February 18, 2006


I don't pretend to know everything. I like to think that I know a little about everything. OK, I know a lot about some things too, but US politics is not on this list.
Less than a week ago I read about the acquisition of the operations of 6 US ports for 6.8 billion dollars by Dubai Ports World via Bane's blog. Huh? WTF? was my first reaction, and it is still my reaction.
Here is what Instapundit.com states:

"The city's ports, considered a major target of terrorists, are about to be taken over by a firm based in the United Arab Emirates, a country with financial links to the Sept. 11 hijackers.
Dubai Ports World is set to complete a $6.8 billion deal to purchase Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., a London company that already runs commercial port operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans and Miami."

From Northjersey.com,Senator Robert Menendez and Hilary Clinton will attempt to block this deal, that apparently was approved by the Bush administration, by introducing legislation that would bar companies owned or controlled by foreign governments from buying port operations in the United States.

The article concludes with this: Menendez alleged that, in addition to the UAE's Sept. 11 connection, Dubai has served as a transfer point for shipments of nuclear components to Iran, North Korea and Libya.
"The Bush administration has neglected port security for years, and now they're ready to turn port operations over to the control of a foreign government that is a known transit point for smuggled nuclear technology," Menendez said.

How can Bush be pushing so drastically for the Patriot Act on one hand, while on the other hand, opening up the ports to who knows what? What am I missing? And why is this being silenced by the so called "Jewish controlled media?"

Lots of comments can be found at Think Progress. Here is a taste of it:

"The Bush administration considers the UAE an important ally in the fight against terrorism since the suicide hijackings"

"The UAE has been a key transfer point for illegal shipments of nuclear components to Iran, North Korea and Lybia," "According to the FBI, money was transferred to the 9/11 hijackers through the UAE banking system," "After 9/11, the Treasury Department reported that the UAE was not cooperating in efforts to track down Osama Bin Laden’s bank accounts."

If I were a Democrat, I would be all over this. If I were a Republican I would be embarrassed. Michelle Malkin has a beat on this story at least. BTW, I've notice some pro-Bush blogs have totally ignored this story.....Hmmmmmm

February 17, 2006


Thanks to My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for pointing out this poll.


This poll was inspired from this article Toying with Genocide

Before you answer the "What percentage of Muslims are radicals" you may want

to read this article about Middle East countries craving Sharia law

When will an Islamic terrorist use a WMD against the West??
0-5 Years 5-20 Years >20 Years Never

What percentage of Middle East Muslims are radical? (In this case radical = likes Bin Laden or enjoyed 9/11 attacks on the U.S.)
<1%1-10% 11-25% 25-50% 51-75% >75%

When an Islamic radical uses a WMD against the West and he kills 1+ million people, what should the West do?

When we have to nuke the whole Middle East (excluding Israel) how long will you feel sad?
< 1 minute
< 1 day
< 1 month
< 1 year
> 1 year

Note to other website owners: You can add this poll to your site and the numbers will keep adding up correctly across all the sites.
Just open page source and search for "pollstart", and then copy & paste through "pollend" .

Middle East Literacy and IQ Rates

Is it any wonder that the world is walking on eggshells with the Arab/Muslim world?
Take the cartoon outrage. The cartoons that caused all the havoc recently were published in an Egyptian newspaper in October, and as reported on the Rantings of a Sankmonkey blog, the Muslim world wasn't upset at all by it.

The Arab/Muslim world seems to just follow their leaders. The leaders who preach that the West is the cause for their plight. And these same leaders live in the lap of luxury as their people live in academic and financial oppression.

Here are some Middle Eastern IQ and literacy rates to look at:


Bahrain................. 85 ................... 83
Egypt ................... 51 ................... 83
Iran ..................... 71 ................... 84
Iraq ..................... 58 ................... 87
Israel ................... 95 ................... 94
Jordan .................. 86 .................. 87
Kuwait .................. 79 .................. 83
Lebanon ................ 83 .................. 86
Oman .................... 64 .................. 83
Qatar .................... 79 .................. 78
Saudi Arabia ........... 71 .................. 83
Syria ..................... 70 .................. 87
Turkey ................... 82 .................. 90
United Arab Emirates . 79 .................. 83

Canada has a 97% literacy rate, the USA has a literacy rate of 99%.
Canada has an IQ average of 97 and the USA has an average of 98. Of course, the countries with the highest percentage of Atheists(Europe for the most part), have the highest IQ averages. But that goes without saying.

February 16, 2006

C'mon moron; get your story straight

Nobody ever said Jew haters were very bright to begin with.

February 15, 2006

The Insult Law

Thank Al for bringing this article from The American Spectator to my attention. Jackie Mason is hysterical.

Live From New York
Insult Law
By Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder
Published 2/14/2006 12:08:58 AM

The Muslims have pronounced their verdict. The cartoon man has been found guilty. The real crime is, of course, not being a Muslim. Now that they have established the crime, they have also pronounced the sentence. Even if you never saw or heard of the cartoon, you deserve to be hit with rocks, your car wrecked, and your embassies destroyed because you are an infidel -- and incidentally, there are no appeals. There was even television coverage of a Muslim religious leader screaming in some unintelligible language. However, on the bottom of the screen the translation appeared. This religious leader was shouting that whoever drew the cartoon should have his hands cut off. This hardly seems for us to be a reasonable penalty for somebody taking a piece of paper, picking up a pen, and drawing something.

Could you picture a Jew doing something like this? Ironically, the cartoonists were not even condemning Islam, they were merely creating a satire of a terrorist. They weren't insulting their religion, they were satirizing a fanatic. But, the Muslims have decided that there are no laws, limits, or boundaries that apply to their behavior. They not only have the right to take your life, they now have the right to rob you of your freedom of expression.

Could you picture a Jew killing anybody for such meaningless reasons? If a Jew gets mad he might sneak into your house and steal your lipitor or he would make a deal with your doctor to lie about your cholesterol number, or just when you have fasted a whole day on Yom Kippur when you finally could eat you would find that he snuck into your house and stole all your pastrami sandwiches.

I never saw a Jew going into meaningless fights. That is why you seldom see Jewish football players. A Jew is not going to take a chance in spraining his neck or tearing a ligament in his knee or wrinkling his clothes just because he was fighting with somebody about catching a ball. He would rather go to a store and buy another ball and avoid the whole problem. That is why there are also no Jewish hockey players. Hockey players spend all their time hitting each other in the mouth with sticks. When Jews saw how Gentiles played hockey that is how Jews found out that instead of becoming a hockey player they would become dentists, and that way they decided to let other people play the game while they found a way to make a profit from it.

Jews are never known to get into unnecessary physical battles. That is why people are never afraid of being attacked by a Jew. Did you ever hear anybody say,
"Don't go into that neighborhood it is very dangerous, there are a lot of Jews there?"
Jews have for so long been accustomed to being threatened and persecuted all over the world that they could never dream of creating needless violence anywhere because they would be grateful to even find a place where they are allowed to live in peace. Jews could never dream of threatening innocent people with inexcusable violence. Meanwhile the rest of the world is reacting to the Muslims with an amazing cowardice. Instead of a collective fury, we are pleading for forgiveness, and promising not to offend them with any more cartoons. Could anything be more perverted? The same people who are not offended by suicide bombers and terrorist killings, murder, mayhem, and destruction around the world have now decided that a cartoon... "OY VEY IS THIS TERRIBLE!"

Everyday Muslim and European newspapers insult and degrade Jews as animals and rodents, which is not only insulting but, additionally, encourages the hatred of Jews. But did you ever hear any Jewish authority anywhere demanding that we find any of these cartoonists so that we can choke them to death or cut them up. Did you ever hear of an Israeli death squad searching for a cartoonist? If the Jewish people applied the same insult standard requiring a death sentence no Muslim would be safe now, anywhere in the world. Could you picture a Jew deciding that he has the right to kill but you have no right to draw an insulting picture?

Nobody has ever died from a cartoon. If the worst thing the Nazis ever did had been to draw cartoons of death camps instead of putting Jews in them, six million Jews would be alive today. When was the last time any country decided to kill a Muslim anywhere in the world because they felt insulted? But the Muslims have created a new international law called the "insult law." This means they have the right to kill you whenever they please, and you have no right to do anything about it. If a Muslim were walking down a street in Israel with a picture of an insulting cartoon in hand, no Israeli would threaten his life. They would be too busy celebrating the fact that it was a cartoon and not a bomb.

Jackie Mason is a comedian. Raoul Felder is an attorney.