February 4, 2006

Fatwa over footy prints

This is from 1955. Does the Muslim uprising surprise anyone. Afterall, Yosemite Sam the Arab was trying to murder Bugs Bunny during this entire cartoon because Bugs got "footy-prints all over my nice clean desert." Mel Blanc the voice of Bugs, Yosemite, and Daffy must have had fun with this one, because chances are that Mel was a Zionist since he was a Jew.

Bugs, are you making a racist joke?

I'm not sure, but is this a towel head joke?

Bacon and God: Reaction over Mohammed Cartoons

Anti-semitic cartoons are found in the Arab press frequently. I expect it. That being said, I see nothing wrong with cartoons that portray Radical Islam in a terrible light: they should be printed daily by every paper as far as I'm concerned. I do have a problem with newspapers printing cartoons where the main reason is to piss off a certain group. I think a simple cartoon of Mohammed's image fits that definition. If the purpose of the cartoon is to antagonize a group, it shouldn't be in a public newspaper. But I have no problem these types of cartoons appear on blogs:)

February 2, 2006

My Take On Amona

I always look for an end result. I can't see an end result in the Israeli Palestine situation without defined borders. I can't see an end result that includes small settlements. Though painful in the short run, the only way an end result to the I/P situation will occur, is to place emotions aside, define the borders, keep as many Arabs outside of those borders and then defend those borders as the situation warrants it.
Without religious Jews, Israel loses it's identity and spirituality, without secular Jews, Israel becomes an Arab-only state.
Yesterdays display of emotion by the settlers and their supporters was identical to Rachel Corries actions (assuming she didn't know she was defending an arm's tunnel), or Palestinian rock throwers. It was shameful. I can't get over the mindset of those who attack their police, their protectors. Try that in Canada or the USA. The end result is that the settlers looked just like crazed Islamists and they were put on display on TV viewed throughout the world. And bottom line, they wound up dismantling anyways. Many IDF soldiers were injured. I can't say enough how disappointing and terrible this was.
Israel is a democracy. Lots of parties though, it is pretty much impossible to get a majority. An election is coming up. The biggest issue is going to be "not" dealing with Hamas. And this means finally putting those final borders into place because Israel clearly has no one to deal with. Smart choices are going to have to be made as to where the border goes. And it is imperative that yesterdays display is not repeated.
To me, the Gaza withdrawal and the withdrawal from any small settlements will help Israel defend herself in the future from attacks. These attacks though will now be deemed International acts of war, and not civil unrest. The last thing Israel needs is civil unrest from Jews. Decisions are made by the government to remove some settlements, and they should be viewed in the same manner as they were when they were built.
Let me ask a very hypothetical question to the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews that believe the disputed territory is Holy land: If you could guarantee that not one more Jew would die as result of an Arab bullet, missile or bomb, would you give up the territories?

January 30, 2006

Bacon and God: The Miracle?

Did Bacon really witness a miracle? Click cartoon to enlarge it.