has fallen far afield of its original purpose, losing its moorings in the truth of the Catholic faith.'

Joanna Francis isn't even an accepted Catholic anymore it seems.

February 17, 2007

More Proof That The Internet Will Kill The YEC Movement

Youtube's popularity is growing exponentially. A great place to give your personal viewpoint too, well, as long as you aren't telling the truth about Islam that is.

One thing Youtube won't ban, for lies or distortions, are the wild claims made by Young Earth Creationists (YECs). But the thing these YECs don't get, is that if you start putting your nutjob ideas and beliefs out there like this, they are going to get destroyed.

There are two nutjobs that have a series of idiotic videos on Youtube: Truthmakesfree, who could be John Pendleton, has a series of Pendleton videos. A chemist nutjob who has zero understanding of earth sciences it seems. The other guy is a young Fundy who uses the ID VenomFangX. The guy reminds me of Eric Foreman on the 70's show. The Foreman lookalike actually emailed me a few days ago and asked me to check out his garbage. I did reply, but it looks like someone else decided to destroy him and Pendleton on Youtube. Check out the new Actual series posted by akg41470:

And finally this one humiliates Pendleton:

Here is my Youtube email exchange I had with VenomFangX:

Hey there. It's nice to see a fellow youtuber posting video blogs about who they are and what they believe. I myself am doing the same thing, and want you to come check out my vids and tell me what you think.


What I thought:
Dude, I checked your video on the age of the earth and left a comment. If the age of the earth was only 6000 years old, science would be able to prove it using science. Especially a Christian scientist would become very famous if he could use scientific method to prove a young earth. The fact is that if the earth was young, there would be loads of evidence to support it. There is none. All you did was present faulty assumptions, that have been debunked. Quit denying reality. Science is not a conspiracy theory. Read this:

I'm sorry, I can't watch any more of your videos. You are obviously brainwashed and hopefully one day you will wake up.

His response:
Scientists can and have proven the age of the Earth to be 6000 years old, just like scientists have proven that evolution is a hoax. However, The Bible says satan is the ruler of this world, and satan doesn't want that info getting out. More over, people don't want to acknowledge The Bible is correct, because that means God is real and judges all unrepentant sinners, who do not receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
If you want to see a real scientist proving the age of the Earth, check this out.

Me again:
Actually, just point me to actual scientific research that has been published by scientific journals confirming your lies that evolution has been proven to be a hoax and the age of the earth is 6000 years old.

You are in deep denial. It is very sad.

Fundy replies once more:
You don't get it. Evolutionist journals will plug evolution. Creationist journals will plug creation. One shows why the other is a lie, and the battle is waging even to this day. You just need to use common sense.
Every 'claim' an evolutionist has ever made has been based on leaps of logic so huge they would make superman's leaps and bounds look like a drop in the bucket.
Radio-carbon dating doesn't work. If all of creation came into existence at the same point in time, which the big bang theory speculates, then all matter should date to the same exact same age. The fact that evolutionists claim they can tell how old something is by radioactive decay is a complete contradiction to the fact that all things in the universe are exactly the same age. The matter in your body was created at the beginning of creation, along with everything else. One can not date the age of something by radioactive decay, because in order to do that, you must make the leap of logic in assuming that the radioactive decay has been consistant, and that all things obsorb and have been exposed to the same levels of radiation, which is impossible.
Scientists who believe in evolution carbon dated living snails and found them to be thousands of years old. Impossible, don't you think?
Moving right along. Scientists look at all the buried animals who has fossilized and believe that over millions or billions of years, mud and earth covered these dead animals/plant and they fossilized. I want you to do an experiment. Order a BBQ chicken from swiss chalet or something, and place it in your backyard, tied down firmly to the ground with an unbreakable metal chain, begged 5 feet into the earth. So, if an animal comes along to steal the deal chicken, they won't be able to. As the months go by, that chicken is going to decompose, and animals will come and pick at it's bones. Rain, snow, and wind will eventually cause the bones to dislocate and be sent far away from the corpse. Eventually, in only a matter of weeks, there will be nothing but your metal chain and giant steak into the ground. The chicken will be gone.
Indeed, the only way for something to fossilize with it's entire skeleton structure intact is to be buried instantly. The reason we are finding creatures all over the world fossilized indicates that something on a world wide level buried these creatures. That is where the historical story of Noah's Ark and the flood come in, which happened about 4400 years ago, to which this is plenty of proof. I have made a video about the Ark, which they found exactly where The Bible said it would be, matching the exact size and scale of the historical Ark.

My turn:
No, you are in denial. I asked you to show a scientific study that proves the earth is young, or a scientific study that debunks, refutes, or even runs contrary to evolution.
You obviously do not understand science at all, nor do you want to. You are quite the delusional speciman.
You are right now what I call wilfully ignorant, looking for excuses to make your book written by man for man, somehow literal, which it isn't.
You won't even come close to change my mind without scientific studies...real ones. In the meantime, I know where there is a lot of non believers you can try to convert. I started a thread for you:


Good luck. And Happy Converting.

He wasn't through yet:
All I have to say to you is this:

Moi once more:
Dude, you are in denial. Again, you have nothing. Not one scientific study. Wake up and smell the roses, you are missing out on all of natures wonders. Don't bother replying to this, right now you are wilfully ignorant until you really start to think for yourself. You've been brainwashed, and you don't know it.

And his last desperate response:
I used to believe in evolution, I really did. Now I feel sorry for everyone who does.

Of course, I had to have the last word before I blocked him from wasting anymore of my time:
I used to believe in God, but then I started asking questions and the answers made me realize that God was man made, but even when I believed in God, I never put my head in the sand and denied science. You might as well be a heroin addict, because you are completely denying reality. Notice how you can't find one scientific study that I asked for. Science is not a conspiracy theory out to prove your bible wrong by the way. That is just a cop out. The internet will destroy you YECs, you should stay within your flock, because you dudes get destroyed when you try to compete with people who have at least half a brain.

Was I too hard on the dude, or was I too lenient?