I don't specialize in this subject, but I have written quite a few pieces on the topic of Radical Islam and Arab intolerance. My most controversial piece was on my attempt to explain Arab insanity and intolerance.
There are plenty of great resources on the net right now that take Radical Islam by the jugular vein. The biggies on this topic are Little Green Footballs and Jihad Watch.
Of course there are many others that aren't as well known and many I don't know about yet. Any hoot, here are the ones I know about, and that post regularly, and that I find very informative:
The Jawa Report doesn't seem to miss too much.
The Infidels Bloggers Alliance is excellent, and just got better with the addition of The Elder of Ziyon as a contributor. Elder specializes in articles about Israel and Jews that may have escaped mainstream media, as does Israpundit.
No Dhimmitude has a Canadian slant on the War on Terror included.
Rantings of a Sandmonkey is a must see site.
Atlas Shrugs takes no prisoners.
The Pub Philosopher gives a good UK slant.
OBL better not meet The Anti-Jihad Pundit in a dark alley.
The Global War on You Know Who has great wit and great posts.
Clarity and Resolve is pretty much to the point as is Bareknucklepolitics.
A wake-up blog for Muslims can be found at The Guilt of Most Arab Muslims.
My Vast Wing Right Conspiracy has to be mentioned here of course. Beth is a cool Fundy.
You say you want cartoons, well then try The Study of Revenge.
A good place to rant about the culture of death is Rantburg.
A couple of friends from the Yahoo board wars against Islam and anti-semites have recently started very informative blogs and are worth checking out: A March of Folly and Eye on the World.
The Far Left would do themselves a great service by checking out these blogs and attempting to get a grasp on REALITY.
Thanks for the plug, AJ.
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou hit the high-lights with your referrals, mate, and I thank you for listing me as well. It's funny to realise that I've known some of these bloggers for years now, like Patrick at C, and R., and others like Derek whom I met before he was famous and like Elder with whom I have a mutual friend.
ReplyDeleteI raise this because I am also involved in trying to bring people to the table in a direct sense, in bringing people to meet person to person in person. I've been active at jihadwatch for two years now, writing as sonofwalker there, in the effort to organise a world-wide defence those who would destroy us and also against those who don't have a clue about the issues involved but who feel they must make comment-ettes regardless.
This brings me to my point: Each Thursday evening from 7-9:00pm we meet face to face at the Vancouver Public Library in the atrium to try to organise an effective resistence agianst dhimmitude and Left dhimmi fascism. We do this in conjunction with and more in sympathy with the French "Revolution Bleu." We have meetings from Alabama to Vancouver, from Sydney to Paris, from New York to Montreal and elsewhere. We'd like to extend our meetings by extending our invitations to you and all others who have a clear understanding of the nature of our struggle against fascist Islam and Left dhimmi fascism.
Yes, even the babe with the boobs is sort of welcome. Hey, why not?
Again, mate, thanks for the mention. Always good to read your dialogues with Derek.
Regards, Dag.
Pimpette, these bloggers are just finding news stories in most cases. The problem with the line between moderate Muslims and terrorist Muslims is that the moderate Muslims keep as silent as the Radical ones when something gets blown up.
ReplyDeleteDag, the left needs to be educated about Islam as does the Christian Right when it comes to real science.
Thanks for the link, although I am not so much dangerous as you say in your post. ;)
ReplyDeleteI had been reading your blog for so much now, since they linked you in IBA of which I am also contributor.
Blueslord-Spanish Eowyn-The Anti-Jihad Pundit.
GLO, there are two major types of Lefties. Lefties, generally are those who want equal rights (good) and free choice (good).
ReplyDeleteWhat differentiates the two tyes is that one group continuously blame the victim, and cannot grasp the reality that Radical Islam, for instance, is a threat. These Lefty whackjobs make excuses for why the victims are to blame, or mostly to blame.
And they put too much blame on the state as an excuse for those who suffer(this is true of most Lefties).
God's loyal Oppostion, I read your comment a number of times in the hope the fog would lift. I admit I'm just not smart enough to make sense of anything you wrote. To me it's uncomprehensible. I must be stupid.
ReplyDeleteThe reference ot the flat earther, Baaz? I suspect that's some kind of joke, but then I also think Rushdie is at least as not funny. but then, I likely am stupid and need you to think for me. Too bad I don't have you around all the time. How will I ever live a meaningful life without you? I guess I just won't.
G.L.O., I haven't got a single response to make to your post. I am honestly stumped.
ReplyDeleteOther one above, I have to say I'm not even there with you in spirit. I wouldn't last in such a cold, dark, and empty space.
The cruelty of nature is that it doesn't make the suffering aware. Sometoimes I think the worse the pain the less the hurt, and I'm sort of right, but first one has to reach the point of suffering so great that it's forever gone afterward, and I suggest you missed it, at least so far. That is a cruelty, and I don't care.
Can't say I am farleft. I am probably left of you though. No doubt fundamental islam fuels the violence associated with terrorist attacks upon the west. Fundamental christianity still owns most of the nuclear weapons though and has shown the most desire to use them. I remain a peace loving atheist who sees the religious world as the breeding ground for potential homicidal maniacs.
ReplyDeleteHey! Thanks! (I'm not a fundie, though!) ;-)
ReplyDeleteBeth, I define a Fundy as someone who believes in a Young Earth and/or thinks evolution is bull crap.
ReplyDeleteI keep it simple.
I get the impression you fall into at least one of those categories, however, I haven't confirmed it from your writings either, so I could be wrong.
Thanks for leaving comments here. Because many of the commenters are Atheist, I have to deal with many terror Apologists.
Actually, one main reason why I was approached to do some pieces on Freethought Radio was because of my radical/realistic POV on the War on Terror.
Next CAIR has a petititon going in regards to terrorism since 9/11.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t mean the same CAIR that photoshoped--ala Uncle Joe--hijabs on men and women for their website because their conference didn’t look Islamic enough? Surely you’re not referring to the same CAIR that was founded by former members of the Islamic Association of Palestine, a front group for Hamas? You can’t possibly be referring to the same CAIR that receives charitable donations from known terrorist financiers? I wonder if you refer to the same CAIR that ranks among its former employees those convicted of conspiring with known terrorist entities? Could you be referring to the same CAIR that counts Ibrahaim “I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future” Hooper as it’s spokesperson? Did you know that CAIR lost their anti-defamation suit against Andrew Whitehead because they couldn’t adequately defend themselves against any of those charges, and more? Yet you expect us to take seriously a petition against terrorism from an entity founded, financed and staffed by terrorists? And Charlie Manson recently spoke out against serial killings.
I find sites like Jihadwatch no better than nazi sites that are devoted to slandering the talmud and torah.
If taking Muslims at their word and identifying all of those passages from the Koran, hadith and 1400 years of Islamic jurisprudence that call for the subjugation of all non-Muslims (as well as running stories which show the historical and contemporaneous application of those teachings) makes one a Nazi, what does that make the Muslims?
I don't think their is a person in the world who doesn't think that RADICAL Islamists are a problem.
ReplyDeleteI guess you also missed the Left's favorite intellectual Chomsky's interview on Arab TV wherein he shilled for Hamas; you know, those "radical Islamists" democractically elected by those peace-lovin' non-radical Palestinians; the ones who are more reasonable and more interested in peace than the U.S. and Israel?
Maybe ask another of the Left's favorite mouthpieces, George Galloway, what he thinks of the "Radical Islamists"? Maybe ask all of those British Muslims that threatened Europe with brank, spanking new Holocausts over cartoons what they think constitutes a "Radical Islamist" and if they'd have a problem with them.