June 18, 2006

Atheism For Children

The author of the book Did You Know That All The Gods Came From the Same Place, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, was the founder of American Atheists.

Her Fate(Some Atheist Trivia):
Disappearance and death

On August 27, 1995, Madalyn, Jon Garth, and Robin Murray O'Hair (William's daughter, whom she had adopted) disappeared from the headquarters of American Atheists, leaving a note implying an absence for some time and a visit to San Antonio, Texas. In September, Jon ordered $600,000 (USD) worth of gold coins from a San Antonio jeweler but took delivery of only $500,000 (USD). No further communication came from any of the O'Hairs, and one year later, William Murray filed a missing persons report.

There was speculation that the O'Hairs had abandoned American Atheists and fled with the money. One investigator concluded they had gone to New Zealand. Other theories suggested fundamentalist Christians had kidnapped the trio. Another rumor was that O'Hair had died of natural causes, and that her remains had been secretly disposed of to prevent the possibility of a "Christian burial" by her son. The O'Hairs were declared legally dead, and many of their assets were sold to clear up their debts.

Ultimately, a murder investigation focused on David Roland Waters, who had worked as an office manager and typesetter for American Atheists and who had previous convictions for violent crimes and also one for stealing $50,000 from the organization. Police concluded that he and his accomplices had kidnapped the O'Hairs, forced them to withdraw the missing funds, and then murdered them. Waters eventually pled guilty to reduced charges. Subsequently, in January 2001, Waters informed the police that the O'Hairs were buried on a ranch in Texas, and gave them the exact location of the ranch and the bodies. When the police excavated there, they discovered that the O'Hairs' bodies had been cut into dozens of pieces with a saw. The remains exhibited such extensive mutilation and successive decomposition that identification had to be made through dental records, by DNA testing, and in Madalyn O'Hair's case, by her prosthetic hip.

Now for something that will make you smile at a minimum, watch this video.

June 16, 2006


Paul McCartney's 64th birthday is Sunday. Happy Birthday Paul.

Paul was brought up Roman Catholic, but now seems to be a Secular Humanist which is a code word for Agnostic.

"I believe in the spirit of goodness, so I can sympathize with Christians, Jewish people, Buddhists, Muslims. I think essentially they're all trying to say the same thing: You ought to choose between good and bad...

I don't subscribe to any one religion, but I do feel a oneness with a spirit of goodness. But I don't know if there's an old man with a beard in the sky."

I wonder if he tried to pray to God for a new limb for his soon to be ex-wife Heather. Maybe he is an Atheist now, after realizing that God has never performed the miracle of growing back someones lost limb.

I wonder if Heather is still going to have her head cryongenically frozen like George and Linda did. Well at least I think they did. Both went to the USA to die, something which I find very weird..........see, I like some conspiracy theories Atheologist.

June 15, 2006

My Wife Says I Don't Take Her Anywhere

This stuff counts even though it was just before we got married. We saw Fiddler On The Roof just a week before the fateful day of August 26th, 1990.
And I think I took her to a couple of places since. I can't find the stubs though:)

Here is something very funny and nostalgic. Sam Kinison's first performance on David Letterman: November 14, 1985. I did amateur stand up at Yuk Yuk's in Toronto back in 1984. I'm sure I could have been a contender if I persevered. At least it got rid of my shyness.

June 14, 2006


He was obviously obsessed with it. He didn't like my stance against terrorism. This was his final thought before he mind turned off for good:

Thanks to Yahoo message board poster, and evolution denier Barrl0 for the picture.

Just In Case You've Never Seen This Video

Language Warning. This song is awesome.

See, that was really funny and relevant. Now click on this from Religious Freaks for something disturbing and relevant.

Now that was disturbing.