April 23, 2006

Shirley Phelps Roper, Another Mentally Ill Fundy

Just add her to a long and growing list. A bunch of videos made by her church The Westboro Baptist Church can be found here.

The main website for her church is addressed godhatesfags.com.

The thing is that even though many Fundies aren't as extreme as this wingnut, many have similar views about many of the things she stands for, like her anti-gay stance, and her ideas that every disaster is an act of God.

You have to wonder, if these people become so homophobic because they are fighting their own demons. Just take a look at the founder of the church, Fred Phelps. He looks like he could easily be cast in Brokeback Mountain:

He not only hates gays, but he doesn't seem fond of Jews, Blacks or Catholics either. Here are some quotes from Rotten.com:

"Fag Jew Nazis are worse than ordinary Nazis. They've had more experience. Jews stirred up the Romans to butcher 6 million Christians in the catacombs in the 1st century. The First Holocaust was a Jewish Holocaust against Christians. The latest Holocaust is by Topeka Jews against WBC."

"Anybody babbling about 'multicultural affairs' and 'celebrating diversity' is a propagandist for the militant sodomite agenda...Westboro Baptists will picket this black obfuscator, in religious protest and warning. Being black won't get you to Heaven. But promoting fags will take you to Hell."

"Homosexuals now pervade and control American government at every level and branch. Thus, only those churches that support and promote the militant homosexual agenda enjoy religious freedom. Any church in America that dares to preach what the Bible says about soul-damning, nation-destroying moral filth of the vile homosexual beasts among us, loses all Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and speech rights."

"Fag priests and dyke nuns is the order of the day for Kansas Catholics. They deserve the sick, perverted leadership that now dooms and damns them."

I know I shouldn't judge Fundies on the actions of most of them. Call me biased.

On a sad note, I had to take Bane off my blogroll. I gave it my best shot with him, but he attacked me once too many times. I don't know if it is just plain intolerance, or some sort of psychosis, or a mixture of the two. It could also be that the fact that he is a tad more intelligent than most Fundies and my Atheism was starting to make him have doubts about his flimsy religious beliefs.
I also took the No God Blog off my roll too. The fact that there was little recognition of an obvious anti-semite, and even the majorities overall acceptance of his views, and the other anti-Israel rhetoric on that site made me realize that American Atheists is not for me. Even the blogs administrator David Silverman can't make the obvious distinction. The memebers there don't seem to get reality.
Kiss my ass bad Christain Bane (I spell Christian that way because he constantly spells Atheist: Athiest on purpose), and kiss my ass American Atheists too. I don't even care that American Atheists President Ellen Johnson is pretty hot.
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  1. Wow! What a lovely man that preacher is. He should get together with the president of Iran. They would have a good time together.

    Thanks for putting me on your blogroll. I stayed up late last night working on mine (thanks to your advice) and put a link to your site on mine. You are a mensch! Who cares what the antisemitic atheists say about you! They obviously don't know anything (about a lot apparently).

    Nice pics of yourself there pal, but you are going to have a hard time competing with Ellen Johnshon. She is pretty hot. Keep fighting the good fight!

  2. I notice you have a blogroll going now. You should have gone with blogrolling.com, it makes blogrolling easy. It looks like you manually inputted everything.

    I manually input non blog sites, but blogrolling.com is pretty easy to use, and it is gratis.

  3. I'm not sure why you think Bane is any more intelligent than any other fundy. He seems more crude than anything. His posts on Scott Adams blog are somewhat incoherent and rambling.....actually all of his posts on his own blog are like that.

  4. I am a christian, soon to be a pastor and I say bless you for the truth you reveal... we should be ever vigilant, not only in the world but among the church. It is sad that these people who in most other countries would be killed celebrate the deaths of those who protect them, they drive people away from god and his will more suredly than satan who has little to do these days as orginized religion is doing the damage for him.

    (soon-to-be) Rev. Pasha von Fleuger

  5. Glo, she is completely brainwashed.

    Chimp, all I said is that I thought Bane is more intelligent than most Fundies. I agree with your assessment:)

    Anon, you are correct. This is the kind of thing that drives people away. This and calling science lies because it goes against the literal bible. You can't tell an intelligent kid or young adult that the world is young and that the Ark was anything but a localized flood for example.
    I wish you luck Rev. Pasha, I don't know about your scientific views, but your heart seems to be in the right place.

  6. Jeez, Shirley seems a little... oh, I don't know... STARK RAVING FUCKING CRAZY. She had me cheering for those Fox News idiots!
    She -- and people like her -- make the run-of the-mill fundy look 'normal' and nearly 'rational' by comparison.
    What a hideous excuse for a human being.

  7. I think this is the first time I've seen anything Hannity and Colmes that made me appreciate Fox News.

  8. That woman is crazy. Not stupid, just crazy. Brother Phelps and his people are paint that I use to color all fundamentalists. Other fundamentalists differ from him only in degree.

  9. Yeah, I have heard her before. But the other people rebutting her didn't sound much saner if you ask me. They all hide behind their theory of what they think a supernatural being wants of them. In this way mary phelps is no different.

    Religious people are truly some of the weirdest people I have ever met. They all speak for "something which isn't there." It is like them saying, "my invisible friend doesn't like you and what you do, so he is going to put a curse on you." In fact, religious people sound just like that to me. Like they are witches/wizards who call on the special powers of an invisible bully to batter people into compliance.

    I am hoping for the day when religious people will be treated like smokers. (Sorry religion/smoking is banned from this restaurant. Passive religion is harmful to the public health. )

  10. Wow, that is one sick, nasty bitch. She said that most of the church members are her own family. Now that's some hard core indoctrination at work. Must be a damn big family as well. Probably don't believe in contraception either. Loonies are popping 'em out like rabbits. Sane people will be overwhelmed. Oh, hang on, we already are.

  11. The wrath of god? I am always confused by the notion of fearing god. If the big cheese is the all encompassing powerful builder of the universe and gave us life, a brain, and a planet, why would we fear him?

    She is not crazy; she is just one of those people who wants to be separate from society yet connected to a small controllable group. Most cults are made up of these people. They are lonely, confused and are looking for someone to give meaning to their lives. But at the same time they are scared of what they see around them. So they find a small group that has strict rules they can follow and a leader they can please and then they are happy.

    Sure parading with signs condoning the death of any innocent human is sick but I think the sickness is within the group and these people are too weak to think on their own. There are lots of these small Baptist churches all around. They believe that only they will go to heaven because only they know the divine truth. A little to full of themselves to me, but what the hell I do not give a damn until they try to control what I think. She is not much different than other people of other religions that celebrate the death of people who disagree with them.

    Almost 300,000,000 people and only these 80 know the truth. That is an ego I could not imagine having.

  12. GLO,

    I don't mind that they disagree with me, the government or the rest of the world. I just wish they would leave greiving family members and the rest of us alone.

  13. GLO, I'm pretty sure they're from Kansas.

    Atheist Jew, I dumped a copy of this on my blog- if you want the traffic let me know and I'll cut it off and redirect to you.

  14. I'm reading about WBC and I'm thinking, these people are so dumb, I bet their women would let me fuckem. I show up at a couple of their services, nod a lot, spout back some nonsense, hold a sign or two, and then do a little Rasputin number on a couple of the chickies--"You gotta sin a little to be forgiven"--and Voila! I'm in.

    Then I watched the video and I realized I wouldn't be able to get it up.

  15. Bane’s blog is quite funny but you would hardly know he was a fundy by reading his posts. He’s quite a crude, lewd sort of person – odd, very odd. I think the psychosis assessment might be closer to the mark.

    Anyway I’m with you Bacon. No self respecting Atheist is an anti-Semite in this day and age.

  16. beaj,

    I wish you would leave The Westboro people alone, I get a lot of material for my blog from them.

  17. This is the first I've ever seen of Bane, and right off the bat I'd say he's more of a blanket racist/bigot/asshole than just strictly an anti-semite. There seems to be room in his heart to hate everything. I also don't know of any actual athiests who are anti-semetic, unless you consider it anti-semetic to afford the jewish version of god the same respect and belief as any other wacko notion of a "higher power." If you're looking at the Jewish "race" then I definately don't know any anti-semite athiests.

  18. Wickerman, there are plenty. Lots of Europeans. Check out my post from April 18th.

  19. Hey Simon, if you are the one for the BBC board asking about why Jews aren't stopped at checkpoints, I first ask, how many Jews have tried to smuggle in bomb vests with the intent of blowing innocent people up, and most importantly I suggest you watch this. With checkpoints, there wouldn't be enough hospitals left to handle pregnant Palestinians any ways.

  20. The fact is: It isn't acceptable to make political/religious statements at a private funeral unless you are invited to do so. As an atheist, I wouldn't gatecrash someone's funeral (no matter which religion it was) to tell them and the congregation that their god didn't exist. Manners people!

  21. I've got to admit, it is a breath of fresh air to hear Hannity go off on this fundy nut. So often you hear him bashing liberals and such, but it just warmed my heart to hear him lay into Ms. Phelps Roper. I think Prez Bush needs to add the Phelps Klan to the 'Axis of Evil' list.

  22. All i can say is PRAY for them... they want to put out a message about God's wrath, but they are doing it in the wrong way. Eventually God will show them that they shouldn't put Him out like that, but they will soon learn. They will be in my prayers and my churches prayers. God Bless them and everyone else!!!

  23. what a dumb bitch, if shes killed ill be saying thank god.

  24. Shirley Phelps Roper and her father and ther 23 members of there cult are the biggest groups of idiots in there world. I hate her with all the passion in the world. She needs to be put to death. I hope and pray that someone will but a fucking bullet in her and every one of her family members head and she will rot in hell forever. She is the most self rightous person on there earth and she is also a complete fuckin idiot. I hope that the gay community rallys together to put a hit out for her.

  25. The irony in every statement that they make is that they are standing in the only place in the world that would allow them to say hit. They should be shipped off to a third world country or to the middle eat and then let them talk and see how many minutes they can survive.

  26. If I saw any one of these retarded dumb fucks on the side of the road, I would pick them up, drive to the middle of the desert, and beat them to death with a blunt rusty pipe. If anybodies going to hell, its these inbread retards who need to open their god damn eyes to the real world.

  27. I am 16 years old and lost my cousin who was very close to me because we was injured in Iraq. and i swear to god, if i ever saw that woman i would probably beat the living shit out of her. i mean. what is her fucking problem? people around here in IL tried protesting at my cousins visitation.. i was inside at the time but if i was outside and saw them.. i dont think they would have stuck around so long. they have no idea what our soldiers go through n put on the line.

  28. That in the HELL is wrong with this woman?

    And does it freak anyone else out (aside from me) that there are crazy people like that all over the place in the US?

  29. Despite their claims, those people aren't Christians. Please don't compare them to us.

    I wouldn't compare a sociopath who believes in no higher power than himself, to you as an atheist.

    Those people are sociopathic. I think the only thing that I can compare them to is people who have taken the wrong lessons of the vengeful Old-Testament God and who haven't read the New Testament. They've clearly missed the moral lessons of, "Let him without sin cast the first stone.", "Do unto others as you would have done to you." and "All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God."


  31. this women doesn't understand that the only reason she can do this and not be shot is because american soldiers fought in the american revolution. The things this women is protesting were given to her with the lives of millions of american soldiers lives. she should be ashamed of herself.

  32. alright so in the church website it says that it doesnt say in the bible that God doesnt love everyone... first of all is that something that really has to be written down to be known? God hates gays, God hates the U.S. what a bunch of bullshit! you know what I think... I think the only person God hates is the people of that church... or he should at least. Men are fighting for this country for THEM! and they can't even tell them thanks! oh and I'm sorry last time i checked religion and laws are kept separate! have you ever heard of the first amendment.... freedom of RELIGION!!! how can you say that the jews are the real NAZIS???? you people are cruel! even if you are against war and shit like that don't be disrespectful and protest at their funeral... im sure you wouldnt be doing that if it were one of your family members! honestly how would that make you feel to know one of your family members, friends, children, anything is dead and to have people happy about it! you people should be ashamed of yourselves and im glad you were on TV and now its all across the internet...hell i found this on myspace even! it shows how much respect you people should be given! im not a violent person by any means and i would NEVER kill anyone but these "people" arent even human in my mind... so yeah i would have to say if i ever met one i would probly beat the shit out of them and not feel any guilt at all! if you hate Americans so much get out of the fucking country! im sure you all will be missed greatly....

  33. echmm
    i am a thirteen year old jewish boy,and i think that shirly rope lady is a real CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. i hate shirly roper she is a cunt!

  35. I really hope somebody puts a friggen bullet into her friggen head.

  36. Listen to me you fucking bitch, if i ever see you on the street i will spit in your fucking face and burn your fucking church down. If you dont like this country, get the fuck out because nobody wants your ugly bitch ass here anyway. I hope someone shoots you to shut your ugly ass the fuck up you dumb whore. How does it feel to be hated by the whole country you dumb cunt?

  37. I hope the God you so blindly follow is watching over you for your sake, because NO ONE ELSE IS! If AMERICA is so morally bankrupt, THEN FUCKING LEAVE!! Go find you're own little island where others don't have to put up with your half-witted, heartless, racist banter, or face the wrath of pissed off Americans. I hope all die and burn in HELL. Sincerely, A REAL AMERICAN.

  38. Where to fucking start? Shirley. You are a FUCKING DUMB CUNT. These soldiers are giving their lives for you and your lame ass hate loving cock sucking family. How about you take a sugar coated flying fuck off the end of my dick you stupid inbred white trash cock juggling thunder cunt. Do you really thinkg that God approves of what the fuck you are doing? Most of these soldiers ARE Christian, in case you are too FUBARD'd to notice. God loves ALL of His children, yes? SO HOW CAN HE HATE FAGS YOU FUCKING MORON!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD. I swear on whatever is held holy these days that if given the chance, I would fucking kill you. Not quickly either. And then, I would use EVERY SINGLE ASSEST I POSSES to buy plane tickets for any who wanted to come to your funeral and laugh with me. And wave about signs that says "GOD LOVES DEAD MORONS." OH! And just so you fucking realize it, your protest was ILLEGAL. I hope you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and gangraped in jail. With a knife. AND ANOTHER THING! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL US WE ARE NOT OBEYING? Do you deign to be the voice of God now? One more point to make, then I am gone. In the newscast where you revealed yourself to be a fucking dumbass, there is a person holding a sign that says "DON'T WORSHIP THE DEAD". Forgive my ignorance, but isn't Jesus dead?

    Richard Kupfer
    Inverness, Florida

    p.s. Shirley, if you have the gall to do it, gimmie a call sometime

  39. All I have to say is if my husband dies in this war, I hope those people stay away from his funeral, because if they're anywhere near, I'll probably murder them all and then spend the rest of my life in jail while my son is in foster care. Maybe I should start taking tolerance classes now so that I'll be able to ignore them just in case! Tolerance classes...hah, there's something THEY could use!

  40. I am a US soldier. to think that this whole family has a right to say the things they have almost makes me regret fighting for their right to speak their minds. I understand thet their beliefs may be different then the rest of the nation, but how dare they disgrace my brother and sisters that have died for this country, that they take for granted. I just hope that these inbreds come to support the soldier and the rights WE protect.

  41. Soldiers are extremely brave. They are protecting our asses. Admittedly I'm too much of a coward to be a soldier. Somebody needs to fight the Moonbats at home though.

  42. Shirly Roper is fucking dick sucking, horse fucking, muff diving cunt. I hope to god someone shoots you in your ugly fucking face and if i ever see you or your retarted inbred family, ill beat the shit out of all of you and piss on your graves. You fuckin bitch!
