April 24, 2007

Bill O'Reilly's Advice To Richard Dawkins: "You Should Run"

Here is Bill O'Reilly making sense. He actually dug himself a big hole that, lucky for him, his audience didn't get it. I think he got it though, right after he tried to work it in his analogy.

He basically said run from anyone talks about God or religion, including himself. I'm not sure if he knew from the onset what he was thinking when he started his reply. But one thing is for sure, he temporarily clued in about proof, evidence and the wilfully ignorant.

Looks like he forgot that whole conversation though. Here is his conversation last night with Richard Dawkins:

"Jesus was a real guy" "I know what he did"
Bill, there is no evidence that a historical Jesus ever existed. The only thing you know is that a story exists about what a most likely mythological figure supposedly did.

"I'm not positive Jesus is God, but I'm throwing in with Jesus"...'because Atheist can't yet conclusively explain how the universe began.'
Lets see Bill, you are saying that you believe because you want to believe. In other words: Run Richard, run.

'Catholicism helps me as a person'
Jew haters who can't pay the rent are helped if they believe Jews are somehow to blame. It doesn't mean there is anything rational about it, and remember you said to "RUN."

Obviously Bill didn't read Dawkins' The God Delusion (either have I, but I intend to). It is painfully obvious knowing what I know about the contents of the book. The debate was over when O'Reilly sluffed off the inability anyone has in proving Zeus is not God.

Atheism a bane to civilization?
Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all confirmed atheists? Not Hitler. Show me one shred of evidence Hitler was an atheist. That is just a lie. There is no way of telling what anyone believes, but Hitler quoted Jesus and Christ hundreds of times. He was a creationist as well, believing that Aryans were specially created by God.
OK, I know he wasn't a good Catholic, but Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot weren't good atheists.

On the rest:

Yes, religion can be a moderating influence. It keeps morons who think they need fear of God to keep themselves from murdering, raping and stealing. Religion is also a way to control the masses, if the masses share the same religion. The Founding Fathers, were as secular as they come, and they had no knowledge of an ancient earth or evolution. Without knowledge of an ancient earth and evolution, one is almost compelled to have to believe in creation stories of some sort.

I would have argued about Atheism being a bane on civilization a bit more, but Dawkins didn't have very much time at all.

It was an atheist, Boris Yeltsin who eliminated Communism in Russia. When O'Reilly earlier brought up Sweden and Japan as being atheist majority countries, Dawkins should have flung it back in his face and ask, what exactly is wrong with those countries? Which country does he feel is better all around, Saudi Arabia or Japan?

April 23, 2007

Judeophobe Watch

As some of you have already found out, I just started a new blog called Judeophobe Watch.

The purpose of it as stated in the blog header: This site gives normal human beings a chance to debunk, refute, chastise, and debate anti-semitic postings from various Judeophobic web sites, like Crescent and Cross, for example. The cowards who spew their anti-semitic bull do not normally allow normal human beings to comment on their drivel.

When a blog search is made for those on the lunatic fringe like David Duke and Mark Glenn, I want my new site to be one of the search results. And hopefully the posts will have some intelligent comments on them, so that people doing searches can see that the premises of Joooo haters are seriously flawed, as is most the revisionist history and unsubstantiated rhetoric that goes hand in hand with the anti-semite's spewings.

Another reason to open for the Judeophobe Watch site, is that I think that my personal email exchanges with these idiots will become completely unnecessary, in that I now have forum to invite any Joooo hater to.

I also believe that by exposing Judeophobes in this way, it will show how ridiculous their ideas are. For those who think Judeophobes should be ignored and that I'm only giving them a platform, my reply is: should Hitler have been ignored in the 1920's?

Finally, another reason I am doing this is to keep the Atheist Jew blog on track: Fighting with individual anti-semites here, is just a little too out there I think, and probably many of my readers agree.

I want this blog focused on four things: Atheism, separation of church and state, layman's science, and the War on Terror (which includes of course the insanity of the Palestinian "cause" and their actions).

If you aren't on the Judeophobe Watch blogroll and want to be, please let me know, and I will blogroll you (providing you aren't a Judeophobe).

Right now, comments on that blog are not being moderated. I will only delete comments that are off topic and/or include baseless insults, are genuine spam, or comments that include very long copy and paste material. If I find myself having to delete a lot of comments, I will turn moderation on.

One more thing. I was nominated for a JIB (Jewish and Israeli Blog) Award in the category of "Best Jewish Skepticism Blog"

If you feel like voting for me, GO HERE.

April 21, 2007

Wasn't God Allowed In Schools When Hitler Was A Kid?

Warning: This video will insult your intelligence:

Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia madman, mentions Jesus Christ how many times in the video he sent to MSNBC?
He seemed to know all about Jesus. Maybe that is the problem.

"Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenceless people."

"Do you know what it feels like to be humiliated and be impaled on a cross and left to bleed to death for your amusement?"

From Wikipedia. 1959 Texas:

Paul Orgeron and Dusty Paul

Paul Orgeron was a tile-setter from South Houston, Texas who had been attempting to enroll his son Dusty into elementary school. Orgeron and his son had been living in a boarding house under the pseudonym of Bob Silver, for reasons unknown, before the massacre. They were said to have been quiet and never made any trouble.

Eventually Orgeron attempted to enroll his son at Edgar Allan Poe Elementary School but was denied on the grounds that he lacked a birth certificate for his son. He left the school claiming he would return the next day with the necessary documentation.

The attack

On September 15, around 10:00 a.m., Orgeron and his son approached a teacher who was about to enter one of the classrooms. At the time he was carrying a brown suitcase with unknown contents. The teacher was given two pieces of paper by Orgeron and asked to read them. According to the teacher the papers were completely illegible, and she was unable to understand them. While she tried to read the notes Orgeron mumbled under his breath about "having power in a suitcase," and the will of God.

He asked that all the children gather into a circle around him. The teacher became suspicious after seeing a mysterious button on the bottom of the suitcase. Seeing her distress other teachers joined her and Orgeron was asked to leave school grounds. When he refused the teachers began to evacuate the children away from Orgeron, and shortly thereafter Orgeron detonated the briefcase which was estimated to contain six sticks of dynamite. The explosion claimed six lives, including both Orgeron and his son. Two other students, a custodian and a teacher also perished.
School shootings are tragedies, but they are not proof that God needs to be taught in classrooms. In fact, I would say the opposite is true. Considering the relatively low amount of these tragic incidents that have occurred, and when they do, they are usually done by the God knowing.
Maybe God just wants it to be harder for student who believe in him to get a gun.

April 19, 2007


I want anyone who reads this to understand, I did not want to engage in any email exchange with vile Joooo hater, Mark Glenn. He is certifiably insane as anyone will be able to tell by reading the following. I also want to let people know that he emailed me using different addies at both my gmail and Yahoo mail accounts, while I was attempting to block the emails. I think gmail won't block mail if you still have mail from that person showing in your inbox. Here we go:

Your Filth
Atheist Jew et al,

Congratulations, you actually managed to rouse a whopping 5 comments from that huge readership you are always bragging about. I can see now why you are so impressed with yourself.

You know, a few months back when I first ran into you, I wrote you off as just another nut-job who wasn't worth my time. However, after writing that piece the other night with your comments in, it got about 15,000 hits on my website and am selling books ‘out the wazoo as they say. It seems that people are really intrigued reading the kind of filth that is spewed out by sickos like you, kind of like watching those ‘faces of death videos that they used to make a few years back.

So now I am changing my mind and am going to allow your emails (as well as those of your huge readership) to get through, as I have started a new website http://uglyjewishracism.wordpress.com and am going to use it to expose to everyone what you people are really like.

So, as they say have at it, and do not be shy about it, and please pass this message along to the rest of the other vultures in the group, along with my email address.

mg mrkglenn@lycos.com 2:23 PM April 17th
Your letter got one retard to email me other than yourself. And no one left any comments on my blog.
I get 300 hits a day on my blog, plus countless others that read it on aggregate sites.
If you read the comments on my site regarding the child abuse you have performed on your daughter, you will see what normal human beings think of you.

You are vermin. And you will represent the lunatic fringe.

3:38 PM April 17th
WOW 300
Well, at least you are impressed, even if there is little reason for anyone else to be.Yes, I can see why you would want to brag about 300 next to my 15,000.

Here is the part I love--‘lunatic fringe’--you speak non-chalently about 'nuking' a nation of 47 million people, speak about the superiority of the Jews over people such as the Arabs, (as you did a few months ago) and then have the nerve to accuse someone else of being part of the lunatic fringe. You speak like the very same Hitler you presume to despise and are so hypocritical and double-minded that you cannot even see it. Or perhaps you do but you are so intellectually dishonest that you refuse to admit it.

While we are on the topic of lunacy and genetic statistics, how do you account for the fact that Jews are statistically more disposed towards mental illness than any other group of people n the world? Oh, wait, don't tell me, let me guess--because of their superior intellects, right??? Of course, it has to be that, now doesn't it, Bacon? It has nothing to do with the fact that they embrace a way of thinking that is completely rooted in illogical and fallacy.

And as far as child abuse, well, you were raised Jewish, so I suppose you would understand something about that, now wouldn't you? You had that Judaic insanity poured into you on a daily basis that you were better than everyone else and that the world was out to getcha out of envy. You and everything you write on that public toilet of a blog are living proof of that abuse. Angry, vindictive, vulgar, intellectually (and probably physically) violent, as you have indicated with your support of murdering not just tens of millions, but rather hundreds of millions of people, in addition to remarking that my children should have been aborted. And you have the nerve to call other people fascists. The only ones who should be aborted are those who cannot live like rational, compassionate human beings--the Hitlers, Stalins, Sharons, etc, etc, etc of the world who think that they have the right to do onto others whatever they feel like doing, you included.

This is going to be quite a ride, so as I said, don't sugar-coat anything. Resort to your usual business of vulgar, below-the-belt, violent language, as I am determined to make you a star out there.
mrkglenn@lycos.com 7:33 PM April 17th
You are a raving lunatic. A hypocrite and a conspiracy nut. I'm talking about smart bombing Iran. The people are probably the most rational in the entire middle east. The Arab Muslim IQ hovers around 83, so stupidity reigns supreme in the Arab states.
I am blocking you from now on on email. If you have something to say. You can say it in the comment section of my blog.

But you are a waste of space as far as one on one confrontation is concerned. You are full of false assumptions and lies. I don't need to waste my time one on one.

I feel sorry for your children. You should leave them and give them a chance. You've already polluted your poor daughter and stolen her childhood.

You are a sad sad "man"
April 17th
Such fury. Where does it come from? Usually people who do nothing but
rant and rave all the time are diagnosed as mentally ill,and
particularly those who are so vindicitive and who can't express themselves
intellgently without being vulgar. you never answer my question from the other
day, concerning the higher rates of mental illnesses among Jews. Why is
it that they are disproportionally represented. My good friend henry, A
Jew who lost all 4 grandparents in the Holocaust, says that it is
because they wear their minds out through a lifetime of living in a fantasy
world where they perceive themselves as being better than everyone
else. What do you have to say about that, Mr. Piggy?

mg mglenn@mediamonitors.org 8:33AM April 19th

Speaking of insane. I had a feeling you would use your other email addy to leave another message here.
I feel sorry for your daughter. I really do. You are such a self loathing coward.
I'm laughing at you, but sincerely feel for your children. You are one fucked up person. You shouldn't be allowed near children.

9:04 AM April 19th
your vile Jewish supremacism

Thank you! I was beginning to think that maybe you were going to chicken out on my request to send me as much of your vile, Jewish supremacist filth as possible so that I have material to use.

Now, I have a question for you--how do you feel about Arabs and muslims? Please do not hold anything back.

Keep it coming

mg mglenn@mediamonitors.org 10.43 AM April 19th
You are free to ask me on my blog. Coward. It is funny how you won't
allow comments on your blog by people other than Jewhaters and
Muslims. Hilarious. The comments on my blog about the abuse you've
put your daughter through is representative of what normal people
think you. The overwhelming consensus is that you are human feces.

Nothing more, nothing less.
I'll give you all the material you want on my blog. But I'm done
engaging with filth like you one on one.
Thanks for reminding me I didn't block you on gmail, vermin.
Like I said, it is hilarious and typical of your ilk to not allow
comments that prove you to be a Joooo paranoid retard.
Librescu is typical of the Joooooooish mindset you say exists. You,
on the other hand are representative of 100's of years of inbreeding
and intolerance.

Eat shit and die. Follow your leader, and put a gun to your head and
pull the trigger, self loathing child abusing coward.

Don't bother replying here, you will be blocked. But I will allow
your comments to be posted on my blog. I have no problem confronting
your insanity in an open forum, scum.
11:03 AM April 19th
NOTE: This was a repeat email he sent to my gmail account as well. I didn't notice it because I just read his insane ramblings quickly, usually.
Such fury. Where does it come from? Usually people who do nothing but rant and rave all the time are diagnosed as mentally ill,and particularly those who are so vindicitive and who can't express themselves intellgently without being vulgar. you never answered my question from the other day, concerning the higher rates of mental illnesses among Jews. Why is it that they are disproportionally represented? My good friend Henry, A Jew who lost all 4 grandparents in the Holocaust, says that it is because they wear their minds out through a lifetime of living in a fantasy world where they perceive themselves as being better than everyone else. What do you have to say about that, Mr. Piggy?

mg mrkglenn@lycos.com 11:52 AM April 19th
You must be mentally ill. I feel for your children. Get help.
12:58 PM April 19th
Mr. Piggy,

I knew you were nothing but a coward, intellectually, morally, and in all other ways. This is the reason why you have to have that loser-of-a-blog, as a way of inviting people into 'your' territory where you fight dirty. you cannot even address ONE issue I brought up unless it done so in an arena with all your sycophant co-lunatics present so that you can feel secure. you are like Commodus in the movie Gladiator who had to stab his opponent in the back before the fight so that he was sure he had the upper hand.

You know, growing up, we always knew when we were dealing with a coward on the playground. When he fought, he always fought dirty, never man-to-man. That is what you are. You have the perfect opportunity to fight me man-to-man and you won't. you won't even address the issues I bring up, and you know why--because you wold get your ass kicked, just as you have throughout your life. That's ok, I will just continue to 'pop in' and say hello to you until you DO finally have the guts to answer.

That's the really easy part about dealing with double-minded lunatics such as yourself--you always wind up blowing a gasket. People like you are your own worst enemies, and always have been , which is why you have been unwelcome in every poitical environment in which you have dwelt. you are like viruses that the body rejects as a matter of self-preservation. Like vomit, mucous and diarreah.
mglenn@mediamonitors.org 1:54 PM April 19th
I'll address you on any public forum, but not on email. No point.
You are the coward who doesn't allow others to comment on your blog.
I would fight you there, but you know you will get the shit kicked out
of you if you allowed comments. I tried leaving comments on a few of
your friends blogs, and they all got deleted.
And all I did was ask
questions and wasn't disrespectful at all.
Your ilk can't handle the truth.
I sincerely feel sorry for your daughter and other children you most
likely have brainwashed with hatred. You are no better than a child
molester. You've ruined their lives
Oh and you just did a great job of describing yourself with this email
post of yours.

Btw, you must be mentally ill. I'm trying to block your messages and
told you I won't engage in debate on email. You must love being
humiliated or something. Get help. Or kill yourself and save your
children if it isn't too late.
2:41 PM April 19th
Mr. Piggy,

You are nothing but a filthy, violent, vulgar, foul-mouthed coward who lives in a dream world. 'Not disrespectful?' There isn't a vile word that comes out of your mouth that isn't vulgar and violent.

The best part of all of it though is the hypopcrisy--you lecturing others on 'hate' and 'intolerance' and 'ugliness'--it's like listening to Larry Flynt give a talk on chastity. You are nothing but a liar and Jesus and Mhammed both had you and your type pegged perfectly when they both said that lying was your native tongue. Nothing but a bunch of spitting vipers who can do nothing but evil. It is people like you who go down in history as the worst that humanity has to offer. you call others nazis but you talk just like one with your nauseating supremacist garbage laced with vulgar sexual overtones and violence. I grew up in a family full of medical doctors and saw all sorts of patients who suffered from schizophrenia, pshychosis, take your pick, but I have NEVER uncountered someone as far gone as you, and I am sure that we have only scratched the surface.

'Kill myself?' why would I do that? I have way too much to live for, a gorgeous wife and 8 intelligent, compassionate, beautiful children who have to be warned away from people such as you. It appears however that you on the other hand, have NOTHING to live for except for a handful of people who read your little screed on the net and who are as unhappy and share your parasitic, violent, haughty world view.

As I said, PLEASE keep it coming. There are a lot of people out there who love reading this stuff and who really do want to know who their enemies are.

May God forgive you for what you have become

mg mglenn@mediamonitors.org 2:55 PM April 19th
You are genuinely insane. I feel sorry for your children, I really
do. You belong in a mental ward.
Don't worry, my readers are gonna
love this email exchange.
You should kill yourself because you are in the process of ruining 8
lives and maybe more.
You are nothing but a cancer on humanity. Beat yourself on the chest
little man. Because all you have are your fists.

3:04 PM

Oh, here is one of Mark's supporters. He sent me an email yesterday:

richard from richardjenkin80@hotmail.com wrote:

ok kike the nukes are coming you piece of pig poo

jews inferior race your are worthless pile of shit you are less worthless
than worthless hell you are unique in your worthlesness!!

next time i see a jew i will kill the cunt and make my dog fuck him before

you cunt i hate you jews and i hate you jews so much that if i had a nuke i
will nuke you now

go and fuck your mother you cunt of an animal deviljew
You are a big man. I laugh at your ilk. Jooooooos own you. They occupy your "brain"


Have a pathetic life.


If you want to hear what Mark Glenn sounds like, you can click this link from davidduke.org and listen to him on the Michael Piper Collins radio show. This one is about the USS Liberty.

Do a David Duke Mark Glenn google search. Pretty cool, eh?

Collins is another retard who thinks the Mossad was behind 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination.

I did a blog search of Mark Glenn yesterday and found a few blogs that linked his USS Liberty story. Of course, the sites either didn't approve my comments or deleted them quickly. All I did was ask what the motive was if Israel did it on purpose? Joooo haters have had 40 years to figure out a motive, but I've yet to hear one that makes any sense. Without a motive, there are only two reasons 1. Human error and 2. Temporary insanity by one or two people tops (whoever gave the orders) or 3. A bad decision by one or two people tops (whoever gave the orders)

In other words, the Liberty bombing can not be pinned on Israel...one or two people, but not Israel. It is like blaming America for the friendly fire death of Canadians a couple of years back. It is just plain stupid.

ABOUT MARK GLENN (his own bios)
From 2007

Mark Glenn is a former high school teacher with five years of experience, having taught history, Latin, Italian, French, and Spanish. His goal, in writing material of this sort, is to undermine the house of cards, (the only strength of which lies in its ability to propagate lies) upon which all injustice is currently based, and hopefully give his kids a fighting chance when they grow up.

From 2005
Mark Glenn

Mark Glenn is an American Catholic of Lebanese descent, the father of 6, and a former school teacher, having taught, American History, History of Western Civilization, as well as the Latin, Italian, French, and Spanish languages. This is his first literary work, which occurred by complete accident during the days preceding and following the second Gulf War. His works have now appeared on over 80 websites dedicated to political discussion concerning the Middle East, as well as a half dozen printed publications. He lives with his family in the American Northwest wherein he plans to continue his writing and speaking out against the injustices wrought against his fellow man, wherever it may occur.

He can be reached at mrkglenn@lycos.com.
Update: Here is a comment Rickey just left. Could Rickey be Richard Jenkins. I doubt it. He would use his real name here.

Rickey said...

Thanks for Mark's email. I have taken the liberty of mailing him some tidbits about you and sent him my blog address. Hopefully one of his followers will make good on threats toward you. They know where you live.

19 April, 2007 19:22

April 18, 2007


This is a great idea. Judelicious, one of the "leaders" of the Youtube Atheists, solicited fellow atheists to send in videos of themselves "singing" parts of songs that she picked out. Here is the Youtube Atheist version of Bohemian Rhapsody. I'm feature twice, and Daisy the Atheist Border Collie is featured once as well. OK, she is really Agnostic. I lied to get her in. Oh, and I'm not sure if the atheist who blew his brains out in this video is alright, or even alive. I wonder if they we able to sew his head back up and attached it to his neck.

I apologize for my "Mamma" line, it was grossly off key. But remember, I was suffering with laryngitis when I performed it. Terrible excuse, I know.

I didn't participate in the following Atheist video. But it is pretty fun to watch.
WARNING: You will not be able to get this song out of your head for days and perhaps weeks after viewing this. You will wake up tomorrow morning to it playing in your head


Thanks again to Judelicious1971 for giving me the opportunity to participate in the video, and perhaps more to come. And I'm sure the editing wasn't easy either. With that in mind, I will post your message about your charity:

"And if you enjoyed this, think about making a donation to my children´s charity. My charity focuses on children with physical deformities, cleft palates, those who have suffered burns and need skin expansion surgeries, or those born with fingers fused together. The majority of the work is with cleft palate children but my aim is to help ANY child who needs help, no matter what part of their body doesn´t work properly."


Update here