November 2, 2008


The Pope hooked up with Stephen Hawking on Friday at the Vatican Conference on Darwin, Evolution, and Intelligent Design (described science as the pursuit of knowledge about God's creation).

I admire the Vatican's stance on science, which is the polar opposite of the embarrassing anti-scientific stance taken by many Christian Evangelists, amongst others, especially in the USA.

"There is no opposition between faith's understanding of creation and the evidence of the empirical sciences," the pontiff said.

"Galileo saw nature as a book whose author is God."

The Catholic Church found the 17th-century astronomer Galileo guilty of heresy for insisting the earth revolved around the sun. It did not rehabilitate him until 1992.

Hawking appeases many theistic evolutionists because his statements do not rule out God completely:

"I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science," he said. "The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws."


I saw the following picture and captions for it overflowed in my brain:

I came up with a couple of captions. Feel free to try to outdo me:

For more reaction on the Pope meets Hawking, check out Little Green Footballs.
LGF is known as a far right wing blog, but Charles (the blog's owner) is 100% teaching anything but real science in the classroom much to the chagrin of many of his readers (the Young Earth Creationist reality denying ones).

October 30, 2008

Bill Bennett Is A Very Large Turd

This has to enrage just about any militant atheist like myself, even non militant atheists most likely:

How dare any politician break bread with someone who sees no evidence that God has ever existed.

And Donna Brazile wasn't much better. "That is how we convert them (by associating with them)." And "I I I I don't know why people don't believe in God, when there is so so so so so so fricken so so so much evidence that God God God exists."

How many atheists has she or anyone she knows converted? Probably next to zero. If anything it the logic of atheists that deconverts many of the sheep.

In America, a politician pretty much could run an ad these days of a cartoon atheist eating babies. Kind of like the ads the Nazis did about Jews in Germany. At least there isn't a politician who has openly said he or she wants to rid the world of atheist vermin...............YET.

Will Elizabeth Dole Ad Have A Subliminal Effect On Young Viewers

Associating oneself with atheists is worse than associating oneself with Muslim terrorists in American politics it seems.

Take the North Carolina Senate race:

The only good to come out of this ad is that it might happen to get young people (3-25) to question things like God and a historical Jesus.

Hopefully, the last line ("there is no God"), which was stated by Ellen Johnson, former supreme being at American Atheists, and not Kay Hagan, who happens to be a devote Christian, will be in the heads of North Carolinians for weeks.

Kay Hagan is not to be glorified in the eyes on the non believers either. She is just the lesser of two evils. She is pretty much saying that if she was really an atheist, she would deserve America's wrath.

It is disgusting that in the US, politicians can disassociate themselves by slamming atheists. They get away with it, because it is legitimate to perpetuate the lie that atheists are without morals or guidance (both of which are innate in all humans, as we are guided by are hardwiring which tends to make the good majority of mankind seemingly moral).

If this ad substituted Catholics, blacks, or Jews in place of "the Godless," it would mean political suicide. Only substituting Muslim or Arab would it be possibly overlooked by the masses, as was the case when one of McCain's idiotic supporter stated that Obama was an Arab and McCain replied that it isn't true, Obama is a good human, or something like that.

Meanwhile, with atheist's and agnostics number's growing fast, those idiotic politicians who say we have no voice are completely out in left field. Sure a good chunk of atheists are generally Democrats, but there is also quite a few who fall in the undecided or Republican ranks. Lets say 10% of Americans are atheist or agnostic (I think the number is much higher), and 20% (or 2% of the American population) are Republicans. The fact that the Republican party nominated that anti-science Cretard Sarah Palin, has pretty much turned those votes into Obama votes, as I'd say the overwhelming majority of the Godless are like me (separation of church and state supersedes every other issue), and this represents a 4% swing.

A 4% swing is huge. Obama may not have wined and dined the Godless (far from it), but he gets those votes by default.

The whining Republican Right caused all this. They were going to vote Republican regardless, but threatened to stay at home. All their bitching caused the nomination of Palin.

I'm hoping for a landslide victory by the Democrats, not because I like the cardboard Obama, but because separation of church and state needs to be honoured now, and more importantly going forward.

This election could very well marginalize the Religious Right for good.

October 22, 2008

Evolution and Icky Icky Sex

This brings back childhood memories. I wonder how creationists explain it. Oh yeah, God works in mysterious ways.

The last part of the video was really disturbing. A praying mantis with green ooze coming out of him where his head used to be trying to escape.

But it is all about survival of the species not necessarily the individual.

I just read this today:Female Tarantulas Devour Extra Suitor.
I wonder why she let her mate off without devouring him too. What advantage for the species does the mating male have when it comes to living past mating?
Any hoot, the offspring are bigger and stronger if the female gets to dine on the spider who insists on sloppy seconds.

This leads into a new video:


Really interesting video. Isn't evolution wonderful?

H/T Answers In Genesis BUSTED for finding the video (though I'm subscribed to the author of the video cdk007 as well, he found it first, and by the way, Answers In Genesis BUSTED is a great blog to bookmark)

October 17, 2008

Texas School Board Is An Embarrassment To The USA

I feel so sorry for the USA. Being almost half full of reality denying anti-evolutionists is bad enough, but abusing children with lies goes way over the line.

From Little Green Footballs: The Texas School Board Has Appointed 3 Creationists To The Science Committee.

The worst scenario is that they get their bogus texts into the science class. According to what I've read, it can open the door to getting them in classes across America.

Creationists are trying to backdoor God into the classroom. The funny thing is that I'm not sure if Young Earth Creationists realize that most of those who support the notion of ID are really just theistic evolutionists who accept an ancient earth and evolution to at least some degree.

There is no science at all when it comes to ID, only hole poking, and most of the holes have been sewn up by science. But IDists tend to just ignore the scientific explanations and then they quickly turn the page and try to poke another hole.

The core opinion of an IDist is that life and the universe is so complex that it must have a designer/creator. Again, that is strictly an opinion, and it has no place in science because it is an unfalsifiable claim.

What Every Creationist Must Deny:

See also: Texas Science Education: Jumping Off The Roof?


From Pharyngula: Prepare For An Ugly Battle In Texas